Background and Aim: Social media because of its interactive nature and the fact that it is being free of charge is widely used in libraries. Web 2.0 is a tool that offers permanent connection every time and offers educational programs without limitations of place and time. But what is included in social media application in public libraries and what obstacles and problems are there in the way of using these tools in libraries. So, the main objective was to survey librarians’ viewpoints in Kermanshah on social media and obstacles that exists in its use.
Method: This is a qualitative research using insightful interviews. 27 librarians in Kermanshah public libraries took part in the study. Sampling was done in a systematic method and continued until the saturation of information. Data analysis was done with information gathering in a subject analysis approach.
Results: Data analysis leading to extraction of 47 sub-subjects, 9 main subjects and two general categories including: Applications, obstacles and problems. 7 main subjects identified in category of applications: Publication, scientific connection and promotion, position promotion, utilization of services and use of library, improvement of processes, recognition and gaining of support. Also, in the category of personal problems, obstacles and non-personal problems two main subjects were identified.
Conclusion: Due to the immensity and diversity of public libraries services for divergent users, social media have an additional and diverse applications. Also, because of socio- economic, cultural and social conditions in public libraries, there are numerous obstacles in use of these tools. However, with the exclusion of obstacles - in reaching the objectives of public libraries - promotion of citizens' per study could optimize applications of social media as a influential tool
Background and Aim: Nowadays, Internet is known as an attractive source of health information to manage individual's health. Given the importance of it, this study examined the role of Internet in health information seeking behavior among young people in Shiraz.
Method: This research was a survey which target population were youth Internet users in the city of Shiraz. A sample of 400 were randomly selected using, multi-stage cluster sampling. Data were collected by a questionnaire.
Results: Most of respondents used the Internet to search health information. Young women were more likely to seek online health information than young men. As well as level of education, the experience and self-efficacy to search the Internet, showed a significant correlation with searching OHI, too. The main goal of respondents to search OHI was to understand their health condition or disease, better understanding of health information provided by physicians and self-medication. The results also showed that respondents have positive attitude towards health information retrieved via the Internet.
Conclusion: There is a high demand of OHI among young people to manage personal health. Undoubtedly, foresight and planning to improve the quality of OHI, efforts to create a reliable health information database and public education to care about assessing the quality of OHI can herald the development of individual health and consequently the health of our community.
Background and Aim: The main objective of the research is to determine the understanding level of the students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in the terms used in user interface of SIMAD library software.
Methods: The study is an applied research with survey descriptive method. Research population was Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, including 24346 students of whom 164 were selected as sample. Data was collected through questionnaire and SPSS software was used as an instrument for the analysis of the data obtained.
Results: The results indicated that the user's level of understanding of terms used in the user interface is not desirable in objective method (23 words investigated). However, regarding subjective method (the items of the Likert scale) the level of understanding is acceptable. Furthermore, the grammar and the length of the phrases used in the user interface do not result in better understanding of the Terms. Finally, there is not a significant difference between students' understanding level of Terms and students' educational level and field of study in both objective and subjective methods.
Conclusion: To design an appropriate user interface for information retrieval systems, the needs and level of comprehension related to the users must be taken into consideration. However, in other to increase the users’ ability in making use of library software, educating the users appears to be of cardinal importance.
Background and Aim: The utilization of technology acceptance model is one of the ways for perceiving the users' attitudes, and this research utilizes it to investigate the factors affecting the students' encouragement to use the social network sites in order to determine which factors encourage the students to use the social network sites as a virtual learning network.
Methods: This research is applied in terms of objective and is among the structural equation modeling-partial least square studies. A questionnaire is designed based on conceptual model after investigating the relevant articles and extracting the possible components, and it is then distributed among students, and finally the analysis is done on collected questionnaires.
Results: The data analysis results indicate the indirect impact of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived complementarity, and the direct impact of attitude towards using the online social network sites and perceived enjoyment on the students' intention to use the social network sites.
Conclusion: The results of this research provide the useful insight for university authorities in local education industry to utilize the social network sites in order to enhance the students' learning effectiveness by perceiving these factors. This study identifies the variables which can affect the development of educational space and investigates the conducted studies on determinates of students' encouragement to use of social networks as e-learning networks, and finally provides an applied comprehensive model by combination of these collected factors. Furthermore, a new research can be conducted on factors affecting the users' encouragement to use social networks for education.
Background and Aim: This paper seeks to explore the concepts of the information commons (IC). The paper provides a look at the models and characteristics of the IC. A number of projects of the IC are presented. We will discuss the situation of an existing traditional library. It makes recommendations for converting an existing library space into an IC. A number of Challenges of implementation of the IC are explored
Methods: This is a conceptual paper, so a library study approach was chosen.
Results: Academic libraries have undergone considerable massive changes over the past decade. These changes have faced the directors of libraries with difficulties and challenges in planning of the library activities. It seems that the emergence of the IC is adaptation to the changing role of the academic libraries. The IC is a relatively new concept in the Information and Knowledge Science. The IC is described as a portal through which students and faculty will access the vast amount of information resources in the world and less a place where information is kept, as focus shifts from ownership of information to access to and management of information and smart services. There are centralized access to services and technologies, contact with the users and collaborative learning play an important role.
Conclusion. No one knows what will the academic library of the future look like? Needless to say, it will be a constantly evolving information resource with knowledgeable and skilled staff that provides fast, flexible access to digital and print information resources, fosters scholarly research in a comfortable and supportive environment, and promotes cooperative learning. The IC is a first step in that direction.
Purpose: Digital library user interfaces has a determining role in desirable performance of this kind of libraries. Digital Library service providers to the blind and deaf users will have their best performance when the users (deaf and blind users) could have a proper interaction with them. This study aims to evaluate and analyze the criteria related to user interface in digital libraries service provider to the blind and deaf users in the world.
Methodology: This is an applied and evaluative study. This study has been used library research method for extracting criteria and descriptive survey method for everything from evaluating library. A checklist consist of 13 criteria (Screen capabilities, Ability of organizing the screen, Search facilities, Links, Visual symbols and images, Options for customizing the texts, Help services and Tips, Error message alert, Interaction and feedback facilities, user interface Language, User controls, Library resources in various format, Study facilities of retrieved resources from the library) and 109 component is prepared. Then have been finalized by using the Delphi method and completed for each Library. 12 digital library service providers to blind and deaf user in the world perform the population.
Finding: Results of the study showed that the criteria of '' user interface language '' (with 97.92 %) and the criteria of '' user control'' (with 9.67 %) reached the highest and lowest scores respectively. Among the 12 digital libraries investigated worldwide, "Digital library for the blind" with respect 63.53 reached the maximum and "U.S. National Library Service for Blind" with respect 37.62 grasped the minimum levels.
Background and Aim: The socio-cognitive theory introduced in information science by Horland and Alberchtsen. The socio-cognitive view turns the traditional cognitive program upside down. The socio-cognitive theory emphasizes on different cultural and social structures of users. Hence, the aim of the article is to explain the role of socio - cognitive theory in information retrieval (IR).
Method: The role of the socio - cognitive theory in information retrieval was determined by reviewing of relevant literature and identifying its concepts. The current research methodology is descriptive, analytical and theoretical. The research paradigm is qualitative.
Results: The results revealed that the socio - cognitive theory can affect the information retrieval (IR), information behavior and relevancy. The socio - cognitive helps classification of a particular topic in information retrieval. It can change a thesaurus to ontology. Also, it can contribute to non-linguistic factors in understanding the meaning in ontologies and it can take account into the mediating factors in information-seeking behavior.
Conclusion. The result of this study showed that we can not only examine issues related to information retrieval, relevancy and information behavior through the traditional cognitive views. We have to sure that all the cultures and social factors are examined in our studies about IR.
Background and Aim: In effect, every scientific endeavor consisted of scientific communication and scientists’ involvement in particular field of study; and scientific board members as the most outstanding elements play a key role in scientific productions. Therefore, a constructive scientific communication requires obtaining credible and valid information. In so doing, this study tries to investigate the valid indicies in scientific communication (reading and citing) from Kharazmi University faculty members’ points of view.
Methods: The study is a descriptive survery. The population included faculty members of Kharazmi University. Self-selected sampling was used. In other words, the questionnaires were given to all faculty members, some participated and some did not. Totally 130 questionnaires were collected. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire with a confirmed relibility and validity. Data were analyzed using SPSS v.20.
Results: According to the results, the main credibility criteria used by researchers for reading an item were: topical relevance and validity of content and soundness of author's logic and arguments in paper. The main credibility criteria for citing an item include validity of content, topical relevance, and validity of data used in the paper. The main credibility criteria for using open access sources were peer reviewed quality of the content, and the reputation of authors. Quality of content is an important criterion both for reading and citing an item.
Conclusion: With respect to findings, it can be said that faculty memebers evaluate the credibility of information in both study and in citing mostly on the basis of meaning of information. For open access materials, peer-reviewing and content were important. Thus, it is recommended that the all stakeholders and the persons involved in the scientific comunication system, set the quality control in proiority.
Background and Aim: Gamification refers to the use of game elements in non-game contexts to motivate engagement. This definition is the most comprehensive one presented so far. The term was proposed first in 2002 but it has been prolonged 8 years to attract individuals’’ attention. Gamification has been applied in various contexts according to its capabilities. The current study aims to investigate the concept of gamification and its dimensions in library environment.
Methods: This study used review method as well as comprehensive and systematic study to assess the concept of gamification in accordance with library environment.
Results: The results showed that gamification dimensions could improve the library functions and users’ loyalty. This could help libraries to solve the “engagement crisis”.
Conclusion: Playful engagement is an important approach to help librarians to attract maximum audience in the new information landscape. To achieve this, gamification and its elements can play an important role.
Background and Aim: The objective of this study is to find how the properties of process of developing the critical thinking are in the male students, ages 6-12, in Awareness of Violence and Social- Gender Stereotypes by Using P4C.
Method: the framework that emerged from these findings is defined by two thinking styles and six views of epistemology. The participants were 48 male pupils aged 6 to 12 years, from different preschools and schools in Dezfoul, who were randomly selected using random clustering sampling, out of From north and south and east and west of Dezfoul. Gaining the goals, we used the qualitative methodology of Grounded Theory. Observations, interviews, and providing a checklist are the tools for collecting data in this research. Two groups discussed on two aspects (awareness of violence and gender, social stereotypes) during 20-week sessions, each for 1 hour.
Results: In the model, critical thinking is defined as multimodal (logical, creative, responsible and metacognitive thinking)and The model the authors propose is developmental in that it illustrates a “progression in reflection” that is, an increasing sophistication in the manner in which the pupils’ representations and meanings are coconstructed during exchanges within a community of in quiry and In the model, the development of Critical Thinking is a “recursive” process in that it is not linear; it is revisited, revised, re-utilized during all grades of elementary school.
Conclusion: According to the analyses of the results, it may be said that developments the children’s critical thinking in Awareness of Violence and Social- Gender Stereotypes media occur through processes including elimination, attributing, transferring or transiting in different ages in a special form.
Background and Aim: this research was performed to investigate factors affecting the commercialization of research results in knowledge-based companies using a descriptive survey.
Method: this was a descriptive survey and since it defines the relations between variables, it is correlational. To collect the required research data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. This questionnaire includes 39 questions in 8 dimensions (individual, organizational, environmental-organizational, cultural-social, legal, economic, political and industrial factors) and 5 questions related to commercialization. The statistical population of this research includes 970 of the CEOs of knowledge-based companies based in the Science and Technology parks of six major cities of Iran and the sample size was determined to be 275 based on Cochran's formula. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS-20 and Amos-20 software.
Results: the results from this research showed that all the 8 factors significantly predict success in the commercialization of research results; but the results from the simultaneous investigation of the role of predictive variables in the commercialization of research results showed that the following items have the most significant roles in the commercialization of research results: legal (β=056, p<0.05), industrial (β=0.28, p<0.05), organizational (β=0.23, p<0.05), individual (β=0.13, p<0.05), and economic (β=0.12, p<0.05).
Conclusion: based on the results, in order to invest in the development of the infrastructures of the commercialization of research results, the greatest amount of focus must be placed on legal, industrial, organizational and ultimately economic factors respectively because the development and revision of these factors will indirectly affect the other factors.
Background and Aim: To determine the relationship between big five personality factors on the behavior of saving information graduate students in Tehran.
Methods: The Correlation method work that was using the 30 a questionnaire and inform behavior questionnaire, a NEO-saving 60 Costa and Mac Carey was required for data collection. The research community, the number of doctoral and master's students 343 formed using a multi-stage cluster sampling method and from Tehran University, tarbiat modares University, Amir Kabir University and universities science research. Karyotype analysis for the results of the statistical test, Pearson and multiple step by step regressions was used.
Results: causes of low neuroticism trait in students getting the time spent for research students; and conversely, to be fitted out attribute increases the information needed to attempt to reach the students cause. Students interested in openness to experience, attribute to the new threads in it increases, and the two new adjectives to be conscientious and agreement as well as in increasing the effective relevance judgment later.
Conclusion. Psychological factors play a role as a character in the information-seeking behavior so that in accordance with the findings of the present study, 31 percent of students based on saving behavior of the notice five factors personality fitted shape. Therefore, academic libraries and information centers in the design of databases and user interfaces it is better to have a special focus on these factors.
Background and Aim: The aim of this study was validation of questionnaire of psycho - social aspects (PSA) of phone-based social networks' (MSN) use.
Methods: This descriptive survey used a researcher-made questionnaire on a sample of post graduate students of University of Birjand and Persian Gulf University (348 participants).
Results: For questionnaire’s validity, the experts’ opinions and factor analysis were used, and Cronbach's alpha was used for questionnaire’s reliability (0.87). Finally, According to the results of the initial test, compensation and socialization, and self-presentation and virtual self were combined to form 4 factors of "information behavior", "addiction", "socialization and compensation" and "self- presentation and virtual self" as final questionnaire’s factors. After removing items that had no suitable loading on any factors and also with no theoretical and logical justifications, out of 47 items 35 remained.
Background and Aim: The current research aims to develop a literature-dependent and expert-modified model related to credibility evaluation of web information.
Methods: Regarding the approach, mixed method would be utilized. The research method then is mixed-heuristic using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. In the first stage of the research, meta- synthesis was used as a qualitative research method. Secondly, exploring experts’ points of view was conducted by a Delphi method to develop the conceptual model identified in the first stage.
Results: Using the seven stage mode of meta-synthesis, a model was designed in four layers including concepts, categories, codes and indicators. A set of 68 indicators were incorporated into the different layers of the model. For reliability testing of the conceptual mopdel, a Delphi study was conducted in two rounds after which the comments of the experst were included into the model. Regarding the high degree of Kendall’s coeficinet of concordance about %.65 and the agreement perecentage of the most dimensions of the model higher than %90 the conceptual model was confirmed by the sample experts.
Conclusion: The conceptual model derived from the meta-synthesis and Delphi studies is a model accepted by experts and a base for future research to design some tools for related studies. The findings showed that the credibility evaluation is a concept whith different and multiple dimensions and components suitable for users, designers and policymakers to take them into consideration in design and evaluation of web resources.
Background and Aim: Due to the extensive use of knowledge intelligence, the future of countries depend on the application of specialized knowledge-based social networks. Thus, it is noteworthy to highlight the important role of the professionals. The key indicators of a model for knowledge sharing of Iranian experts, in experts’ social networks has been identified.
Methods: For this purpose, experts were interviewed in depth using a semi-structured framework in the field of research (n = 15) as well as the Delphi method (n = 9) were used to collect data in research.
Results: Findings indicate that the main variable of knowledge sharing behaviors are divided into individual, group, and environmental indexes respectively. Components of the individual dimension of knowledge sharing includes motivation, ethicality, personality, ability, attitude towards knowledge sharing and psychological security. Group dimension of knowledge sharing include shared benefits, group structure and social capital; and finally environmental factors, including technological (beautiful graphics, user-friendly network, server security, the communication infrastructure), political-legal (Funding for R & D for cyberspace area, allocation of financial resources to develop the infrastructure, filtrating, laws relating to intellectual property, bandwidth regulations and laws of cyberspace), economic (The cost of Internet and diversity of online packages) socio-cultural (experts lifestyle and Iranian national character).
Conclusion. We can only come to a comprehensive and theoretical model in the field of knowledge sharing behavior of Iranian users when identify the definitions, concepts, dimensions and components of virtual space based on the conditions prevailing in the country.
Background and Aim: This study aims to investigate and clustering the information needs and information seeking behavior of seminary and university students using neural network analysis in Khorasan-e- Razavi.
Methods: The quantitative study is an applied and descriptive survey conducted with neural networks analysis. Data were collected by a questionnaire based on the information needs and information seeking behavior of seminary and university students of Khorasan-e- Razavi province. It was distributed between the samples (447 samples) included of Mashhad, Sabzevar and Gonabad University of Medical Sciences faculty members, and four grade seminary students of Nawab, Ayatollah Khoui and Narjes religious schools. After collecting data, the two variables of university and religious schools students were apart for data clustering using Matlab 14 software once in general based on the main components of the study such as (the purpose and the motivation of seeking information, information sources, information barriers, information seeking skills, seeking methods and information services. Then, after deleting each sub-component of the main components of the research, the most effective and the least effective item on information needs and information seeking behavior of seminary and university students were determined.
Results: the most effective component in motivating and aim of the students for information seeking in seminary students was to help them conduct research on cultural and religious activities and in university students was to improve the quality of their teaching. The least effective component in both seminary and university students were determined as academic reputation and compete with peers.
The most effective component of the resources required by both seminary and university students were Persian full-text electronic journals. The least effective needed resources in seminary students were determined Latin books and in university students were determined theses. The most effective way to access information in the seminary schools was print resources and in university students was electronic resources and the least effective way was determined as buying needed resources. Both seminary and university students in the most and least effective component in information services in meeting their required information needs were common and the same. The most services in meeting their information needs were familiarity with a variety of resources in their special field and least effective component was determined as familiarity with RSS and podcasts.
Conclusion. According to the aim and findings of this study, by determining information seeking behavior that descends from information needs, preparing required sources for seminary and university student is one of the most important needs that must be done to solve their informations needs and provide information deciding for libraries administrators.
Background and Aim: This study tends to investigate the reasons of interpersonal trust and the results of trust in online scientific social networks.
Methods: The applied Research has been used cluster sampling to collect data. The study population consisted of Shiraz university and Persian Gulf university faculties. A sampling of 269 person was determined by Morgan table according to whole population (900 person). In order to gathering data it was used Wu, Chen and Chang (2010) questionnaire. SPSS version 21 was used to analyze data.
Results: Results showed that Among the reasons that create trust among scientific social networks members, Satisfaction (Mean score= 27.2 and T score= 53./6) is the most effective. According to the obtained correlation coefficient between two variables commitment and trust (0.798), commitment is the result of trust in online scientific social networks. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient between two variables Stickiness and trust (0.744) showed that the stickiness is the results of trust between members of online scientific social networks.
Conclusion. Due to high impact of satisfaction on creating trust between members of online scientific social networks, we should create consent and satisfaction of members, in order to provide a place that researchers think these networks are good places to present their specialized knowledge and experience and they can exchange their information and knowledge.
Background and Aim: This study is set to represent information search process in the selected preschool children in Tehran (namely Mahgol and Taranom) and compare the results with BAT model.
Methods: This is an Applied and comparative study with qualitative approach based on grounded theory. Research population was preschool children in Tehran from two different regions of city. Sampling was done by multi-stage and clustering purposive method. Considering the context of the society, preschools in two different regions of Tehran were selected. 20 children were selected as a sample of the study. Three groups including children, teachers and parents were studied.
Results: The results show that information search behavior in Mahgol and Taranom preschools include education, preparing, predictive behavior, curiosity and incomprehension. In comparison with BAT model, it has education of concepts instead of reading. They have shown planning, finding, gathering data and organizing behavior in doing research assignments. Defining behavior was rare and there were no evaluating behavior in comparison with BAT model. Some similar behaviors with BAT model were seen in the second stage. Happiness behavior was seen less than other behaviors. Referencing was seen in the telling stage and there was little interpreting and integrating. The same behaviors with BAT model were seen in the third stage.
Conclusion. Educating information search process to preschool children based on BAT model can enrich children’s skills in research.
Background and Aim: This study aims to explore the concept of information culture, and survey its status among the faculty members of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
Method: This research is applied research that conducted via survey research. Population included faculty members of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad that 250 of them were selected via random sampling. A questionnaire based on (Choo et al., 2008) model were used for data collection. This questionnaire including six dimensions: information integrity, information formality, information control, information transparency, information sharing, and proactive use of information. Before collecting data, validity and reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed.
Results: The results showed that, from the perspective of faculty members of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, information culture and its dimensions are not desirable at the university. Among the dimensions of information culture information sharing has highest average and information transparency has the lowest average. Also the results show information culture pattern of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad is Relationship-Based Culture. The relationship between demographic variables and information culture also showed that there is a significant relationship between gender and field of study with some dimensions of information culture.
Conclusion: survey the information culture as an empowerment variable that influence information behaviors and programs in organizations is essential, Because of the important role of information in organizations. Moreover, information culture is a new subject that addressing the new research area for further research, especially in the field of knowledge and information science.
Background and Aim: Information literacy is a contextual concept that needs to be studied in different contexts like schools. Promoting reading literacy is a core instructional objectives of Persian literature curriculum and also a part of information literacy. Understanding Concept of information literacy helps us to understand information literacy in elementary schools and can implement it in information literacy Instruction and Assessment of schools.
Methods: This research is a phenomenological research that used Qualitative Content Analysis technique for analyzing Semi structured interviews and Observations. Theoretical sampling was used and three schools were selected. We interview with four Teachers and observed four classes in Fourth Grade.
Findings: based on data analyzing we can describe information literacy for language in Fourth Grade in this phrases: “Set the scene: Make a space for thinking, reflecting and planning”, “ emerging of determining information need”, “locating and searching of information”, “information engagement”, “information Processing”, “record, organize and ethical use of information”, “Communication”, “Presentation”.
Result: based on findings, teachers highly focused on developing skills of information engagement(reading, listening, viewing), Information Processing(supplying Infrastructures of text understandings; Practice textual, audio, visual comprehension; practicing information processing in action), presenting information(in written and Unwritten format and learning how to do them). Integrating information literacy with language curriculum seems that can help to achieve language instructional objectives. The findings can be used for designing instrument of information literacy assessment and also can be used for teacher training.
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