Volume 8, Issue 1 (5-2021)                   Human Information Interaction 2021, 8(1): 82-93 | Back to browse issues page

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Narimani H, Tahmasebi Limooni S, ghiasi M. Presenting a Model for the effect of research interactions between the Faculty Members and Students with Librarians on Scientific Outputs: a Grounded Theory approach. Human Information Interaction 2021; 8 (1)
URL: http://hii.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2956-en.html
Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University
Abstract:   (5383 Views)
Purpose: The significance of collaboration of librarians and academicians in enhancing the students’ academic success and research capacity has been increasingly recognized by scholars. The purpose of this study is to provide a model of the impact of research interactions between faculty members and students with librarians on scientific products with a grounded theory approach.
Methodology: This is a qualitative approach using grounded theory research method. Data collection was a semi-structured interview using snowball sampling. Twenty interviews were conducted with faculty members of Mazandaran University and experts working at the University.  Data analysis was performed in three stages of open coding, axial coding and selective coding based on which a qualitative research model was designed.
Findings: The results showed that out of a total of 264 open codes identified, 44 were central codes and in conclusion 10 selected codes were identified. A paradigm model including: Improving the research interactions of faculty members and students with librarians in scientific productions as a Axial category and causal conditions (training skills and information literacy, interaction and knowledge experiences), contextual factors (information and research consulting, resources Interventional conditions (research rules and regulations), strategies (evaluation of scientific output, management of research resources) and consequences (increase of scientific production, cost management and teamwork) was set.
Conclusion: Conferring inadequate studies inspecting factors affecting the interactions of faculty members and students with librarians on the scientific products of the University, results of this study will be beneficial in identifying the research priorities of the University and supporting researchers, enabling extensive and challenging research activities and improving research methods
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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