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Abolghasem Karimi, Alireza Rousta, Majid Ahmadi, Saeid Daniali,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (5-2022)

Information search strategies change rapidly in continuous mode, and successive searches gradually teach the user what can be retrieved inside the system. Users must be able to interact with the system appropriately to achieve their information needs. The information revolution is not a new issue, but understanding information seeking behavior is important and vital in this era. In future projects, extraordinary efforts should be made to create intelligent systems. Therefore, success or failure in this matter is not the responsibility of the new information technology, but it requires awareness of human needs and his behavior to obtain information. Therefore, in the companies based in Pardis Technology Park, according to the technology-oriented approach and innovation, it is necessary to pay attention to the issue of market information learning and joint innovative capacities to improve the organization's performance. Generally, because the environment and technology are constantly and rapidly changing, and specifically, the demographic characteristics of customers and their expectations undergo changes and transformations, Certainly, in order to have a successful presence in the national and international arena and their dynamism, as well as greater adaptation to environmental changes, these companies should aim to activate their potentials through improving the performance of the organization. In fact, this research seeks to answer the question of what is the role of explaining the effect of market information learning ability and joint innovative capacities on the organization's performance with an information approach?
Methods and Materoal
This research is based on the applied purpose and according to the descriptive type of correlation, according to the model, we should use the structural equation modeling method. The statistical community of the research is top and middle managers of companies that are members of Pardis Technology Park in Tehran. Using Cochran's formula, 384 people were selected as a sample and 400 questionnaires were distributed by available sampling method and 387 questionnaires were collected in 50 companies. The data collection method of this research was done by library method and using books and articles, and questionnaire was used in the field method. To measure the variable of market information learning ability with 7 items, internal learning ability with 10 items, relational learning ability with 7 items and administrative innovation with 6 items from Teece et al., 1997; Weerawardena et al., 2015; and to measure the variable of service innovation with 4 items and organization performance with 5 items from Thakur & Hale, 2013 questionnaire; and to measure the variable of shared innovative capacities with 3 items, Oly Ndubisi et al., 2019 questionnaire was used.

Resultss and Discussion
Demographic characteristics of the sample include gender, age and education. In the method of structural equation modeling, the fit of the model is checked to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the findings before implementing the model to test the hypotheses. Also, Cronbach's alpha indices of combined reliability of average variance were extracted and the coefficient of determination was used to measure the model. The average values ​​of the extracted variance of all 7 model structures are at the optimal level. The amount of Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability is for all model constructs, so the questionnaire has good and acceptable reliability. The amount of Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability for all model constructs is more than 0/7, so the questionnaire has acceptable and acceptable reliability. The value of R2 for the endogenous constructs of the research confirms the appropriateness of the fit of the structural model. The results of the Q2 criterion for the endogenous structure indicate the appropriate predictive power of the model regarding the endogenous constructs of the research and indicate that the fitting model has appropriate and favorable predictive power. Confirmatory factor analysis is used to measure the reliability and validity of the measurement scale. The final results of the confirmatory factor analysis are reported in Table No. 4. Factor loadings greater than 5% have good validity. Figure 1, shows the confirmatory factor analysis for the whole model. Figure 2, shows the analysis of significant coefficients for the whole model. Since all the numbers on the paths are above 1/96%, it indicates the significance of the paths, the appropriateness of the structural model and the confirmation of all research hypotheses. The GOF criterion was used for the overall fit of the model, Since three values ​​of 0/01, 0/25 and 0/36 are determined as weak, medium and strong values ​​for GOF and on the other hand, the coefficient is in a good condition (0/598), Therefore, the results show that the fit of the model in the statistical population of the research is appropriate. Also, the t-test for all hypotheses is greater than 1/96. Therefore, with 95% confidence, the relationship between the variables is significant.
The present research was done by explaining the effect of market information learning ability and joint innovative capacities on the performance of the organization with an information approach. Organizational performance is a valuable activity at the community level. It also has a fundamental role in the economy and is considered as a useful tool to achieve economic growth and benefits of the organization. In fact, it is like an umbrella that includes all concepts related to the success and activities of the entire organization. In this research, 7 hypotheses were tested and the results of the hypothesis analysis indicate that the ability to learn market information plays a role in the internal learning ability (0/945) and the ability to learn interfaces (0/785) and internal learning ability (0/220) and interface learning ability (0/662) have been effective on administrative innovation. Also, administrative innovation has had an effect on the organization's performance (0/488), and shared innovative capacities have a significant effect on service innovation (0/904). Finally, service innovation has played a role in the organization's performance (0/590).

Mohammad Ismaeili Aval, Mohammad Reza Mahboobi, Ismail Shahbazi, Ismail Karami Dehkordi,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2015)

Background and Aim: This study aimed to identify and Analyzing the structural and outward features and expected activities of a service-extension agricultural website, based on the views of experts in the field of agriculture and related sciences and webmasters and blogs in Iran.

Method: The methodological approach was a descriptive and survey study. The statistical population of the study consisted experts in the field of agriculture and related sciences and webmasters and blogs in this area, that 310 of them were selected by stratified random sampling method. Information was gathered through a questionnaire and its face validity was confirmed by expert viewes. Its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α= 0/88). Data were analyzed using SPSS software.

Results: The factor analysis results showed that views of experts in the field of structural features and outward of a service-extension website led to extraction six factors including user-friendly and interactive, availability and transparency of content, the ability to change according to the needs of the audience, update and authenticity of the content, unique content and comprehensiveness of content. Views of experts in the field of expected activities of a service-extension website led to extraction six factors including Banking facilities and interactive services, providing comprehensive and professional services (content and services), the online marketing and the introduction of rural farmers and provide extension services and information, social networking and provide successful models and dealing with farmers.

Conclusion: Use of ICT is one of the effective phenomena in the implementation of roles and extension services which has been led to the emergence of virtual extension. The application of this technology in agricultural extension in addition can meet the increasing demands of stakeholders and has created potentials and new opportunities for enhancing the capacities of outreaches and provide development of agricultural extension in new space

Mahdi Shaghaghi, Mohammad Reza Vasfi,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2015)

Background and Aim: This paper aims at the analysis of the definitions and categorizations of the realm of “Information Ethics” to criticize assumptions and clarify points of departure for introducing a new definition and categorization.

Method: I used documentary research method and conceptual analysis approach. This method and approach is the best fits with the goal of pursuit roots of social concepts and their pre-assumptions. After collecting all literature of the domain of “Information Ethics”, I tried to extract core definitions and categorizations and analyze their assumptions and points of departure. Then, I used the concepts extracted from all definitions and some aspects of the “General theory of Practice” (Pierre Bourdieu) and “Deconstruction” (Jacques Derrida) to introduce new definition and categorization of the domain of “Information Ethics”.

Results: Results shows that 20 original definitions have been offered and two main stream point of departure have been adopted, however, some other views such as legal, societal, Islamic, Marxian, Habermasian approaches have been introduced too. I adopted “access” and “position” as original points for categorization and used Derrida’s and Bourdieu’s viewpoints to offer a new sociological definition. I categorized social groups by their valuation on information production and consumption on the basis of Fuches’ viewpoints. Four social groups distinguished as “information consumer”, “prosumer (information producer-consumer)” “information producer” and “information governor”. Freedom of expression, censorship and content conrol and filtering is questions of the individuals that put in to the “position” of “information consumer”. Information security and information piracy is the core questions of information producers and information governors. Eventually, privacy, intellectual property and plagiarism is the questions of information procumers & information producers. 

Originality/Value: originality of this paper is about its new approach in the definition of “Information Ethics”. By this categorization we can argue about the “access problem” in terms of the “position” of individuals or groups in the production, consumption or governance of information

Reza Mokhtarpour, Maryam Keshvari,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Background and Aim: The aim of this article is to revise the methodological status of some of the most prominent studies and models in the field of Information Seeking Behavior in order to provide Iranian researchers with a brief comparative perception of the field.

Method: A literature review approach is applied to identify the research methods and historical origins of each study related to the realm of ISB.

Results: Research studies suggest that Iranian researchers - in their information seeking endeavors - have been unaware of the methodological tradition of the most prominent studies in this capacity, which are mainly based on the principle of methodological diversity and most of time have been imitating the methodological approach of other researchers in a stereotyped manner.

Conclusion: By deliberating the books written on the subject of study and research methodologies across a wide range of scientific disciplines, one can in a deductive manner, grasp a list of scientific methods in the form of independent researches to test the extent of their capabilities.  The main Key to current problems is methodological diversity

Hassan Rastegarpour, Faezeh Movahedi, Zeynab Barkhordari,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2016)

Background and Aim: Generally, where learning and teaching concerns,   instructional technology’s presence had been certain. Instructional technology by having the standards and components of a profession needs ethics. Therefore, as a professional, an instructional technologist has to yield to ethical criteria, knowledge, standards, and appreciate ethical responsibilities in order to succeed. To recognize the ethical responsibilities in any profession, its stakeholders should be identified first.

Method: This research thoroughly analyzes and goes over the main points of definitions of instructional technology, and explains the educational technology as a profession. The existence of the term “ethics” in the definition of the field, and studying instructional technology as a profession is an entrance into a professional discipline and articulating its code of ethics. 

Result:  Findings reveals that in Instructional Design Technology discipline,  the change in the definition, modifys the functions and responsibilities of professionals in the field. Hence, the field encompasses five separate activities, yet these interaction closely with one another.  These activities are:  application, development, management, design, and evaluation.  Technologists may be involved in one or more of the aforementioned activities, but what is of most value is the ethics in all of them.

Conclusion:  It may be concluded that  Instructional Technology enjoys  professional ethics. So, it should be categorized as a profession withholding rights and ethical responsibility. Stakeholders in this field have dual responsibilities, due to its inherent nature of  face-to-face  and virtual learning activities.  

Abolfazl Asadnia, Ahmad Shabani, Ali Dalaie Milan,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Background and Aim: The aim of this research was to determine the quantity and quality of qualitative studies accomplished by Knowledge and Information Science (KIS) Researchers.

Methods: For this purpose, methodology section of articles published in 13 main Persian Journals in the field of KIS during 2004-2015 had been systematically scrutinized.

Results: Findings showed that:  total of 143 articles had been completed by qualitative methods, indicating unfavorable status of qualitative researches among KIS researchers.   Further, findings showed that mix and Content analysis methods were prevalent methods investigators had used, among the issues examined two publications informing research and academic libraries and library and information science had the highest share in qualitative research publications in KIS. While check list and document analysis were common way of data gathering.

Conclusion: Although the convention of qualitative research in recent years has been of interest to researchers of KIS,  it is still far from preferred objective of focusing on quantitative approaches.  Most focus is on quantitative approach, consequently not incorporating qualitative approaches in KIS studies

Parichehr Agha Seyyedjavadi, Mehdi Alipour-Hafezi,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Background and Aim: Easing the probability of violation of intellectual property rights and unauthorized access of digital resources is one of the most important consequences of  information and communication technologies like Internet. The purpose of this research is to identify the state of Using Digital Right Management technology in IRANDOC ETD system.

Method: This research is an applied research and has done by case study research method. Data collection tool that is used in this research is a checklist that primarily prepared by NSA INFOSEC IAM.

Results: Findings of the research represented in three sections. Section one is related to needed information for security assessment of electronic theses and dissertation (ETD) system in IRANDOC. Data was collected by structured interview and observation. Section two covered data that collected by OICM matrix. In fact information categories in organization flowchart and value of each one in organization goals were identified. Section three is related to identify the threats and their effects that organization encountered with.

Conclusion: Results of the research demonstrate that, as a matter of security infrastructures, IRANDOC is located in an unfavorable condition. Consequently factors such as unauthorized access, forms of management, lack of prosecution and so on threaten their services. Therefore they eagerly need using techniques such as DRM for collecting, managing, maintenance and dissemination

Hadi Harati, Fahimeh Babalhavaeji,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2016)

Background and Aim: The main objective of the research is to determine the understanding level of the students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in the terms used in user interface of SIMAD library software.

Methods: The study is an applied research with survey descriptive method. Research population was Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, including 24346 students of whom 164 were selected as sample. Data was collected through questionnaire and SPSS software was used as an instrument for the analysis of the data obtained.

Results: The results indicated that the user's level of understanding of terms used in the user interface is not desirable in objective method (23 words investigated). However, regarding subjective method (the items of the Likert scale) the level of understanding is acceptable. Furthermore, the grammar and the length of the phrases used in the user interface do not result in better understanding of the Terms. Finally, there is not a significant difference between students' understanding level of Terms and students' educational level and field of study in both objective and subjective methods.

Conclusion: To design an appropriate user interface for information retrieval systems, the needs and level of comprehension related to the users must be taken into consideration. However, in other to increase the users’ ability in making use of library software, educating the users appears to be of cardinal importance.

Mrs Sanam Ebrahimzadeh, Doc Saeed Rezaei Sharifabadi,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2016)


Background and Aim: The socio-cognitive theory introduced in information science by Horland and Alberchtsen. The socio-cognitive view turns the traditional cognitive program upside down. The socio-cognitive theory emphasizes on different cultural and social structures of users. Hence, the aim of the article is to explain the role of socio - cognitive theory in information retrieval (IR).

Method: The role of the socio - cognitive theory in information retrieval was determined by reviewing of relevant literature and identifying its concepts. The current research methodology is descriptive, analytical and theoretical. The research paradigm is qualitative.

Results: The results revealed that the socio - cognitive theory can affect the information retrieval (IR), information behavior and relevancy. The socio - cognitive helps classification of a particular topic in information retrieval. It can change a thesaurus to ontology. Also, it can contribute to non-linguistic factors in understanding the meaning in ontologies and it can take account into the mediating factors in information-seeking behavior.

Conclusion. The result of this study showed that we can not only examine issues related to information retrieval, relevancy and information behavior through the traditional cognitive views. We have to sure that all the cultures and social factors are examined in our studies about IR.

Shohreh S. Hoseyni, Asefe Asemi, Ahmad Shabani, Mozafar Cheshmesohrabi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Background and Aim: The current study aimed to investigate the state of health information supply and demand on prostate cancer among Iranian medical researchers and Iranian web users during 2011 to 2015. The purpose of this study, based on infodemiology indicators, was to investigate the alignment of health information supply and demand on prostate cancer among Iranian medical researchers and Iranian web users.
Methods: A mixed method research was conducted. In qualitative part, a focus group interview was applied to the users to identify their selected keywords searched for prostate cancer in Google. The collected data were analyzed using Open Code software. In quantitative part, data were synthesized using R software in two parts. First, users’ internet information-seeking behavior was analyzed using Google Trends outputs during 2011 to 2015. Second, the scientific publication of Iranian prostate cancer specialists was surveyed using PubMed during the period of the study.
Results: The results showed that the search volume index of preferred keywords on prostate cancer have decreased from 2191 in 2011 to 1798 in 2015. Also, the findings revealed that Iranian scholars had 161 scientific papers on prostate cancer in PubMed during 2011 to 2015. Among these 161 papers, 20 records related to 2011 and 44 records related to 2015. There was no significant relationship between users’ information seeking behavior in Google Trends and the scientific publication behavior of Iranian prostate cancer specialists (p>0.05).
Conclusion: According to the results, when the search volume index of Iranian web users decreased or increased during the period of the study, the number of scientific publications had not been affected by users’ search volume. Thus, it can be mentioned that Iranian scholars had not pay enough attention to the concerns of people toward prostate cancer. 
Gholamreza Heidari, Zahed Bigdeli, Babak Mokhtari, Rohollah Khademi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Background and purpose: Business Information is among the important sources for companies, especially for those located in Science and Technology Park which intend to launch a technological business and enter the market. To this end, different aspects of business information behavior of the companies need to be investigated. The aim of this article is to study business information behavior of companies based in Khuzestan Science & Technology Park.

Methodology: This qualitative study was conducted based on grounded theory. Companies affiliated with Khouzestan Science and Technology Park formed our research population. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 14 companies.

Finding: The results show that the aims of business information seeking include: organizational goal completion and task fulfillment, updatedness, efficiency, competitiveness and preparation for difficult situations and problem solving. Furthermore, business information need includes knowledge of market, national and international policies, laws, financial information, information about products, information about management, as well as information management. Sources of business information were mass media, science and technology park, internet, educational courses, informal communication, and library and financial consultants.  However, barriers to business information seeking included lack of information seeking and information literacy skills, problems about information, technical infrastructure, personal factors, cultural, political and ethical problems, problems in receiving information from the science & technology park and organizational problems.

Conclusion: Companies based in science and technology parks are well-aware of the importance of business information. Moreover, their business information needs are in line with other researches. By identifying the relevant sources and obstacles, this paper can help to provide appropriate information services to these companies.

Mansoreh Hoseinishoar, Alireza Esfandyari Moghadam, Atefeh Zarei, Mohammad Hassanzadeh,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Background and Aim: This research was performed to investigate factors affecting the adoption of Web 2.0 technologies in E-Government from the perspective of the Hamadan province's citizens who refer to the offices of E-government using a descriptive survey.
Methods: this survey is applied using descriptive-analytic approach. To collect the required research data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. This questionnaire includes 24 questions in 7 dimensions (Economic, Individual, Technological, Cultural, Organizational, Motivational and Social Factors) and 5 questions related to demographic information. The statistical population of the survey includes citizens who apply for public and private sector services to E-government counter offices. A sample using stratified random sampling with proportional allocation was determined 518 people. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS-24 and Amos-24 software.
Results: The results from this research showed a significant relationship between all the 6 factors of economic, individual, technological, cultural, organizational and motivational factors in the Web 2.0 technologies acceptance to implement E-government in the Hamadan. Nonetheless, no relationship was found between results from the social factors and Web 2.0 technologies acceptance.
Conclusion: Based on the results, in order to invest in the implementation of E-government based on Web 2.0 technologies focus should be on the field of economic, individual, technological, cultural, organizational and motivational factors. Because each of these factors has subcomponent that provide the context for development of these factors will indirectly affect the other factors.

Mostafa Baghmirani, Mohammad Reza Esmaili Givi, Mohammad Hassanzadeh, Ali Reza Noruzi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Background and Aim: This study aims to introduce a developed conceptual model of problem finding.
Methods: This article is carried out by utilizing qualitative directed content analysis. The researcher used this method to gather new knowledge on the four features of problem finding. In total, 17 scientific sources were analyzed.
Results: This research revealed 182 codes, 22 themes that outline issues related to the research problem finding. Personality feature extended in five dimensions; psychological  feature extended in four dimensions; thinking feature (creative thinking) extended in six dimensions and (critical thinking) extended in two dimensions; and educational feature extended in five dimensions.
Conclusion: Based on available data, the number of factors identified in this study is greater and more comprehensive than that of any previous research. It could provide an added value to the current researches about problem finding. This study has also developed the previous conceptual model and utilized a directed content analysis method that has never been conducted to date in the field of problem finding.
Fatemeh Zandian, Leyla Fathi, Mohammad Hasanzadeh,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Background and Objectives: Today, websites with diverse and varied uses have revolutionized all social, scientific, educational, artistic, commercial, and other fields of thought. In the meantime, the cinema has not gone away with this technological advancement, and a large number of cinema websites have been set up to help film makers in this field. Whatever the users of a website, the main purpose and the main goals is to provide quick and easy service and to satisfy users, and this goal is achieved only with the assurance of their efficiency and performance review and performance measurement. Web sites are not possible except by evaluating them. Only this way, one can see the strengths and weaknesses of the Web sites, and they have taken steps to refine or complete their progress and development. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cinematic websites of Iran based on the three-level pyramid model.
Methodology: Using evaluative method, 38 Iranian cinemas were evaluated using two public and specialized criteria. Using these two logos, not screening, navigation, content, availability, interaction, informational services, special services, multimedia services, and customer service have been evaluated.
Results: The evaluation results show that Iran's cinema websites are based on the three-level pyramid model, which are general criteria, at a good level, in the middle of the pyramid with appropriate specialized standards at the head of the pyramid consisting of Specialized criteria are at the right level.
Conclusion: A fully cinematic web site is considered to include at least two criteria for special services and customer service at the head of the pyramid, one in a highly professional and user-friendly manner, and at the level of the best of the same foreign websites Have your website. It seems that Iran's cinematic websites are beginning to work on this and need more activity and experience.

Mahnaz Ghanbarzade, Mohammad Hasanzadeh, Seyed Ali Aliakbar Famil Rohani, Atefe Zarei,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2018)

The purpose of this study was to explain the impact of information and communication technology on the use of information among the elite Brilliant talents of the Young and Elite Research Club of Islamic Azad University.
Methodology, In this research, qualitative methodology has been used with an interpretive approach and using grounded theory. In the process of constructing the ground theory, there are three stages of data encoding: open coding, axial encoding, and selective coding. Encoding is an analytical process in which data is segmented, conceptualized, and integrated, so that they can formulate the final theory. In the process of coding, the unit is the concept of analysis. The data collection was conducted through a semi-structured interview with pre-designed questions. Questions were asked about the respondent's response when asked to answer the questions when needed. The research community is the elite and talented talents of the Young and Elite Research Club of Islamic Azad University. A targeted sampling was used to select the research sample. The sample size was determined during the work. The research sample was 22 elite and talented members of the young and elite scholars club of Islamic Azad University, which according to the characteristics of the subjects under study, through the representative of the club to provide access to these people.
Findings, the elite, are searching for a lot of information, cultivating their curious minds, so that they do not ignore any information, and, with the choice of information, seek, in their entirety, their puzzle pieces. On the other hand, they collect information based on the most relevant, newest, or based on the importance and credibility of the information using mental ability and visual memory. On the other hand, in different stages of the process of using information, they use the capabilities and the most important features of information and communication technology tools for storing, processing, accessing information, and so on.
Conclusion, In the process of information retrieval, there is an innovative touchdown. The largest eclectic wizard for using online information technology tools is the security and space for storing, generating, transferring and sharing information.
Keywords, Use of Information, Information and Communication Technology, Elite, Innovation
Hadi Harati, Fatemeh Nooshinfard, Alireza Isfandyari-Moghaddam, Fahimeh Babalhavaeji, Nadjla Hariri,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Background and Aim: The present study aimed at investigating the factors affecting the unplanned behavior of users to use academic library resources and services.
Methods: The present study is considered as being an applied one in terms of purpose ,and it has has been conducted using descriptive-survey method. Research population consist of the students of central libraries at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Shahid Chamran universty of Ahwaz, universities of Tabriz and Shiraz, as well as the Tehran Univrsity. Having determined the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, 700 questionnaires were distributed among the participants and 654 questionnaires have been analyzed applying stratified random sampling method based on the population size. Path analysis and LISREL software have been used in order for data analysis to be carried out.
Results: The results shows that the environmental factors and also the ones associated with technology affect the students’ unplanned behavior as far as using resources and services of university libraries through the situational factor of time are concerned. In addition, the data resources and services have no direct or indirect influence on the incidence of these behaviors.
Conclusion: Libraries should pay a special attention to the factors affecting the clients’ unplanned behavior, especially the ones whose impact has been proven including "environmental factors", "factors associated with technology", and the "accessible time ". This way, it will be possible for the libraries to have an optimized and efficient use of their resources and services. The result of paying attention to these factors will be the greater use of library resources and services, attracted audiences, and an increased level of awareness and information of users.
Mehdi Alipour-Hafezi, Parichehr Aghaseyyedjavadi, Shahrzad Motamedi Mehr,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Background and Aim: Current study has investigated the status of research about digital rights management and to identify the gaps and research trends in the field.
Methods: Using a narrative review approach major databases such as Elsevier, Springer, Emerald, ProQuest, etc. were searched for the term “Digital Rights Management”.
Results: Following the preliminary analysis, 80 research sources were selected for the study. The results of the study showed that 72% of recovered resources pursued technical issues, and 19% management perspectives, and the remaining 9% legal and cultural aspects.
Conclusion: The results of the study showed that, we need to do more research on management approach, and there we found a deep research gap in legal and cultural studies. Furthermore, economics is a missed approach in the field. Considering the evolution of research, we had technical issues bolder with an approach towards new technologies. Also, the results were in line with the development of modern information and communication technologies and legal aspects. On the contrary to earlier research that was more focused on the rights of copyright holders, current studies are focusing on the consumers’ rights.
Elmira Karimi, Mahmoud Babaee, Moloukosadat Hosseini Beheshti,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Background and Aim: Information systems cannot be well designed or developed without a clear understanding of needs of users, manner of their information seeking and evaluating. This research has been designed to analyze the Ganj (Iranian research institute of science and technology database) users’ query refinement behaviors via log analysis.   
Methods: The method of this research is log analysis. In this research, the Ganj users’ query refinement behaviors were analyzed. User’s logs during 3 months between May and June 2016 were analyzed for semantic features. The study tool was a researcher-made checklist of semantic features. The total searches were 10 milion records which were limited to information science domain. About 106641 records were selected for analysis. 
Results: The semantic relationships (based on thesaurus relationships) were revealed between pair’s terms in user’s searches. The results showed that users refined their searches based on some semantic relationships.    
Conclusion: The results of this research can be used to improve the Ganj results and for term suggestion for users, so that they be able to choose proper terms while there are several related terms.
Dr Rouhollah Tavallaei, Dr Navid Nezafati, Mr Mohammad Milad Ahmadi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2019)

Background and Aim: Today, knowledge is essential to the survival and success of any organization. Given that they are the people who create, share and use knowledge, an organization cannot effectively use knowledge unless its employees are willing to share their knowledge and attract knowledge of others. On the other hand, Gamification involves combining the usual mechanisms in the games with the work space, in order to make things more appealing and to direct human behavior towards the goals of the system. Gamification is actually the use of game components on issues other than the game and emphasizes the use of entertainment and pleasure in the work. In this research, it has been tried to study and recognize the Gamification, its dimensions, mechanisms, dynamics, and models, using Grounded Theory method; and the following, we try to find a way to understand the role of the Gamification and apply it to the sharing and dissemination of knowledge.   
Methods: Grounded Theory is an inductive method of theoretical discovery that allows the researcher to develop a report on the general characteristics of the subject; While simultaneously consolidating the basis of this report in empirical data observation. Using purposeful sampling, research data were collected using interviewing tools and analyzed through data analysis and coding principles. 
Results: In this research, after formulating the stages of Grounded Theory and types of data encoding, in the end, a theory with visual modeling is presented and evaluated.
Conclusion: The dimensions of the proposed framework include the “organizational context”, “game-related dimensions”, and “other indicators that affect the Knowledge Sharing- Gamification”. Each of these dimensions includes lower-level components that are described in the model's description. For example, “organizational context” includes incomes, costs, platform, and so on, and “game-related dimensions” include the mechanisms, dynamics and aesthetics of the game
Alireza Soltanzadeh, Dr Saeed Haghir,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2019)

Background and Aim: The issues of the contemporary world are becoming more and more complex in the light of the ever-increasing growth of tools and technologies in various areas of nowadays. This complexity, as well as the quick and easy access to information that somehow is known as bombing information, has a great impact on human mind. These effects must be known in order to prevent its destructive factors. The problem of knowing that humanity faces throughout its life will enter into more complex phases during this period. The emergence of new and diverse authorities poses a major threat to awareness. The study aims to examine the issue of confrontation with truth based on Karl Raymond Popper's ideas in the field of epistemology and epistemology. The main question of this research is whether the human mind is better able to face and solve problems in today's world due to extensive communications and abundant data?
Methods: This research is qualitative. In terms of purpose, this research can be considered exploratory and exploratory at the same time. Theoretical foundations of research are based on Popper's thinking that beliefs and knowledge must be constantly tested. The hypothesis is that, in spite of all the possibilities available to mankind for access to information, human remains faced with fundamental mistakes in recognizing issues and making decisions.
Results: The results of the research show that, despite the free flow of information and easy access to data sources, people continue to suffer from making false decisions and giving wrong answers to the most fundamental issues.
Conclusion: In solving many issues, even with collective decisions at high decision-making levels, misconceptions are still being used, which will be a surprise to decision-makers after reassessing the high level of mistakes

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