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Historical Analyzing of Reconceptualism: implication and intentions related to it in Curriculum Field (39138 Views)
Analysis of 6th Grade Mathematics Textbook based on Plsek’s Creativity Model (26484 Views)
Integrated approach in primary school physical education curriculum: a possible explanation of the expert's view (19113 Views)
Investigating the process of problem posing (17932 Views)
Teaching status of girls puberty in the seventh grade textbooks (16999 Views)
Teacher Education Curriculum and Its Collaborative Implementation Model: A Transformative Strategy for Teacher Education in Iran (16922 Views)
The Professors’s professional experience in relation to effective teaching phenomen in higher education (15976 Views)
The Position of the human rights components in the contents of Iran elementary education Textbooks (15809 Views)
Modelling and application: A research domain in mathematics education (15533 Views)
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An Historical Study of High School Mathematics Textbooks since the Establishment of the Formal Education System in Iran (15290 Views)
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Content Analysis of Persian Literature Textbooks of High School based on Approved Seven-Goal Dimentions (13591 Views)
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In search of a curriculum planning model for the development of family's cultural capital and academic success of children (12313 Views)
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Designing and Developing a Test for Cognitive Competencies of the Iranian Students’ Mathematics Literacy based on PISA Studies (10074 Views)
Compaison the Effectiveness of Systemic and Constructivist Instructional Design Models in Designing the Problem – Based Environment of On-the-Job Training Program for Teachers (10056 Views)
Design and Validation of a Conceptual Model for Narrowing the Gap between Intended, Implemented, and Attained Curricula in the Public Education System in Iran (9834 Views)
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Searching for the Origins of Schwab's Deliberative Curriculum Theory in the Thoughts of Aristotle, Dewey and Habermas (9522 Views)
Explaining the disciplinary capabilities of curriculum and determining its position in the classification of academic disciplines (9477 Views)
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Underground curriculum in the field of ethnicity in Iranian educational system (9374 Views)
Total Sum: 1481204

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