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Showing 5 results for Phenomenology

Volume 6, Issue 38 (3-2019)

The aim of this research is to attain primary teachers' experiences regarding the full implementation of descriptive- qualitative evaluation plan in primary schools. به منظور شناخت بیشتر پدیده ارزشیابی کیفی – توصیفی، مطالعه حاضر به شیوه کیفی و از نوع پدیدارشناسی با نمونه گیری هدفمند و از طریق مصاحبه نیمه ساختارمند با 12 نفر از معلمانی انجام گرفت که تجربه اجرای این طرح را در هر شش پایه تحصیلی دوره ابتدایی دارند. In order to better understanding the phenomenon of descriptive- qualitative evaluation, the present study was carried out in the qualitative method and in the type of Phenomenological with purposeful sampling and through semi-structured interviews with 12 teachers by the experience of the implementation of the plan in all six grades of elementary school. ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات مصاحبه نیمه ساختارمند بود که به دقت ثبت و در همان جلسه، با شرکت کنندگان مرور می شد و در صورت تایید مورد پذیرش قرار می گرفت. Data collection tool was semi-structured interviews being carefully recorded in the same session, and being reviewed with participants and, if approved, it will be accepted. تحلیل داده ها بر اساس راهبرد هفت مرحله ای کُلایزی صورت پذیرفت. Data analysis was carried out based on Kaiser' seven-step model.تحلیل عمیق روایت های معلمان موجب شناسایی و دسته بندی شش مزیت "پویا شدن فرایند ارزشیابی"، " کاهش منطقی استرس و افزایش اعتماد به نفس"، "مطابقت با معیارهای سنجش اصیل"، "حل مشکل مردودی" ، " رشد مهارت قضاوت"، "تقویت روحیه ی همکاری"و هفت نقطه ضعف " کاهش انگیزه دانش آموزان مستعد"، " مشکل زمان"، " نامشخص بودن مفهوم و نتایج ارزشیابی توصیفی"، "بی توجهی به جایگاه معلم"، "شکل گیری ذهنیت بی اعتمادی"، " نبود امکانات لازم" و "کاهش یادگیری عمیق و معنادار" شد. Deep analysis of narratives of teachers would identify and classify six advantage "dynamiting  process of evaluation", "logical reduction in stress and boosting confidence", "matching with the original criteria of the evaluation ", "solving the problem of failing", "developing the skills of judgment" " enhancing the spirit of cooperation" and seven weakness points  " of  reduction the incentive for talented students", " time limitation", "lack of concepts and results of descriptive evaluation", "disregarding the status of teachers", "shaping the mentality of mistrust", " lack of necessary equipment, "and deep and meaningful learning loss". یافته ها نشان Findings داد show که that معلمان interviewed teachers مصاحبهexperienced شونده، positive and negative را consequences مثبت و منفی from اثرات effects of اجرای implementation of برنامه descriptive- qualitative evaluation plan and totally face to different challenges in implementing the plan in which the present article regards them.
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Volume 10, Issue 44 (4-2022)

The aim of the present research is to analyze various aspects of virtual education and learning in Shad Application from a post-phenomenological perspective. For this purpose, the post- phenomenological method has been used to determine the Amplification and Reduction of education in Shad. The results show that educating in Shad, despite some advantages, such as more freedom and easier access at different times and places, can lead to specific experiences and behaviors different from face-to-face education. Virtual education can lead to reduced-complete-perception, presented as the optimal grip in this research. The type of relationship between teacher and students and among students are completely changed and reduced. Some undesirable behaviors such as secrecy, irresponsibility, and undermining social education are some examples. Also, due to the Multistbility of the mobile phone, the probability of distraction and sharing attention increase. Due to its non-educational structure, mobile phone motivates non-educational behaviors in students

Dr Rafigh Hasani, - Sheno Safayee,
Volume 10, Issue 44 (4-2022)

The aim of this study was to identify students' lived experiences of online tests in a SHAD network. The nature of this research was qualitatively phenomenological. Accordingly, the researchers in the present study tried to analyze the students' experience of online tests in the context of a SHAD network. The research field consisted of all first grade high school students in Sanandaj. Participants included girl and boy students in districts one and two of Sanandaj city, amounting to 112 junior high school students. The data of the present study were collected through semi-structured interviews individually and online. The available data were analyzed using the crystallization method. From the analysis of the obtained data including 15 organizing themes including positive attitude; Negative attitude; To be neutral; Software and hardware problems and support; Causing stress and anxiety; Low level learning; Creating opportunities for widespread fraud; Testing skills, variety of questions and easy review; Low score credit validity; Face-to-face preference online; Lack of student observation; Whenever and wherever the online test is; New and sometimes not so good experiences; Safeguarding against endangering health and preventing the formation of equal and healthy competition. In general, the results of the present study emphasize the need to identify the disadvantages and advantages of online exams, the need for culture building, empowering teachers and students in cyberspace and reviewing the method of conducting online exams and learning and improving students' academic performance through online exams.
Dr Ramin Habibi Kaleybar, Dr Abolfazl Farid, Mrs Fatemeh Alipour,
Volume 11, Issue 45 (12-2022)

The aim of this study was to find out the experiences of Z generation undergraduate students who had high resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method of the present study was qualitative and phenomenological. A semi-structured interview was conducted with 8 female students of Tabriz Farhangian University who were studying in the academic year 1400-1401 and were purposefully selected. Recorded interviews were recorded in writing and analyzed using a seven-step Colaizzi method. Analysis of students' lived experiences led to the identification, classification and extraction of the main categories of "individual factors", "social factors" and "environmental factors". In addition to the main categories mentioned, sub-categories of individual factors including emotion regulation skills, positive psychological constructs (optimism, hope and determination), self-regulation skills, strong religious beliefs, realism and lack of perfectionism, application of problem-solving skills, flexibility, meaning in life and social factors (interpersonal relationships) including social support of family and friends , maintaining relationships through social networks, observational learning and alternative experiences, and finally environmental factors (infrastructure and facilities) including experiencing difficult conditions and lack of facilities, previous positive experiences Extracted in schools and other institutions. The findings of this study could provide a clear picture of the factors affecting the improvement and promotion of resilience
Dr Fatemeh Mollahasani, Dr Hamideh Jalili, Dr Mohammad Ali Talebi,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (2-2024)

The Covid-19 pandemic closed schools and other educational centers, and virtual education replaced face-to-face education. The sudden transfer of education from school to home created many challenges for teaching and learning. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the challenges of virtual education during the covid-19 pandemic from the perspective of parents of elementary school students. The research method was qualitative and phenomenological. The statistical population of the research was all the parents of students in South Khorasan province in the academic year of 2021-2022, in the number of 91,874 people, and the data obtained by the purposeful snowball sampling method and by conducting semi-structured interviews with 51 of the parents of the students were saturated. They reached an opinion. To analyze the data, the seven-step strategy of Colizzi (2002) and MAXQDA11 software were used. To validate the research data, the four criteria of Guba and Lincoln (1985) were used. Finally, 88 open codes were extracted. By examining the interviews of the participants and analyzing the codes, the experiences of parents of elementary school students were categorized in the form of four main themes, including challenges related to the environment and infrastructure, students, parents and teachers. The results, while explaining the necessity of paying attention to virtual education and its basic challenges, make this important to education administrators to take fundamental steps in order to solve these challenges.

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