Dr. Farshad Parhamnia,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (8-2019)
Background and Aim: A prevalent disese among old people is Alzheimers (AD), which requires special care due to its nature. Taking relegion, culture and economy into account, mojorty of families protect an old family member afflicted with AD. However, major concern is the need for sufficient information regarding treatment of elderly dignosed with AD.
Method: Qualitative research approach was applied and content analysis method utilized to analyze the data. Population included 9 patients with Alzheimers. The instrument used was a semi-structured interviews.
Finding: The results of the content analysis of the obtained categories showed that the four main categories and sixteen sub categories are important in the information needs of adherents of patients with AD. The main categories include information needs related to AD, information needs related to mental health, information needs related to physical and personal health and information needs related to health services.
Conclusion: In general, amateur cares (caregiver) were of limited knowledge of physical and mental care regarding AD. Healthcare providers or institutions providing Alzheimer care are mandatory. In addition to specialized services, these people have been trained to provide patients with better patient care