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Showing 2 results for Rezaee

Jafar Hasani, Hasan Rezaee,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (10-2014)

Emotionand cognitionconstructs constitute twobasic dimensions ofhuman psychologicalstructureandtheexplanation of performanceis onlypossibledue to theinteractionof thesetwo dimensions.The aimofthis study wasto investigate student’s information processingspeed based ontrait/stateanxiety.From large population ofNajaf Abadcityhighschoolstudentsaccording to inclusion criteria and  extreme scores of distribution of Spielberger Trait and State AnxietyScale (EPQ-R)fourgroups(highstatanxiety, lowstatanxiety, hightraitanxiety&lowtraitanxiety N=15) wereselected  and assessed by Speed-of-processing tests  (Zahlen-Verbindungs-TestOswald & Roth, 1978) and Sitzwohl’s Coding Test (KDT)(1995). Theresultsofmultivariate analysis of varianceand Bonferenipost hoctestsshowed thatthere aresignificant differences between fourgroups in speed-of-processing andcoding .Theresults alsoshowed thatspeed-of-processinginstudents with low trait and low state anxietyis faster thanstudentswithhightrait and high stateanxiety. Based on the findingsof this studycan be said thatanxiety plays an important role incognitive functionsandinformationprocessing speedofandhigh anxiety(trait /state) causes interferenceininformation processingspeed, and ultimately cognitive functions.

Mr Reza Kazemi, Dr Ezatollah Ghadampur, Dr Reza Rsotami, Mrs Sanaz Khomami, Mr Mehdi Rezaee,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2017)

The aim of the present study was to investigate of the efficacy of bilateral repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on cognitive function in patients with bipolar depression.  In a single-blind experimental trial, 20 patients with bipolar depression who had been referred to Atieh clinical neuroscience center were selected randomly from April to September 2015. The patients received bilateral repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (10Hz) and right dorsolateral prefrontal (1Hz) during 10 sessions.  The subjects were evaluated through verbal fluency test, Rey Auditory-Verbal learning Test, Stroop Test, Wisconsin Card sorting Test, Beck depression inventory before and after the treatment. The data were analyzed by paired t test. Bilateral rTMS was caused to significant changes in executive function and verbal memory and depressive symptoms. No significant changes were observed in selective attention and verbal fluency (p>0/05). Bilateral repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is caused to significant improvement in cognitive symptoms and reduces the symptoms of depression in patients with bipolar depression.

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