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Showing 4 results for Assessment

Akbar Jadidi Mohammadabadi, Akbar Rezaei,
Volume 7, Issue 41 (10-2020)

This study was designed as an embedded mixed model research to identify and evaluate the ethical features of MOOC (course & massive). For this purpose, both heuristic inquiry method and the questionnaire method were applied to obtain and analyze the data. At the primary stage. The research sample in the qualitative section of the electronic resources related to the topic and in the quantitative section 36 of the experts in planning distance education in virtual learning environments and virtual universities were selected voluntarily. To analyze the qualitative data, content analysis method and the content of the content ratio, weighted average and Friedman test were used to analyze the survey data. Content analysis results showed 4 dimensions and 15 criteria. The qualitative and qualitative outcomes of MOOC's ethics show that the impact of each dimension of the learner, the content, Teaching organization, and Educational environment of the MOOC are similar to face-to-face training, and does not require new moral features. In the quantitative outcomes, the course & massive features of MOOC should be of special interest in the dimensions of the teaching organization, the content and the Educational environment, because this type of training is carried out both by a wide range of the learners and at regular times, then the learner and the teaching organization are also important. These results suggest that special attention should be paid to the dimensions of the learner and the teaching organization of the learning in order to hold the massive features of the MOOC (widespread, pervasive and regular and time-consuming), and the national and international ethical standards should be considered and at the level of the supra Enormous to be addressed, Because the ethics of classroom attendance are carried out at the micro and native level, but in these classes, national and international ethics are applied and applied extensively.

Kazem Fathtabar Firouzjaei, Ali Shojaati, Iman Shahram, Fatemeh Khademi,
Volume 8, Issue 42 (3-2021)

With the increasing demand for study in higher education and the limited capacity of student admissions in universities, especially in popular fields, student assessment and admission has become one of the important goals of the educational system. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the aim of pathology of the current status of the student assessment and admission model and providing solutions to improve the student assessment and admission model in the country. The present study is an applied research in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of methodology. The participants of the research were experts and scientific and executive experts in the field of entrance exam, who were selected by purposive sampling method with the snowball approach. The results of the present study indicate the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the current model of student assessment and admission. Challenges related to the current model of assessment and admission of students, are considerable in three categories: injuries caused by the atmosphere of the educational system in the period before the entrance exam, challenges caused by the atmosphere of the national exam and the conditions governing the entrance exam of candidates, and injuries related to the period after the national exam. Admission by the university, optimization of admission based on academic records, strategies related to improving the performance and efficiency of the educational system and academic guidance were among the complementary and alternative strategies that were identified in the present study. From the experts' point of view, the successful implementation of the alternative model requires in-depth study, feasibility study, careful and meticulous evaluation and evaluation in various educational and non-educational dimensions. Therefore, according to the results of the present study, strategies such as reducing the emphasis on memorization and paying more attention to other skills needed by today's society, talents, interests and abilities of students, intelligent and process-oriented academic guidance and choosing disciplines appropriate to the talents, interests, and the ability of students, a change from the normative approach to the criterion method and the gradual elimination of the entrance exam, is suggested.

Female Marzieh Dehghani, Female Hadise Mirzaei, Female Mohaddese Khattat, Female Sepideh Khalili,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (2-2024)

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of local learning center managers in advancing the goals and needs of the local community. This research can be considered as qualitative approach research and its method is phenomenological and interpretive. The research field is all the managers of local learning centers who have been selected by targeted sampling and snowball sampling methods. Using the above two methods, a total of 26 people from the research field were analyzed and surveyed, all of whom were interviewed. Findings were divided into three parts according to the opinions of the participants and the questions. In the role of managers in recognizing the needs and problems of local learning centers, a total of 10 main categories and 41 subcategories were extracted. The main categories in this section are: needs assessment, knowledge of the neighborhood and local community, educational concerns, financial concerns, review of economic needs of the center, review of facilities of the center, review of executive issues in the center, book content, in-service courses, Feedback. Regarding the role of managers in advancing the goals of local learning centers, 5 main categories and 18 sub-categories were extracted, which are: the ability to attract cooperation to solve problems, improve environmental facilities, improve educational facilities, comprehensive issues, help create entrepreneurship. Also, in relation to managers' evaluation of the achievement of goals, 4 main categories and 11 subcategories were extracted, the main categories including satisfaction with the quality of goals, satisfaction with how to transfer goals to the local community, satisfaction with the achievement of goals, satisfaction with courses They are in the service of managers. In general, the results of this study showed that the managers of local learning centers have a significant role in recognizing the needs of the local community and through their comprehensive interaction with learners, educators and officials, will be very effective in advancing the goals.The aim of this study was to investigate the role of local learning center managers in advancing the goals and needs of the local community. This research can be considered as qualitative approach research and its method is phenomenological and interpretive. The research field is all the managers of local learning centers who have been selected by targeted sampling and snowball sampling methods. Using the above two methods, a total of 26 people from the research field were analyzed and surveyed, all of whom were interviewed. Findings were divided into three parts according to the opinions of the participants and the questions. In the role of managers in recognizing the needs and problems of local learning centers, a total of 10 main categories and 41 subcategories were extracted. The main categories in this section are: needs assessment, knowledge of the neighborhood and local community, educational concerns, financial concerns, review of economic needs of the center, review of facilities of the center, review of executive issues in the center, book content, in-service courses, Feedback. Regarding the role of managers in advancing the goals of local learning centers, 5 main categories and 18 sub-categories were extracted, which are: the ability to attract cooperation to solve problems, improve environmental facilities, improve educational facilities, comprehensive issues, help create entrepreneurship. Also, in relation to managers' evaluation of the achievement of goals, 4 main categories and 11 subcategories were extracted, the main categories including satisfaction with the quality of goals, satisfaction with how to transfer goals to the local community, satisfaction with the achievement of goals, satisfaction with courses They are in the service of managers. In general, the results of this study showed that the managers of local learning centers have a significant role in recognizing the needs of the local community and through their comprehensive interaction with learners, educators and officials, will be very effective in advancing the goals.
Dr Marzieh Haghayeghi, Dr Ali Moghadamzadeh, Dr Hamdollah Ravand, Dr Mohamad Javadipour, Dr Hossein Kareshki,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (2-2024)

As the focus on fostering creative thinking in math education grows, there is a growing interest in understanding how to evaluate these skills. This study used a systematic review following PRISMA guidelines to explore how creative mathematical thinking is assessed in academic literature. After carefully analyzing 55 studies, we looked at different aspects like educational levels, math concepts, assessment methods, and the reliability and validity of these assessments. Our findings revealed that most studies focused on assessing creative thinking in junior secondary education, with limited attention given to primary education. Geometry and measurement were the most commonly assessed subjects, likely due to their visual nature, which lends itself well to assessing creativity. Many assessment tools used open-ended questions, while some incorporated ethnomathematics-based questions. However, less than half of the studies provided evidence of reliability, and only about half reported validity evidence, mostly related to content validity. This review highlights a gap in research concerning the measurement and assessment of creative mathematical thinking.

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