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Showing 3 results for Eskandari

Mojtaba Eskandari, Ebrahim Reyhani,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Abstract: In the first part of this study, first a brief introduction of problem posing was present and then, some frameworks and classifications of problem posing were reviewed. In the second part of the study the research that has been conducted in Iran was introduced. This quasi-experimental study was conducted with experimental and control groups which aimed to investigate the impact of fostering mathematics problem posing skills on 8th grade students’ ability to solve mathematical problems. The findings of the first part showed that problem posing skills was associated with problem solving ability, creativity and divergent thinking, and they improved each other. Problem posing process also could be used as a tool to gain a greater awareness of what's going on in the minds of students. T-test analysis of the second part of paper showed that doing problem posing activities in the classroom made a significant difference in students' problem solving skills.    
Mr. Shahram Eskandaripour, Dr. Gholamreza Hajhosseinnezhad, Dr. Majid Ali Asgari, Dr. Ali Hosseini Khah,
Volume 7, Issue 13 (3-2019)

This study aimed toexplain factors affecting qualityof teaching and determine their impact onteaching quality.The mixed research approach was used for collecting the data. The population (qualitative method) consisted of staff at central organization of university and researchers of university in 2011- 2016; they were selected using combined sampling method.The population (quantitative method)also consistedof educational assistants,headsof research andeducation department, and faculty members in2016.In qualitative study,the exploratory interviews andsemi-structured interviews wereused for collecting thedata.Inquantitative study,theidentified categories which were derived from encoding qualitative data were used to create paired comparison questionnaires; they included factors affecting quality of teaching.The resultswere analyzed using AHPmethod.Thefindings indicatedthat the contribution of teacher, educational environment, and students was estimated to be41,33, and 26 percent, respectively.Among teacher components,the professional skillsof teacher(weight326) was determined to be themost important component; among student components,theacademicrecords andexperiences(weight463)was determinedto bethe mostcomponent;andamong educational environment components,quality educational spaces and equipment(weight429)was determined to be the most important component.
Mohammadreza Vahdani Asadi, Hossein Eskandari,
Volume 10, Issue 20 (12-2022)

Multi-grade classes are used for small groups of students in which one teacher for each gread is impractical. The purpose of this study is to investigate the current situation of education and learning in multigrade classrooms from the perspective of teachers in North Khorasan province. To achieve this goal, phenomenological research method was used as a qualitative method. Participants in the interview were selected using purposive sampling method according to the distance from urban areas. Saturation was obtained in interview number ten, but continued until the eighteenth person. The findings of the interview were analyzed by Colaizzi method. Finally, the current situation in the three areas of infrastructure, education and learning was identified. The present study shows some of the strengths and weaknesses of multigrade classrooms from the perspective of teachers and shows policy makers the current situation in order to improve quality. 

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