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Mansoor Koohi Rostami, Hadi Alhaei, Zeinab Jozi, Mohammad Amin Sekhavatmanesh,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Introduction: Human life has always been subject to crisis. The important thing in dealing with a crisis is the appropriate response. The emergence of information technology has provided crisis managers with the best possible potential and capacities for crisis management. Today, managers should always be ready to deal with crises. These crises can be economic and financial or natural events such as storms, floods, tsunamis, or disease outbreaks. Managers who have not taken measures in advance to deal with such events will lose more. No one is aware of the crisis in advance. Expert managers have basic plans to deal with such situations. To overcome uneven events, managers should use the experiences of their predecessors to get acquainted with crisis coping strategies. Not all managers can overcome the crisis. However, if the managers in their organization believe in crisis management as an inseparable part of their strategic management responsibility, the probability of confronting a crisis will be significantly reduced. Crisis management activities are performed in three stages before the crisis, during the crisis, and after the crisis. The first step consists of the actions needed to prevent the crisis. This stage is the first step in identifying and diagnosing the crisis and also gathering information to deal with the crisis. The second stage includes the stage of crisis occurrence. In this stage, it is necessary to gather information to diagnose the causes of the crisis. The third stage is the actions that must be taken after the crisis. At this stage, we had to ensure that the crisis has resolved or not. Also, learning from the crisis so that it does not happen again occurs at this stage. The crisis is a test for stability in a system. A crisis is an unusual situation in which a problem or sudden event occurs that is not predictable. Etymologically, the word crisis has been derived from the Greek language. In ancient Greek, the word crisis (κριςις) means "judgment" or "decision". The crisis means that it is necessary to make a decision that has not been made before. In the 21st century, the growth of information technology and the expansion of research has created a significant increase in the understanding of the challenges of crisis management when facing a crisis to reduce victims, and thanks to technology and the use of communication technologies, crisis management has become more realistic. During crisis management, by using correct communication, participation, coordination, and integration in information systems play an important role in crisis control. In a crisis, those affected perceive, process, and act on information differently than in non-crisis times. One of the applications of information technology in crisis management is "crisis informatics". Crisis informatics deals with the relationship between people, organizations, information, and technology during a crisis. Crisis informatics means the knowledge of receiving and transmitting information. In other words, crisis computing is the science of information processing and information systems. On the other hand, inaccuracy in choosing and publishing news and information in crisis conditions can be called crisis informatics. The expansion of social media such as Facebook, and Twitter, search based on people, and response to the crisis of Google, YouTube, and Flickr has changed the face of information management in critical situations. One of the capabilities of information science specialists is information monitoring. Information specialists can identify which information is fake and which is valid through information review. Therefore, experts in this field can play an influential role in preparing information reports for decision-makers. Also, by producing correct and reliable content, they should prevent the information confusion of the public. Considering that information forms the link between crisis management, crisis informatics, and information science, the present study was conducted to explain the role and functions of information science in crisis informatics.

Methods: The current research was conducted using a library method with an analytical approach and after reviewing previous studies to identify concepts related to the concept of crisis informatics. In this study, researchers first searched for materials related to the purpose of the research using keywords (crisis informatics, disaster informatics, informatics patterns of crisis, information science and crisis, information science and disasters, crisis informatics in disasters and social media) in databases including Google Scholar, Emerald, WebOscience, Scopus, ScienceDirect paid. The researchers examined the recovered. After reviewing the found texts, the researchers selected the related materials based on the purpose of the research and presented them in this article. In this research, by examining the concept, history, and patterns of information flow in crisis informatics and the role of information science specialists, an analytical review has been made on the importance of the role and position of information science specialists as crisis informatics in times of crisis.
Findings: The findings showed that although the importance of social media in a crisis is critical to researchers and many studies have covered it and paid attention to its role in gathering information during a crisis as well as providing aid, so far Informing people when dangerous events occur in social networks has not been given serious attention. Self-coordination through social media among citizens and providing aid to fellow citizens, through the advice of shared posts, helps to improve crisis conditions, and authorities use media for public communication during a crisis. However, obstacles such as the lack of personnel to verify and disseminate information are still challenges to the efficient use of social media by authorities. Also, data mining of citizens' behaviors is one of the issues through which authorities can identify wrong information and deal with it. Officials and crisis managers can identify the fundamental gaps in society and take action to solve them by obtaining public information. In social networks, due to the existence of two types of official and unofficial information, the flow of communication is also two-way. This means that both people and authorities send and receive information. As a result, the main focus of crisis informatics is information. These findings show that providing information during a crisis, especially health information to accident victims, is still a challenge, despite the commonality of crisis informatics and information science, no independent research has yet addressed this issue. At the same time, the common point of information science and informatics is the crisis and the main topic of both information. Information science specialists can play an essential role in crisis informatics due to their capacities to produce reliable information, verify information, manage and set up information systems, create databases, and facilitate and accelerate information recovery.
Conclusion: Crisis informatics is a field of study that has received much attention and is proliferating. And its importance during the last decade has made it a subject area of research activities. This relatively new field has emerged to ensure that the full potential of information and communication technologies is maximized to improve decisions and actions at various stages of crisis management. Examining the definitions shows that crisis informatics is sometimes defined only in interaction with social networks (Palen et al., 2020), and sometimes it is generally understood in interaction with technology (Soden, 2017; Palen et al., 2009). In some cases, it has been proposed as a social system that is created as a result of communication between different groups (Soden, 2017; Palen and Soden, 2018; Palen and Anderson, 2016). But the commonality of all the above definitions can be seen as the existence of the social system and the interaction of humans and information. This field collects data from social reactions to crises and incidents and analyzes the results. Based on this, crisis informatics can be defined as the response of human groups to crises and incidents in the context of information technology. The increasing importance of social media in conflicts and crises has made people use them with more interest. People share feelings, thoughts and images with their friends on these media. During the crisis, this process increases. Most important events are quickly released to the public before they even hit the news. Although information on social networks may contain true and false information, including rumors. But these media are among the most important media for providing information about accidents and the condition of people who have been injured. Research on crisis informatics and social media has also shown that emergency services departments can use social media to obtain valuable information (e. g. eyewitness reports, images, or videos) that help them Inform about disaster situations so that they can send their immediate aid. Of course, due to the emerging nature of crisis informatics, we can expect to see more precise and more developed definitions in the future. Of course, the maturity of the field of crisis informatics requires providing a comprehensive, accurate, and precise definition, which in this study was tried to be formulated based on the theoretical background of the research.
The review of informatics literature also showed that this emerging field is an interdisciplinary research field that includes several different disciplines. Among them, the field of information and communication technology, health/medicine, and information systems play the most crucial role. It was also found that despite the centrality of information and its importance in the crisis, so far no research has been done on the role of information science and information specialists in informatics. Because information is very critical in all stages of a crisis and, accordingly, crisis informatics, the field of information science can play a crucial role in the best performance of crisis informatics. Validation of information was identified as one of the functions of this field, because the combination of a large volume of official information sources and content produced by citizens adds to the information load in crises. This increases uncertainty and difficulty in deciding who and what sources are trustworthy. Deciding which information providers and sources to trust in a crisis is very essential because acting on reliable information can shape and influence the nature of the crisis. Verification of the accuracy of this information can be done by experts in the field of information science.
Providing the information needs of people involved in the crisis, such as citizens, organizations, non-governmental groups, etc., can also be included in the scope of the duties of specialists in the field of information science. One of the primary needs after a crisis is accurate information, and this is what information specialists and librarians are trained for. This group can provide critical information to support the performance of local authorities, emergency managers, police, fire, and medical personnel. Librarians are trained to provide accurate information in various formats and are fast to solve problems. Most importantly, the general public considers librarians to be closer, more accessible, and more reliable than the employees of government agencies. Also, the organization of information recovery tools can be part of the roles of this field in crisis informatics. Controlling and directing the correct flow of information, and designing and implementing banks and information systems are also included in the activities of specialists in the field of information science. Summarized to the "right" person at the "right" time using a suitable platform for specific needs and groups. With population growth and ecological changes (such as climate changes, nature changes, and the destruction of many non-renewable natural resources), it is necessary to think of measures to prevent abnormal events in emergencies. The emergence of artificial intelligence technology and its use in information systems as well as social networks promises that the use of this technology will be fruitful in investigating the possibility of accidents and it is easy to provide people with the correct information in an intelligent way. Also, the authorities will strengthen their communication with the community through this technology. Promoting smartphones and increasing bandwidth to high-risk areas will also facilitate data recovery in times of crisis and increase self-organization among people affected by accidents.


Mohammad Hassan Azimi, Hadi Alhaei,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (6-2024)

The development of information and communication technology has a profound impact on various systems of societies, and these effects become more obvious over time. These fundamental developments have caused wide changes in various fields and organizations. The emergence of new opportunities in international competitions, the influence of new technologies in all aspects of human life, globalization and the increasing importance of human capitals in the age of knowledge and transformation, indicate that the requirements in today's organizations are different from the past. Considering the characteristic of the present age, which is focused on information and its exploitation, it is necessary that all ruling affairs be based on knowledge and information. Today, any country that seeks development in all institutions must strengthen the knowledge and skills base through an efficient system to achieve suitable opportunities. The impact of these changes on organizations and companies is also significant. Therefore, societies that seek to develop and enter the current competitive world must pay attention to this important matter by knowing their needs carefully and developing information technology. Therefore, considering the wide developments in the field of information and communication technology and its profound effects on various systems of societies, organizations should think about making their knowledge management processes smarter. In today's world, where information and its exploitation play a vital role, smartening the knowledge management processes can help organizations to increase their productivity and respond to global competitions. The smartening the knowledge management processes includes the use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data mining so that the information and knowledge in the organization can be optimally managed and used. These processes can help identify patterns, predict trends, and make smarter decisions. Therefore, for the successful implementation of the smartening the  knowledge management, this research has evaluated the feasibility of smartening the processes of knowledge management in South East Khuzestan Water Company.

Methods and Materoal
The current research is an applied research in terms of its purpose and is a qualitative and quantitative research in terms of method and is library and documentary research in terms of data collection method. The research method is analytical-survey and its data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. In order to identify the main indicators and items related to each indicator, at first, the written knowledge in this field was collected and studied in the form of published scientific texts, and the important factors and indicators in making the company smart were extracted. The extracted indices were arranged in the form of 6 indices and 67 items and were designed in the form of a closed-ended questionnaire (five-point Likert scale). These indicators include information technology index, organizational culture index, manpower index, organizational structure, financial resources status index, and laws and regulations status index. The research community includes 60 senior officials and managers of South East Khuzestan Water Company. The purposeful sampling method was used to select the sample population and 50 people of the statistical population of this research were selected as a sample. The criteria for selecting people in this research is their expertise and proficiency in both areas of smartening and knowledge management. The questionnaire was provided to every member of the sample community and 42 questionnaires were returned. To determine the validity of the research tool (questionnaire), content validity was used, which is the approval of professors. For this purpose, the present research questionnaire was distributed to 4 professors of information science and epistemology, and its face and content validity was confirmed. Cronbach's alpha was used to determine the reliability coefficient of the questionnaire, which was reported as 0.84. SPSS 25 software was used for data analysis and the research questions were answered through descriptive statistics (demographics, frequency of responses, average) and inferential statistics (one-sample t-test).
Resultss and Discussion
Organization smartening indicators were identified in 6 categories and 67 items; Based on the findings of all the identified indicators, because its score is above 3, the status of this infrastructure is at a favorable level. Among these, the "Information Technology Index Status" index, the items of precision, accuracy and speed of access to information and the item of using and accessing high-speed internet, with an average of 4.40, received the most attention and points by experts. Also in all of the studeied items, according to the experts' opinion, the average of the total information technology index item was obtained equal to 3.67. According to the "organizational structure status" indicator, all the items in the field of organizational structure were in a favorable level according to the experts and among the items obtained for this considered index, the items of using regulations and bylaws to transfer knowledge in a smart platform, coordination of different departments in the implementation of projects, attention to communication and smart interactions among employees with an average of 4.30, received the most attention and points. The total average of the organizational structure index is 3.75. According to "status of organizational culture" indicator, all of the obtained items for the organizational culture index,according to the obtained average based of experts' responses were accepted and among the examined items for this index, the items of using and promoting electronic services, exchanging the scientific experiences of people with an average of 4.50 received the most attention and points. Based on the total average, i.e. all items of the organizational culture index, an average of 3.70 was obtained for this index. According to the "status of financial resources" index, all the items obtained for the financial resources index and the company's budget are at the optimal level according to the experts' opinion, and among the items examined for this index, the item of financing the infrastructures for smartening By obtaining an average of 4.50, they received the most attention and points. Based on the total average obtained from the financial resources status index, which is equal to 4.22,in terms of the "Manpower Status" index, all items were accepted by the experts, and among the items examined for this index, the item of attention to the organizational intelligence of employees (such as decision-making skill and problem solving ability, learning and modeling from experience of others, etc.) with an average of 4.30 received the most attention and points. Considering that the total average obtained from the manpower index in this index was obtained to 3.58, examining the findings in the section of the "status of laws and regulations" index, all the items obtained for the manpower index were also approved by the experts, and among the items examined for this index, the item of laws and instructions related to information protection and security with an average score of 4.40 received the most attention and points. Based on the total average obtained in this index, that it is equal to 3.70, which shows the desirability of these indicators and their impact on the smartening of knowledge management in the organization. Also, the findings showed that all research components are positive and significant at the p<0.000 level, and the variable of organizational culture with a t-statistic value of 205.24, the state of financial resources with a t-statistic value of 19.804, organizational structure with a t-statistic value of 258.19, and information technology with the value of T-statistic 707.16, they are effective on the smartening process of knowledge management in the organization. Also, manpower with the T-statistic value of 930.10 have the least effect on the smartening process of knowledge management in the organization. The findings also showed that the index of the status of financial resources with an average of 22.4 is more important than other indicators based on the experts opinion and needs more attention than other indicators.
Considering the extensive developments in artificial intelligence technologies and their key role in business and organizations, the smartening of knowledge management processes has become a necessity. Organizations need to be technologically updated to respond quickly to market changes and maintain competitiveness. This study shows that six main indicators, including information technology infrastructure, organizational structure, organizational culture, manpower, financial and budget status, and the status of laws and regulations, are necessary to evaluate the feasibility of smartening of knowledge management processes. These indicators help organizations to effectively and efficiently take steps in the path of smartening and take advantage of it. This research shows that all the investigated components are effective for the implementation of knowledge management smartening in organizations. Smartening the knowledge management processes by providing a suitable platform for collecting, storing, sharing and using the knowledge helps organizations to perform better in today's competitive market and make more effective decisions.
Based on the obtained results, the precision, accuracy and speed of access to the internet and using of high-speed internet are critical factors of the information technology infrastructure for smartening the knowledge management processes, which must be strengthened so that the smartening processes in the organization can be implemented well. Therefore, using of data validation systems and rich databases helps to ensure the accuracy of the input information and their accurate recovery. Also, the regular backup systems are essential to prevent loss of critical information. The speed of information access is also a key factor; using of high-performance servers, high-speed networks such as fiber optics, and advanced technologies can significantly reduce the time of data access. Therefore, all these factors together turn the information technology infrastructure into the basis of smartening the knowledge management processes in the organizations.
Organizational structure has a profound effect on organizational smartening. This structure should be designed in such a way that it supports the smartening processes and enables the quick and effective transfer of knowledge. In order to make the organizational knowledge management easier and smarter, one of the key aspects of this effect is to facilitate the coordination and effective communication between various parts of the organization. When the organizational structure is designed to facilitate interaction between units and teams, the flow of information and knowledge is improved and the communication barriers are reduced. This causes the knowledge to be transferred faster and more efficiently and make smarter decision-making processes.
In the implementation of the company's smartening, it is necessary to pay attention to the financial situation and the existing budget. This means that there must be sufficient financial conditions and budget for the establishment of smartening in the company, so that the company does not face problems or challenges in the way of implementing this important matter.
Organizational culture plays a key role in making knowledge management processes smarter. An organizational culture that emphasizes the knowledge sharing, innovation, and continuous learning creates an environment where information and knowledge are easily transferred and employees are encouraged to share experiences and collaborate. This culture supports innovation and encourages employees to seek and implement new and creative solutions, which in turn improves knowledge management processes. Finally, by strengthening the interaction and cooperation between employees, such a culture provides the basis for the smartening processes to be implemented more effectively and efficiently, and the organization can achieve greater productivity and innovation.
The financial situation of the organization has a direct and vital effect on the smartening processes of knowledge management. Adequate financial resources allow the organization to implement and update advanced technologies and knowledge management softwares. Investing in IT infrastructures, training employees, and developing smart tools requires proper funding. Without the necessary financial resources, organizations cannot effectively use artificial intelligence technologies and knowledge management tools, which can lead to reduced efficiency and productivity.
In addition, a stable and powerful financial status allows organizations to better manage the risks associated with the implementation of new technologies and to react quickly if the problems arise. Funding for research and development provides continuous improvement of knowledge management processes and puts the organization on the path of innovation and competitiveness. As a result, a suitable financial situation not only facilitates the implementation of smartening processes, but also guarantees the sustainability and success of these processes in the long term.
Finally, the index of the status of laws and regulations was considered and examined. In order to implement any matter in the company, it is necessary that a series of rules and principles govern the company in order to be able to proceed based on them. It means that it is necessary that there are directives and instructions so that they can be referred to in the implementation of this program, and even if necessary, it needs to revise the organizational rules and regulations. .
According to the results of the study, the status of laws and regulations index has a significant effect on the smartening of knowledge management processes in the organization. The existence of specific and efficient laws and regulations provides a legal framework in which knowledge management processes are implemented systematically and regularly. These laws and regulations can include guidelines related to information protection and security, intellectual property rights, data quality standards, as well as knowledge transferring and sharing procedures. Such a framework prevents the occurrence of legal and security problems and ensures that the processes of smartening the knowledge management proceed in compliance with legal and ethical principles.
In addition, appropriate rules and regulations can be motivating and facilitate innovation in the organization. By having regulations that encourage the use of new technologies and smart tools, organizations can more effectively utilize knowledge management technologies. Also, regular review of laws and regulations in order to keep pace with technological developments and changes in the business environment helps organizations to always stand on the path of innovation and productivity. Finally, the index of the status of laws and regulations is a key factor in ensuring the sustainability and success of smartening the knowledge management processes in the organizations, because it is necessary to create a legal and supportive environment for the implementation of these processes.


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