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Mr. Ramin Gharibzadeh, Dr. Mahdi Moeinikia, Mr. Khalil Mokallaf Sarband,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (3-2020)

Background and Aim: The purpose was to analyze the effect of administrators professional ethics on teachers' ethical decision making by examining the mediating role of information literacy among teachers in the second district of Urmia.
Method: Study is a descriptive, correlational survey.  Population comprised of  982 teachers in District 2, of which 262 were selected by simple random sampling method using Morgan table. Instruments were: Ghasemzadeh et al.'s Professional Ethics Questionnaire (2013), Katl Ethical Decision Making Questionnaire (2003), and Davarpanapah DAS Information Literacy Questionnaire (2008). Validity (content, convergent and divergent) and reliability (factor loading, composite reliability coefficient and Cronbach's alpha coefficient) of the questionnaires indicated that the measuring instruments have a good validity and reliability.
Results: Results of hypotheses testing by SMART-PLS software,  using t-test and path coefficients (β) showed that professional ethics has a strong, direct significant effect on information literacy of teachers in District Two of Urmia. Also, professional ethics and information literacy have a strong, direct significant effect on the moral decision-making of teachers in the second district of Urmia. Then again, information literacy can play a mediating role in the relation of professional ethics and teachers 'ethical decision-making. Professional ethics may be used as a moderating variable to enhance the positive effect, information literacy has on teachers' ethical decision-making.
Conclusion: Managers through in-service training increase teachers' information literacy, subsequently creating an honest relationship with teachers to transfer ethics to them and participate in decision-making to prove responsibility and honesty in matters to them and in the result of school affairs is going well.

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