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Faeze Delghandi, Ghasem Azadi Ahmadabadi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2014)

Background and Aim: Interaction in a digital library help users locating and accessing information and also assist them in creating knowledge, better perception, problem solving and recognition of dimension of resources. This paper tries to identify and introduce the components and elements that are used in interaction between user and system in search and retrieval of information in digital library.
Method: This paper investigate the different studies in the field of interactive search of digital library by the library approach and also identifies capabilities that can be used in digital library by the use of heuristic methods.
Results: The components of identified, interactive search including: 1. Interaction before search including using directories, applying ontology, and filtering. 2. Interaction in the time of search including annotation, suggesting the interactive terms by the use of subjective thesaurus. Syndicate list, colon searching, filtering. Interaction after search: motion, fragment, copying, collecting, cutting, segmentation, probing, rearrangement, re illustration, searching, visualization based on graph, personalization and recommendation systems.
Conclusion: With perception of interaction and interactive search, the efficient design and evaluation of digital library can be done. The designers of digital libraries can use different interaction according their resources. Librarian also can familiar with different interaction and would be able to give their users necessary education until they can search and retrieval efficiently.
Elaheh Hosseini, Mohammad Amin Erfanmanesh,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2014)

Background and Aim: the current study aims to determine factors which may cause negative feeling such as fear, uncertainty and anxiety during information seeking process. Method: In this review paper, different library resources and databases were searched in the areas of library anxiety, Internet anxiety, computer anxiety, information seeking, information searching and information retrieval to elicit factors which may cause information seeking anxiety. Results: Potential causes of information seeking anxiety were grouped and reviewed in 4 different categories, namely factors associated with information resources, factors associated with computers, the Internet and databases, factors associated with libraries and factors associated with information seeking process. Conclusion: Negative feelings during information seeking process may negatively affect the results of this process. By being aware of the causes of information seeking anxiety, librarians and information systems’ administrators will be in a better position to provide instructions and services which is effective to reduce levels of anxiety during information seeking process.  
Zeynab Shormeij, Shahram Sedghi, Homa Talachi,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2014)

Background and Aim: Information seeking is interactive behavior of searcher with information systems and this active interaction occurs in a real environment known as background or context. This study investigated the factors influencing the formation of layers of context and their impact on the interaction of the user with search option dialoge in EBSCO database. Method: Data from 28 semi-structured interviews with graduate students and medical information librarians were collected and coded whith open, axial and selective methods using grounded theory approach. Results: Identified general catagories and central ideas ​​in this study include: features’ search, facility to display data: availability and usability of results, general features (personality and character) of the user, presenting unique features (offering more options in database pages). Conclusion: This research in line with previous ones and with regard to the underlying dimensions of context (place, person, or object), investigaed the need to understand factors for improvement of user’s interaction with the Web search. All dimensions of the user interactions with visual search option require understanding the context’s underlying factors. Identification of contextual factors affecting visual search improves users’ search strategy approaches.  
Marziye Saeidizadeh, Azam Sanatjoo, Mohsen Nokarizi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2015)

Background and Aim: this study aimed to explore the impact of objective complexity and Product of work task on user's interactive information searching behavior.

Method: The research population consisted of MSc students of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad enrolled in 2012-13 academic year. In 3 stages of sampling (random stratified, quota, and voluntary sampling), 30 cases were selected. Each of these cases searched 6 different types of simulated work tasks. Students’ Interactive Information searching behavior was measured by “loud thinking reports” and “log files”. Also, reliable questionnaire (Cronbach's alpha= 0.88) was applied to measure subjective complexity. Validity of tools was verified through Faculties of KIS at Ferdowsi university of Mashhad.

Results: By increasing level of objective complexity, users view more databases, search engines and web OPACs. Also they use more queries and select resources, visit and analyze more results and spend more time during search process. Totally, they feel less satisfaction and success. It was also found that most participants spend more time to search IR systems related to tasks including intellectual product. Also, they iterate queries, use more search facilities, view, analyze and select more search results and resources. At the end, in spite of more interaction, satisfaction and perception of search success were reported not favorable.

Conclusion: It is necessary to pay attention to work task characteristics in designing interactive and personalized IR systems. So, recommendations raised from this study are appropriate to improve and develop Interactive IR systems.

Reza Mokhtarpour, Maryam Keshvari,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Background and Aim: The aim of this article is to revise the methodological status of some of the most prominent studies and models in the field of Information Seeking Behavior in order to provide Iranian researchers with a brief comparative perception of the field.

Method: A literature review approach is applied to identify the research methods and historical origins of each study related to the realm of ISB.

Results: Research studies suggest that Iranian researchers - in their information seeking endeavors - have been unaware of the methodological tradition of the most prominent studies in this capacity, which are mainly based on the principle of methodological diversity and most of time have been imitating the methodological approach of other researchers in a stereotyped manner.

Conclusion: By deliberating the books written on the subject of study and research methodologies across a wide range of scientific disciplines, one can in a deductive manner, grasp a list of scientific methods in the form of independent researches to test the extent of their capabilities.  The main Key to current problems is methodological diversity

Amir Reza Asnafi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Background and Aim: Web 2.0 capabilities in research fields have provided numerous conveniences for scholars. This, has consent people to interact and share their publications with other scholars across the world. The purpose of the research is to study the presence of Shahid Beheshti University Scholars in ResearchGate.

 Method: Used approach in this paper is Scientometrics with Altmetrics method. For data gathering,  ResearchGate page Shahid Beheshti University was scrutinized.

Resutls: Findings indicated that disciplines of Chemistry, Laser, Plasma and Physics had the outermost presence in ResearchGate. In contrast, humanities had not any somber activities in Research Gate. Although, criteria for knowledge production and researchers interaction in  sciences are not conclusive, it seems that interaction of humanity professors with the Web and its potentials could result in formation of new ideas for future research.  It is concluded that in new era of education, web sites like: ACADEMIA, Research Gate, Mandalay would have an immense role in the development of research activities.

Conlcusion: It should be noted that in the new era of research and education, science, social networking websites such as: Academia, ResearchGate and Mandalay a key role in the training and development of their research. Establishing some workshops on using academic social networks can affect on knowledge of scholars, faculty member and students and direct their information seeking way for these people

Majid Nabavi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Background and Aim: paying attention to users information needs will increase usability of information systems. Identifying user’s information needs in various phases of information system development will increase number of its users. One of the important information systems in research landscape is current research information system known as CRIS. CRISs provide integrated access to research information for researchers in organizational or national level. Two main elements of every CRIS are its data model and tools for managing research information. CERIF data model is a standard data model proposed for CRISs. Therefore, this research main goal is customizing this data model based on Iranian researchers information needs.

Method: this research was conducted using systematic review of existing research publications including:  papers, thesis and project reports on information needs of researchers.  Systematic review in this research includes six steps and 160 research documents, including 110 thesis, 46 journal papers, and 4 research project reports.

Results: related research documents are analyzed in terms of bibliometric and content aspects. Regarding bibliometric analyzing results, the findings confirmed the results of past studies completed on this subject. The results of content analyze includes different tasks and information resources that Iranian researchers are engaged with them. These results finally are presented in the form of entities and metadata elements existed in CERIF structure.

Conclusion: Generally according to results of this paper it can be said that Iranian researchers need mainly current information on formal research results including books, papers, journals etc.

Mansour Torkiantabar, Sedigheh Mohammad Esmaeil, Fatemeh Nooshinfard,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2016)

Background and Aim: this research was performed to investigate factors affecting the commercialization of research results in knowledge-based companies using a descriptive survey.

Method: this was a descriptive survey and since it defines the relations between variables, it is correlational. To collect the required research data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. This questionnaire includes 39 questions in 8 dimensions (individual, organizational, environmental-organizational, cultural-social, legal, economic, political and industrial factors) and 5 questions related to commercialization. The statistical population of this research includes 970 of the CEOs of knowledge-based companies based in the Science and Technology parks of six major cities of Iran and the sample size was determined to be 275 based on Cochran's formula. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS-20 and Amos-20 software.

Results: the results from this research showed that all the 8 factors significantly predict success in the commercialization of research results; but the results from the simultaneous investigation of the role of predictive variables in the commercialization of research results showed that the following items have the most significant roles in the commercialization of research results: legal (β=056, p<0.05), industrial (β=0.28, p<0.05), organizational (β=0.23, p<0.05), individual (β=0.13, p<0.05), and economic (β=0.12, p<0.05). 

Conclusion: based on the results, in order to invest in the development of the infrastructures of the commercialization of research results, the greatest amount of focus must be placed on legal, industrial, organizational and ultimately economic factors respectively because the development and revision of these factors will indirectly affect the other factors.

Fatemeh Saleki Maleki, Esmat Momeni, Golnesa Galini Mogadam,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2017)

Background and Aim: This study is set to represent information search process in the selected preschool children in Tehran (namely Mahgol and Taranom) and compare the results with BAT model.
Methods: This is an Applied and comparative study with qualitative approach based on grounded theory. Research population was preschool children in Tehran from two different regions of city. Sampling was done by multi-stage and clustering purposive method. Considering the context of the society, preschools in two different regions of Tehran were selected. 20 children were selected as a sample of the study. Three groups including children, teachers and parents were studied.
Results: The results show that information search behavior in Mahgol and Taranom preschools include education, preparing, predictive behavior, curiosity and incomprehension. In comparison with BAT model, it has education of concepts instead of reading. They have shown planning, finding, gathering data and organizing behavior in doing research assignments. Defining behavior was rare and there were no evaluating behavior in comparison with BAT model. Some similar behaviors with BAT model were seen in the second stage. Happiness behavior was seen less than other behaviors. Referencing was seen in the telling stage and there was little interpreting and integrating. The same behaviors with BAT model were seen in the third stage.
Conclusion. Educating information search process to preschool children based on BAT model can enrich children’s skills in research.

, Abdolrasoul Jokar, Saeideh Ebrahimi,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2017)

Background and Aim: This study tends to investigate the reasons of interpersonal trust and the results of trust in online scientific social networks.
Methods: The applied Research has been used cluster sampling to collect data. The study population consisted of Shiraz university and Persian Gulf university faculties. A sampling of 269 person was determined by Morgan table according to whole population (900 person). In order to gathering data it was used Wu, Chen and Chang (2010) questionnaire. SPSS version 21 was used to analyze data.
Results: Results showed that Among the reasons that create trust among scientific social networks members, Satisfaction (Mean score= 27.2 and T score= 53./6) is the most effective. According to the obtained correlation coefficient between two variables commitment and trust (0.798), commitment is the result of trust in online scientific social networks. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient between two variables Stickiness and trust (0.744) showed that the stickiness is the results of trust between members of online scientific social networks.
Conclusion. Due to high impact of satisfaction on creating trust between members of online scientific social networks, we should create consent and satisfaction of members, in order to provide a place that researchers think these networks are good places to present their specialized knowledge and experience and they can exchange their information and knowledge. 

Ahmad Yousefi, Zahed Bigdeli, Ladan Mokhberalsafa,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Background and Aim: Usually, researchers who have different levels of academic degrees, are different in terms of specialized knowledge. Also, academic degree may affect the information seeking behavior of researchers. Therefore, in this study, the difference of information seeking behavior of researchers with different academic degree for “conducting the research” and “updating scientific information” was investigated.
Methods: Survey method was used to conduct the research. In order to gather data, self made questionnaire was used. We have not sampled. In total, 140 researchers (70%), out of the 200, completed the questionnaires. Data were analyzed with descriptive and analytical statistics methods and were performed using IBM SPSS 22. In order to analysis the data, Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman's tests were used.
Results: Findings showed that the use of “journal articles” (high and very high more than 90%) was a top priority of “PhD and master students” and “PhDs”. In order to access scientific information, “PhD and master students" and “masters/professional doctors” mostly used “communication and consultation with Iranian experts and researchers” (high and very high with 75%) and “personal experiences” (high and very high with 65%). While minimal use of “communication and consultation with foreign experts and researchers” (low and never with 56%) and “participating in foreign congresses” (low and never with 69%) was used by “masters/professional doctors”.
Conclusion: Just in using the "journal articles" was significant difference in order to "update scientific information" and "research" (p<0.05). “PhD and master students”, compared to other levels of education, used “journal articles” more. While, in using the “communication and consultation with foreign experts and researchers”, “participating in foreign congresses”, and “personal experiences”, there was significant differences; So that, PhDs used them more than the others.

Fatemeh Sa'adati, Yazdan Mansourian, Mohammad Zerehsaz,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Background and Aim: The purpose of this research is investigating the structure of research articles in the Iranian knowledge and information science journals (peer reviewed journals). In the next step, the writing guidelines in the scientific journals websites that designed to introduce desired structure of a scientific paper are studied.
Methods: The research was survey with analytical approach. The population of the research were articles published in the Persian scientific journals of knowledge and information science field in 2013-2015 and their writing guidelines. Stratified random sampling was used and, accordingly, 245 scientific articles were examined using a research checklist.
Results: Research findings showed that the structure of the research articles reviewed are in a good condition and only in three sub-structural components i.e "theoretical foundations", "research application" and "research limitations", consistent with the desired structure is weak. About the writing guidelines, the findings showed that they are in the unfavorable condition. Some structural components i.e "brief review of the scientific literature," "rationale to the study," "aim and motivation of the research", "advantages and importance of the research", "the research time", "space of the research", "credibility (reliability) of the research tools", "reliability of the study" did not appear in any writing guidelines. The first hypothesis showed a significant difference between research journals about their matching with the desired structure of the research article. However, the overall average ratings of the articles structure in this journals are in the good condition. Also in the second hypothesis was found a significant difference between the compliance rate of writing guides and articles published in the scientific journals with the desired research article structure.
Conclusion: Due to structural weakness in the writing guidelines of Persian peer-reviewed journals studied, can be such a conclude that authors of these articles shape the article structure based on what they have been trained and not attend to the writing guidelines of the journals. From the other side, one of the reasons of the structural weakness in the structure of the articles is disregarding editors and the other practitioners of journals to offering needed help contents. 
Akbar Majidi, Nader Naghshineh, Mohammad Reza Ismaili Ghivi, Manhoodreza Hashemi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Background and Aim: The purpose of this paper is to study, identifying and discuss the foundation and concepts, models and frameworks, dimensions and challenges of research data curation and management in scientific and academic environments.
Method: This article is a review article and library method was used to collect scientific and research texts in this field. In this research, external and internal scientific databases, as well as web resources, were searched with the keywords "data curation", "digital curation", "research data management", "research data curation" and their equivalent in Persian. After removing duplicate sources and unrelated sources, a total of 132 sources were selected and their content evaluated and analyzed.
Results: The analysis of the literature revealed that the curation and management of research data is a emerging area with complex issues and different dimensions which included of a wide range of educational, organizational, cultural, technological, legal, and security issues. Since the 2000s,This area has been at the forefront of governments, funding organizations, universities and has been formed around it a strong research community of researchers, especially in the field of information and knowledge science, archives and information systems. Today, the curation and management of research data is considered as one of the main components of the large-scale science and technology policy and needs government support and legislative and policy-making institutions. Different models and frameworks have been drawn up at various levels of the national, institution or community for understand the dimensions of the curation and management of research data and its implementation. The study of literature also has shown that libraries and librarians have the ability and competence to take on the roles and responsibilities of curation and management of research data at universities and scientific institutes. However, the research dat curation and management in implementation and practice faces with challenges such as privacy, data ownership, intellectual property rights, lack of data sharing by researchers, lack of proper data management infrastructure, lack of awareness and cognition and knowledge of the process of research data curation and management, and so on.
Conclusion:Despite extensive research abroad, this area has not received much attention in Iran. Therefore, this article addressed relatively comprehensive the subject and dimensions of the research data curation and management, and it can be useful for researchers, policy makers of science and technology, librarians for research and implement research data curation and management services. 
Preservation and creat added value for data research throughout its lifecycle in order to reuse it for new purpose of research is an important application of data curation. Several models have been provided by various reserchers and organizations for data curation based on the life cycle approach.Among which Digital Curation Center curation model had important role in identification of data and curation practices as well as others models development.

This paper is an opinion paper based on library method.

This paper addresses the issue of Data Curation and its foundations, models and issues. So, it could be of interest to Information professionals, Archive and data management researchers, academic and scientific and educational organizations’ managers and other data-intensive Environments.

Mostafa Baghmirani, Mohammad Reza Esmaili Givi, Mohammad Hassanzadeh, Ali Reza Noruzi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Background and Aim: This study aims to introduce a developed conceptual model of problem finding.
Methods: This article is carried out by utilizing qualitative directed content analysis. The researcher used this method to gather new knowledge on the four features of problem finding. In total, 17 scientific sources were analyzed.
Results: This research revealed 182 codes, 22 themes that outline issues related to the research problem finding. Personality feature extended in five dimensions; psychological  feature extended in four dimensions; thinking feature (creative thinking) extended in six dimensions and (critical thinking) extended in two dimensions; and educational feature extended in five dimensions.
Conclusion: Based on available data, the number of factors identified in this study is greater and more comprehensive than that of any previous research. It could provide an added value to the current researches about problem finding. This study has also developed the previous conceptual model and utilized a directed content analysis method that has never been conducted to date in the field of problem finding.
Mohammad Amin Erfnmanesh, Elahe Hosseini,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Objective: Although citation-based metrics have extensively been used for research evaluation and scientific impact, in recent years social media metrics have also introduced as alternative indicators. This research aims to investigate the presence and attentions received by scientific output of Iran in social media tools.
Research Methods: The current study is an applied research using altmetric and scientometric indicators. A total of 43076 documents which specified Iran as their affiliated country and indexed by Scopus in 2015, were selected as the population of the study. Findings: Results of the study showed relatively low altmetric coverage for scientific output of Iran, with only 5840 documents (13.55%) were mentioned at least once in social media.platforms. These documents have received 28517 mentions in 14 sources of attention, of which Mendeley makes up the highest share (87%), followed by Twitter (77.91%) and Facebook (17.87%).  Studying the temporal trend of mentions showed that the highest share of attentions received mainly soon after publishing and then tended to demonstrate a decreasing trend. Almost half of the publications (49.24%) with altmetric score were published in medical sciences area. Moreover, scientific output published through international research collaboration showed higher altmetric scores compared with the mean altmetric score of the country.
Conclusion: Iranian researchers need to know more about the potential and advantages of social media tools in dissemination of scholarly output and evaluation of research impact. 
Mohsen Nowkarizi, Mr Mahdi Zeinali,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Background and Aim: The aim of this study was to measure the overlap of 4 local Persian search engines of Parsijoo, Yooz, Parseek, and Rismoun and to compare the capabilities of these engines in covering indexable web.
Methods: This was an applied and evaluative research. To collect data, a keyword-based method was used. First, the selected keywords were entered into the search engines and then a sample was extracted of the retrieved records. Finally, based on the existence or absence of these records in the search engines, the necessary data were gathered. Accordingly to analyze the data, inferential statistical methods were used.
Results: The relative overlap of the Parseek compared to that of Parsijoo and Parsijoo's one compared to Yooz was 26 percent on average and Parseek had the most recall. Rismoun had not any common records with the other investigated search engines. Three search engines (Parseekc, Parsijoo and Yooz retrieved 27 common records out of 225 recalled records; there was a significant difference between the relative overlap of the 4 search engines. Also, on average, Parseel, Parsigoo, Yooz and Rismoun covered respectively 38, 31, 26, and 6 percent of the indexable web. There was a significant difference between the coverage of the 4 search engines.
Conclusion: It seems that each search engine has a different indexing policy, and users need to search for more than one search engine to get comprehensive information about an issue. It can be predicted that by foraging in two search engines, Parseek and Parsijoo, one may access 70 percent of the indexable web.
Zahed Bigdeli, Atousa Koochak,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Background and Aim: With changes in the paradigm of information seeking field and the replacement of system-based approach by user-based one, it seems necessary to design systems to achieve Information seeking goals. This requires mutual interactions of users and systems and establishing relationships between information seeking and information retrieval. A number of models were created after the introduction of new technologies into information seeking field which present information search trends as dynamic activities and describe how to meet the users’ demands. The research attempted to investigate how the undergraduates of the Water Sciences Engineering School of Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz searched the information on the Internet and then compare their “information seeking” behavior with Kuhlthau “information search process”.
Methods: This was an applied research using descriptive survey method. The statistical population was comprised of all undergraduates of the Water Sciences Engineering School of Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz (N=204) out of whom 102 subjects (51 freshmen and 51 sophomores) were selected via random sampling who received questionnaires.
Results: The data analysis revealed that from the stages of Kuhlthau model, freshmen and seniors tended to ignore “beginning” and “Selection stages”. Subjects would prioritize four stages of “exploration”, “formulation”, “collection” and “presentation” while “exploration” and “collection” stages were the best stages for the intervention of librarians in the search process. Also, data analysis showed that the students used “information bases”, search engines and topic indices equally while they employed search tools such as “Title” and “N operator” more than other search tools.
Conclusion: The results revealed that the pattern used by students was comprised of 4 stages which were in contrast to kuhlthau model in both terms of the number and order of stages. In the end, a new internet search pattern used by students was recognized and presented through the results obtained from the comparisons of both groups of subjects.

Mohsen Nowkarizi, Soodeh Shoaei, Hassan Behzadi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Purpose: the aim was to identify users' search strategies and the rate of using search strategies on the web.

Method: It is a practical survey. The statistical population included all the postgraduate students in the first semester at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. 95 students were selected by stratified random sampling method. To gather the data, log files were used.

Findings: 12 search strategies were identified which was divided into 5 general categories. Iterative evaluation strategy in another tab was a new form of evaluation strategy of results. Among all, starting search strategies were the most commonly used category which were repeated 397 times, and the search results evaluation strategies were ranked afterward, with 321 replications. The category of Simultaneous multiple resource access strategies, with 77 repetitions, were also the least used strategies, but in particular, the recurring exploration strategy, with 21 repetitions, was the least applicable strategy. Conducting correlation test between strategies showed that some of Pearson's correlation coefficients were significant. The strongest relationship was between the starting search strategies and the search result evaluation strategies with a 0.591 correlation coefficient.

Discussion: The results showed that the majority of students used traditional and simple strategies, such as the formulation of search terms strategy and the iterative result evaluation strategy, and they used more complex strategies in few cases. These results showed that the students need to be trained in using strategies.

Mehdi Alipour-Hafezi, Parichehr Aghaseyyedjavadi, Shahrzad Motamedi Mehr,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Background and Aim: Current study has investigated the status of research about digital rights management and to identify the gaps and research trends in the field.
Methods: Using a narrative review approach major databases such as Elsevier, Springer, Emerald, ProQuest, etc. were searched for the term “Digital Rights Management”.
Results: Following the preliminary analysis, 80 research sources were selected for the study. The results of the study showed that 72% of recovered resources pursued technical issues, and 19% management perspectives, and the remaining 9% legal and cultural aspects.
Conclusion: The results of the study showed that, we need to do more research on management approach, and there we found a deep research gap in legal and cultural studies. Furthermore, economics is a missed approach in the field. Considering the evolution of research, we had technical issues bolder with an approach towards new technologies. Also, the results were in line with the development of modern information and communication technologies and legal aspects. On the contrary to earlier research that was more focused on the rights of copyright holders, current studies are focusing on the consumers’ rights.
Shahnaz Khademizadeh, Farideh Osareh, Khadijeh Mobini,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Background and Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare the impact of text based indexing and folksonomy in image retrieval via Google search engine.
Methods: This study used experimental method. The sample is 30 images extracted from the book “Gray anatomy”. The research was carried out in 4 stages; in the first stage, images were uploaded to an “Instagram” account so the images are tagged with 600 contacts. In the second stage, the images were uploaded onto 2 blogs using text-based and folksonomy indexing, respectively. In the third stage, 118 medical experts were asked to find one of the images in Google’s image search engine. Finally, in the fourth stage, the rank of the retrieved images from the 2 blogs was reviewed.
Results: Based on the findings; in descriptive analysis, the scores of retrieved images was calculated and in the inferential analysis, independent Chi2 test was used to compare the search results of two blogs. The reported difference was significant.
Conclusion: The results showed that the folksonomy improves images’ retrieval by Google search engine compared to the text-based indexing.


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