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Showing 2 results for Multigrade Class

Masoumeh Farhoush, Sara Ebrahimi, Abbas Gholtash,
Volume 9, Issue 18 (10-2021)

The study aim wasto designingand validationthe patternof self-learning packagefor multi-grade classesin secondprimary school&to investigateits internal validity.The method wasa mixed method withsequential exploratory design.In the qualitative part,the qualitativecontent analysis methodwas used,and in the quantitative part,the survey method was used for internal validity.In the qualitative part community wereall multigrade teachers,educational leaders,specialistsand experts and alldocuments and theoreticaland research resourcesof multigrade classes that15persons andrelated resources as samples were choosenusing targeted sampling method.Sample size was determined basedonthe principleof theoretical saturation.Data collection tools were reviewof theoreticaland research foundations and semi-structured interviews.In the quantitative part,for internal validity,the research population includedall multi-grade teachers and instructional design specialists,whom30peoples were selected by available sampling method that the commented about pattern in the first and final stagesof designing.The datacollection toolwas a researcher-made questionnaire.The findingsof the qualitative section showed8main components.Internal validity findings using one-samplet-test showed that the meanof all itemswas higherthan the hypothetical mean of3andthis differencewas significant.Accordingly,the self-learning package patternhas internal validity.
Seyyed Heshmatollah Mortazavizadeh, Reza Naseri Jahromi, Farhad Momei,
Volume 11, Issue 22 (9-2023)

The present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the experiences of teachers of multi-grade classes in teaching composition using the phenomenological method and using semi-structured interviews. Purposive sampling method and criterion method, all the teachers of multi-grade classes in Boyar Ahmad city in 1400 who had more than three years of teaching experience in multi-grade classes were selected and finally 25 people were interviewed based on theoretical saturation. The analysis of the interviews was done using the Claysey model and thematic analysis method. The findings were classified into four main themes: consequences related to teachers, students, parents and the educational system. The validity of the data was confirmed by using the techniques of reliability, transferability and alignment of data, and the reliability of the data was also confirmed by the accurate guidance of the flow of information collection and alignment of the researchers.

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