Showing 33 results for Use
Mansour Torkiantabar, Zahra Arzani,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2019)
Background and Aim: This study aimed to evaluate cognitive skills, composition and use of information among
graduate students of Islamic Azad University Doruod Branch.
Methods: The research is descriptive. The study sample included 1105 persons of Doruod Islamic Azad University graduate students, which is based on the sample of 286 subjects were selected. To gather data for these study questionnaires were used. The questionnaires were distributed and 276 questionnaires were received that the number of Inventory data extraction and analysis using statistical software was SPSS20. Descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics t test was used.
Results: The results showed that the cognitive, composition and use of information among graduate students of Islamic Azad University Doruod higher than average.
Conclusion: The results of this study and other research related to information literacy of students It can be concluded that universities and higher education institutions should pay special attention to students' information literacy and provide grounds for its upgrade.
Mahdi Farmani, Mohammad Ghaffari, Mostafa Zandi Nasab,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2019)
Background and Aim: Managing the experience the user has in dealing with the website can play a significant role in improvement of a longer and more valuable relationship. One of the new technologies that can play a role in pleasant, enjoyable and effective experience of the users is gamification. Because this technology transforms every day, repetitive, and formal activities into exciting, challenging and entertaining experiences with the rules of the game and makes a different experience for users; also, provides the intention to use and advice to others. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to Digi Kala website features analysis in the field of gamification focusing on the roles of the mediator of experience and attitude of users and impact of the antecedents on intention to use and word of mouth intention
Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive in terms of method. The statistical population of the study consisted of all users of Digi Kala online store, which in the period of data collection in July, 2018 were users of this website, and 294 samples were collected by sampling method. The main tool for collecting data was a questionnaire. To analyze and confirm the validity of research, construct validity and convergent validity were investigated. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to assess the reliability of the questionnaire. SPSS and LISREL software were used to analyze the data.
Results: All the research hypotheses were approved except for the second hypothesis.
Conclusion: The results of the research show that service quality, system quality and information quality on Digi Kala website affect user experience and user experience on Digi Kala website affects the user's attitude toward it. Also, the user's attitude towards Digi Kala website affects the intention to use and word of mouth intention.
Dr. Saleh Rahimi, , ,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (8-2019)
Background and Aim: Technologies such as social networks have provided new opportunities for health and social interactions, and the promotion of attitudes such as the attitudes of health control and improving the health literacy in society. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the use of social networks with the health literacy of Ilam public library users.
Methods: The present study has used questionnaire based survey method. The statistical population of this study is 4696 users of public libraries in Ilam. Based on Morgan's table, 351 individuals were selected as sample size. The questionnaire was distributed by using of stratified random sampling method. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical tests were used by SPSS 19 software.
Results: The Findings showed that the components average of users in receiving health literacy information was at a sensible level and, due to the importance of those components, users began to utilize social networks in the field of health literacy. Also, the findings showed that there was a significant relationship between users' use of social networks and health literacy and the components (access, reading, understanding, assessment, application), so that by increasing the use of social networks, the health literacy of users increases as well.
Conclusion: According to the findings, it can be concluded that public libraries, universities and centers related to health cooperate so that held suitable conditions in social networks with the aim of experience sharing and expanding the level of health literacy of users by taking into account issues related to user information confidentiality and so that new facilities and conditions can be provided library users, institutions and planners in this field.
Dr Khadije Morady, Dr Amir Ghaebi, Dr Massomeh Karbalaei,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (8-2019)
Background and Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the prevailing views in the field of information retrieval in information science (system-oriented, user-oriented and domain-oriented) and to enlighten the new view of "semiotics." The research seeks to answer the following questions: What are the main components of the views in information science? What are the characteristics of the semiotic view and what is its added value compared to other perspectives?
Methods: Researches that have used the concepts, models and theories of semiotics in various fields of information science were searched in the databases of Emerald, Scopus, Google Scholar. The retrieved articles were reviewed with the selection of 23 Articles. The title, abstract and results of the articles as well as the full text of 5 articles associated to the purpose of the research were analyzed via content analysis method.
Results: Findings showed that most of the research in the field was published between 2000 and 2018 by mostly researchers in Denmark. Some articles have explained and defined the concept of information based on the concepts and theories of semiotics and had presented a new view on information science based on the classification, called the semiotic view.
Conclusion: The results showed that system-oriented, user-oriented and domain-oriented views emphasized the document and each of them emphasized an aspect. The semiotic point of view, information is intended as sign and can combine the characteristics of the three views and define the information regardless of the media that carries it and remove the boundaries of the document.
Narges Neshat, Marzieh Moradian,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2019)
Background and Aim: The purpose of this study is to determine the quality requirements of the National Digital Library based on the Kano model and categorize users needs into three groups of: Basic, functional and motivational.
Methods: This survey was conducted with a qualitative approach. The requirements of the digital library were extracted using two standards: "Digiqual manual" and the "Digital Library Evaluation Manual." The requirements were adjusted based on Kano model in a questionnaire consisting of four categories and 52 pairs of questions (104 questions).
Results: The results of each of the requirements (basic, functional, motivational) in four dimensions (access control, content, data retrieval, and visual effects) show that half of the users' requests are in the basic requirements group which National Digital Library officials should pay more attention to and prioritize the redesign or development plan of the digital library. Also, the second priority was the requirements of the functional group. Paying attention to the requirements of this group causes satisfaction and dissatisfaction otherwise. Attention to meeting the motivational requirements of the third priority if met could create a high level of satisfaction in the use of the National Digital Library.
Conclusion: If clienteles satisfaction is of worth, managers of the National Digital Library should design short-term and long-term programs according to the users real needs.
Mtr Neda Pourkhalil, Dr Mansoor Koohi Rostami,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2020)
Introduction: Information behavior in knowledge and information science is seen as a fundamental human behavior that has been studied extensively thus far. This study include different approaches and perspectives that examined information behavior. The purpose of this article is to investigate the paradigm shift in information behavior by using the texts of this research ground.
Methodology: The study was directed via library method with an analytical approach. After reviewing previous studies with the intention of identifying the dominant paradigms of information behavior.
Findings: Findings show that information behavior studies fell into two main paradigms of old and new. The old paradigm focuses on Shannon's theories of information, and the new paradigm emphasizes interdisciplinary relationships. In the new paradigm, cognitive, sociological, and multifaceted approaches could be defined.
Conclusion: Information behavior is an innate behavior that occurs in the social environment. It is influenced by various factors. like many human characteristics, is a behavior that does not occur in a vacuum. This behavior can be defined in interaction with information, human beings and society. Thus, it can have a wide and multifaceted aspects. This behavior is also a division of social sciences that can be examined under different paradigms. In social sciences, unlike natural sciences many meta-theories may go hand in hand. Sometimes a meta-theory simply disappears, and other times it may grow, evolve, and rekindle the interests of researchers. So, the evolution of information behavior research shows the combination of disciplines and interdisciplinary theories and new relationships in understanding human information behavior.
Zeinab Ghayouri, Zoya Abam,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2020)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the frequency and time spent in the use of search tactics and the effect of user characteristics and type of search task on the use of search tactics.
Methodology: A quantitative approach based on data obtained from Morayeh software used. Sample was 35 post graduate and graduate students majoring in humanities and engineering in Tehran. Four search tasks and scenarios designed based on Anderson and Crasswell classification provided as guidelines. Data were extracted from Morayeh software, that included the frequency and time spent using search tactics, effect of user characteristics and search task type. Data analyzed by ANOVA.
Findings: The results showed that there was no significant difference between individual characteristics and the frequency and time elapsed for search tactics. However, female students spent more time using search tactics than male students, and despite the significant difference between degree and frequency and time spent searching, they used more tactics than senior students. Equally post graduates, spend more time than graduates in the search process. This is due to their familiarity with the search process and proficiency in searching with fewer tactics and achieving appropriate and less tactical results. Also, humanities students have spent more time in the search process than engineering students. This is probably owed to the greater search skills of technical and engineering students than humanities students. The effect of search task type on frequency and time spent in the present study shows a significant effect of task type on search process - frequency and time spent using search tactics.
Results: Considering the limited number of studies in search tactics application, the findings will be beneficial in clarifying the trends in the search process and identification of the frequency and duration of user application tactics. Identification of high-frequency tactics and large quantity of time searcher spends, information system support for the use of search tactics is suggested.
Mrs Fariba Mirzaei, Dr Maryam Sarrafzadeh, Dr Mohammad Khandan,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2020)
Aim: today, digital literacy, as a set of skills that enable people to use digital space effectively for success in personal, educational and professional life, has become a necessity in all societies and public libraries are one of the most important providers of digital literacy education in the world. Digital literacy education has not been considered in public libraries in Iran. The first step in promoting digital literacy education in Iran`s public libraries is to design courses and topics that can cover a variety of this aspects of the phenomenon. Now, the boundaries of this content art not clear, and this research seeks to design a comprehensive framework to meet this need. The purpose of this study is to present a content framework for digital literacy education to Iranian public libraries users.
Methodology: this research is a qualitative research and it`s method is qualitative content analysis. at first, the courses provided by the public libraries of Iran Were reviewed and then content analysis of digital literacy courses was conducted in public libraries of developed countries. 16 libraries were selected from English speaking countries that hold digital literacy courses and share information on their websites by cluster sampling with probability proportional to size. To perform Delphi, Experts from the fields of library and information science and information technology, and public libraries professionals were selected.
Findings: 9 courses were identified and after compiling a questio0nnaire and preforming two Delphi rounds, these courses were reduced to 8 main courses and 37 sub-courses. These courses were included computer, internet, job management, information literacy, financial literacy, learning skills, effective communication skills and how to work with smartphones. Software courses were not considered suitable by specialists. This seems to be due to the different groups of society and the heterogeneous community of public libraries users and the experts do not see this as a readiness in the society to receive software related courses.
Conclusion: digital literacy education in Iran has generally neglected. Generally, digital literacy education in universities and educational institutions is provided in formal computer training courses. Libraries in general have paid very little attention to the issue of education. the first step in advancing digital literacy education in public libraries is designing courses that can covers the various aspects of this phenomenon. Educational content is also one of the sides of the education triangle (learner, educator and educational content). However today the boundaries of this content are not clear and this study try to design a comprehensive framework to meet this need.
Mr Ahmad Majlesara, Dr Fatemeh Fahim Niya, Dr Nader Naghshineh,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2021)
Background and Objective: The study aims to develop and validate a model for analyzing the textual feedback of users in social networks in the face of environmental events and actions with emphasis on identifying the factors affecting the presentation of text messages by users in social networks.
Research Methodology: Heuristic mixed method has been used. In the first stage, the meta-combined method was applied with a qualitative basis. In the second stage, to inspect, validate the identified factors and prepare the final research model, the survey method via questionnaire and forming conveyor group was combined. Population consisted of: 1) Selection and analysis of written documents related to the analysis of textual feedback and users' feelings, including 60 articles and works based on valid criteria from among 198 articles and works; 2) Experts in information technology, sociology, behaviorism, etc., which 15 people were selected, but as a result and limitations of the corona pandemic comments and suggestions were remotely submitted.
Results: Using the seven steps of meta-combination, a conceptual pattern was obtained in six conceptual layers, categories and codes. In each layer, concepts and topics were included, and to end 27 components were identified. For qualitative validation, the obtained model was found based on the opinions of experts in the form of focus groups and the conceptual model was approved by the research experts.
Conclusion: The conceptual model - obtained from the hybrid stages and focus groups – which has been approved and accepted by experts could be used as a basis for future research to guide, and direct the behavior of users in social networking in order to provide strategies and executive policies for officials and decision makers in relevant organizations and institutions.
Seyed Mehdi Mirmehdi, Mr Fakhreddin Jafari,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (11-2021)
Purpose: The purpose was to investigate the effect of excessive use of social media in the workplace on employees' job performance.
Methodology: This study is an applied research. Population includes all government employees through Nov. 2020 to April 2021. A 19-item questionnaire was used to collect and assess the current situation. Validity and reliability was confirmed. Structural equations have been used to investigate the relationships between the components of the model. LISREL software was used to examine the hypotheses.
Findings: Findings have shown that excessive social use (rendering t-statistic of 4.24) and excessive cognitive use of social media in the workplace (according to t-statistic of 2.92 ) have a positive relationship with media fatigue, but hedonistic use has no effect on social media fatigue. Social media fatigue also has a positive relationship with employees' job performance (Based on t-statistic of 7.13). Also, according to z statistic (2.70) social media fatigue plays a mediating role in the relationship between excessive cognitive use of social media in the workplace and employees' job performance. Further, social media fatigue has a mediating role (giving z statistic of 3.64) in the relationship between excessive social use of social media in the workplace and employees' job performance. But social media fatigue does not mediate the effect of hedonistic use on employees' job performance.
Conclusion: Conferring unnecessary use of social media includes three dimensions. The role of these dimensions in influencing fatigue and job performance was examined and it was found that each of these dimensions has a different effect on fatigue and job performance. Therefore, this issue helps to theoretically understand the relationship between excessive use of social media and job performance, as well as for managers to formulate policies related to t
Hoda Khodashenas, , Zobeideh Khodashenas,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (11-2021)
Background and Aim: The purpose is to identify the components of health literacy amongst University library users.
Methodology: This purpose-based research is a qualitative-quantitative survey study. The qualitative part concentrates on the individuals with background in health literacy and research. In the quantitative part students at the libraries of the University of Tehran were surveyed. The research instrument was a structural questionnaire on health literacy of individuals in the community. Reliability of more than 0.7 was obtained via Cronbach’s alpha
Findings: It is important to mention that understanding health information stood at the desirable level and other components stood at a comparatively appropriate stage among the elements of health literacy of users at the University Library of Tehran. Although there is a significant relationship between health literacy skills with income, there is no significant relationship among gender, age, faculty, and level of education with health literacy skills.
Conclusion: It is necessary to measure health literacy practically and apply the results in the community and other comparable communities. The level of health literacy could increase considerably by using programs to promote the health literacy of the community.
Nazanin Kashefiyeh, Leila Khalili, Abulfzal Ghasemzadeh Alishahi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2022)
Purpose: Sharing research data leads to the reusing that data. The purpose is to describe the status of sharing and reusing research data amongst researchers. This examines the attitude, experience and barriers in reusing research data.
Methodology: Applied quantitative survey method was used. Population was 154 participants all faculty members of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University. Instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire which face and content validity was approved by experts. Reliability of the questionnaire was determined via Cronbach's alpha and an appropriate value of 0.774 was gained. Descriptive statistics were used by SPSS software.
Findings: Attitude of researchers towards the reusing research data with an average of 3.29 was in a relatively favorable situation. The experience of reusing research data with an average of 2.22 was not at the desired level. The average scores of legal, individual and organizational barriers were 3.45, 3.18 and 3.15, respectively. Female researchers had not as much of data sharing experience than men. The average of attitude and experience in sharing and reusing research data for agricultural researchers was significantly lower than other groups. The average of attitude for older researchers was somewhat more than that of other groups.
Conclusion: Despite the relatively favorable attitude of researchers to reuse research data, it was not at the desired level in terms of experience. Legal, individual and organizational barriers were effective barriers in research data reuse.
Nosrat Riahinia, Farzaneh Shadanpour, Keyvan Borna, Gholam Ali Montazer,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2022)
Purpose: This study investigates the automatic keyword extraction from the table of contents of Persian e-books in the field of science using LDA topic modeling, evaluating their similarity with the golden standard, and users' viewpoints of the model keywords.
Methodology: This is mixed text-mining research in which LDA topic modeling is used to extract keywords from the table of contents of scientific e-books. The evaluation of the used approach has been done by two methods of cosine similarity computing and qualitative evaluation by users.
Findings: Table of contents are medium-length texts with a trimmed mean of 260.02 words, about 20% of which are stop-words. The cosine similarity between the golden standard keywords and the output keywords is 0.0932 thus very low. The full agreement of users showed that the extracted keywords with the LDA topic model represent the subject field of the whole corpus, but the golden standard keywords, the keywords extracted using the LDA topic model in sub-domains of the corpus, and the keywords extracted from the whole corpus were respectively successful in subject describing of each document.
Conclusion: The keywords extracted using the LDA topic model can be used in unspecified and unknown collections to extract hidden thematic content of the whole collection, but not to accurately relate each topic to each document in large and heterogeneous themes. In collections of texts in one subject field, such as mathematics or physics, etc., with less diversity and more uniformity in terms of the words used in them, more coherent and relevant keywords are obtained, but in these cases, the control of the relevance of keywords to each document is required. In formal subject analysis procedures and processes of individual documents, this approach can be used as a keyword suggestion system for indexing and analytical workforce.
Yaghoub Norouzi, Nayereh Jafarifar, Zahra Bighlari,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (6-2023)
purpose: The article aims to identify and prioritize indicators for evaluating the accessibility capabilities of the user interface in virtual education systems.
Methodology: In step 1, to identify the evaluation indicators from the indicators listed in ISO 9241, a localized checklist was prepared by the virtual education systems inside the country. Then, using the Fuzzy Delphi method and the opinions of experts from the higher education system of Iran in the field of accessibility of education and e-learning systems, the identified indicators were modified and finalized. In the next step, these indicators were prioritized using the BWM method from the point of view of experts, and their importance was determined.
Findings: The final framework of indicators for evaluating the accessibility capabilities of the interaction environment (user interface) of virtual education systems was compiled and prioritized in four general indicators (general guidelines and requirements, inputs, outputs, support services, help, and online documentation) and 24 sub-indices. For this purpose, LINGO software was used. Based on the findings of the research, the component "Compatibility with accessible technologies" won the first rank among all sub-indices. The component "online documentation" was ranked second and "setting accessibility levels" was ranked third. The last rank (rank 24) was awarded to "Camera".
Conclusion: There is no consensus on the standard framework for evaluating the accessibility of virtual education systems. The review of the conducted research showed that there is a research gap in the field of not comprehensively identifying and presenting a comprehensive and coherent picture to evaluate the accessibility of the interaction environment in virtual education systems and it was concluded that to improve the use of virtual education systems, identifying and prioritizing the factors It is necessary to evaluate the accessibility of virtual education systems. The innovation of this article is to provide a comprehensive framework for identifying and prioritizing the accessibility evaluation indicators of the interactive environment in virtual education systems localized for the country. The internet speed in Iran is not high and turning on the camera during virtual classes due to the high volume of the internet it consumes causes disconnection and communication between them. The statistical community of the research was aware of this fact, therefore, according to the existing conditions, they assigned the least weight to this index.
Miss Maryam Emamverdi*, Dr Fatemeh Fahimnia, Dr Sepideh Fahimifar,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2024)
Background and Purpose: In digital humanities, citizens encounter in the creation and consumption of cultural resources, with activities such as transcription and transliteration of text, text correction, punctuation, Classification, description of metadata, labeling, division and annotation of features leading to the enrichment of digitization or production Digital corpuses with different types of annotations. Digital Annotation Tools (DAT) facilitate the development of new digital-based reading strategies and allow learners to highlight digital texts and add textual, video, and image annotations. Social annotation can become a "novice art" for teaching literature. Also, citizen science projects emphasize that education should be considered as a high priority goal. The successful development of a practical method to use the collaborative annotation system to increase the academic output of digital humanities researchers and improve reading in the digital space is still a valuable research topic. Computer-aided transcription tools can speed up the process of reading and transcribing texts. An automatic method for converting Persian texts into phonetic chains has been presented, but in this context, the problem is not limited to automatic phonetic transcription, where the absence of short vowel letters (short vowels) in replacing Arabic letters with Latin characters (letters) leads to poor readability of transliterated text. Reading skill requires many prerequisites, one of them is phonological awareness. The purpose of this research was to Investigate the changes in users' learning and reading experience using annotation types and Investigate the impact of international transliteration training on users' learning and reading experience.
Materials and methods: The approach of this research was quantitative and the research method was semi-experimental and its design was pre-test-post-test. The statistical population includes 30 non-Persian speakers who had no familiarity with the Persian language. In order to reach the target audience and distribute the questionnaires, some Persian language teaching institutions such as Dehkhoda Institute, Persian language teaching center of universities. Also, the sites of some scientific social networks such as Research Gate, Linkedin and Academia were referred and the profiles of people were observed. In order to carry out the research, 30 non-Persian speaking people were selected from the statistical population using a non-probability and targeted sampling method and were randomly assigned into two experimental and control groups (15 people in the experimental group and 15 people in the control group). In terms of gender, 12 were men and 18 were women (40% men and 60% women). In terms of age group, most of them were between 19 and 50 years old, and the average age was 33 years old. In terms of nationality, 2 Iraqis, 2 Americans, 5 Chinese, 2 French, 3 German, 5 Ukrainian, 1 English, 1 Swiss, 3 Japanese, 1 Canadian, 2 Andalusian, 2 Italian and 1 person was Indian. In terms of education level, 12 people were in the doctoral level, 9 people were in the master's level, and 6 people were in the bachelor's level. An interface was designed to collect data. a few verses of Saadi's poems in which words that have the same written appearance but have completely different pronunciations, meanings and grammatical characteristics, were searched and selected. Depending on whether there are different options for pronouncing words or not, we deliberately included possible but incorrect pronunciations for some random words in the question so that they would listen to the voice of the local announcer and then choose one from among the transliterated words of the poem. In each pre-test and post-test stage, users were faced with 23 disambiguation items (in the form of disambiguation by clicking on the correct option among multiple choice options) and 2 correction items (by typing the correct form in the corresponding field). For all 23 questions, there were real words in the Persian language.To design the intervention activity of international transliteration education, the Persian book of the first year of elementary school and the second and third sections, which include the signs of the Persian language, were used. The structure of each sign (letter) in the book to read consists of five parts: big picture - small pictures with the word - written text - new sign - learning activities. Under each sign and thumbnails of each word, international transliteration and audio file were added. The training files were provided to the experimental group and trainings were provided in 4 sessions of 30 minutes and Skype and Google Meet communication software were used. Users of both groups were evaluated twice (before and after the intervention of international phonetic training). The tools used in this research were two questionnaires to perform practical work, one of which was used in the pre-test phase and the other in the post-test phase. After the pre-test, the experimental group received an interactive training support introducing the work program and IPA (International Phonetic Association, 1999) in order to improve the learning experience and develop the educational structure, while the control group did not receive this intervention during the research process. To calculate the distance between the answer chosen by the user and the correct answer in the poem, the method of calculating phonetic distances by Faradi et al (2019) was used.
Findings: For analysis, three independent variables were identified for each item (question); Two of them were interval variables, i.e., word length and Lonstein's phonological weighted distance between the selected answer and the correct answer, the other parameter was a nominal parameter that indicated whether the correct answer was among the selected options or not. The average scores in the learning and user reading experience of the control group in the pre-test was equal to 18.6 and in the post-test it was equal to 19.8, while the average scores in the learning and user reading experience of the experimental group before the international transliteration training was equal to 19.1 and after the international transliteration training, it increased to 23.2. For this purpose, the t-test of independent groups was used after the international transliteration training. The result of independent group t-test indicates the change of scores in users' learning and reading experience between the two experimental and control group after the international transliteration training. The resulting t (3.08) is greater than the critical table's t (1.96), so it can be said that there is a significant difference between the scores in the learning and reading experience of the users between the two experimental and control groups after the international transliteration training (p 0.05 < ). Therefore, according to the evidence, it can be said that the types of annotations (audio, transliteration) have resulted in a significant change in the learning and reading experience of users. In order to answer the second question, "What effect does international transliteration training have on users' experience in reading Persian language poems?" In the descriptive analysis of the information, first the statistical indicators related to the basic variables of the research were calculated. The results showed that in the pre-test stage, the average distance from the correct answer (error rate) of the experimental group was 4.09 and in the post-test stage it reached 1.1, which shows a significant decrease. In the control group, the average distance from the correct answer (error rate) was equal to 3.4 and in the post-test stage it reached 3.6, which did not change much. According to the quasi-experimental design of this research and the use of pre-test and post-test in it and in order to control the effect of the pre-test in it, to analyze the relevant data, the statistical model of covariance analysis has been implemented. Before running any covariance analysis, it was necessary to have homogeneous regression slopes and a linear relationship between the auxiliary random variable and the dependent variable. For this purpose, the interaction between the random variable and the independent variable has been investigated. On this basis, the assumptions of this statistical method, i.e. the assumption of normality of distribution, equality of error variances and homogeneity of coefficients and regression, have been investigated. In the inferential methods section, in order to answer the second question, "What effect does international transliteration training have on the experience of users in reading Persian language poems?" Between-group covariance analysis was used, and the results are presented in separate tables. Due to the fact that the studied groups have been selected completely randomly in compliance with all conditions, therefore, the distribution of the data was completely normal. Another important assumption of covariance analysis is the homogeneity of regression coefficients. Based on the results, it was observed that the interaction of the pre-test distance from the correct answer (error rate) with the independent variable is significant at the confidence level of 0.95 (p < 0.05). One of the assumptions of covariance analysis is the assumption of equality of error variances (homogeneity of variances), which Levin's F was used to check this assumption (to check the post-test of the dependent variable). Based on the reported results, it was observed that the homogeneity of variances is significant at the confidence level of 0.95 (p < 0.05). In order to analyze the results and changes of the dependent scale of the research, univariate covariance analysis between groups was used. The results showed that considering the pre-test scores "distance from the correct answer (error rate)", the difference between the trained group and the control group is significant in the post-test stage. (p<0.05). Distance from the correct answer (error rate) (F = 12.3). The total effect size is equal to 0.314. Considering the eta square, it can be said that 31.4% of the changes and the reduction of the distance from the correct answer (error rate) are caused by the influence of the independent variable (i.e. intervention and international phonetic training), which is in accordance with Cohen's criteria, close to It is moderate and statistically significant. (p<0.05). Therefore, it can be said that international phonetic training has been effective on the distance from the correct answer (error rate).
Conclusion: Level-based achievement was confirmed in the results of the users' learning and reading tests. Annotations act as an attention strategy. Vocabulary marking and adding various annotations and international transliteration were effective for non-Persian speakers to learn and read Persian poetry.The results of this research also highlight the important role of international phonetic training in phonetic transcription and improving the second language reading experience and show the effectiveness of international phonetic training intervention and phonological memory training as a tool to strengthen second language vocabulary development. The limitations of this research include ignoring the influence of the users' native languages, the difference in the phonological systems of different languages, relatively small sample size, different age groups and different education levels, the influence and relationships of these factors. The output of the text-to-phonetic chain conversion program is used in automatic text-to-speech conversion, correct phonetic writing of texts, teaching Persian to non-Persian speakers, dictionary writing, etc. By performing phonetic transcription work in the form of manual disambiguation or correction, users create a database with possible corrections that are suggested to be used for various purposes, including increasing the accuracy of machine transliteration. Using a digital annotation tool that allows more accurate tracking of how each user interacts with the text (through log files, tracking eye movements in the number of times focusing on a word, attention creation mechanisms) Important points for future empirical work in this field. Implementation of computer-based assessment using machine learning method leads to efficient implementation and improvement of PA skills. Although solutions for computer-based phonological awareness assessment for children have been provided in Persian language, computer-based phonological awareness assessment can also be used in teaching reading literature. Implementation of computer-based assessment using machine learning method leads to efficient implementation and improvement of PA skills. Although solutions for computer-based phonological awareness assessment for children have been provided in Persian language, computer-based phonological awareness assessment can also be considered in teaching reading literature.
Saeed Ghaffari, Masoud Bakhtiari,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (6-2024)
The purpose of this study is to propose evaluation criteria for assessing the user interface of national digital libraries for Payam Noor University. Payam Noor University's libraries have long preserved human culture and civilization, playing a significant role in the transmission of this culture through generations. As the main organization for a country's libraries, they must adapt to modern responsibilities to impact the development of libraries and information in the nation. Given the significance of designing a suitable user interface and the role of digital libraries at Payam Noor University, there is a need for research in this area. The study compares the user interface of digital libraries at Payam Noor University or selected digital collections with established criteria, identifying the richest library in terms of user interface within the studied community. The research questions include:
1. What is the status of each studied digital library regarding the 10 user interface criteria?
2. How well do the studied libraries adhere to the 10 user interface standards?
3. What is the best user interface recommendation for the digital library web pages of Payam Noor University libraries?
Methods and Materoal
The research uses a survey and descriptive method. The Norozi checklist (2018), which comprises 10 main criteria and 114 sub-components, serves as the research tool. A Delphi panel and descriptive survey method evaluate the libraries. Data collection is achieved through direct observation and scoring each component on the desired web page. The statistical population comprises 10 digital libraries affiliated with Payam Noor University in various countries. The final list of libraries was selected from those with English web pages, found through searches in Europe, North and South America, Asia, and the Pacific. The study's statistical population includes 10 digital libraries in America, Australia, France, Switzerland, New Zealand, Netherlands, Poland, Japan, India, and Italy. The research used the Delphi method and involved interviews with 10 experts. Some digital libraries with only the home page in English or in a non-English language were excluded. Similarly, certain cases, such as databases masquerading as digital libraries, were excluded as they did not meet the study's definition of a digital library.
Table 1. Selected digital libraries
Descriptive statistical methods have been used to analyze the data of this research. The basis of data analysis was the check list, whose scores are based on yes (1) and no (0). Also, due to the quality of some of the sub-components, it was possible that the studied libraries did not comply with them equally, or in other words, absolute presence or absence could not be applied to them. Regarding these components, in addition to two levels of zero and one, 50% of the average score has also been used. The score obtained by each of the studied libraries in relation to each of the components is multiplied by the average of the coefficients obtained (weighted average) by the components from the Delphi panel. It should be noted that the weighted average of each of the components is given in the relevant tables in front of the sub-components related to each of the ten criteria. In the selection of tools, after reviewing the researches, the research of Norozi (2008) was chosen as the basis and it was adapted for the current research by using other researches. In preparing the desired list, he first extracted the most frequent criteria and components after studying the available texts and sources in this field, and then using the opinions of experts and using the method of list verification. This list was used for the present study because it was more complete and comprehensive in terms of the number of criteria to be evaluated and the components mentioned in the field of user interface of digital libraries.
Resultss and Discussion
In the first question, the issue was addressed to what extent is the status of each of the studied digital libraries in terms of the 10 user interface criteria. Out of 10 libraries under review, 8 libraries have managed to get more than 50% points. Digital Library of America with 598/68 points (70.42%), France with 573.56 points (62.09%) and Switzerland with 569.07 points (61.59%) are in the first three positions respectively. have The digital library of Italy is in the last place with 50.366 points (40.14%).
In the second question, it was addressed to what extent each of the 10 criteria of the user interface is observed in the studied libraries. From the obtained information, it has been determined that among the 10 investigated standards, the standard of the user interface language has the highest level of compliance among the standards by obtaining 98.35% of the points of the standard. Another criterion that is in the next position is the criterion of simplicity. Compliance with the components of this standard also seems necessary in terms of facilitating the user's communication with the library in question. The criterion that has received the lowest possible score is the user control criterion, which has received only 6.70% of the score of this criterion. Due to the characteristic of digital libraries in eliminating human factors, there is a need for more consideration in this field. To answer this question, the average of all countries in compliance with each criterion is used.
In the third question, it was discussed that what is the optimal user interface proposal for the digital library web pages for Payamnoor University libraries. However, by looking at the observed components, it is clear that most of the libraries have been successful in complying with the general criteria and most of the points obtained are related to the compliance with the general criteria that are of interest on the website pages and special attention is paid to the criteria that are in the scope of the duties of digital libraries. is not included due to the definitions. As seen in the previous questions, the standard of interface language has had the highest level of compliance. One of the reasons for observing the components of this standard in all libraries could be the fact that the language of these countries is not English, and for this reason, for the convenience and interaction of the user, we have tried to observe the writing notes related to the pages. Also, observing the writing points and brevity of the sentences is one of the important and main categories in the design of web pages. A successful digital library is a library that, despite the complexity of its system, can provide information to users simply and with the least amount of time. Also, by providing different options and facilities, it makes the user unnecessary to go to the library and provides the maximum amount of information for his community. More than half of the studied digital libraries, in the design of their user interface, have observed the evaluated criteria at a level of more than 50%, which should be taken into consideration by the digital libraries of Payam Noor University.
Digital libraries should be able to improve and accelerate information access methods. The existence of various components of search functionality facilitates this possibility. The existence of different search capabilities is effective in more user interaction. The interaction steps should be in such a way that the loading of the memory is low and short. Due to the fact that the information society is developing rapidly, the time validity of the information may also change rapidly, so one of the important things is to mention the date of updating on the pages of digital libraries. The non-activation of library links is another reason for the library not being up-to-date. Therefore, it is recommended to include the update date on all pages. One of the characteristics of digital libraries is self-service expansion, so appropriate library guidance helps in this goal. Another feature of digital libraries is the elimination of human factors. As a result, it is necessary to have options to ask the librarian. The digital library should be able to provide appropriate guidance to users to enable them to obtain the information they need in the desired formats. The use of a suitable combination of color, font, shading options to distinguish them from nearby options, the use of clear images and symbols, etc., all affect the user's understanding of the system, which has been observed relatively well in the studied libraries. But some options require more attention. Determining mandatory information entry fields allows the user to easily get the desired results, which, based on the findings of this research, has not been observed by any of the libraries. The use of graphics, sound and images is effective on the user's understanding and makes the environment more enjoyable. Personalization, because it identifies the user's needs and successfully solves them, establishes a satisfactory relationship between the user and the system, so in the design of digital libraries, one should be taken into account Users of a computer information system may be different in terms of physical and cognitive abilities, personality characteristics and cultural factors, and these differences should be considered in the design of user interface elements and features so that different groups of users can be satisfied with the computer system. None of the mentioned cases have been taken into consideration in the interface design of the studied libraries, which requires more consideration. Error correction criteria, although they are important for the user's interaction with the system and reducing the user's error during work, are very few in the interface design of the libraries. study, have been considered. The method of writing, announcing and designing error messages to attract the user's attention should be taken into account, considering the elimination of human factors.Users turning to the Internet due to the lack of enough time to visit libraries was one of the reasons for creating digital libraries. Digital libraries have facilitated and accelerated users' access to the required information in order to provide various facilities. But what realizes this goal is a suitable architecture and design in creating a digital library. If the needs of users, the type of society and other factors are taken into consideration in the design of digital libraries, it can be said that the library will reach the desired goals. Due to the fact that in the design of digital libraries, the discussion of user interface is very important in order to eliminate human factors, digital libraries should consider the features related to the user interface in their design. Due to the importance of this discussion, the user interface of different digital libraries need to be continuously evaluated. The present research also aimed to investigate this issue by: "Evaluating the user interface on the English web pages of selected national digital libraries based on the criteria found in the texts and sources". Conducting the research needed criteria so that the evaluation could be done through it. After examining the history related to the research in the field of digital library and user interface, it was observed that despite the studies conducted in the field of user interface, these studies were not conducted in a complete and comprehensive manner and different researchers each have only one or a limited number of criteria. had investigated in the field of different information systems. The only comprehensive work done was Norozi's doctoral thesis (2008) and the researcher finally decided to use his model in the current research. Then, all 114 desired components were evaluated by direct observation on the web pages of the libraries under review. By looking at the observed components, it is clear that most of the libraries have been successful in complying with the general criteria and most of the points obtained are related to the compliance with the general criteria and more than half of the national digital libraries under study, in the design of their user interface, have evaluated the criteria. At a level of more than 50%, it is suggested that the digital libraries of Payam Noor University also use these criteria for more success. Based on the findings of the research, in order to improve the user interface of digital libraries, suggestions are provided for Payam Noor libraries:
1. In addition to observing the general components of the search, it seems necessary to observe the specific components such as proximity search, related keyword suggestion, marking of the search results, in order to save the user's time. And this should be seen in the libraries of Payam Noor University.
2. The existence of the site map facilitates the use of the library for the user.
3. Information display criteria should be given more attention in order to make system information accessible.
4. Reducing the time spent by the user and attracting and maintaining the user need attention. Users expect the elements on the first page to be important, so the existence of a site map, and access to pages with many visitors, are among the necessities.
5. In the design of the user interface of digital libraries, in addition to the criteria that are considered in the design of public websites, special criteria should be given special attention.
Yaghoub Norouzi, Sima Tarashi, Narehreh Jafarifar,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (9-2024)
A museum website is an online platform created by a museum to provide information about its collections, exhibitions, programs, and services. The website serves as an important tool for engagement, allowing both local visitors and distant audiences to connect with the museum’s officials. The Persian web pages of Iranian museums play a crucial role. Persian web pages help catalog and document Iranian artifacts, ensuring that cultural heritage is preserved for future generations. They serve as educational platforms, providing information about the cultural significance and history of the items in their collections. By showcasing exhibits and events, these websites can attract both domestic and international tourists interested in Iranian culture and history. They facilitate cultural exchange by providing insights into Iranian traditions, encouraging global visitors to explore Iran's cultural treasures. Persian web pages allow for better outreach to the Persian-speaking population, ensuring that the museum information is easily accessible to locals. They enable museums to engage with the public through online exhibits, virtual tours, and interactive content, making them more accessible to those unable to visit in person. Academics and students can use these web pages as valuable resources for research on Persian art, history, and archaeology. They often provide access to digital archives, scholarly articles, and other resources to support education and research efforts. Museums can announce community events, workshops, and educational programs, fostering a sense of community involvement. By highlighting local culture and history, these web pages help reinforce a sense of national identity and pride among Iranians. Persian web pages support the use of the Persian language, promoting literacy and engagement among Persian speakers. They provide information that is culturally relevant and linguistically accessible for Iranian citizens, particularly in regions where other languages may dominate. Therefore, Persian web pages of Iranian museums are vital for promoting cultural heritage, enhancing tourism, facilitating research, engaging communities, and ensuring that the rich history of Iran is preserved and shared with the world. Evaluating the user interface of Persian web pages for Iranian museums is essential for several reasons:
- Cultural Significance: Museums are custodians of culture and heritage. A well-designed interface can effectively represent and communicate cultural values and historical narratives.
- User Experience: A user-friendly interface enhances the visitor experience, making it easier for users to access information about exhibits, events, and educational resources.
- Accessibility: Evaluating the interface helps ensure that it is accessible to a diverse audience, including those with disabilities, ensuring that everyone can engage with the museum’s offerings.
- Information Dissemination: Museums play a crucial role in education. An effective interface helps disseminate information about collections, research, and educational programs efficiently.
- Tourism Promotion:An attractive and functional website can promote tourism, attracting both domestic and international visitors to Iranian museums and cultural sites.
- Technological Advancements: With the rapid development of web technologies, it’s important to regularly evaluate and update interfaces to meet current standards and user expectations.
- Feedback Mechanism: Evaluation can provide insights into user preferences and behaviors, allowing museums to refine their digital strategies and improve overall engagement.
In conclusion, the evaluation of user interfaces is crucial for enhancing the effectiveness and appeal of museum web pages and ensuring that they serve their educational and cultural missions. The present study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the user interface of the Persian web pages of Iranian museums and comparing them with the criteria found in the texts and sources. Evaluating the user interface of museum websites can provide valuable insights for both designers and users. Present Findings Illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the current websites. Provides practical suggestions for improvement. This approach not only highlights the current status but also aims at enhancing the user experience in the future.
Methods and Materoal
The research is of an applied type and it was carried out by a survey method of the type of Heuristic Evaluation. The statistical population of the research includes 10 museum websites under the supervision of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage of Iran which include:
The research tool is the evaluation list based on the criteria found in the texts and sources including 10 main indicators (search, Cohesion, guidance, Show information, Page design, navigation, User interface language, Simplicity, User control, Error correction) and 103 sub-components. Here’s an elaboration on each of the 10 indicators specifically regarding the user interface of Iranian museum websites:
- Searching
- Accessibility: The search bar should be prominently placed, often at the top of the page, to ensure users can easily find it.
- Relevancy: The search results should be accurately related to user queries, featuring filtering options for better refinement (e.g., categories like exhibits, events, or collections).
- Consistency
- Consistent Design: Elements such as fonts, colors, and icons should remain the same across all pages, facilitating an intuitive experience.
- Unified Message: The website should consistently reflect the museum's themes (e.g., art, history) in both content and visual design.
3. Guidance
- Supportive Resources: There should be a dedicated section for user assistance, possibly including FAQs and tips on how to navigate the site.
- Clear Pathways: Guides or prompts should be available to help users navigate complex information or sections, enhancing overall orientation.
4. Presentation
- Effective Communication: Information should be presented in a straightforward manner, avoiding overly complex language.
- Engaging Visuals: The use of high-quality images and multimedia should enhance content comprehension and engagement, making exhibits come alive.
5. Design
- Visual Appeal: The design should authentically reflect the museum’s identity and cultural significance, employing a harmonious color palette and suitable typography.
- Logical Layout: Content should be arranged in a way that follows a natural reading order, ensuring that users can scan and find information quickly.
6. Navigation
- Intuitive Paths: Users should navigate seamlessly through sections, with clear labels for each category.
- Utilization of Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb navigation helps users understand their current position on the website and easily backtrack if needed.
7. Language
- Cultural Relevance: The language used should resonate with both local users and international visitors, with translations where necessary.
- Clarity and Simplicity: Technical terms should be minimized or clarified to ensure accessibility for all users, including those who may not be experts.
8. Simplicity
- Uncluttered Design: The interface should prioritize essential information and minimize distractions, leading to easier navigation.
- Focus on Key Functions: Critical features like ticket booking or exhibit details should be straightforward and easy to access.
9. User Control
- Customization Options: Users should be able to adjust settings (like text size or language) to fit their preferences.
- Easy Navigation: The site should allow for quick changes between sections without losing previously entered data or context.
10. Error management (recovery)
- User-Friendly Feedback: When an error occurs (like a broken link), users should receive a clear message explaining the issue and offering solutions.
- Recovery Options: Users should have straightforward options to undo actions, such as going back to previous pages or reattempting forms without re-entering all data.
By focusing on these indicators, Iranian museum websites can enhance their usability and create a more engaging experience for visitors, helping to promote cultural heritage effectively.
For each index, a score between 1 and 3 was considered according to the degree of importance, and in this way, the criteria compiled in the list were ranked with 3 degrees of importance. The points obtained by each of the studied museum sites in relation to each of the components were multiplied by the average coefficients obtained (weighted average of the criteria) by the components from the Delphi panel. It should be noted that in this research, the final rank of the following indicators was obtained based on the Delphi panel presented in the doctoral dissertation of Hariri & Norouzi (2011). Data collection was done using the direct observation method, in this way, each of the components of the user interface design evaluation list was examined on the website page under study and the points obtained from it were recorded. Scores were given based on yes, present (1) and no, not present (0). Also, due to the quality of some of the sub-components, it was possible that the studied site did not comply with them equally, or in other words, absolute presence or absence could not be applied to them. Regarding these components, in addition to two levels, i.e. zero and one, 50% of the average score was also used. Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Friedman test were used to analyze the data. Excell, SPSS, Oegin pro Origin lab software were used.
Resultss and Discussion
Indicator: Simplicity with average compliance 100 % , Indicator: Error management (recovery) with average compliance 98.13 %, Indicator: language with average compliance 97.51 %, Indicator: design with average compliance 73.92 %, Indicator: consistency with average compliance 63.03 %, Indicator: Guidance with average compliance 61.22 %,Indicator: presentation with average compliance 50.36 %, Indicator: navigation with average compliance 48.89 %, Indicator: Searching with average compliance 26.83 % and Indicator: User control with average compliance 21.90 %, has been observed by ten museum websites under study respectively. Therefore, The findings showed that among the 10 main indicators, the criteria of simplicity, Error management (recovery) and language scored 100%, 98.13% and 97.51%, respectively. The criteria of User control and Searching had the lowest compliance with the components of the evaluation list with 21.9% and 26.83%, respectively.Among the statistical population. Niavaran Museum site had the highest level of quality compliance with 71.71% . National Museum of the Islamic Revolution and Holy Defense with 68.55%, Iran national Museum with 68.03%, Iranian National Museum of Medical Sciences History with 67.96%, Razavi Museum with 67.7%, Malek Museum with 66.73%, Sa'dabad Museum Complex with 66.73%, Golestan Museum with 66.59%, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art with 55.27%, Iran Communication Museum with 42.52 were placed in the next positions.Iran Communication Museum had the lowest level of quality compliance with the evaluation list with 42.52%.
Friedman test is one of the famous non-parametric tests that was used to determine the order of importance of the factors mentioned in the research and to rank the sites. In Friedman test, since the answers are interdependent, comparison can be made in terms of rank. For this reason, Friedman test was used to rank the websites of the studied museums in compliance with the criteria. The results of the investigation of the Friedman test showed that Niavaran Museum Website with a graded average 6.65, National Museum of the Islamic Revolution and Holy Defense Website with a graded average 6.5, Iranian National Museum of Medical Sciences History Website with a graded average 6.45, Razavi Museum Website with a graded average 6.35, Iran national Museum Website with a graded average 6.1, Malek Museum Website with a graded average 5.8, Sa'dabad Museum Complex Website with a graded average 5.8, Golestan Museum Website with a graded average 5.75, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art Website with a graded average 4 and Iran Communication Museum Website with a graded average 1.6 won the first to 10th rank respectively. Results Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed Among the ten indicators of the user interface evaluation list in the studied museum websites, Simplicity Criterion fully complied; Criteria: Guidance, presentation, navigation on average, more than 50% have been observed; criterias: Searching, Consistency, Design, Language, User control, Error management (recovery)on average, less than 50% have been observed. The results of the investigation of the research hypothesis showed that the studied museum sites differ in respect of user interface evaluation indicators, and the websites of the studied museums have acted differently in terms of compliance with the indicators. Therefore, it was concluded that the user interface designers of each of the sites did not have similar approaches. In order to achieve unity and success as much as possible, it is suggested that a working group be formed to share knowledge and skills among the relevant officials of the studied museums, so as to improve the existing situation. The evaluation list presented in the current research can be adapted for other Iranian museum websites and can be considered by the stakeholders as a proposed model of the user interface.
Dr. Mohammad Moradi,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2024)
Social networks and their increasing influence among different users in all parts of the world have made these networks become suitable tools for advertising and e-commerce. Today, businesses have come to understand that social networks are and will continue to be a means of doing business. Instagram is a popular social network based on video and images. This social network is known as one of the powerful marketing tools. The number of views, likes and comments on social networks, including Instagram, plays a significant role in customer decision-making; Because they pay attention to the opinions and reception of other audiences towards that product or post and are influenced. This research analyzes what factors create posts with different levels of popularity. For this purpose, the factors affecting the number of views, likes and comments in an Instagram social network post are extracted and their weight and importance are calculated based on the regression model. Finally, the decision tree model is presented for forecasting and management in order to increase the number of visits, likes and comments.
Methods and Materoal
In this research, the type of research is based on the purpose of applied research. At first, library studies have been used in order to extract factors affecting the amount of visits, likes and comments in Instagram social network marketing posts. The statistical population includes all articles related to the factors affecting visits, likes and comments. The probability sampling method of simple random samples has been used and 30 articles in this field have been reviewed. Then, the data related to the factors identified from the previous stage have been extracted from the pages of big marketers on the Instagram social network. Then, using the extracted data and using the regression model, the weight and importance of each factor affecting the number of visits, likes, and comments of Instagram social network marketers' posts has been calculated. Finally, a decision tree model has been created to predict the status (rate of visits, likes and comments) of a marketing post on the Instagram social network based on the characteristics of that post.
Resultss and Discussion
Directly, factors such as the number of posts, the number of followers, the type of post, the content of the post and the time of the post are potential factors that affect the number of views, likes and comments. According to the obtained results, the "post content with survey" factor with a positive sign and a coefficient of 420,290.616 had the most positive effect on the label, which is the number of visits to a post. The factor "discount post content" with a positive sign and a coefficient of 5417.751 has had the most positive effect on the label, which is the liking of a post. The factor "discount post content" with a positive sign and a coefficient of 2164.016 has had the most positive effect on the label, which is the amount of comments on a post. Also, the type of image post with a regression coefficient of 565.153 and a negative sign in the investigation of factors affecting the number of comments shows that the use of video posts will increase the comments and interaction of customers.
Most of the researches conducted, such as Gkikas et al (2022), Torbarina, Jelenc & Brkljačić (2020), Wahid & Gunarto (2022), etc., only investigated the influence of a few specific factors on the likes and comments of social media posts, and a comprehensive set of factors has not been investigated. Also, these factors were only for checking likes or opinions and not checking both cases. Most importantly, in the studies conducted, only the positive or negative impact of a factor on the number of likes and opinions has been discussed, and their importance has not been determined. In this research, various factors affecting the number of visits, likes and comments of social network posts were investigated. Also, the importance of each factor was determined. In addition, a decision tree model was presented to manage related pages and posts in order to achieve increased likes and comments. Based on the extracted effective factors, calculating the weight and importance of each factor and the created decision tree model, posts can be managed to increase the number of visits, likes and comments
Rahman Marefat, F Fatemeh Bazzi, Ghasem Azadi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (1-2025)
Background and purpose: The user interface is the intermediary between the computer environment and humans, and paying attention to graphic elements and design criteria results in user satisfaction. This research has reviewed Persian articles published in the field of user experience in symbols and visual signs in website and application graphics.
Method: This research was conducted based on the prism method, with the aim of a systematic review. After the initial search, the number of 86 articles published in Persian language databases and publications as well as conferences in this field were obtained, and after screening, 61 articles were selected for study and analysis.
Findings: In general, 132 researchers worked in this field, of which 83 are men and 49 are women. The participation rate of men (63%) and women (37%) was measured. Three librarianship and information publications with the frequency of 9 articles, human and information interaction with 8 articles and national studies of librarianship and information organization with 7 articles were the most sources of article publishers in the field of user experience in icons and visual symbols in website and application graphics. Although it is customary to use all three quantitative, qualitative and combined approaches among researchers in the field of user experience in the symbols and visual signs in website and application graphics, but most of the researches conducted in this field have used survey methods and quantitative approach.
Conclusion: The thematic analysis of published sources in the subject area of user experience in symbols and visual signs in website and application graphics showed that the authors of this area have published works in this area in 26 thematic areas. Out of a total of 61 articles, the most published articles were 33 scientific research articles (54.1 percent) and the least type of conference articles were 10 articles (16.3 percent). Review and promotional articles included a total of 18 articles (29.6 percent) out of a total of 61 articles.
Sorush Fathi, , , ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (1-2025)
The role of women, particularly female heads of household, has been a significant topic in social research, especially in the context of empowerment and economic independence. Women who become the primary earners in their households often face unique challenges related to gender expectations, financial responsibilities, and societal perceptions. The study of their lived experiences provides valuable insights into the factors that contribute to their empowerment or hinder their progress. This research seeks to explore the lived experience of economically empowered female heads of household, aiming to construct a locally relevant model or pattern that can be used to support other women in similar situations. By focusing on the personal, familial, and societal factors influencing these women's empowerment, the study contributes to a deeper understanding of the social dynamics at play and proposes strategies for promoting economic independence among female heads of household.
Methods and Materials:
A qualitative research design was employed for this study, using in-depth interviews as the primary data collection method. Snowball sampling was used to identify participants, ensuring a diverse group of economically empowered female heads of household. The interviews were conducted in person, with the researcher continuing to interview participants until theoretical saturation was achieved. A total of 13 women were interviewed for this study. The data were analyzed using open, axial, and selective coding techniques to identify the key themes and concepts related to their lived experiences. The codes were then categorized into broader themes, and a central phenomenon was identified.
Results and Discussion:
The analysis revealed a complex interplay of structural, contextual, and personal factors that influenced the economic empowerment of female heads of household. At the structural level, the dominance of gender culture, societal expectations, and the overwhelming commitments of women were identified as significant barriers. These women often had to navigate the intersection of traditional gender roles with the demands of being the primary financial provider for their families. In many cases, the conditions of employment were not aligned with the specific needs of female heads of household, leading to significant challenges in balancing work and family responsibilities. Contextual factors, such as the absence of a husband, the responsibility of caring for children, and the need to provide for the family’s basic needs, were also found to be crucial in shaping the experiences of these women. The lack of supportive resources and institutional frameworks further exacerbated these challenges. In particular, the absence of family support, financial resources, and access to training or employment opportunities created significant barriers to economic empowerment. Despite these challenges, several strategies emerged that helped these women overcome obstacles and achieve economic empowerment. At the individual level, continuing education, vocational training, and participation in professional development courses were found to be important. These strategies helped women acquire new skills, build confidence, and gain the qualifications needed to secure better employment opportunities. At the family level, the support of family members, including emotional and financial assistance, was identified as a critical factor in overcoming obstacles. Financial planning, budgeting, and resource management were also key strategies that contributed to the women's ability to maintain financial stability and improve their economic position. At the societal level, access to government and organizational support services played a crucial role in the empowerment process. Financial assistance, job placement services, and social protection programs were all found to be instrumental in helping these women gain financial independence. Furthermore, social recognition and the improvement of their social standing contributed to their sense of empowerment and self-worth. The central phenomenon identified in this study was the desire for economic empowerment. While these women did not initially possess the economic experience or readiness required for headship, they gradually developed the skills and knowledge needed to manage their families’ financial needs. Economic empowerment allowed these women to reduce their social exclusion, alleviate poverty, and integrate into social networks, improving both their personal and social conditions.
The findings of this study highlight the complex factors influencing the economic empowerment of female heads of household. By understanding the lived experiences of these women, it becomes clear that empowering them requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses structural, contextual, and personal challenges. Policymakers and social planners must consider the specific needs of female heads of household and provide the necessary support, resources, and opportunities to facilitate their empowerment. The results of this study underscore the importance of education, training, family support, and social services in helping these women overcome obstacles and achieve economic independence. Furthermore, recognizing the agency of women in this process is crucial for fostering social change and promoting gender equality.