Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2017)                   Human Information Interaction 2017, 3(4): 74-89 | Back to browse issues page

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Saleki Maleki F, Momeni E, Galini Mogadam G. Applicability of BAT Model for Children Information Search Behavior in some Preschools in Tehran. Human Information Interaction 2017; 3 (4)
URL: http://hii.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2581-en.html
Abstract:   (8242 Views)

Background and Aim: This study is set to represent information search process in the selected preschool children in Tehran (namely Mahgol and Taranom) and compare the results with BAT model.
Methods: This is an Applied and comparative study with qualitative approach based on grounded theory. Research population was preschool children in Tehran from two different regions of city. Sampling was done by multi-stage and clustering purposive method. Considering the context of the society, preschools in two different regions of Tehran were selected. 20 children were selected as a sample of the study. Three groups including children, teachers and parents were studied.
Results: The results show that information search behavior in Mahgol and Taranom preschools include education, preparing, predictive behavior, curiosity and incomprehension. In comparison with BAT model, it has education of concepts instead of reading. They have shown planning, finding, gathering data and organizing behavior in doing research assignments. Defining behavior was rare and there were no evaluating behavior in comparison with BAT model. Some similar behaviors with BAT model were seen in the second stage. Happiness behavior was seen less than other behaviors. Referencing was seen in the telling stage and there was little interpreting and integrating. The same behaviors with BAT model were seen in the third stage.
Conclusion. Educating information search process to preschool children based on BAT model can enrich children’s skills in research.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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