Maryam Khosravi,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2015)
Background and Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the article reading behavior of faculty members working for state-run universities.
Method: This survey study used an online questionnaire for data collection. The research population consisted of all the faculty members in the fields of Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physic, Chemistry and Mathematics, Management, Psychology and Social Science. Email addresses of respondents were obtained from their universities’ websites and the invitation emails were sent to them with the link of the online questionnaire.
Results: The results showed that respondents used international electronic journals the most and print copy of Persian journals the least. They tried to keep up-to-date with the latest developments of their field. The last article read by 80% of them belonged to 2014 or 1393. In terms of the number of articles read, there was no significant difference between different subjects. There was correlation between the number of article published and the number of articles read by faculty members. Majority of respondents used web searching to find out about the articles.
Conclusion: Faculty members were happy with the transition of journals to electronic format. They try to increase their visibility internationally. There are disciplinary differences in reading behavior
Mahdi Shaghaghi, Mohammad Reza Vasfi,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2015)
Background and Aim: This paper aims at the analysis of the definitions and categorizations of the realm of “Information Ethics” to criticize assumptions and clarify points of departure for introducing a new definition and categorization.
Method: I used documentary research method and conceptual analysis approach. This method and approach is the best fits with the goal of pursuit roots of social concepts and their pre-assumptions. After collecting all literature of the domain of “Information Ethics”, I tried to extract core definitions and categorizations and analyze their assumptions and points of departure. Then, I used the concepts extracted from all definitions and some aspects of the “General theory of Practice” (Pierre Bourdieu) and “Deconstruction” (Jacques Derrida) to introduce new definition and categorization of the domain of “Information Ethics”.
Results: Results shows that 20 original definitions have been offered and two main stream point of departure have been adopted, however, some other views such as legal, societal, Islamic, Marxian, Habermasian approaches have been introduced too. I adopted “access” and “position” as original points for categorization and used Derrida’s and Bourdieu’s viewpoints to offer a new sociological definition. I categorized social groups by their valuation on information production and consumption on the basis of Fuches’ viewpoints. Four social groups distinguished as “information consumer”, “prosumer (information producer-consumer)” “information producer” and “information governor”. Freedom of expression, censorship and content conrol and filtering is questions of the individuals that put in to the “position” of “information consumer”. Information security and information piracy is the core questions of information producers and information governors. Eventually, privacy, intellectual property and plagiarism is the questions of information procumers & information producers.
Originality/Value: originality of this paper is about its new approach in the definition of “Information Ethics”. By this categorization we can argue about the “access problem” in terms of the “position” of individuals or groups in the production, consumption or governance of information
Hajar Sotodeh, Yasamin Saadat,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2015)
Background and Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors prompting Iranian chemists’ approach in joining scientific research networks (SSN). The study compares the demographic characteristics, academic status, academic degrees, and scientific productivity of the Iranian members and non-members of the most popular SSNs including Academia, Researcher ID and Research Gate.
Method: Applying a survey method, the communication concentrates on a purposeful sample composed of Iranian first authors of the papers published in prestigious chemistry journals indexed by SCI database. The members are selected from those who shared at least one paper in the SSNs.
Results: According to the research results, the Iranian chemists are relatively low in their tendency to the SSNs. However, the members are annually growing in number. The members are, also, mostly found to be of high academic degrees, university ranks and scientific productivity level, compared to their non-member peers.
Conclusion: The Iranian chemists enjoying higher education degrees, academic ranks and scientific productivity are more likely to join the SSNs. To maximize the use of the social web facilities, Science policy makers and planners are, therefore, required to apply effective strategies to encourage academicians to partake in the SSNs and also consider how to evaluate them based on their activities in the networks
Tahmineh Shaverdi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2015)
Background and Aim: The purpose of this study was to find out the current status of non-academic rankings of children's books and survey the experts view on the revision scheme in the classification of such books.
Method: The qualitative study was employed. The research tool was a questionnaire based on the research objectives. Openended interview data collection method was used based on the topics specified in the questionnaire. Population consisted of writers, critics, translators of children's books who were selected by snowball method.
Results: The results showed that experts in the arena of children's literature were in agreement in four facts: Positive points, negative points, opportunities and threats. They conclude that the use of age rating does not meet the needs of this age group. The use of psychological and educational approaches, regardless of the social aspects of children's development can not be the basis for determining the ranking of books.
Conclusion: The Findings suggest that in spite of the opinions expressed -that are consistent with the belief that there is no age limit for children to use books - however, considerations are taken to use of children’s book under certain conditions. In this regard, one can determine the age limit, based on the cultural, social characteristics, and children knowledge, according to the views of the two groups named in the ranking of books
Ashrafsadat Bozorgi, Tahereh Amini,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2015)
Background and Aim: According to the social media development in libraries and necessity of social media literacy for librarians, the aim of this study was to elucidate the viewpoints and experiences of librarians about social media literacy. Also, strategies for increasing librarians' social media literacy was suggested.
Method: A qualitative study with University librarians in Sistan district was performed using interview method. Fourteen out of 40 university librarians were studied using convenience sampling method. Content analysis approach was used to analyze data.
Results: Themes such as "Network awareness, proper incorporation and understanding of social media, observance of copyright law and personal privacy, critical and evaluative use, exchange of information, and targeted use," were derived from findings. Librarians accentuated the importance of social media literacy education.
Conclusion: Planning for formal and informal instruction of social media literacy as an essential part of information society should be pursued thoroughly. Social media literacy culture requires to be promoted. Attention to the production of practical works in social media literacy field is essential, especially among librarians
Marzieh Morovati, Mohammadamin Erfanmanesh,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2015)
Background and Aim: According to the social media development in libraries and necessity of social media literacy for librarians, the aim of this study was to elucidate the viewpoints and experiences of librarians about social media literacy. Also, strategies for increasing librarians' social media literacy was suggested.
Method: A qualitative study with University librarians in Sistan district was performed using interview method. Fourteen out of 40 university librarians were studied using convenience sampling method. Content analysis approach was used to analyze data.
Results: Themes such as "Network awareness, proper incorporation and understanding of social media, observance of copyright law and personal privacy, critical and evaluative use, exchange of information, and targeted use," were derived from findings. Librarians accentuated the importance of social media literacy education.
Conclusion: Planning for formal and informal instruction of social media literacy as an essential part of information society should be pursued thoroughly. Social media literacy culture requires to be promoted. Attention to the production of practical works in social media literacy field is essential, especially among librarians
Reza Mokhtarpour, Maryam Keshvari,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2015)
Background and Aim: The aim of this article is to revise the methodological status of some of the most prominent studies and models in the field of Information Seeking Behavior in order to provide Iranian researchers with a brief comparative perception of the field.
Method: A literature review approach is applied to identify the research methods and historical origins of each study related to the realm of ISB.
Results: Research studies suggest that Iranian researchers - in their information seeking endeavors - have been unaware of the methodological tradition of the most prominent studies in this capacity, which are mainly based on the principle of methodological diversity and most of time have been imitating the methodological approach of other researchers in a stereotyped manner.
Conclusion: By deliberating the books written on the subject of study and research methodologies across a wide range of scientific disciplines, one can in a deductive manner, grasp a list of scientific methods in the form of independent researches to test the extent of their capabilities. The main Key to current problems is methodological diversity
Amir Reza Asnafi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2015)
Background and Aim: Web 2.0 capabilities in research fields have provided numerous conveniences for scholars. This, has consent people to interact and share their publications with other scholars across the world. The purpose of the research is to study the presence of Shahid Beheshti University Scholars in ResearchGate.
Method: Used approach in this paper is Scientometrics with Altmetrics method. For data gathering, ResearchGate page Shahid Beheshti University was scrutinized.
Resutls: Findings indicated that disciplines of Chemistry, Laser, Plasma and Physics had the outermost presence in ResearchGate. In contrast, humanities had not any somber activities in Research Gate. Although, criteria for knowledge production and researchers interaction in sciences are not conclusive, it seems that interaction of humanity professors with the Web and its potentials could result in formation of new ideas for future research. It is concluded that in new era of education, web sites like: ACADEMIA, Research Gate, Mandalay would have an immense role in the development of research activities.
Conlcusion: It should be noted that in the new era of research and education, science, social networking websites such as: Academia, ResearchGate and Mandalay a key role in the training and development of their research. Establishing some workshops on using academic social networks can affect on knowledge of scholars, faculty member and students and direct their information seeking way for these people
Majid Nabavi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2015)
Background and Aim: paying attention to users information needs will increase usability of information systems. Identifying user’s information needs in various phases of information system development will increase number of its users. One of the important information systems in research landscape is current research information system known as CRIS. CRISs provide integrated access to research information for researchers in organizational or national level. Two main elements of every CRIS are its data model and tools for managing research information. CERIF data model is a standard data model proposed for CRISs. Therefore, this research main goal is customizing this data model based on Iranian researchers information needs.
Method: this research was conducted using systematic review of existing research publications including: papers, thesis and project reports on information needs of researchers. Systematic review in this research includes six steps and 160 research documents, including 110 thesis, 46 journal papers, and 4 research project reports.
Results: related research documents are analyzed in terms of bibliometric and content aspects. Regarding bibliometric analyzing results, the findings confirmed the results of past studies completed on this subject. The results of content analyze includes different tasks and information resources that Iranian researchers are engaged with them. These results finally are presented in the form of entities and metadata elements existed in CERIF structure.
Conclusion: Generally according to results of this paper it can be said that Iranian researchers need mainly current information on formal research results including books, papers, journals etc.
Dr Hassan Behzadi, Dr Azam Sanathoo, Dr Javad Salehi Farardi, Dr Rahmatollah Fattahi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2016)
Background and Aim: This research aimed to study emotions attribution style of users in information retrieval based on Weiner's theory.
Methods: The survey method was used in this study. Population consisted of graduate students in humanities at Imam Reza (AS) International University. Sample of 72 students was selected. Data was collected by attribution style questionnaire (ASQ) and two researcher made questionnaires.
Results: Research findings showed that users attributed success and failure in information retrieval to internal causes. Also, consistent with Wiener theory, users attribute success to attempts and failure to inability and insufficient effort. On the other hand, it was found that there is significant relationship between users overall attribution style and information retrieval attribution style.
Conclusion: It can be determined that style of user attribution in information retrieval would strengthen correct attributions and destroys incorrect attributions in information retrieval and thereby provided better information retrieval.
Mahdi Mohammadi, Zainab Sapidnameh, Jafar Ebadollah Amoghin,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2016)
Background and Aim: The present study was conducted to determine health, educational, religious, economic and cultural information needs of nomadic women in Kohkilouyeh city and identifying the way they use resources, their barriers and problems in accessing information, their information priorities.
Methods: This is applied survey conducted using a researcher-made questionnaire and oral interviews with 235 nomadic women. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics through SPSS v.19.
Results: The findings showed that over %60 of samples had primary school degree. The main information need of nomadic women was health information needs (%36.2), and the main motivation for them for access and seeking information was to create a healthier life (%56.2). Among the resources of information, Radio had been used mostly in over %57.9 compared to other resources. The research findings showed that %53.2 of women nomads had a very low familiarity to public libraries as an information center. Respondents stated the most important obstacles to access to information resources impassable roads for commuting, lack of information and communications infrastructure, lack of familiarity with the sources of information, lack of easy access to health, training, cultural and service centers.
Conclusion: It seems that nomadic women are in serious needs with information resources, and especially hygenic and educational information, thus full attention must be paid to them.
Faramarz Sohaili, Ali Shaban, Aliakbar Khase,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2016)
Background and Aim: The intellectual structure of knowledge and its research front can be identified by co-word analysis. This research attempts to reveal the intellectual structure of knowledge in information behavior inquiries, via co-word, network analysis, and science visualization tools.
Methods: Bibliometric methodology and social network analysis are used. Population comprises 2146 records in the field of Information Behavior during 2006-2014, which had been retrieved from Web of Science.
Results: finding indicate that “Information Retrieval” is the most frequent keyword in the Information Behavior inquiries. Also, “Information Needs and Information Behavior” are the most frequent co-occurred keywords. Use of hierarchical cluster analysis by Ward method led to the creation of 11 topical clusters in Information Behavior, including among others: “User Studies,” “Health Information Behavior,” and “Social Networks.”
Conclusions: The results indicated that the co-word analysis can be well uncover the intellectual structure of scientific disciplines. The results of the strategic diagram showed that “health information behavior”, “user studies”, “social networks”, and “relevance in information retrieval” are among well-matured and central clusters with pivotal role. Moreover, four clusters, including “information resources”, “Web search”, “information retrieval”, and “information management” are among emerging or declining clusters. Finally, although the “interface and information technology” cluster is in the central part, but it is underdeveloped. Due to the frequency of keywords on the one hand, and clusters obtained on the other hand, it seems to be a close relationship between information behavior and health studies. Therefore, it seem that many of information behavior studies have been conducted in health and medical communities
Aref Riahi, Nadjla Hariri, Fatemeh Nooshinfar,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2016)
Background and Aim: Contrary to the fact that information must be accessible to all in every society, it is not obtainable for immigrants and refugees. The aim of this study is to find Information needs and the effective factors on information seeking of foreign immigrants in Iran and finding solution and presenting refining Policies.
Method: Mixed research method was applied. Participants selected from 12 provinces (384 immigrants), were all Afghan and Iraqi legal immigrants. Instrument was a researcher made questionnaire which its reliability and validity was tested and approved. Further, to identify most convenient strategies for immigrants information accessibility ten managers and Policy makers were interviewed to find refining policies.
Result: Findings revealed that most important social, cultural, political and health information needs of immigrants needs extended from: Job (4.02), religion (3071), borders, illegal and legal places (3.81), and diseases (4.05). Afghanistan and Iraq’s TV and radio (3.84) and educational institutions (3.85) had most significant role in securing the information needs of immigrants.
Conclusion: Study shows that the major challenges of Afghans and Iraqi immigrant are accessibility to information to solve Information needs. Substantial portions of these challenges might be resolved by suitable Planning and proper legislation. Also, Information providers could help immigrant by supporting humanitarian outlook and overlooking national origins of people.
Hassan Rastegarpour, Faezeh Movahedi, Zeynab Barkhordari,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2016)
Background and Aim: Generally, where learning and teaching concerns, instructional technology’s presence had been certain. Instructional technology by having the standards and components of a profession needs ethics. Therefore, as a professional, an instructional technologist has to yield to ethical criteria, knowledge, standards, and appreciate ethical responsibilities in order to succeed. To recognize the ethical responsibilities in any profession, its stakeholders should be identified first.
Method: This research thoroughly analyzes and goes over the main points of definitions of instructional technology, and explains the educational technology as a profession. The existence of the term “ethics” in the definition of the field, and studying instructional technology as a profession is an entrance into a professional discipline and articulating its code of ethics.
Result: Findings reveals that in Instructional Design Technology discipline, the change in the definition, modifys the functions and responsibilities of professionals in the field. Hence, the field encompasses five separate activities, yet these interaction closely with one another. These activities are: application, development, management, design, and evaluation. Technologists may be involved in one or more of the aforementioned activities, but what is of most value is the ethics in all of them.
Conclusion: It may be concluded that Instructional Technology enjoys professional ethics. So, it should be categorized as a profession withholding rights and ethical responsibility. Stakeholders in this field have dual responsibilities, due to its inherent nature of face-to-face and virtual learning activities.
Marziye Sadat Mousavi, Nosrat Riahinia, Javad Kavousiyan,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2016)
Background and Aim: Gaining appropriate information service primarily depends on the information needs and users' information seeking conducts. Students' mental health requires gratification in their information needs. Present study makes an attempt to investigate the information conduct of student clienteles at counseling center.
Method: Current study employs a quantitative descriptive method. The population of the current study is composed of all student clienteles at Kharazmi University counseling center. Available sampling method was used. Researcher's made questionnaire was applied for collecting the data and questionnaires were distributed amongst 145 student clienteles.
Results: Findings identified students: information needs, motivation for searching information, required information sources for searching students mental health, first source of reference to counseling centers, and assessment and viewpoints on the quality of services at counseling centers.
Conclusion: the findings of this study confirms the vital role of investigating the information seeking behavior of students coming to counseling centers as a suitable source for identifying students mental health which could lead to better planning and services in counseling centers.
Elham Esmaeil Pounaki, Mohammad Reza Esmaili Givi, Fateme Fahimnia,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2016)
Background and Aim: The aim search was to investigate the relationship between media literacy and information literacy of students of communication and information sciences and knowledge studies, and its impact on their entrepreneurial ability.
Methods: This is a survey correlational method. Population consists of postgraduate students in information science and knowledge and communication sciences at Tehran and Allameh Tabatabai University. Data was collected from two sources: library documents and questionnaires. First, library method was used to examine the theoretical foundations of media literacy, information literacy and entrepreneurship. Then, by careful examination of literature - based on the research model - a questionnaire created and distributed. Data was analyzed by Independent One-Sample t-Test and Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient.
Results: Findings showed that the level of media literacy and information literacy of students is desirable and the level of characteristics of entrepreneurship is relatively desirable.
Conclusion: The Pearson Correlation test showed a significant relationship between the variables of media literacy and information literacy. The impact of information literacy on entrepreneurial ability was confirmed and the impact of media literacy on entrepreneurial ability was rejected.
Mohammad Hassanzadeh, Reza Hassanzadeh, Zahra Safaei, Omran Ghorbani, Ali Akbar Dastjedrdi, Somayeh Parvin,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2016)
Background and Aim: Research was carried out as a survey utilizing a researcher made questionnaire. 1149 postgraduate students were selected to fill in the research questionnaire, and 837 questionnaires were sent back. Along with descriptive statistics, independent samples t test was used to examine the difference between groups and Pearson co-efficient to measure correlations of variables.
Findings: More than 60 percent of students evaluated electronic information resources as most valuable and responsiveness to their information needs. More than half of students were only after free search engines, databases and simple searches. Sixtey percent did not formulate their search languages and relied on trial and error to obtain pertinent information. Less than 40 percent of students prefer the databases subscribed by their university. Among different types of electronic documents, electronic papers were most popular amongst students. Most of retrieved documents were used for writing research papers. Seventy percent of students believed that in the case of cessation of electronic resources, their research activities will be hampered. Only 18 percent of students were intended to pay per access to electronic resources and most of them indicated that in the case of disconnection, they will try to find an alternative way of access.
Conclusion: Vis-à-vis the favored situation in science production of the country, in order to fulfill national scientific development strategies, secure access to electronic resources should be guaranteed.
Dr Negar Armaghan,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2016)
Back ground and Aim: Experience Management and Tacit Knowledge of organization's employees are considered one of the most important capitals of today's leading companies. This study is done in a company which produces manufacturing bending machine for tube and wire. The quality of after-sales service and the performance of the technicians' regarding to the customers are important in this company. The aim of this study is to identify, retrieve, manage and structure the information, tacit knowledge and experience of technicians in maintenance and after-sales service department for this company in order to propose the best solution to problems.
Methods: The action research and field study methods are used in this work, and, many interviews have been conducted with technicians and engineers of this industry. First, the symptoms and problems are identified and classified. Then data collection, data analysis and classification of problems, symptoms and solutions are made by proposing and standard problem solving ways.
Results: The results of this study include the classifications of major problems and sub-problems, classification of failures and dysfunctions of parts, create the relation among the parts of machines and problems, identification of symptoms, propose the solutions for the occurred problems in selected machines and designing failure forms.
Conclusions: Suitable information processing and knowledge sharing by emphasising on human-computer interaction led the company to better satisfy customers by providing them the best solution. In addition, due to the possibility of standardizing the solutions, it will be also useful for newcomers to reuse them in future diagnostic and problem solving process
Soliman Shafee, Mohsen Nowkarizi, Zahra Jafarzade Kermani,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2016)
Objective: This study aimed to identify the sources of knowledge, the effect of integrated life cycle model of Dalkr organizational knowledge on Knowledge documentation and a model of practical knowledge documentation in state Universities in Iran's central library
Methodology: research method is Survey and it is practical. Sample of the study covering directors, assistants and administrators in various parts of the central libraries of state members were 172. Which 113 members was selected based on the size of the population and Morgan and Krejcie sample through stratified random sampling. Of that number, 100 people responded to a questionnaire and return the questionnaires was 88%. E-researcher-made questionnaire with 100 questions. Its validity was confirmed through 8 out of seminary professors and reliability, according to the average Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated 87.45
Results: Multiple regression results show integrated life cycle of Dalkr organizational knowledge was effective on Knowledge documentation and recorded variables, share and evaluate the beta 51/0, 37/0 and -0/28 highest impact on knowledge documentation. The final model consisted of three variables extracted, refine and share the path with the direct effect and 39/0, 34/0 and 27/0 and two variable evaluation / selection and indirect effects and total access path 22 / 0 and 25/0 respectively. The results of exploratory factor analysis resulted in three factors extracted implied knowledge of managers, extraction new knowledge from sources of objective knowledge and resources of objective knowledge to web mining and Data minig and the total was 35/63% of the total variance explanation
Originality/ value: This is the first study in the field of Knowledge documentation in public universities in Iran's central libraries to model of practical knowledge documentation
Parichehr Agha Seyyedjavadi, Mehdi Alipour-Hafezi,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2016)
Background and Aim: Easing the probability of violation of intellectual property rights and unauthorized access of digital resources is one of the most important consequences of information and communication technologies like Internet. The purpose of this research is to identify the state of Using Digital Right Management technology in IRANDOC ETD system.
Method: This research is an applied research and has done by case study research method. Data collection tool that is used in this research is a checklist that primarily prepared by NSA INFOSEC IAM.
Results: Findings of the research represented in three sections. Section one is related to needed information for security assessment of electronic theses and dissertation (ETD) system in IRANDOC. Data was collected by structured interview and observation. Section two covered data that collected by OICM matrix. In fact information categories in organization flowchart and value of each one in organization goals were identified. Section three is related to identify the threats and their effects that organization encountered with.
Conclusion: Results of the research demonstrate that, as a matter of security infrastructures, IRANDOC is located in an unfavorable condition. Consequently factors such as unauthorized access, forms of management, lack of prosecution and so on threaten their services. Therefore they eagerly need using techniques such as DRM for collecting, managing, maintenance and dissemination