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Showing 13 results for Teaching

Maryam Najar Nahavandi, Mojdeh Ghorbanalizadeh,
Volume 1, Issue 29 (10-2014)

Today, national identity is one of the most important issues in developing countries is planned. Much of the training of national identity in the context of formal education takes place .Beginning with the period of fundamental transformation textbooks is also consistent with the new approach. The present article deals with the analysis of national education and from this point of clarification social studies book grade, third grade social studies book compared to the period before the change. Population
is included in the book. The content analysis of qualitative and quantitative research methods and the unit of analysis is the theme. Dimensions of national identity in this research include: symbols, values heritage, celebrities, and characters and events. The results show that both components of national identity have been uneven book, and this is more evident in the social studies book. Social teachings of the book to the celebrities and personalities (37/44%) and social studies books to the value of (50/85%) are paid. Neglect of Fame and national events, elimination of political values, greater attention to the social, moral, religious and social features of the book is the period of fundamental change.

Mazhar Babaee,
Volume 2, Issue 31 (2-2016)

This study is to examine the educational status of the art of film as to describe the ways of achieving the concept of consciousness as the requirement for education. Findings show that through exploring a film, as to come up with consciousness, it is possible to have inductions and deductions from a film and its audience. With this presumption that a film is similar to a content of the textbook, it can be deduced that analyzing and criticizing a film is a way of new understanding. A type of consciousness that is a facilitator for the education process. If the consciousness is accomplished, it would be treated as the attitude, insight, and perspectives, and would be affected the learner's mind and practice. In conclusion, it is possible to offer the method to change, improve and deepen the concept of education.

Mss Soheila Jalilian, Mr Ehsan Azimpoor, Mss Fariba Jalilian,
Volume 3, Issue 32 (8-2016)

This study examined the effects of Philosophy for Children Program (P4C) on the problem solving abilities and Moral Judgment of nurturance in the third Grade Primary Students of east Eslam Abad. The Population of this research was all the girl students in the third Grade in 2014- 2015 academic year. The research method a pre-test post-test design with control group was used. To this end, we chose 80 students to random cluster sampling in two groups experimental (n=40) and control (n=40) through randomized placement technique. For data gathering in this research the Long and Cassidy problem-solving questionnaire (1996) and Moral Judgment Test (MJT) were used. After this, the philosophy for children program was performed in 12 sessions for the experimental group. At the end of this intervention, post-tests was performed on participates of both groups. The results of analysis of covariance showed that the difference between the means of the two groups was significant (p<0.001), In other words of teaching philosophy to children to enhance students' problem solving ability and moral judgment had a positive effect. Also, the effect of the increase in problem-solving and moral judgment teaching philosophy to children by gender were not significant.

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Volume 4, Issue 34 (5-2017)

In recent years, the use of modern technologies has grown Strongly in the teaching process. Today, one of the key challenges in using ICT in schools is the level of ICDL teachers' knowledge and skills in the teaching process.The present study was conducted to examine the level of ICDL teachers' knowledge and skills in the teaching process in the academic year of 94-95. The statistical population of this research is all teachers of high school in qeydar city that 70 people were selected according to Morgan table with random cluster sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. Its validity was estimated by a group of professors, educational specialists and some teachers, and its reliability was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. In general, the results of this study showed that the computer skills and knowledge of teachers in the teaching process are moderate. Also, inferential statistics analysis showed that there is no statistically significant difference between the gender variable and the level of knowledge and computer skills of teachers in the teaching process. And also inferential statistics analysis has shown that there are meaningful statistics differences between gender variables, age, education and level of knowledge and skills computer of teachers in teaching process.

Sayed Heshmatollah Mortazavizadeh, D.r Ahmad Reza Nasr Isfahani,
Volume 4, Issue 34 (5-2017)


Internship is the apex of teacher training which converts learning situations into pportunities for the student-teacher's success.The present paper aims at identifying the problems concerning the internship (teaching practice) course in Farhangian University and finding appropriate solutions to overcome them in order to improve the quality of the internship course to prepare student teachers to get into the profession of teaching. Questionnaires were used to collect data for the present descriptive research. The participants in the research are the same as the whole statistical population. For data analysis, frequency and frequency percentage in descriptive statistics were used. Findings show that the most important problems regarding the internship course are observing teachers in urban schools while having their initial employment in rural ones, teachers' lack of time for discussion with the students  on reviewing and criticizing teaching methods and on overcoming the potential problems, school teachers' insufficient skills in using media and new educational technologies,  school teachers' low understanding of  the educational theories, developmental psychology,  and learning theories, and finally  school teachers' insufficient mastering on using appropriate teaching methods and models.

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Volume 5, Issue 36 (9-2018)

"Teaching-Learning Approach" is a model of interaction between teachers and students in an educational environment and one of the main components of the educational system. This model can be organized and designed on the basis of various opinions and ideas, including philosophical or scientific theories. This research aims to design and explain teaching-learning approach based on the complexity paradigm. The complexity paradigm is one of the contemporary scientific approaches that is penetrating into different areas of knowledge such as education. Therefore, in this descriptive-analytical study, based on the concepts and components of the complexity paradigm, the teaching-learning approach is as follows: in teaching-learning approach based on complexity paradigm, the steps and sequence of teacher and student activities are strategic for continuous organization of all learning and teaching processes and activities performed through cooperation of students and the teacher. In other words, the teacher designs and organizes the learning environment in a rich and complex way, leading the student to research and learning; So the student is an active and researcher; A researcher who constantly organizes and reorganizes in interaction with the learning environment and actually learns and develops. Hence, the relationship between teacher and students is dynamic and multifaceted based on the variety and extension of their interactions with each other and environment.

Mohammad Davoudi, Rokhsareh Ghorbani, Mohammadreza Adel, Mohammadreza Amirian,
Volume 5, Issue 37 (11-2018)

this qualitative study sets out to capture Iranian EFL teachers’ perceptions of reflective teaching. In doing so, a semi-structured interview was done with a theoretical sampling comprising 15 EFL teachers. Drawing on a grounded theory method the collected data were analyzed whose results led to the emergence of five categories with reflective teaching understanding as the core category and teaching issues, learner’s issues, teacher-related factors, advantages of, and obstacles to reflective teaching as subcategories. The emerging categories were discussed in the context of language teaching along with some recommendations. The results indicated that the teachers have awareness of reflective teaching and support its priviples. The findings of the present research might be of value to the curriculum developers and course instructors of teacher education programs to design courses.

Fateme Ghesami, Elham Yoosefi Roobiat,
Volume 6, Issue 39 (12-2019)

Environmental education is education that increase public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues. Environmental education should incorporate three elements: learning in the environment, learning about the environment and learning to look after the environment. In this paper, be reviewed characteristics of environmental education programs with analytical-descriptive methods and also be reviewed methods of environmental education in schools in both teacher-centered and student-centered approaches. Finally, with the conclusions of studies are presented a conceptual model for teaching various courses with an emphasis on environmental education. The results of this study indicating that use of student-centered approaches to enhance students higher-order cognitive skills, and teaching different subjects in an environmental context can be very effective in institutionalizing students' environmental attitudes and behaviors.

Miss Soheila Jalilian, Miss Vajihe Nejati, Mr Ehsan Azimpoor,
Volume 10, Issue 44 (4-2022)

       The aim of this study was to investigate The role of job commitment, creative self-efficacy and psychological empowerment in predicting teachers' creative teaching. To achieve this important, The research method of this study was descriptive causal – correlational.The statistical population of this research includes all teachers working in the education and training of Fardis city in the academic year of 2018- 2019 According to sampling morgan table and using available random cluster, 306 sample among teachers were selected. Participants responded to job commitment of Blau (2009) questionnaire, psychological Empowerment of Spreitzer (1995) questionnaire, creative teaching By a group of Thailand university professors (2003) and Creative self-efficacy Beghtto (2006) questionnaire. The tools had a good validity and reliability. Data were analyzed by Descriptive Statistics )mean, standard deviations(,  and Inferential statistics (pearson correlation and multiple regression) analysis software SPSS were used. The results showed that is a positive and significant relationship between creative teaching of teachers with job commitment, creative self-efficacy and psychological empowerment. Also, the results showed that the three variables considered had a significant contribution in predicting teachers' creative teaching. That's why it can be said, The results of this research indicate the importance of the role of job commitment, creative self-efficacy and psychological empowerment in promoting the teaching of creative teachers, and recommended that workshops pedagogyin this context should be hold. In such a way that teachers are able to decide on their own, find new solutions to problems, and feel competent, self-reliant, committed and responsible for work.
Phd Mohsen Bohlooli Faskhoodi,
Volume 10, Issue 44 (4-2022)

Knowledge has two explicit and tacit parts. The field of teaching and learning is traditionally based on explicit knowledge teachings and emphasized the important role of propositional knowledge for the explicit and universal expression of knowledge. But tacit knowledge with the three main characteristics of inarticulate, breaking rules and context oriented are the exact opposite of explicit knowledge. On the other hand, Wittgenstein's attitude in the second half of his intellectual life about the functional role of language and its relation to human thought has had a very important impact on the views of the philosophy of education, especially the field of teaching and learning. Combining functional-language approach with tacit knowledge theory in teaching and learning has led to the formation of a model of teaching as tacit teaching which has different dimensions and applications than the previous approach. Wittgenstein's view of education and teaching experience is one of the most important components of this kind of teaching model. The purpose of this paper is to show the relationship between the main components of the teaching of implicit teaching and Wittgenstein's teachings in the philosophical investigation. To achieve this, the method of qualitative analysis with a linguistic analysis approach has been used to study Wittgenstein's works and the theories on tacit knowledge of the subject.

Dr. Farideh Hamidi, Mr. Mehran Otoufati Roudi,
Volume 11, Issue 45 (12-2022)

In the classrooms based on inclusive education, cognitive flexibility and teaching-learning concepts play an important role in teachers' self-efficacy. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of cognitive flexibility and teaching-learning concepts in teachers' self-efficacy in a classroom based on inclusive education. The research method was descriptive and correlational. Sampling was done by a simple random method from the list of names of teachers participating in inclusive education. Therefore, 467 primary teachers of the 9th district of Mashhad were selected. In order to collect data, teachers' self-efficacy questionnaires in inclusive education (TEIP, Sharma et al., 2012), cognitive flexibility questionnaire (CFI, Dennis and Vanderwaal, 2010) and the teaching-learning concepts questionnaire TLCQ (Chan Elwitt, 2004) was used. Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyze data. Results showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between cognitive flexibility and the perception of self-efficacy related to inclusive education, as well as the concepts of constructivist learning and the perception of self-efficacy related to inclusive education (P < 0.01). Also, the results of multiple regression analysis showed the variables of cognitive flexibility and constructivist learning teaching concepts predict 36% of the total variance of teachers' self-efficacy. In general, teachers with cognitive flexibility and more developed teaching-learning concepts experience higher self-efficacy in classrooms based on inclusive education. The findings of this research emphasize the development of cognitive flexibility and teaching-learning concepts to improve the self-efficacy of teachers in the classroom based on inclusive education.

Amir Sabzipour, Nazanin Elami, Fahima Darabi,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (2-2024)

The present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of collaborative and exploratory teaching methods on self-directed learning of fifth grade female students in Khorram Abad city. This research was practical in terms of purpose and semi-experimental in terms of method with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of this research consisted of all fifth grade female students of Khorram Abad city who were randomly selected and placed in three groups (two experimental groups and one control group). Among the statistical population, 30 students were selected by random sampling method, and these 30 students were assigned to three groups by random sampling method. The data collection tool in this research was self-directed learning questionnaire and exploratory training protocol in 10 90-minute sessions and collaborative training protocol in 9 90-minute sessions. Research data processing was done using descriptive and inferential statistics (analysis of covariance). The results showed that cooperative teaching method and exploratory teaching method have a significant effect on self-directed learning of fifth grade female students in Khorram Abad city.
Sahar Esmaeili, Doctor Hasan Qarabaghi, Doctor Kazem Delrouz,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (2-2024)

The purpose of the research was to investigate the views of elementary school teachers regarding the role of curriculum requirements in the design of teaching philosophy to children. In order to achieve this goal, descriptive-correlation method was used. The statistical population of the research was elementary school teachers of Malayer city. In order to collect information, a 42-question, 9-dimension salemi questionnaire (2016) was used on a five-point Likert scale. The reliability of this questionnaire was calculated using Cronbach's alpha method of 0.960. In order to analyze the data, Pearson correlation analysis, path analysis and structural equation modeling were used. The research findings showed; There is a positive and significant relationship between the components of the curriculum design requirements for teaching philosophy to children from the teachers' point of view. The results of the path analysis showed that the obtained t values indicate the significance of the path coefficient of all the components in relation to the requirements of curriculum design for teaching philosophy to children.

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