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Showing 1 results for Persian Gulf University

, Abdolrasoul Jokar, Saeideh Ebrahimi,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2017)

Background and Aim: This study tends to investigate the reasons of interpersonal trust and the results of trust in online scientific social networks.
Methods: The applied Research has been used cluster sampling to collect data. The study population consisted of Shiraz university and Persian Gulf university faculties. A sampling of 269 person was determined by Morgan table according to whole population (900 person). In order to gathering data it was used Wu, Chen and Chang (2010) questionnaire. SPSS version 21 was used to analyze data.
Results: Results showed that Among the reasons that create trust among scientific social networks members, Satisfaction (Mean score= 27.2 and T score= 53./6) is the most effective. According to the obtained correlation coefficient between two variables commitment and trust (0.798), commitment is the result of trust in online scientific social networks. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient between two variables Stickiness and trust (0.744) showed that the stickiness is the results of trust between members of online scientific social networks.
Conclusion. Due to high impact of satisfaction on creating trust between members of online scientific social networks, we should create consent and satisfaction of members, in order to provide a place that researchers think these networks are good places to present their specialized knowledge and experience and they can exchange their information and knowledge. 

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