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Showing 4 results for Gamification

Reza Basirianjahromi, Zahed Bigdeli, Gholamreza Haidari, Alireza Hajiyakhchali,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2016)

Background and Aim: Gamification refers to the use of game elements in non-game contexts to motivate engagement. This definition is the most comprehensive one presented so far. The term was proposed first in 2002 but it has been prolonged 8 years to attract individuals’’ attention. Gamification has been applied in various contexts according to its capabilities. The current study aims to investigate the concept of gamification and its dimensions in library environment.

Methods:  This study used review method as well as comprehensive and systematic study to assess the concept of gamification in accordance with library environment.

Results: The results showed that gamification dimensions could improve the library functions and users’ loyalty. This could help libraries to solve the “engagement crisis”.

Conclusion: Playful engagement is an important approach to help librarians to attract maximum audience in the new information landscape. To achieve this, gamification and its elements can play an important role.

Siavash Salavatian, Kianoosh Karimi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Background and Aim: Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), as the only local pervasive broadcasting service in Iran, has faced with serious challenges by the advent of new technologies and changes in media communication models in recent years. For this purpose, IRIB is going to lunch the IPTV in order to achieve the new media technologies and keep its situation in the media consumption baskets of Iranian families. However, employing a scientific method is needed to guarantee success due to the high costs of this work.. Therefore, with regard to a research vacuum  in this field, this study aimed to recognise the capabilities of Gamification to increase audience engagement in IPTV.
Methods: the preset study first tried to recognise the IPTV services with the highest gamification capability using three consecutive research methods including documentary studies, Delphi (in three consecutive rounds) and interviews. Then, capabilities of Gamification with the highest ability to gamify those services and practical examples of how to gamify these services were presented.
Results: In result of documentary and delphi (three consecutive rounds) studies, 12 IPTV services with gamification capability and 13 gamification capabilities with integrated ability with those services were selected by experts who were involved in study of community surveyed. Finally, in order to being more tangible, profound interviews were made with gamification experts and practical examples of integrated Gamification Capabilities with the IPTV services presented.
Conclusion:Th implementation of gamification technology in Iran’s IPTV media can act as a incentive technology in order to attract, engage and hold the audiences. It is also able to change Iran’s IPTV media as an affordable media with reference to its high launching costs. This technology can also be a tool to guarantee success of this media among media competitive environment.
Mahdi Farmani, Mohammad Ghaffari, Mostafa Zandi Nasab,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2019)

Background and Aim: Managing the experience the user has in dealing with the website can play a significant role in improvement of a longer and more valuable relationship. One of the new technologies that can play a role in pleasant, enjoyable and effective experience of the users is gamification. Because this technology transforms every day, repetitive, and formal activities into exciting, challenging and entertaining experiences with the rules of the game and makes a different experience for users; also, provides the intention to use and advice to others. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to Digi Kala website features analysis in the field of gamification focusing on the roles of the mediator of experience and attitude of users and impact of the antecedents on intention to use and word of mouth intention   
Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive in terms of method. The statistical population of the study consisted of all users of Digi Kala online store, which in the period of data collection in July, 2018 were users of this website, and 294 samples were collected by sampling method. The main tool for collecting data was a questionnaire. To analyze and confirm the validity of research, construct validity and convergent validity were investigated. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to assess the reliability of the questionnaire. SPSS and LISREL software were used to analyze the data.
Results: All the research hypotheses were approved except for the second hypothesis.
Conclusion: The results of the research show that service quality, system quality and information quality on Digi Kala website affect user experience and user experience on Digi Kala website affects the user's attitude toward it. Also, the user's attitude towards Digi Kala website affects the intention to use and word of mouth intention.
Dr Rouhollah Tavallaei, Dr Navid Nezafati, Mr Mohammad Milad Ahmadi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2019)

Background and Aim: Today, knowledge is essential to the survival and success of any organization. Given that they are the people who create, share and use knowledge, an organization cannot effectively use knowledge unless its employees are willing to share their knowledge and attract knowledge of others. On the other hand, Gamification involves combining the usual mechanisms in the games with the work space, in order to make things more appealing and to direct human behavior towards the goals of the system. Gamification is actually the use of game components on issues other than the game and emphasizes the use of entertainment and pleasure in the work. In this research, it has been tried to study and recognize the Gamification, its dimensions, mechanisms, dynamics, and models, using Grounded Theory method; and the following, we try to find a way to understand the role of the Gamification and apply it to the sharing and dissemination of knowledge.   
Methods: Grounded Theory is an inductive method of theoretical discovery that allows the researcher to develop a report on the general characteristics of the subject; While simultaneously consolidating the basis of this report in empirical data observation. Using purposeful sampling, research data were collected using interviewing tools and analyzed through data analysis and coding principles. 
Results: In this research, after formulating the stages of Grounded Theory and types of data encoding, in the end, a theory with visual modeling is presented and evaluated.
Conclusion: The dimensions of the proposed framework include the “organizational context”, “game-related dimensions”, and “other indicators that affect the Knowledge Sharing- Gamification”. Each of these dimensions includes lower-level components that are described in the model's description. For example, “organizational context” includes incomes, costs, platform, and so on, and “game-related dimensions” include the mechanisms, dynamics and aesthetics of the game

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