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Showing 5 results for Website

Reza Basirianjahromi, Zahed Bigdeli, Gholamreza Haidari, Alireza Hajiyakhchali,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2016)

Background and Aim: Gamification refers to the use of game elements in non-game contexts to motivate engagement. This definition is the most comprehensive one presented so far. The term was proposed first in 2002 but it has been prolonged 8 years to attract individuals’’ attention. Gamification has been applied in various contexts according to its capabilities. The current study aims to investigate the concept of gamification and its dimensions in library environment.

Methods:  This study used review method as well as comprehensive and systematic study to assess the concept of gamification in accordance with library environment.

Results: The results showed that gamification dimensions could improve the library functions and users’ loyalty. This could help libraries to solve the “engagement crisis”.

Conclusion: Playful engagement is an important approach to help librarians to attract maximum audience in the new information landscape. To achieve this, gamification and its elements can play an important role.

Fatemeh Zandian, Leyla Fathi, Mohammad Hasanzadeh,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Background and Objectives: Today, websites with diverse and varied uses have revolutionized all social, scientific, educational, artistic, commercial, and other fields of thought. In the meantime, the cinema has not gone away with this technological advancement, and a large number of cinema websites have been set up to help film makers in this field. Whatever the users of a website, the main purpose and the main goals is to provide quick and easy service and to satisfy users, and this goal is achieved only with the assurance of their efficiency and performance review and performance measurement. Web sites are not possible except by evaluating them. Only this way, one can see the strengths and weaknesses of the Web sites, and they have taken steps to refine or complete their progress and development. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cinematic websites of Iran based on the three-level pyramid model.
Methodology: Using evaluative method, 38 Iranian cinemas were evaluated using two public and specialized criteria. Using these two logos, not screening, navigation, content, availability, interaction, informational services, special services, multimedia services, and customer service have been evaluated.
Results: The evaluation results show that Iran's cinema websites are based on the three-level pyramid model, which are general criteria, at a good level, in the middle of the pyramid with appropriate specialized standards at the head of the pyramid consisting of Specialized criteria are at the right level.
Conclusion: A fully cinematic web site is considered to include at least two criteria for special services and customer service at the head of the pyramid, one in a highly professional and user-friendly manner, and at the level of the best of the same foreign websites Have your website. It seems that Iran's cinematic websites are beginning to work on this and need more activity and experience.

Samira Daniali, Dr. Amir Hossein Seddighi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Background: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the University of Tehran website based on information architecture indicators to inform, assess the status and quality of the website.
Methodology: The research method is applied descriptive. Checklist was used to analyze the website in terms of organization, labeling, navigation, and search systems.
Findings: The results of the checklists showed that the University of Tehran website earned 20 points out of 37 in the organization, 37 points out of 57 in the labeling, 53 points out of 78 in the navigation, and 14 points out of 46 in the search, which imply a poor status in search system, an average status in organization system, and a good status in labeling and navigation systems. According to the obtained results, the search system of the University of Tehran website can be redesigned, its organization system can be reviewed, and other mentioned systems can be improved. In general, in order to increase the efficiency of websites, it is necessary to consider the principles of information architecture in their design. Moreover, this research can be a suitable source for future website policies by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the website.
Conclusion: Evaluating the information architecture of a website is a new field that, while important, has received less attention. This research tries to show the applicability of the method for use in similar cases by presenting a systematic evaluation in a case study for the University of Tehran website while introducing the strengths and weaknesses of this website.
Dr. Amir Hossein Seddighi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1-2023)

Purpose: As mission-oriented organizations, research institutes have the task of answering community questions in specialized areas, and should therefore be able to effectively present their outputs to their target users. Achieving such a goal requires the proper use of information architecture principles to properly organize the information platform in which the research institutes interact with their audiences. Therefore, reviewing and evaluating the information architecture of Research Institutes’ websites as their main communication platform with their users is of particular importance. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology’s website based on information architecture.
Methodology: The research method is based on content analysis and case evaluation and is done using direct observations and checklists in March 2022. In this regard, first the components of the information environment, ie the context, content, and user of the website are identified. Then, we check the information architecture subsystems of the website using checklists based on the components of the information environment. The organization system checklist contains 14 main questions, the labeling system checklist contains 32 main questions, the navigation system checklist contains 20 main questions, and finally, the search system checklist contains 41 main questions. The checklists were prepared using the library research method and approved by an expert panel. Excel software is used to collect and analyze data.
Findings: Users of the Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology’s website can be categorized into four groups: researchers and students, science and technology policymakers, librarians and informants, and educational and research institutions. The main content of this website includes reports, books, articles, research projects, information systems, scientific events, training courses, laboratories, and collaborative services. The context of the website is based on service development and delivery in the areas of knowledge management, scientific and technological information management, dissemination of information science and technology, supporting science and technology policymakers, Publicizing the use of information technology, cooperating with universities and research institutes, and supporting research in the field of information science and technology. The results of the checklists indicate the score of this website for the organization system, the labeling system, the navigation system, and the search system as 67.6%, 68.4%, 65.4%, and 34.8%, respectively.
Conclusion: The status of the Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology’s website is assessed as good in terms of the organization system, the labeling system, and the navigation system, and poor in terms of the search system. The use of an audience-oriented organization plan in the website organization system, the use of index labels in the form of unique entities in the website labeling system, and the use of a main navigation bar with an integrated and similar design in the website navigation system are among the strengths of the website information architecture design. On the other hand, according to the research findings, to improve the search system, it is necessary to pay attention to features such as “correcting spelling errors in the input query”, “highlighting the input query in the retrieved results”, “adding logical operators to the search system”, “searching metadata”, “sorting results in alphabetical and chronological order”, and “adding search filters such as subject and year”.

Rahman Marefat, F Fatemeh Bazzi, Ghasem Azadi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (1-2025)

Background and purpose: The user interface is the intermediary between the computer environment and humans, and paying attention to graphic elements and design criteria results in user satisfaction. This research has reviewed Persian articles published in the field of user experience in symbols and visual signs in website and application graphics.
Method: This research was conducted based on the prism method, with the aim of a systematic review. After the initial search, the number of 86 articles published in Persian language databases and publications as well as conferences in this field were obtained, and after screening, 61 articles were selected for study and analysis.
Findings: In general, 132 researchers worked in this field, of which 83 are men and 49 are women. The participation rate of men (63%) and women (37%) was measured. Three librarianship and information publications with the frequency of 9 articles, human and information interaction with 8 articles and national studies of librarianship and information organization with 7 articles were the most sources of article publishers in the field of user experience in icons and visual symbols in website and application graphics. Although it is customary to use all three quantitative, qualitative and combined approaches among researchers in the field of user experience in the symbols and visual signs in website and application graphics, but most of the researches conducted in this field have used survey methods and quantitative approach.
Conclusion: The thematic analysis of published sources in the subject area of ​​user experience in symbols and visual signs in website and application graphics showed that the authors of this area have published works in this area in 26 thematic areas. Out of a total of 61 articles, the most published articles were 33 scientific research articles (54.1 percent) and the least type of conference articles were 10 articles (16.3 percent). Review and promotional articles included a total of 18 articles (29.6 percent) out of a total of 61 articles.

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