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Volume 2, Issue 30 (3-2015)

The aim of this research was evaluating the competencies of trainers and
labor-coaches of “Education with Production” outside of the “Work and
Knowledge Centre” in Kermanshah province. The research method used was
survey. The statistical population consisted of 20 managers and experts from
education office and technical schools, and 135 students whom they used the
"Education with Production" service in Kermanshah province. Based on
Krejcie and Morgan table, 19 people from the first group, and 102 people from
the second group were selected randomly as the statistical sample. Based on
internationally related available researches, scientific documents, qualitative
analysis, and also, by referring to the experts, trainers’ and labor-coaches’
competencies were classified with three ranges: personal competencies,
professional-technical competencies (with the components of knowledge,
insight, and skill), and ethical-belief competencies (with the components of
work commitment, development of ability, social moderation, social
relationships, bureaucratic discipline, and inner faith). Then, based on these
ranges, the questionnaires were prepared. Based on descriptive and inferential
analysis, total average of all of the competencies was high and significant. It
was in the rate of moderate or lower in the following items: applying the
suitable methods of teaching, proving the plan of proper task and updated
information from the journals, utilizing computer and software related to the
skills training, collaboration with school counselors, trying to upgrade and
update their knowledge and skills, and others, exchange of professional
knowledge and information, paying attention to the needs of students and their
individual differences, reporting students’ disciplinary issues, reading and
observing the principles and related standards.

Volume 2, Issue 30 (3-2015)

Dynamic and complex circumstances of any organization, especially
educational organizations critically require creative and innovative
knowledge workers. Various skills such as personal knowledge
management (PKM) are necessary to succeed in job and professional
career. PKM is one of the best sources of personal, collective, and
organizational innovations and proper direction of organizational
knowledge system. Most of studies are about organizational knowledge
management and disregard PKM as basic element of organizational
systems. Therefore, this paper tries to introduce PKM concept, approach,
models and skills. After that, it will discuss the role of PKM to achieve
personal and organizational excellence. Personal knowledge management
is a conceptual framework to organize and synthesize personal
information. It helps people to absorb essential knowledge and make aware
of lifelong learning. PKM make a study foundation for personal
knowledge ability progress, and, it finally increases professional skills and
competitive advantage. A survey research method was applied to conduct
the study. A simple random sample of 97 managers in Shiraz University
participated in the study by responding to PKM questionnaire. The validity
of the questionnaire was tested and verified. Results showed that Shiraz
University managers had average level of personal knowledge

Kamran Malekpour Lapari, Ali Delavar,
Volume 2, Issue 31 (2-2016)

Entrepreneurial has been considered as an approach and also as a third mission of universities and higher education in recent years. So the present study investigated the role of education for creating spirit of entrepreneurial among the students of Allameh Tabatabai, at the end of this paper offered some strategies of solution for improving it. The method that was used in this research was mixed of (quantitative-qualitative) method. For quantitative data the researcher used a self-made questionnaire and the validity of that was confirmed by experts and the reliability of the instrument have been reported 92 %( Cronbach's alpha), and for collecting qualitative data it was used participant observation and semi structured then they combined by Triangulation method.  The sampling method was cluster sampling witch was used for selecting 300 students of Allameh Tabatabai University they were enrolled in 1394-1393.  Target qualitative sampling method with Theoretical saturation index was used for sampling so 15 Professors were selected. Attitudes and views of academic entrepreneurship promotion strategies were examined. All components of entrepreneurship, such as Achievement, Ambiguity tolerance, confidence, risk-taking and creativity have been reported less than mediocrity. The overall conclusion of the students’ training courses of Allameh Tabatabai don’t have an effect on the   developing of the spirit of entrepreneurial which was held for them .The researchers who had an interview with experts for improving the entrepreneurial of university offered five main categories as: changes in the role of universities (acceptance of new), infrastructure, networking, promotion of academic activities and management changes.

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Volume 3, Issue 32 (8-2016)

The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between work ethic on organizational commitment of public boys' high schools' teachers in Tehran in 2015-2016. The research was descriptive according to its goal and correlation method was used, statistical population was selected from the public boys' high school teachers in Tehran. With multistage cluster random sampling, 384 teachers were selected with statistical sample size according to Krejcie and Morgan table. Data collection tools were work ethic questionnaire (Costa & Mac 1998) which contains 47 items and organizational commitment questionnaire (Allan & Meyer 1992) which contains 24 items with the reliability of 85% and 89% respectively.  In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics and to conclude the data Pearson correlation coefficient, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and ANOVA were used. The results of the evaluations show that there is a Significant positive correlation among work ethic and  teachers' organizational commitment in reliability level of 99% (error rate equal to 0.001) with correlation coefficient of 0.429; components of efficiency, discipline, conscientious, and attempt to succeed correlated more  and components of continence and caution in decision-making correlated less. No significant difference was found in the relationship between work ethics in different regions of the study area.

Moslem Ghobadian,
Volume 4, Issue 35 (9-2017)

The purpose of this practical descriptive study was to explore the professional ethics of secondary school teachers in Khorramabad. The participants were 1089 secondary school teachers (756 women and 333 men). Based on the sampling table of Krejcie and Morgan (1970), the recommended sample was 285. Stratified random sampling technique was engaged. The required data were collected using standard questionnaire of professional ethics of employees. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (frequency, cumulative frequency, columnar graphs) and inferential statistics (Kolmogorff-Smirnov test and non-parametric-human-Whitney test) were used. The results of the Yumann- Whitney test showed that between professional ethics and its dimensions (accountability, honesty, justice and fairness, loyalty, supremacy and competition, respect for others social values and norms) there is no significant difference between male and female teachers in secondary school in Khorramabad. In other words, it can be said that the male and female teachers of secondary school in Khoramabad  have the same attitude toward professional ethics and its components.
Ali Yasini, Yosra Panah, Amin Panah,
Volume 6, Issue 38 (3-2019)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of spirituality at work on job engagement with mediating role of spiritual intelligence. Based on the aim of study research method was applied and based on the method of data gathering was descriptive – correlation. All of schools principals of Ilam were made population of the study (N=400) from them 125 subjects were selected based on random sampling method. To collect the data, three standard questionnaires were used that their reliability and validity measured via Cronbach alpha and content validity respectively. SMART-PLS software used to analyze the research model and results showed that spirituality at work has a positive effect on spiritual intelligence and on job engagement, but the impact on job engagement was stronger rather than spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence has a positive effect on job engagement. Finally, results showed that spiritual intelligence has a mediating role in the relationship between spirituality at work and job engagement.

Alireza Ghasemizad, Minoo Makki,
Volume 6, Issue 38 (3-2019)

The present study investigates the problems of student participation in research activities in Farhangiyan University. The research method was descriptive – survey. The research instrument, interviews and a questionnaire were designed. In the interview, purposeful sampling; theoretical saturation and for gathering data from questionnaire, simple random method was used. Construct and content validity and cronbach's alpha were used to assess validity and reliability which alpha coefficient was 0.91. By using exploratory factor analysis, five components of commitment, requirements, motivation, performance, interest were identified   as components of students' participation hinders in research activities. The confirmatory factor analysis by using AMOS software also was confirmed good fitness of the model. Friedman test showed that requirements and structure has first and last priority respectively. Finally; Students and faculty members offered some solutions to participate theme in research activities including the development and strengthening of libraries & laboratories and access to informational resources. 

Abbas Abbaspour, Keivan Moradi,
Volume 6, Issue 38 (3-2019)

Education policy has always been one of the most important factors driving countries toward democratic aspirations, such as justly educational opportunities and civil rights. The policy sociology as a tradition in the analysis of educational policy has provided an unparalleled perspective for analyzing policy issues in the field of education. Despite the importance of such an approach, there is no scientific evidence for the direction of policy studies in the policy sociology in Iran. Therefore, this paper seeks to describe this research tradition, given the lack of rich scientific background in the policy sociology in Persian. Accordingly, the present paper presents the key assumptions of the policy sociology and the policy archaeology as one of the approaches proposed in this research tradition. The research method of this paper is descriptive-analytical and documentary type. This study has shown that the policy sociology is based on seven key assumptions. These assumptions are value based study, political and historical perspective, multidisciplinary study, assemblage, discourse study and qualitative research. This article also discusses how researchers should use policy archaeology to analyze educational policies.

Elham Heidari, Rahmatalah Marzoghi,
Volume 6, Issue 39 (12-2019)

The purpose of this study was to assessment of the effect of supervisor's supervision quality on academic engagement and student's procrastination to do Ph.D dissertation. The research method was descriptive correlational method. The research sample consisted of 201 students of Shiraz University who were selected by Stratified random sampling. The research tools consist of supervisor's supervision quality measurement scale (Herman et al., 2014), academic engagement (Shafley and Bucker, 2006), and academic procrastination (McCullozy, 2011) that after calculating their validity and reliability, they were distributed among the samples and the data were analyzed using structural equation model. The findings showed that the supervisor's supervision quality has a positive and significant effect on the student's academic engagement. However, students' academic engagement has a negative and significant effect on the student's procrastination in doing Ph.D dissertation. Also, the supervisor's supervision quality has a negative and significant effect on the student's procrastination in doing Ph.D. dissertation.

Ayat Saadattalab,
Volume 6, Issue 39 (12-2019)

The aim of this study was to examine the role of university administrators in the development of faculty members in state run universities of Tehran. Research design was a descriptive and survey study. The statistical population were all of faculty members )3389 people (of Tehran Universities (Tehran, Shahid Beheshti, Tarbiat Modares and Al-Zahra), from them, 229 subjects were selected based on stratified random sampling method as a sample size of the study. Researcher made questionnaire were used to gather the data. Data were analyzed by Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency and percent) and inferential statistics (One-way ANOVA and LSD test (. Results showed that from faculty point of view, the role of university administrators in development of faculties is neutral. Also, the support of university administrators for the development of faculty members is on the level of normal, but there is no supportive and participatory. There was a significant difference between the types of academic administrators' roles (supportive, non-supportive, and neutral) among aforementioned universities. According to the findings of the research, it can be concluded that the neutralization of university administrators to develop faculty members and their lack of operational support at the level of participation and support for the development of faculty members will challenge the quality of education at the university.

Dr Mehdi Mohammadi, Dr Fahimeh Keshavarzi, Dr Reza Naseri Jahromi, Mrs Rahil Naseri Jahromi, Mrs Zahra Hesampoor, Mrs Fatemeh Mirghafari, Mrs Shima Ebrahimi,
Volume 7, Issue 40 (3-2020)

Following the outbreak of the coronavirus, the closure of schools and the need to continued education in the school coerces, teachers were forced to provide training on social networks. The main purpose of the present study was to understand the lived experience of parents of first course of elementary school students in the challenges of virtual education in social networks due to the Outbreak of coronavirus, which was implemented using phenomenological methods. The data collection method was to use a semi-structured interview questionnaire. Accordingly, with a targeted sampling approach and standard method, parents whose children have used virtual education on social media for at least a month were selected, and 16 people were finally interviewed based on theoretical saturation.

Interview analysis was performed using a cleavage model and thematic analysis method. After extracting and categorizing the topic, the advantages and disadvantages of virtual education in social networks in five educational categories (advantages: preventing academic backwardness and creating opportunities for creativity; Disadvantages: unwillingness to complete class assignments and reduction of adherence to class discipline regulations), Social (advantages: student freedom of action and greater parental supervision; Disadvantages: Elimination of group activity and laziness and distraction of students), cultural (advantages: entering virtual education into the education system and creating new experiences; Disadvantages: eliminating the charisma of teacher presence and fatigue and boredom of some parents), Economic (advantages : reducing travel costs and saving travel time; disadvantages: time for additional training and the cost of providing the necessary hardware) and technical (improving media literacy of parents as good; disadvantages: lack of visual appeal of videos and Lack of mastery of information technology ) were classified. In addition to the disadvantages mentioned by parents, it is necessary to design a coherent and effective infrastructure for providing virtual education
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Volume 9, Issue 43 (12-2021)

The purpose of this study was to provide a model for empowering teachers in the field of virtual education during the Corona era Friday included 400 primary school teachers in Khorramabad city in the academic year of 1399-1400. The data collection tool was semi-structured and questionnaire The targeted sampling method was used to select the first and March of snowball to choose other people Based on theoretical saturation with 26 of the teachers interviewed Then, according to the Morgan table, 196 people were determined as an example and a relative stratified sampling method was used to collect data From the field theory and paradigm model for analyzing qualitative data and using Pls 2 software, structural equations were used for quantitative analysis of data The results showed that empowerment in the field of virtual education is subject to three categories of organizational factors of information and communication technology  incentive and regulatory policies, Factors related to teacher(Digital literacy of educational, content is the ability to teach, psychological characteristics) And the student's agents(The psychological characteristics , digital literacy and social status). The results indicated the optimal fit to the model. The analysis of structural equations showed that the organizational factors in the teacher and students' factors have the greatest impact on the empowerment of teachers in the field of virtual education, respectively.
Dr Ayat Saadat Talab, Dr Esmaeil Shirali,
Volume 11, Issue 45 (12-2022)

The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between ethical climate and organizational citizenship behavior with the mediating role of organizational justice among high school teachers in Tehran. included all teachers (382 people) of high school teachers in Tehran were selected by Multi-stage cluster sampling method. For data collection were used the three Questionnaire of Ethical Climate (Victor& Collen, 2006), Lee & Allen (2004 Organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational justice (Moorman and Niehoff, 2001). Data analysis was done by using structural equation modeling in AMOS And Spss-22  software. The results showed that there is a positive and significant correlation (0.56) between the ethical atmosphere of the organization and the citizenship behavior of teachers. Organizational justice also has an influential role (0.25) in relation to the moral climate and organizational citizenship behavior of teachers. The more positive and meaningful the ethical climate in schools, the better organizational justice will be and the better and more effective citizenship behavior teachers will have. In general, it can be concluded that considering the direct and positive effect of ethical atmosphere on organizational citizenship behavior, it is necessary for school principals to take effective measures to create a favorable ethical atmosphere in schools to improve and enhance teachers' citizenship behavior.

Sahrbanoo Pourzaran, Ahad Naveedy, Dr. Batul Faghih Aram, Dr. Nader Barzegar, Dr. Firooz Kiomarsi,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (9-2023)

The present study was conducted with a quantitative approach to test the construct validity and fit the six-component model of middle managers’ empowerment in education in Iran with field data. The statistical population of this study consisted of middle managers of education in Tehran province (about 510 people), of which more than 70 percent of the statistical population (348 people) participated in this study with available samples and answered the 66-question researcher-made questionnaire. To evaluate the validity of the questionnaire, in addition to the opinions of experts, confirmatory factor analysis was used and Cronbach’s alpha was calculated to evaluate its reliability, which varied from 0.87 to 0.93 for the six components of the questionnaire. To examine the model fit including six factors with field data, confirmatory factor analysis was used using AMOS 23 software package. The factors in the fitted model included human resource agency, self-regulation and self-development, merit-based assignment, organizational belonging, power distribution and delegation, and reform of macro policies (facilitating the extra-organizational environment), all of which had factor loadings above the acceptable threshold. The fit indices of the middle managers’ empowerment model in education showed the desirable fit of the proposed model. This questionnaire can be used to provide a model for the empowerment of middle managers in education in future studies.
Female Marzieh Dehghani, Female Hadise Mirzaei, Female Mohaddese Khattat, Female Sepideh Khalili,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (2-2024)

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of local learning center managers in advancing the goals and needs of the local community. This research can be considered as qualitative approach research and its method is phenomenological and interpretive. The research field is all the managers of local learning centers who have been selected by targeted sampling and snowball sampling methods. Using the above two methods, a total of 26 people from the research field were analyzed and surveyed, all of whom were interviewed. Findings were divided into three parts according to the opinions of the participants and the questions. In the role of managers in recognizing the needs and problems of local learning centers, a total of 10 main categories and 41 subcategories were extracted. The main categories in this section are: needs assessment, knowledge of the neighborhood and local community, educational concerns, financial concerns, review of economic needs of the center, review of facilities of the center, review of executive issues in the center, book content, in-service courses, Feedback. Regarding the role of managers in advancing the goals of local learning centers, 5 main categories and 18 sub-categories were extracted, which are: the ability to attract cooperation to solve problems, improve environmental facilities, improve educational facilities, comprehensive issues, help create entrepreneurship. Also, in relation to managers' evaluation of the achievement of goals, 4 main categories and 11 subcategories were extracted, the main categories including satisfaction with the quality of goals, satisfaction with how to transfer goals to the local community, satisfaction with the achievement of goals, satisfaction with courses They are in the service of managers. In general, the results of this study showed that the managers of local learning centers have a significant role in recognizing the needs of the local community and through their comprehensive interaction with learners, educators and officials, will be very effective in advancing the goals.The aim of this study was to investigate the role of local learning center managers in advancing the goals and needs of the local community. This research can be considered as qualitative approach research and its method is phenomenological and interpretive. The research field is all the managers of local learning centers who have been selected by targeted sampling and snowball sampling methods. Using the above two methods, a total of 26 people from the research field were analyzed and surveyed, all of whom were interviewed. Findings were divided into three parts according to the opinions of the participants and the questions. In the role of managers in recognizing the needs and problems of local learning centers, a total of 10 main categories and 41 subcategories were extracted. The main categories in this section are: needs assessment, knowledge of the neighborhood and local community, educational concerns, financial concerns, review of economic needs of the center, review of facilities of the center, review of executive issues in the center, book content, in-service courses, Feedback. Regarding the role of managers in advancing the goals of local learning centers, 5 main categories and 18 sub-categories were extracted, which are: the ability to attract cooperation to solve problems, improve environmental facilities, improve educational facilities, comprehensive issues, help create entrepreneurship. Also, in relation to managers' evaluation of the achievement of goals, 4 main categories and 11 subcategories were extracted, the main categories including satisfaction with the quality of goals, satisfaction with how to transfer goals to the local community, satisfaction with the achievement of goals, satisfaction with courses They are in the service of managers. In general, the results of this study showed that the managers of local learning centers have a significant role in recognizing the needs of the local community and through their comprehensive interaction with learners, educators and officials, will be very effective in advancing the goals.

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