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Showing 241 results for Type of Study: Research

Ms Elahe Bigham Lalabady, Dr Niloofar Mikaeili, Ms Raziyeh Hajimoradi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1-2022)

Reduced specificity of memories is one of the significant cognitive processes in depression. The aim of this study was to reduce the symptoms of depression and sedentary behavior in female adolescents with depressive disorder through memory specialization training. This research was applied in terms of purpose and quasi-experimental method with pre-test, post-test with control group. The statistical population of this study included all students of 4 public and private schools in Kermanshah in 1400 who were selected by cluster random sampling. Depression test (Rindells, 1989) and sedentary behavior (Fisher et al., 2012) were then performed on 350 students of these 4 schools. From 67 students with depression higher than 60 and inactivity higher than 11 hours and 40 minutes per week, 30 were selected based on inclusion criteria and available in a simple random method in two experimental groups (15 N) and control (n = 15) were assigned. Then, the experimental group underwent memory specificity training (Rise, 2009), which was conducted in 6 group sessions of 90 minutes per week. The results of this study showed that the memory specificity training can reduce Mobility and depressive symptoms were significant at the level (P = 0.001) in female adolescents with depression. Generally, it can be concluded that autobiographical Memory Specificity Training is an effective way to reduce depression and Sedentary behavior. Due to the ease and a low number of sessions, this training can be used along with other treatments to reduce the vulnerability to depression. 

Dr. Ebrahim Ahmadi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1-2022)

According to history, humans have never stopped fighting with each other and this endlessness and permanence of wars cannot have only external causes (threats) rather, it also has internal and psychological causes and identifying these causes is essential to reducing wars. The present study aimed to identify one of the psychological causes of the endlessness of human wars and assumed that war gives meaning to human life and therefore, humans do not like to end it. In order to test this hypothesis, 397 participants (190 males) with a mean age of 35 years were employed for this study among 30,000 subscribers of Hamrahe Aval and Irancell in Tehran and Karaj. In an experimental study, participants were randomly assigned to experimental group (which the Iran-Iraq war was highlighted in their minds) and control group (which the scientific advances of the Iranians were highlighted in their minds) and then meaning making from wars (mediating variable) was measured by Tedeschi and Calhoun (1996) test and agreement with militarism/permanence of wars (dependent variable) was measured by Vail and Motyl (2010) test. ANOVAs showed that experimental group makes meaning from wars and agrees with militarism/permanence of wars more than control group, and conditional process modeling showed that the salience of war in the minds of the subjects has led to agreement with the militarism/permanence of war "through" the meaning making from wars. So, humans get the meaning of life from war, and this is one of the reasons why human wars are endless.

Sedighe Nasiripoor, Siavosh Talepasand, Isaac Rahimian Boogar,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1-2022)

The aim of the present study was to investigate Children's Working Memory Measurement Model: Testing Theories’ Hich and Baddeley, Baddeley and Cowan. The research design was correlational. The population included all primary school students in Tehran in 1400. Participants were 150 students aged 7 to 10 years who were selected by convenience sampling method. They all responded to the Comprehensive Memory Working Assessment Gray et al. (2017). Data were analyzed by factor analysis. The results of factor analysis showed that the Baddeley four-factor model has a better fit than the Baddeley and Hich three-factor model and Cown three-factor model. Assessing working memory can provide more important information about children's cognitive function than psychological measures.

Zargham Mehrganfard Jirandeh, Rahim Badri Gargari, Shahrouz Nemati, Sharam Vahedi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1-2022)

The aim of the current reaerch was to study the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation on mathematical word problem solving in students with specific learning disabilitiy with impairment in mathematic. The research design was quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test with a control group. The statistical population of the study included all male students with specefic learning disabilitiy with impairment in mathematic in Rasht who were selected by available sampling. In the same vein, cognitive rehabilitation intervention was carry out in 8 sessions for the experimental group and the Response to  intervention Key Math Scale, RAVEN Intelligence Test and Mathematical Verbal Problem Solving Test were used to collect the data in the pre- and post-test stages.  Univariate analysis of covariance revaled that cognitive rehabilitation increased the rate of mathematical word problem solving in students with specific learning disabilitiy with impairment in mathematic. To achieve evidence-based practices, it is recommended to develope and implement a cognitive rehabilitation program to improve the verbal problem solving of students with specific learning disabilitiy with mathematical impairment and other students with developmental disabilities.

Seyed Esmail Torabi, Hadi Keramati, Javad Kavosian, Hasan Rastegarpoor, Goodarz Alibakhshi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1-2022)

The present study was conducted with the aim of the effects of segmentation and redundancy methods on cognitive load and vocabulary learning and comprehension of English lessons in a multimedia learning environment.The purpose of this study is an applied research and a real experimental study. The statistical population of the present study includes all people aged 14 to 16 who are enrolled in language schools in Damghan. The subject of the educational content was to explain the activity of volcanoes in the form of PowerPoint software in a maximum of 10 slides (based on the type of group) to 90 subjects who were randomly divided into six groups (15 people in each group). High segmentation / Audio presentation, High segmentation / Visual presentation, High segmentation / Redundant, Low segmentation / Audio presentation, Low segmentation / Visual presentation, Low segmentation / Redundant were assigned. The research was completely experimental (a completely random 2×3 factor design). Researcher-made test of vocabulary and comprehension learning, prior knowledge assessment and Pass Cognitive Load Scale (1992) were used to collect data. Analysis of variance was used to analyze the data.The results of analysis of variance showed that the interaction between segmentation method and redundancy method on cognitive load and learning was significant. The results of post hoc test also showed that the High segmentation / Visual presentation group reported significantly lower cognitive load and higher vocabulary and comprehension compared to other groups. According to the obtained results, it can be said that segmentation and redundancy methods are effective in reducing cognitive load and promoting English language learning in a multimedia learning environment.

Amir-Homayun Hallajian, Fateme Dehghani-Arani, Reza Rostami, Mozhdeh ‌ Bayat, Yasamin Rahmati,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1-2022)

The temporo-parietal junction is a key region in the theory of mind process. Numerous brain imaging studies have demonstrated its involvement in the mentalizing process and its under-activation in autism. This study aimed to investigate the causal relationship between rTPJ activation and implicit mentalizing in autism spectrum disorder. This study is a single-blind Quasi-experimental study with a repetitive measures design. Nine children and adolescents with autism were recruited by convenience sampling method using Gilliam autism rating scale (GARS), Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS), and Stanford-Binet (SB). Afterward, they were assigned to three randomly ordered stimulation sessions: cTBS, iTBS, and sham. Immediately after each session indexes related to the subject’s implicit mentalizing were measured by a computer-based task. Repeated-measures ANOVA results demonstrated that the active stimulation sessions improved implicit mentalizing compared to sham sessions. It seems that there is a causal relation between rTPJ activation and implicit mentalizing.

Seyede Mansoureh Hakak, Dr Ali Fathi-Ashtiani, Dr Hojatollah Farahani,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1-2022)

In spite of increasing importance of attentional control in conceptualization of psychopathology, there are a few scales to measure it. It is necessary to use valid and reliable scale to study this construct in Iranian studies.This study aimed to provide and investigate psychometric characteristics of Persian version of the attentional style questionnaire.The sample of 426 students were selected by available sampling and completed persian version of the attentional style questionnaire, attentional control (Derryberry &Reed, 2002) and repetitive thinking (Ehring et al, 2011) scales. Construct validity were evaluated through confirmatory factor analysis. Convergent and divergent validity were assessed by pearson correlation. Reliability was calculated using Cronbach s alpha method, test-retest and Composite reliability.factor analysis indicated that two-factor model (congnitive avoidance/distractibility and focusing) provided good model fit. Significant correlations between these factors and attentional control, and repetitive thinking scales confirmed convergent and divergent validity. Cronbach s alfa for both factors were 0/75 and test-retest coefficient for cognitive avoidance/distractibility and focusing were 0/88 and 0/73 respectively also composite reliability were 0/81 and 0/84 respectively. According to the results, Persian version of attentional style questionnaire characterized two factors and has been demonstrated to have acceptable validity and reliability to use in psychological researches in Iranian population.

Farhad Balash, Abdul H. Omar, Neda Sanjari,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Significant psychological changes in extremely cold regions are considered as natural human reactions. Antarctica has very cold conditions and is considered a natural laboratory for many studies in various fields. Survival, in this harsh environment, is unmanageable without human preconditions; Antarctica with a focus on resilience and psychological adjustment, an opportunity for the individual to approach the study of psychological adjustment, examining the impact of weather conditions, limitations, isolation and lack of daylight, etc. on mood changes, stress and dynamism. is showing. In this article, the psychological changes of six researchers, who are twenty-three days of scientific travel in the cold region in the south of the region, are conceptualized with a systematic concept. In terms of methodology, thematic analysis and collected categories, interviews, observations and documentary analyzes have been used. Researchers' experiences were analyzed in the field and the emerging factors were categorized as attitudes, strategies and. These three factors were divided into thirty-six positive and negative factors at the individual and group levels. Theoretically, positive and negative factors are supported by force field theory, which contribute to the very cold region through conceptualization. Positive attitudes based on the data collected in this exploration include: self-awareness, self-direction, self-control, self-efficacy, self-confidence, self-motivation and self-optimism. On the other hand, negative attitudes are self-awareness, lack of self-direction, conflict with self, inefficiency, self-doubt, self-destruction, self-contradiction and pessimism. There are positive and negative strategies for strategies such as attitude at the individual and team level. In a person, positive strategies include: positive self-talk, positive thinking, meditation, muscle relaxation, spiritual recitation, self-control, and negative strategies include negative self-talk, negative, confusion, justification, religious belief, and loss of self-control. . On the other hand, different strategies with teammates in the direction of positive expressions such as humor, team coordination, control control, team performance, control of negative effects, accessibility and in part including nagging, disagreement, deviation from self-success and immoral reaction. Is. Peacefully, positive and negative factors, such as attitudes, strategies, and positive and negative effects on the environment, in fact, and the conflict of all the factors that lead to specific action in the face of various difficult situations.

Dr. Mohsen Dadjoo, Dr. Shahriar Gharibzadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Socio-emotional development is one of the fundamental bases of individual and social health. The present study aims to investigate the developmental trajectory of socio-emotional tendencies (SET) and its components in preschoolers. Our sample was 447 healthy Iranian preschoolers (girl=47.4%) aged 48-78 month-old (mean=66.57, SD=6.79). they were from Tehran, Bandar Abbas, Mashhad, Zarand, and Tabriz as the representative provinces of the Iranian population, based on the geographical distribution and socioeconomic status. We used the Persian version of the Kindergarten Inventory of Social-Emotional Tendencies (KIST) which consists of six components. It included hyperactivity-maladaptive behavior, social skills, communication skills, daily living skills, eating behavior, and separation anxiety symptoms.
We used Kruskal-Wallis test to investigate the developmental trajectory of SET. Results showed that there were significant changes in daily living skills and separation anxiety symptoms during 6-month periods, meanwhile there were no significant changes in the other four components and SET in total. Then, the Games-Howell post-hoc test was performed to follow up the observed differences among age categories. Results of the present study showed that SET doesn’t change significantly in early childhood. It propose that the critical period of the socio-emotional ability development occurs sooner or later
Mis Seyedeh Zahra Mousavi, Dr Farideh Sadat Hoseini,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2022)

In recent years, research on increasing cognitive and psychological status through play has received much attention. For this purpose, there are two categories of game including interactive home game and cognitive game that the first run in the home environment and the latter is implemented as computer software to increase cognitive abilities. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of cognitive computer games and parent-child interactive games on problem solving and positive and negative affects in children. For this purpose, 40 10-year-old children in Shiraz were selected by available sampling method in 4 groups included Lumosity game (10 people), home game (10 people), combination of Lumosity and home game (10 people) and control group (10 people). Data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance. Based on the significance of Pillai test, there is a difference between the groups in terms of two variables of problem solving and positive and negative affect. Binary comparisons of the groups showed that there was a significant difference between the Lumosity and control groups in terms of problem solving. Also, the combination group with the control group and home group, and the Lumosity group with the control group had a significant difference in terms of positive affect. Acording to the results of the present study, it is suggested that Lumosity game be used to increase problem-solving ability and Lumosity game and the combination of Lumosity and home game to increase pleasant feelings and positive affects in 10-year-olds. 

Mrs Azita Kharaman, Dr Hossein Zare, Dr Soosan Alizadehfard, Dr Majid Saffarinia,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Mental representations are to be considered as the most advanced aspects of human cognition and in addition to their own physical representations, representations of social cognition of others can also affect the mental experience of each person's ownership of their body. Accordingly, the present research as a quasi-experimental study based on repeated measures, was conducted in order to investigate the effect of social cognitive representation on the mental property of the body. The population of the study consisted of all Students of Payame Noor University of Tehran from which 61 females and 47 males were selected by convenience sampling. The research instruments included Cohen and Botvinick's (1998) Rubber Hand Illusion Test, and Longo, et al.'s (2008) Rubber Hand Ownership Experience Mental Report Questionnaire. Induction of representations of social cognition was based on the three-dimensional mental model of social cognition by Tamir and Thornton (2020). The collected data were analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance using SPSS-22 software. According to the findings, the error score of the rubber hand was higher than the rubber hand with the color close to the body and green, which was defined in terms of the factors of the levels of the three-dimensional model of social cognition at the extreme level, and lower than the blue rubber hand, which was at extremely low levels of the mental three-dimensional model. The results indicated that in social relations, the identification of individuals with those who have gained a higher social status in mental evaluations can be more than those who have gained a lower social status in mental representations.
Dr. Elham Parvizi, Dr. Zahra Alsadat Ardestani,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2022)

 The quality of human perception of the environment is a determining factor in achieving responsive architecture. After the theories of behavioral sciences and environment, the idea of ​​empathy with space has presented a new perspective on human perception of the environment; It is derived from the function of the mirror neurons of the brain, and results in an emotional sharing between the observed and the observed, contributing to a deeper connection between man and the environment. Using the theories between architecture and psychology and neuroscience, the present study intends to describe, analyze and then explain the strategies and theories in the empathy of space among the index theories. To enable the re-reading and deeper understanding of the relationship between man and the created environment. In this study, qualitative research method with content analysis method has been used. Studies on architecture and empathy are very limited and scattered. Therefore, using a descriptive method of indicators of theories, and subsequently qualitative content analysis under a comparative interpretive approach to identify the main variables in significant and valid scientific research and with logical reasoning tries to investigate and compare their explanatory principles and results. Explaining and categorizing the empathetic perception of space in this research takes a step in expanding its theoretical foundations in architecture as well as applied topics. The findings indicate the design of four categories of "anthropological perception", "atmosphere-based empathy", "behavior-oriented empathy", and "interactive empathy" in empathy theories in the field of architecture. And they all introduce architecture as an essential part of the human mind and cognition.
Mr Reza Mohammadzadeghan, Mr Abolfazl Farid, آقای Gholamreza Chalabianlu Hasratanlo, آقای Javad Mesrabadi,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (10-2022)

This research aimed to compare the effectiveness of mindfulness-based socio-emotional learning program with/and without Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on sustained attention and response inhibition in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. This research was a semi-experimental study with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The statistical population included all students aged 11 to 14 who referred to child and adolescent counseling centers in Khoy city in 2021-2022 year. 45 people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder of the mixed type were selected from among those who refer to the treatment centers by the purposeful sampling method and randomly replaced in two experimental groups and one control group. The first experimental group received the mindfulness-based socio-emotional learning program combined with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and the second experimental group received the mindfulness-based socio-emotional learning program for 8 weeks, but the control group did not receive any intervention. All participants were measured before and after the training using continuous performance test and GO/NO-GO test. For data analysis, multivariate covariance analysis was used in SPSS program. Data analysis showed that mindfulness-based socio-emotional learning combined with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation compared to the other two groups and mindfulness-based socio-emotional learning compared to the control group were more effective on sustained attention and response inhibition. According to the findings, it can be suggested that the mindfulness-based socio-emotional learning program combined with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation is an effective intervention to improve the cognitive functions of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Fateme Sharifmusavi,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (10-2022)

This study examined the associations among the executive functions, family cohesion, positive youth development and emotional maturity in adolescents, as well as the mediating role of emotion regulation in the relationship between executive functions, family cohesion, positive youth development and emotional maturity. Participants of this study included 300 high school students in grades 10 to 12 from six schools in Qom, Iran who completed the BRIEF2 Scale, the FACES IV, Positive youth development–short form, Emotional maturity questionnaire and Emotion Regulation Scale. Structural equation modeling revealed was positively associated executive functions with family cohesion, emotion regulation with emotional maturity and positive youth development. Also, the results indicated that no significant relationship between emotion regulation and family cohesion. Interaction-mediation analysis demonstrated that emotion regulation in the relationship between executive functions and family cohesion plays a full mediating role and in the relationship between executive functions and positive youth development and in the relationship between executive functions and emotional maturity has minor mediating role.  In generally, attention to the findings in this study can be used by researchers and therapists in the design and application of effective cognitive and psychological interventions to reduce the problems and mitigate the crises facing adolescents.
Zahra Zare, Farhad Balash, Batul Shiralizadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (10-2022)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the "Brain-Based Learning" teaching method on the level of learning biology in students' cognitive, skill and emotional domains. The method of this research is quasi-experimental with two groups of control and experimental. The statistical population includes 11th-grade female students in Tehran's 13th district in the 2019-2020 academic year. A total of 52 individuals from the statistical population were selected by the purposive sampling method and randomly assigned to two groups. The instruments for measuring the variables were the researcher-made cognitive-skill test and the researcher-made attitude questionnaire. The validity of the researcher-made instrument was determined using the opinions of expert teachers and their reliability was determined by retesting. Statistical tests (t-test, Mann-Whitney, and Chi-square index) were used by SPSS26 to evaluate and analyze the hypotheses. The results showed that teaching in a "brain - based learning" method compared to the usual method increased students' scores in cognitive and skill areas and improved their attitudes in emotional domain in Biology lesson at a statistical level of 5% (P>0.05). These results demonstrate the role and importance of brain-compatible teaching methods in learning.

Adel Bazram, Mahdi Khanjani, Mohammad Asgari, Seyed Mohammad Saeed Rezvani Nejad,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (10-2022)

The three principles of double effect, personal contact, and action are suggested as the chief psychological mechanisms affecting human moral decision making in trolley dilemmas. The purpose of current research was to investigate the claim of the universality of these principles and their role in moral decision making in trolley dilemma in the oriental culture of Iran. In this research, using a semi-experimental single group pre-test-post-test design, four scenarios were used adopted from similar research. The statistical population of this research was the general population active in social media. The sample consisted of 235 participants with an average age of 30.34. Among the subjects, 143 were women and 92 were men. "McNemar" test was used for statistical analysis. Based on the results, the effect of all three principles on the ethical decision making of the subjects in trolley dilemma was confirmed significantly (Pvalue>0.05). Therefore, this research shows that all three principles of personal contact, action, and double effect are effectively influencing moral decision making.

Dr Fatteme Raiisi, Dr Mina Ryassi,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (3-2023)

People with eating disorders express their eating pathology through metaphors. This research was conducted to explain and categorize eating disorder metaphorical posts in cyberspace. The method of this qualitative study was conventional and directed text content analysis, which was carried out by Shannon's entropy method in the period of September 2019 to May 2022. The population of this study included all messages and posts related to eating disorders that were posted or left comments on social networks. Due to the qualitative nature of this study, based on the rule of theoretical saturation and according to the opinion of experts in this field, 250 posts with psychological content were purposefully selected and analyzed. Then categories and subcategories were manually analyzed. Results indicated; metaphoric posts or messages related to eating disorders fall into two main categories of embodiment characteristics and non-embodiment metaphors source domains. On the other hand, each of these two main categories has subcategories that are separated from each other by cognitive and psychological characteristics. It seems; different messages and posts related to eating disorder metaphors need to be studied from different perspectives. Based on this, it is suggested that in future studies, these metaphorical posts should be examined according to the type of interventions effective on them.
Moslem Kord, Jalil Fath Abadi, Shahriar Gharibzadeh, Reza Khosrowabadi,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (3-2023)

This study aimed to comparison of the effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) and Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation (tRNS) combined with cognitive training on working memory performance of people with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. For this purpose, 45 children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in zahedan city were purposefully selected as the research sample. Subjects were divided into three groups: tDCS, tRNS and placebo group. Subjects in the experimental groups received 5 sessions of electrical stimulation (tDCS and tRNS) with an interval of 24 hours between each session; placebo group also received fake stimulation (non-effective). At the same time, all subjects also received cognitive rehabilitation of working memory. All subjects were evaluated before and after the stimulation and one week after the stimulation using the N-back task and the Wechsler Digit span test. The data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance. The results showed that in the tDCS group, there was a significant difference in most working memory components from the pre-test stage to the follow-up (p<0.001). In the tRNS group, a significant difference was found in the component of direct digit span and reverse digit span in the research stages. In the comparison between the two experimental groups, the effectiveness of the tDCS group was higher than that of the tRNS group. Also, no significant difference was found in most of the components between the tRNS and placebo groups (p>0.05). Overall, the results of this study show that tDCS was more effective than tRNS in working memory and this method can be used together with other treatments to improve the working memory of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Miss Simasadat Safavipour Naeini, Dr. Khadije Abolmaali Alhoseini, Dr. Rasol Roshan Chesli,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (3-2023)

Psychologists have proposed two styles for thinking and processing information. Experiential system, which is automatic and non-verbal; And the Rational system, which is analytical and verbal. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Rational- Experiential Inventory; and to find it's relationship with cognitive regulation of emotions. This cross-sectional study was performed by descriptive contextualization method. The statistical population consisted of all students of Islamic Azad and Sama Universities, Roodehen Branch, and 503 individuals were selected randomly via multi- period method and completed the Rational-Experiential Inventory (REI) and Cognitive Regulation of Emotions Questionnaire (Garnefski & Kraaij, 2006). Data were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha, and correlation coefficient. After analysis, four components were identified: Rational Ability, Rational Engagement, Experiential Ability, Experiential Engagement. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.682, 0.823, 0.695, 0.750, and the correlation coefficient in the retest was 0.79, 0.78, 0.73, and 0.76, respectively. In the validity of criterion, rational components had negative correlation with negative strategies of regulation of emotions, and the experiential components had positive correlation with these strategies. The rational- experiential inventory showed proper reliability and convergent validity, In general, Rational people used positive emotion regulation strategies more and negative strategies less. The Rational- Experiential Inventory had adequate reliability and convergent validity. It can be used to improve the teaching, and psychotherapy.
Mrs Fereshte Bakhshian, Dr Kamran Yazdanbakhsh, Dr Jahangir Karami, Dr Seyed Hamze Hoseini,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (3-2023)

Borderline personality disorder is a disorder with a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and emotions with impulsivity. This disorder is characterized by defects in the frontal activity circuits that play an important role in inhibiting and aggression regulation. The aim of this study is to design a neurofeedback protocol and investigate its effect on impulsivity, emotional instability and self-mutilation behavior in patients with borderline personality disorder. This study is a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test, post-test, follow up and control group design. The research sample consisted of 30 patients with borderline personality disorder that received a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder according to the diagnosis of a psychiatrist and a structured clinical interview based on DSM5. They were selected by available sampling and divided into experimental (neurofeedback training) and control groups randomly. The experimental group underwent 30 sessions of neurofeedback training and the control group was placed on a waiting list. 

After the last treatment session, both groups were re-evaluated. To collect the data, The Borderline Personality Disorder Scale (STB), Barat Impulsivity Questionnaire (1957 Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (Gratz and Roemer ,2004), and the Self-injury Scale (Swanson et al., 1998) were used. Three months after the study, the subjects were followed up again . The results showed that after controlling the effect of pretest, neurofeedback training had a significant effect on reducing the impulsivity, emotional instability and its components, as well as self-mutilation behavior in the experimental group compared to the control group(p<0/001(. With regard these results, we can say that the neurofeedback training method is an effective way to reduce the impulsivity, emotion dysregulation, and self-mutilation behavior in the treatment centers.

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