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Showing 1 results for Quality of School Life

D.r Mahboubeh Soleimanpouromran Mahboubeh Soleimanpouromran,
Volume 9, Issue 43 (12-2021)

The purpose of this study was to investigate equal educational opportunities in school quality of life and the feeling of belonging to school with the mediating role of school culture among the teachers of Shirvan secondary schools. The research method was descriptive-correlational and the statistical population consisted of all the teachers of Shirvan girls' schools (291 persons), 165 were selected by simple random sampling. 1) Williams & Button School Quality of Life Questionnaire (1981); School Feelings Questionnaire (Barry, Betty & Watt 2004) and Alexander & Sad School Culture Questionnaire (1997). And its reliability with Cronbach's alpha coefficient for equal educational opportunities / 8126, for 0 quality of school life 0.8786, for school belonging feeling 0.8271, and 8321/0 school culture, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov normal distribution test, Pearson correlation test, linear regression test and structural equations) using SPSS software version 19 and LISREL 18 software. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between variables of equal educational opportunities and school culture and quality of school life and correlation coefficient between educational equality opportunities and quality of school life was 237, respectively. The coefficient of correlation between equal educational opportunities and school culture is 0.221 and the correlation coefficient between school culture and quality of school life is 0.379. There was a significant relationship between the variables of equal educational opportunities and school culture and feeling of belonging to school. Correlation coefficient between educational equality of opportunity and feeling of belonging to school equals 0.403, respectively. Equal education and school culture equals 0.221 and the correlation coefficient between school culture and school belonging is 0.280. In total, these two variables in the second step were able to explain moderately 74.19% of the variance in the feeling of belonging to school. This confirms the mediating role of school culture.

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