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7 نتیجه برای Translation

، ، ،
دوره 22، شماره 1 - ( 1-1398 )

سارا زندیان، سعید کتابی، حسین وحید دستجردی،
دوره 23، شماره 2 - ( 6-1399 )

مطالعات  ترجمه اساسا با فعالیت هایی سر وکار دارد که نیروی پیش برنده ی آن ها متاثر از ماهیت اجتماعی-ارتباطی و بافت مند این فعالیت ها می باشد. از این رو˓ به نظر می رسد هیچ  رشته ای  همچون  زبانشناسی  اجتماعی˓ امکان بررسی دقیق و جامع  روابط  بین  متکلمین و مخاطبانشان  در  فرایند  ایجاد معنا را  در  بافتاری  اجتماعی و متعاملی  فراهم نمی آورد (فدریسی˓ 2018).  اتخاذ  رویکرد  زبانشناسی  اجتماعی  نسبت  به  ترجمه˓ امروزه  در  راس تلاقی  مطالعات  ترجمه ( مکتوب و شفاهی)  و جامعه شناسی˓ از اهمیتی  روزافزون  برخوردار است (وولف˓ 2010).  بنابراین˓ مقاله ی حاضر با پذیرش رویکرد زبانشناسی اجتماعی˓  به بررسی  رمان  گتسبی  بزرگ (1925)  و ترجمه ی فارسی آن˓ اثر امامی (2000)  پرداخته  است. در این  راستا˓ این  پژوهش  نسخه ی  ارتقا یافته ی  مدل  زبانشناسی  اجتماعی حاتم  و میسن (1997)  را  جهت ارزیابی متون  اصلی و مقصد به کار برده است.  طی  این  فرایند˓ متون  مورد نظر در دو سطح  متنی  و  فرامتنی˓  با توجه  به  اجزای تشکیل دهنده ی مدل  مورد  بررسی  قرار گرفتند.  نتایج  این تحقیق  تطبیقی که  به طور مجزا  در خصوص  هر یک  از  متغیرهای سیاق  مورد  تجزیه  و تحلیل  قرار گرفت˓ بر  درک  و ارزیابی سطحی مترجم  از جنبه های کاربرد-محور سیاق همچون  عاملان گفتار و جنبه های کاربر-محور آن همچون  طرز بیان  صحه گذاردند. در مقابل˓ یافته های تحقیق  حاکی  از حفظ مولفه های  برجسته ی بیان ادبی در ترجمه بود.
، ،
دوره 24، شماره 2 - ( 6-1400 )

Fatemeh Badiozaman، Ebrahim Samani، Razieh Bagheripour،
دوره 25، شماره 1 - ( 1-1401 )

Translated texts have an in-between existence commonly referred to as hybridity; they belong to both source and target cultures, which indicates that hybridity is an inherent characteristic of translation. However, it is not only translated texts that contain hybridity, original texts do too, especially in the case of linguistic hybridity that is caused by non-standard language. All forms of non-standard language have their own sociolinguistic implications; their mere presence in a literary production conveys certain messages, which makes this presence a prominent one. It is equally important to find out what becomes of such language in the process of translation. Therefore, the current qualitative research picked four literary novels that featured at least one-character parading non-standard speech patterns, along with two Persian translations for each novel so that translators' styles could be compared. The target texts were inspected to observe cases of either neutralization or reproduction of non-standard language. The findings proved that most translators gravitate towards normalization, meaning that their readers would not be able to perceive the existence of different speech patterns in the story. Nevertheless, by employing diverse structures and terms, two translators managed to demonstrate that linguistic hybridity existed in their texts. Considering how dissimilar English and Persian dialects are, having transferred non-standard language through the translation process is an impressive accomplishment.

Aysa Arjmandpour، Hossein Bahri،
دوره 25، شماره 2 - ( 6-1401 )

The novel Les Miserables (Hugo, 1985) is one of the most universally translated works, and there are a number of adaptions in several languages. One recent adaption is the Persian musical play performed in Iran. In this performance, culture-specific items (CSIs) were translated differently since visual and aural elements were added to the stage. The present study aims to investigate translation strategies used in the above adaptation to indicate what translation solutions are possible when the medium changes. After watching the ninety-minute recorded play in VOD format, culture-specific items were selected purposively corresponding to those in the novel. Subsequently, they were analyzed based on Newmark's model (1988). The findings showed that the most frequent translation strategies applied were adaptation, followed by communicative translation, and literal translation. Compared with the original performance, some scenes were deleted from the recorded play. Hence, there was no exact one-to-one correspondence with the original text of the book. While instances of censorship contributed to some of these omissions,  probably one reason for the issue is the publishing regulations administered in Iran for VOD formats of the plays. These results suggest that while target language-oriented strategies dominated the entire translation approach, the translator of the play tried to familiarize the audience with French culture through literal translations and with the help of visual and aural aids. Since the audience were presented with pictures and songs, it was easier for them to locate themselves in the era of the French Revolution and French customs.

Sharareh Sadat Sarsarabi، Zeynab Sazegar،
دوره 26، شماره 2 - ( 6-1402 )

In a world with globalization and communication development as its main features, arriving at a common understanding and correct transition of meaning is an unavoidable necessity. Here the responsibility and duty of the people who hold the task of translation is of great importance and one of the issues that should be considered in translation is using euphemism. The current research seeks to find the relationship between translators’ gender, education, and age and their use of euphemisms in translation. The study consists of four hypotheses, this is descriptive research and a questionnaire is used to find the relationship between translators’ gender, education, age, and their use of euphemisms in translation. It has been distributed among the research population which consists of translators who are members of the Iran Translation Association. The results show that euphemism exists at a suitable level in the translation of the translators who are members of the Iran Translation Association. Moreover, the translators’ gender affects their use of euphemisms in translation. There is a direct relationship between translators’ age and their use of euphemisms in translation. Finally, the translators’ level of education does not influence their use of euphemisms in translation.

دوره 26، شماره 2 - ( 6-1402 )

In a world with globalization and communication development as its main features, arriving at a common understanding and correct transition of meaning is an unavoidable necessity. Here the responsibility and duty of the people who hold the task of translation is of great importance and one of the issues that should be considered in translation is using euphemism. The current research seeks to find the relationship between translators’ gender, education, and age and their use of euphemisms in translation. The study consists of four hypotheses, this is descriptive research and a questionnaire is used to find the relationship between translators’ gender, education, age, and their use of euphemisms in translation. It has been distributed among the research population which consists of translators who are members of the Iran Translation Association. The results show that euphemism exists at a suitable level in the translation of the translators who are members of the Iran Translation Association. Moreover, the translators’ gender affects their use of euphemisms in translation. There is a direct relationship between translators’ age and their use of euphemisms in translation. Finally, the translators’ level of education does not influence their use of euphemisms in translation.

صفحه 1 از 1     

Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics
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