Showing 33 results for Use
Fatima Fahimnia, Parvin Goodarzian,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2014)
Background and Aim: The present investigation intends to compare and review various user interfaces from user standpoint and to ascertain its linkage with user satisfaction.
Method: The research incorporated a descriptive survey of University of Tehran graduate student body. Using a targeted sampling, graduate students from the faculties of chemistry and Biology were selected. The instruments used were: A researcher-constructed questionnaire based on Nielsen’s 10 component model; and QUIS user satisfaction questionnaire. Each database UI were evaluated based on five indicators of general features, search features, retrieval features, display features and user-friendliness.
Results: Findings indicated that with an average of 3.88 the Elsevier database had the highest score. Users surveyed believed that the quality of user interface was in better shape than other UI. One should note that this advantage is not indicative of overall database quality and the relatively better interaction on the part of users could be ascribed to their familiarity with the said database and its resource location process.
Conclusion: The main purpose of designing and developing a database is to accruing user satisfaction in search and retrieval process. Hence User satisfaction directly connected to user interface
Nosrat Riahinia, Forough Rahimi, , Leili Allahbakhshian,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2015)
Background and Aim: The main aim of Information storage and retrieval systems is keeping and retrieving the related information means providing the related documents with users’ needs or requests. This study aimed to answer this question that how much are the system relevance and User- Oriented relevance are matched in SID, SCI and Google Scholar databases.
Method: In this study 15 keywords of the most repeated ones that were related to “Human Information Interaction” and its subheadings were selected and searched both in Persian and in English in the mentioned databases for two one week periods. The results were arranged according to the system relevance based on the retrieval and displaying order. From each search the first 10 results were selected and sent to the subject experts and asked them to rank from 1 to 10. Data were descriptively and analytically (using Spearman correlation test) analyzed by SPSS software.
Results: Subject experts’ relevance score in Persian was lower in ISC than SID and higher than Google Scholar. The most subject relevant records were in the third score of system relevance. The records with the lowest system relevance score also had the lowest subject experts’ relevance score. SID in Persian had a strong and positive relation between the both scores but there was no relation in ISC. The highest matching level of the both scores was seen in SID in both languages on the both periods which means more likely to retrieve relevant records.
Conclusion: There is a similar retrieval pattern in both languages with subject expert’s view in SID showing the highest precision which was the lowest in Google scholar in Persian
Fatemeh Navidi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2015)
Background and Aim: Considering the increasing number of users who interact with online social networks, it can be inferred that these networks have become an essential part of users' lives and play different roles in their everyday life. Therefore, the present study aims to explore the role of these networks in users' everyday-life information seeking.
Method: This research is an applied research with qualitative approach and it was conducted using thematic analysis method. This method includes a semi - structured interview with active users of online social networks.
Results: Results indicate that online social networks play different roles in the users' lives, such as entertainment, education, communication and interactions; accompanied by, news, favorite contents, and up-to-date information; but, these networks face some challenges that affect information seeking behavior of users which compels users to utilize active information seeking.
Conclusion: Richer social capital and diversity of users in an individual's social network leads to the access to more qualitative information which in turn increases the probability of finding the required information and achieving the expected results with the least effort.
Zahed Bigdeli, Shabnam Shahini, Narges Shahkarami, Zahra Chalik,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2015)
Background and Aim: This study attempted to investigate the information-seeking process of Shahid Chamran University postgraduate students, and how they use various information sources. The research also investigated he role of demographic characteristics in students' information-seeking process, as well as the problems and barriers they encounter in the process.
Method: The population of the study consisted of 5000 postgraduate students among whom 298 students were randomly selected through classified ratio sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire was developed and after measuring its validity and reliability, distributed among the sample in person. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics as well as inferential statistics including Friedman Rank Test and MANOVA were applied.
Results: The results show that students were statistically different in some variables. On average, students use the Internet 25.11 hours per week. They also prefer to use electronic, print, and human information sources, respectively, both to meet their information needs and to update their information. Students believe that information and communication technologies have reduced their visits to libraries. Students seek help from librarians primarily to locate books and other documents and to search for information. Students encounter a range of problems and barriers in their information-seeking process; the most important being the scattered information. Females face more problems than males. While students refer to specialists to meet their information needs at the first stage, they refer to their classmates and friends at the first stage to update their information.
Conclusion: Despite the effects of new technologies on students’ presence in academic libraries, all types of information resources are still consulted by them. Various purposes for information-seeking determine the information resource being consulted, and students consider their information needs as well as the context in which they seek information, when decide to choose the information resources
Reza Mokhtarpour, Maryam Keshvari,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2015)
Background and Aim: The aim of this article is to revise the methodological status of some of the most prominent studies and models in the field of Information Seeking Behavior in order to provide Iranian researchers with a brief comparative perception of the field.
Method: A literature review approach is applied to identify the research methods and historical origins of each study related to the realm of ISB.
Results: Research studies suggest that Iranian researchers - in their information seeking endeavors - have been unaware of the methodological tradition of the most prominent studies in this capacity, which are mainly based on the principle of methodological diversity and most of time have been imitating the methodological approach of other researchers in a stereotyped manner.
Conclusion: By deliberating the books written on the subject of study and research methodologies across a wide range of scientific disciplines, one can in a deductive manner, grasp a list of scientific methods in the form of independent researches to test the extent of their capabilities. The main Key to current problems is methodological diversity
Hadi Harati, Fahimeh Babalhavaeji,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2016)
Background and Aim: The main objective of the research is to determine the understanding level of the students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in the terms used in user interface of SIMAD library software.
Methods: The study is an applied research with survey descriptive method. Research population was Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, including 24346 students of whom 164 were selected as sample. Data was collected through questionnaire and SPSS software was used as an instrument for the analysis of the data obtained.
Results: The results indicated that the user's level of understanding of terms used in the user interface is not desirable in objective method (23 words investigated). However, regarding subjective method (the items of the Likert scale) the level of understanding is acceptable. Furthermore, the grammar and the length of the phrases used in the user interface do not result in better understanding of the Terms. Finally, there is not a significant difference between students' understanding level of Terms and students' educational level and field of study in both objective and subjective methods.
Conclusion: To design an appropriate user interface for information retrieval systems, the needs and level of comprehension related to the users must be taken into consideration. However, in other to increase the users’ ability in making use of library software, educating the users appears to be of cardinal importance.
, , ,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2016)
Background and Aim: The utilization of technology acceptance model is one of the ways for perceiving the users' attitudes, and this research utilizes it to investigate the factors affecting the students' encouragement to use the social network sites in order to determine which factors encourage the students to use the social network sites as a virtual learning network.
Methods: This research is applied in terms of objective and is among the structural equation modeling-partial least square studies. A questionnaire is designed based on conceptual model after investigating the relevant articles and extracting the possible components, and it is then distributed among students, and finally the analysis is done on collected questionnaires.
Results: The data analysis results indicate the indirect impact of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived complementarity, and the direct impact of attitude towards using the online social network sites and perceived enjoyment on the students' intention to use the social network sites.
Conclusion: The results of this research provide the useful insight for university authorities in local education industry to utilize the social network sites in order to enhance the students' learning effectiveness by perceiving these factors. This study identifies the variables which can affect the development of educational space and investigates the conducted studies on determinates of students' encouragement to use of social networks as e-learning networks, and finally provides an applied comprehensive model by combination of these collected factors. Furthermore, a new research can be conducted on factors affecting the users' encouragement to use social networks for education.
Zeinab Sedighi, Alireza Isfandyari-Moghaddam, Atefeh Zarei,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2016)
Purpose: Digital library user interfaces has a determining role in desirable performance of this kind of libraries. Digital Library service providers to the blind and deaf users will have their best performance when the users (deaf and blind users) could have a proper interaction with them. This study aims to evaluate and analyze the criteria related to user interface in digital libraries service provider to the blind and deaf users in the world.
Methodology: This is an applied and evaluative study. This study has been used library research method for extracting criteria and descriptive survey method for everything from evaluating library. A checklist consist of 13 criteria (Screen capabilities, Ability of organizing the screen, Search facilities, Links, Visual symbols and images, Options for customizing the texts, Help services and Tips, Error message alert, Interaction and feedback facilities, user interface Language, User controls, Library resources in various format, Study facilities of retrieved resources from the library) and 109 component is prepared. Then have been finalized by using the Delphi method and completed for each Library. 12 digital library service providers to blind and deaf user in the world perform the population.
Finding: Results of the study showed that the criteria of '' user interface language '' (with 97.92 %) and the criteria of '' user control'' (with 9.67 %) reached the highest and lowest scores respectively. Among the 12 digital libraries investigated worldwide, "Digital library for the blind" with respect 63.53 reached the maximum and "U.S. National Library Service for Blind" with respect 37.62 grasped the minimum levels.
Reza Basirianjahromi, Zahed Bigdeli, Gholamreza Haidari, Alireza Hajiyakhchali,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2016)
Background and Aim: Gamification refers to the use of game elements in non-game contexts to motivate engagement. This definition is the most comprehensive one presented so far. The term was proposed first in 2002 but it has been prolonged 8 years to attract individuals’’ attention. Gamification has been applied in various contexts according to its capabilities. The current study aims to investigate the concept of gamification and its dimensions in library environment.
Methods: This study used review method as well as comprehensive and systematic study to assess the concept of gamification in accordance with library environment.
Results: The results showed that gamification dimensions could improve the library functions and users’ loyalty. This could help libraries to solve the “engagement crisis”.
Conclusion: Playful engagement is an important approach to help librarians to attract maximum audience in the new information landscape. To achieve this, gamification and its elements can play an important role.
, Abdolrasoul Jokar, Saeideh Ebrahimi,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2017)
Background and Aim: This study tends to investigate the reasons of interpersonal trust and the results of trust in online scientific social networks.
Methods: The applied Research has been used cluster sampling to collect data. The study population consisted of Shiraz university and Persian Gulf university faculties. A sampling of 269 person was determined by Morgan table according to whole population (900 person). In order to gathering data it was used Wu, Chen and Chang (2010) questionnaire. SPSS version 21 was used to analyze data.
Results: Results showed that Among the reasons that create trust among scientific social networks members, Satisfaction (Mean score= 27.2 and T score= 53./6) is the most effective. According to the obtained correlation coefficient between two variables commitment and trust (0.798), commitment is the result of trust in online scientific social networks. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient between two variables Stickiness and trust (0.744) showed that the stickiness is the results of trust between members of online scientific social networks.
Conclusion. Due to high impact of satisfaction on creating trust between members of online scientific social networks, we should create consent and satisfaction of members, in order to provide a place that researchers think these networks are good places to present their specialized knowledge and experience and they can exchange their information and knowledge.
Ahmad Yousefi, Zahed Bigdeli, Ladan Mokhberalsafa,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2017)
Background and Aim: Usually, researchers who have different levels of academic degrees, are different in terms of specialized knowledge. Also, academic degree may affect the information seeking behavior of researchers. Therefore, in this study, the difference of information seeking behavior of researchers with different academic degree for “conducting the research” and “updating scientific information” was investigated.
Methods: Survey method was used to conduct the research. In order to gather data, self made questionnaire was used. We have not sampled. In total, 140 researchers (70%), out of the 200, completed the questionnaires. Data were analyzed with descriptive and analytical statistics methods and were performed using IBM SPSS 22. In order to analysis the data, Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman's tests were used.
Results: Findings showed that the use of “journal articles” (high and very high more than 90%) was a top priority of “PhD and master students” and “PhDs”. In order to access scientific information, “PhD and master students" and “masters/professional doctors” mostly used “communication and consultation with Iranian experts and researchers” (high and very high with 75%) and “personal experiences” (high and very high with 65%). While minimal use of “communication and consultation with foreign experts and researchers” (low and never with 56%) and “participating in foreign congresses” (low and never with 69%) was used by “masters/professional doctors”.
Conclusion: Just in using the "journal articles" was significant difference in order to "update scientific information" and "research" (p<0.05). “PhD and master students”, compared to other levels of education, used “journal articles” more. While, in using the “communication and consultation with foreign experts and researchers”, “participating in foreign congresses”, and “personal experiences”, there was significant differences; So that, PhDs used them more than the others.
Mahnaz Ghanbarzade, Mohammad Hasanzadeh, Seyed Ali Aliakbar Famil Rohani, Atefe Zarei,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2018)
The purpose of this study was to explain the impact of information and communication technology on the use of information among the elite Brilliant talents of the Young and Elite Research Club of Islamic Azad University.
Methodology, In this research, qualitative methodology has been used with an interpretive approach and using grounded theory. In the process of constructing the ground theory, there are three stages of data encoding: open coding, axial encoding, and selective coding. Encoding is an analytical process in which data is segmented, conceptualized, and integrated, so that they can formulate the final theory. In the process of coding, the unit is the concept of analysis. The data collection was conducted through a semi-structured interview with pre-designed questions. Questions were asked about the respondent's response when asked to answer the questions when needed. The research community is the elite and talented talents of the Young and Elite Research Club of Islamic Azad University. A targeted sampling was used to select the research sample. The sample size was determined during the work. The research sample was 22 elite and talented members of the young and elite scholars club of Islamic Azad University, which according to the characteristics of the subjects under study, through the representative of the club to provide access to these people.
Findings, the elite, are searching for a lot of information, cultivating their curious minds, so that they do not ignore any information, and, with the choice of information, seek, in their entirety, their puzzle pieces. On the other hand, they collect information based on the most relevant, newest, or based on the importance and credibility of the information using mental ability and visual memory. On the other hand, in different stages of the process of using information, they use the capabilities and the most important features of information and communication technology tools for storing, processing, accessing information, and so on.
Conclusion, In the process of information retrieval, there is an innovative touchdown. The largest eclectic wizard for using online information technology tools is the security and space for storing, generating, transferring and sharing information.
Keywords, Use of Information, Information and Communication Technology, Elite, Innovation
Elmira Karimi, Mahmoud Babaee, Moloukosadat Hosseini Beheshti,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)
Background and Aim: Information systems cannot be well designed or developed without a clear understanding of needs of users, manner of their information seeking and evaluating. This research has been designed to analyze the Ganj (Iranian research institute of science and technology database) users’ query refinement behaviors via log analysis.
Methods: The method of this research is log analysis. In this research, the Ganj users’ query refinement behaviors were analyzed. User’s logs during 3 months between May and June 2016 were analyzed for semantic features. The study tool was a researcher-made checklist of semantic features. The total searches were 10 milion records which were limited to information science domain. About 106641 records were selected for analysis.
Results: The semantic relationships (based on thesaurus relationships) were revealed between pair’s terms in user’s searches. The results showed that users refined their searches based on some semantic relationships.
Conclusion: The results of this research can be used to improve the Ganj results and for term suggestion for users, so that they be able to choose proper terms while there are several related terms.
Mansour Torkiantabar, Zahra Arzani,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2019)
Background and Aim: This study aimed to evaluate cognitive skills, composition and use of information among
graduate students of Islamic Azad University Doruod Branch.
Methods: The research is descriptive. The study sample included 1105 persons of Doruod Islamic Azad University graduate students, which is based on the sample of 286 subjects were selected. To gather data for these study questionnaires were used. The questionnaires were distributed and 276 questionnaires were received that the number of Inventory data extraction and analysis using statistical software was SPSS20. Descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics t test was used.
Results: The results showed that the cognitive, composition and use of information among graduate students of Islamic Azad University Doruod higher than average.
Conclusion: The results of this study and other research related to information literacy of students It can be concluded that universities and higher education institutions should pay special attention to students' information literacy and provide grounds for its upgrade.
Mahdi Farmani, Mohammad Ghaffari, Mostafa Zandi Nasab,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2019)
Background and Aim: Managing the experience the user has in dealing with the website can play a significant role in improvement of a longer and more valuable relationship. One of the new technologies that can play a role in pleasant, enjoyable and effective experience of the users is gamification. Because this technology transforms every day, repetitive, and formal activities into exciting, challenging and entertaining experiences with the rules of the game and makes a different experience for users; also, provides the intention to use and advice to others. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to Digi Kala website features analysis in the field of gamification focusing on the roles of the mediator of experience and attitude of users and impact of the antecedents on intention to use and word of mouth intention
Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive in terms of method. The statistical population of the study consisted of all users of Digi Kala online store, which in the period of data collection in July, 2018 were users of this website, and 294 samples were collected by sampling method. The main tool for collecting data was a questionnaire. To analyze and confirm the validity of research, construct validity and convergent validity were investigated. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to assess the reliability of the questionnaire. SPSS and LISREL software were used to analyze the data.
Results: All the research hypotheses were approved except for the second hypothesis.
Conclusion: The results of the research show that service quality, system quality and information quality on Digi Kala website affect user experience and user experience on Digi Kala website affects the user's attitude toward it. Also, the user's attitude towards Digi Kala website affects the intention to use and word of mouth intention.
Dr. Saleh Rahimi, , ,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (8-2019)
Background and Aim: Technologies such as social networks have provided new opportunities for health and social interactions, and the promotion of attitudes such as the attitudes of health control and improving the health literacy in society. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the use of social networks with the health literacy of Ilam public library users.
Methods: The present study has used questionnaire based survey method. The statistical population of this study is 4696 users of public libraries in Ilam. Based on Morgan's table, 351 individuals were selected as sample size. The questionnaire was distributed by using of stratified random sampling method. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical tests were used by SPSS 19 software.
Results: The Findings showed that the components average of users in receiving health literacy information was at a sensible level and, due to the importance of those components, users began to utilize social networks in the field of health literacy. Also, the findings showed that there was a significant relationship between users' use of social networks and health literacy and the components (access, reading, understanding, assessment, application), so that by increasing the use of social networks, the health literacy of users increases as well.
Conclusion: According to the findings, it can be concluded that public libraries, universities and centers related to health cooperate so that held suitable conditions in social networks with the aim of experience sharing and expanding the level of health literacy of users by taking into account issues related to user information confidentiality and so that new facilities and conditions can be provided library users, institutions and planners in this field.
Dr Khadije Morady, Dr Amir Ghaebi, Dr Massomeh Karbalaei,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (8-2019)
Background and Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the prevailing views in the field of information retrieval in information science (system-oriented, user-oriented and domain-oriented) and to enlighten the new view of "semiotics." The research seeks to answer the following questions: What are the main components of the views in information science? What are the characteristics of the semiotic view and what is its added value compared to other perspectives?
Methods: Researches that have used the concepts, models and theories of semiotics in various fields of information science were searched in the databases of Emerald, Scopus, Google Scholar. The retrieved articles were reviewed with the selection of 23 Articles. The title, abstract and results of the articles as well as the full text of 5 articles associated to the purpose of the research were analyzed via content analysis method.
Results: Findings showed that most of the research in the field was published between 2000 and 2018 by mostly researchers in Denmark. Some articles have explained and defined the concept of information based on the concepts and theories of semiotics and had presented a new view on information science based on the classification, called the semiotic view.
Conclusion: The results showed that system-oriented, user-oriented and domain-oriented views emphasized the document and each of them emphasized an aspect. The semiotic point of view, information is intended as sign and can combine the characteristics of the three views and define the information regardless of the media that carries it and remove the boundaries of the document.
Narges Neshat, Marzieh Moradian,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2019)
Background and Aim: The purpose of this study is to determine the quality requirements of the National Digital Library based on the Kano model and categorize users needs into three groups of: Basic, functional and motivational.
Methods: This survey was conducted with a qualitative approach. The requirements of the digital library were extracted using two standards: "Digiqual manual" and the "Digital Library Evaluation Manual." The requirements were adjusted based on Kano model in a questionnaire consisting of four categories and 52 pairs of questions (104 questions).
Results: The results of each of the requirements (basic, functional, motivational) in four dimensions (access control, content, data retrieval, and visual effects) show that half of the users' requests are in the basic requirements group which National Digital Library officials should pay more attention to and prioritize the redesign or development plan of the digital library. Also, the second priority was the requirements of the functional group. Paying attention to the requirements of this group causes satisfaction and dissatisfaction otherwise. Attention to meeting the motivational requirements of the third priority if met could create a high level of satisfaction in the use of the National Digital Library.
Conclusion: If clienteles satisfaction is of worth, managers of the National Digital Library should design short-term and long-term programs according to the users real needs.
Mtr Neda Pourkhalil, Dr Mansoor Koohi Rostami,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2020)
Introduction: Information behavior in knowledge and information science is seen as a fundamental human behavior that has been studied extensively thus far. This study include different approaches and perspectives that examined information behavior. The purpose of this article is to investigate the paradigm shift in information behavior by using the texts of this research ground.
Methodology: The study was directed via library method with an analytical approach. After reviewing previous studies with the intention of identifying the dominant paradigms of information behavior.
Findings: Findings show that information behavior studies fell into two main paradigms of old and new. The old paradigm focuses on Shannon's theories of information, and the new paradigm emphasizes interdisciplinary relationships. In the new paradigm, cognitive, sociological, and multifaceted approaches could be defined.
Conclusion: Information behavior is an innate behavior that occurs in the social environment. It is influenced by various factors. like many human characteristics, is a behavior that does not occur in a vacuum. This behavior can be defined in interaction with information, human beings and society. Thus, it can have a wide and multifaceted aspects. This behavior is also a division of social sciences that can be examined under different paradigms. In social sciences, unlike natural sciences many meta-theories may go hand in hand. Sometimes a meta-theory simply disappears, and other times it may grow, evolve, and rekindle the interests of researchers. So, the evolution of information behavior research shows the combination of disciplines and interdisciplinary theories and new relationships in understanding human information behavior.
Zeinab Ghayouri, Zoya Abam,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2020)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the frequency and time spent in the use of search tactics and the effect of user characteristics and type of search task on the use of search tactics.
Methodology: A quantitative approach based on data obtained from Morayeh software used. Sample was 35 post graduate and graduate students majoring in humanities and engineering in Tehran. Four search tasks and scenarios designed based on Anderson and Crasswell classification provided as guidelines. Data were extracted from Morayeh software, that included the frequency and time spent using search tactics, effect of user characteristics and search task type. Data analyzed by ANOVA.
Findings: The results showed that there was no significant difference between individual characteristics and the frequency and time elapsed for search tactics. However, female students spent more time using search tactics than male students, and despite the significant difference between degree and frequency and time spent searching, they used more tactics than senior students. Equally post graduates, spend more time than graduates in the search process. This is due to their familiarity with the search process and proficiency in searching with fewer tactics and achieving appropriate and less tactical results. Also, humanities students have spent more time in the search process than engineering students. This is probably owed to the greater search skills of technical and engineering students than humanities students. The effect of search task type on frequency and time spent in the present study shows a significant effect of task type on search process - frequency and time spent using search tactics.
Results: Considering the limited number of studies in search tactics application, the findings will be beneficial in clarifying the trends in the search process and identification of the frequency and duration of user application tactics. Identification of high-frequency tactics and large quantity of time searcher spends, information system support for the use of search tactics is suggested.