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Showing 241 results for Type of Study: Research

Mohammad Naghi Farahani, Mehran Emadi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (2-2015)

The relationship between class management with learning achievement had been attended by different researchers, but the psychological mediators can added the best obvious of this relationship. In the present research, the role of metacognitive knowledge and class management of teachers in predicting of English achievement have been conducted. 221 English teacher-student completed 3 sub-scales of class management (abdollahi,, 2014) and metacognitive believes (vels,2004). English grade point average of three classes of teachers has been the criterion of English achievement of their students. The results of stepwisel regression analysis showed the class management variables enter in the equation in the first steps. 52 percent of variance of English achievement predicts by 3 component of class management. In the last stage 1 percent of variance of English achievement added to the total of variance. This results show that although the most important of English achievement can predict by class management variables, but the metacognition believes of teachers can increase this prediction.
Keywords: Metacognition, Class Management, English Achievement

Mansur Beyrami, Yazdan Movahhedi, Morteza Pourmohammadi, Hanieh Kharrazi, Leila Ahmadi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (2-2015)

This study aim to compare the cognitively biased information processing in anxiety, depression and was normal people. The study was causal-comparative study of 50 subjects anxious subjects, 50 subjects with depression and 50 normal subjects were formed by students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences were selected using data Bvdnd.grdavry anxiety scales and Beck Depression scale psychological symptoms and clinical interviews, tests, and test complete root words were a reminder properties and data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance. The results showed that explicit and implicit memory between the three groups, anxious, depressed and normal in terms of positive, negative, and there was a significant threat, while threatening words of anxious, depressed subjects with negative words and positive words of ordinary scores were higher. But there was no significant difference in terms of neutrality between the three groups. It can be concluded that information processing in explicit and implicit memory bias creates and causes the information to be more consistent with the mood.

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Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2016)

The aim of the present study was examining cognitive functions, listening pre-skills and linguistic abilities in monolingual and bilingual children. The research design was causal-comparative. Thirty 6 to 12- year-old bilingual children of Polyglot Center of Iran and thirty 6 to12-year-old monolingual children of Lego Center consisted the statistical population of this study. Purposeful and available sampling method was used in the present study. Language Development Test, Wechsler Nonverbal Intelligence Test and Listening Pre-Skills Test were the tools used in this study. Data were analyzed using multivariate variance analysis. The results showed that there is a significant difference between monolingual and bilingual children in case of cognitive functions, listening pre-skills and linguistic abilities. parents and education officials are recommended to provide comprehensive and various programs to improve cognitive skills needed for language learning.

Dr Vahid Nejati, Mr Saman Kamari, Mr Esmaeil Shiri, Mr Farhad Radfar,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2016)

The purpose of present study is determining semantic network for selected Persian words and designing false memory scale (examination) based on it. This present research is cross sectional studies. In this research, two studies were designed. In the first study, selected word presented to 30 individuals and they should write down related word with free association. Key words (Critical Lure) selected from Roediger Mc Dermot (1995) in false memory scale. In the second study, list of words presented Without key words to 80 participants and recall and recognition of words were measured. Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation test was used for analysis. Findings show that recall and recognition were significantly correlated (P< 0/001). Key words recall and list word recall are significantly correlated (r=0/66). Recall and recognition are significantly correlated (r= 0/41). Participants recall 19% and recognize 51% of words. Present study prepare word list for false memory test that can be used for study false memory in Persian language.

Moslem Kord, Ali Mashhadi, Javad Salehi Fadardi, Jafar Hasani,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2016)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of emotional working memory training on improving cognitive control of participants with high trait anxiety symptoms. This study was based on a quasi-experimental design pretest& posttest with active control group. 28 students from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad with high scores on trait anxiety, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory were voluntarily selected, according to available sampling. 14 people in both experimental and active control groups were matched and randomly assigned into two groups. To measure cognitive control color-word Stroop test was used. Persian Emotional Working Memory Training was used with the experimental group and Shape Matched Training Task was used with the active control group To analyze the results multivariate analysis of covariance was conducted The results showed a significant difference in cognitive control components (congruent reaction time, incongruent reaction time and interference score) between the two groups.
D.r Kazem Barzegar Bafrooei, ,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2016)

Mathematics is one of the courses in which students are weak and it causes their academic failure. The aim of present study is to estimate the math anxiety based on cognitive emotion regulation and problem-solving ability in second year students of science. The research method was correlation. The participants of this study were female second year students of science in Yazd. So, 130 girls were selected based on cluster random sampling method and completed math anxiety MARS-R, cognitive emotion regulation CERQ and problem-solving ability PSI questionnaires.  Descriptive statistical indices, Pearson correlation coefficient, and step by step multivariate regression were used by the software SPSS V. 20 to analyze the data. The results indicated that although there is an inverse relation between math anxiety scores of students and two dimensions of problem-solving ability such as control characters (r = - 0/249) and confidence in problem-solving (r = - 0/348), the relation between math anxiety scores and negative cognitive emotion regulation is direct and significant (r = 0/327). The findings from regression showed that problem-solving ability and negative dimension of cognitive emotion regulation explained totally 18 percent of variance in math anxiety in level p<0/01, serialization negative direction and positive direction could predict the math anxiety. According to these findings, it's suggested to authorities and math teachers to attempt for increasing math performance of students through decreasing their negative cognitive emotion regulation and increasing their confidence in problem-solving.

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Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2016)

Inquiring the cognitive Control, social problem solving and self-esteem between monolingual and bilingual students.


This study aims to inquiry the cognitive control, social problem solving and self-esteem of the students of Kurdish-Persian language bilingual and ones of Persian language monolingual. research method was causal-comparative type .The sample consisted of 80 students (40 monolingual students, 40 bilingual students) who were selected by the mean of the multi-stage cluster sampling. To collect data from the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Grant & Berg (1948), Revised Social Problem Solving Inventory Dyzhryla (2002, Kooper Smith Self Esteem (1967) was used. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance and T-test for independent samples. The results showed that bilingual and monolingual students there are significant differences in terms of cognitive control and self-esteem. Bilingual performance was better than the monolingual performance. But unlike previous research in the field of social problem-solving, there was no significant difference.        According to the results we can say that because bilingual students are faced with two systems of rules of language and their knowledge of the language is more than monolingual students ,then they in terms of cognitive have superiority. And that each language has its own cultural burden ,and this cultural burden is the experience from wide range of information and support that has a positive effect on self-esteem .And in social problem-solving is probably the type of bilingualism, expertise and skills of peoples in a second language, the richness of the environment, the opportunity for two languages as well as methodologies  cause to strengthen or weaken the second language learning and had different effects.

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Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2016)


The aim of this study was to investigate the Relationship Between Negative Mental Imagery and Executive Functions in People with Social Anxiety Disorder. 300 students were randomly selected in Kharazmi University students and then click SPIN questionnaire and answer questions about mental imagery semi-structured interviews with 60 subjects were selected. 20 of whom had symptoms of social anxiety and negative images, 20 people with social anxiety have a lower specification and images were negative and 20 patients with social anxiety had lower specification and images were negative. Stroop test, word is marked with the letters, Tower of London test was conducted on three groups. But social anxiety group was weaker than normal group with in next time thinking of the Tower of London test and. Three Stroop reaction time, high-frequency words, the previous time thinking and movements showed no significant difference in the Tower of London. Modified negative mental imagery in the social anxiety disorder can be associated with better performance on the executive function of individuals with this disorder.

Fatemeh Ghayourkazemi, Dr Zohreh Sepehri Shamloo, Dr Ali Mashhadi, Dr Ali Ghanaei, Dr Frozan Pasalar,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2016)

The aim of this research was to compare the effectiveness of MCT and Neurofeedback on metacognitive believes and symptoms of SAD. This research was a single subject study with volunteer sampling method. 7 students from Ferdowsi and Farhangian universities with diagnosis of SAD have been matched and assigned into one of the three groups (control, MCT and Neurofeedback).DSM-IV structured interview,Conner's Social Phobia Inventory, Watson and Friend's social anxiety questionnair, metacognition questionnair have been used before and after intervention and in 45 days follow-up.  Conner's Inventory also had been answered 2 times within the treatment. 8 session per week for MCT and 16 sessions 3 times each week for neurofeedback has been performed. Percent recovery is used for data analysis.  Results showed MCT and neurofeedback were effective in treating SAD with different range of percent recovery in each one of the subjects. But the mean of percent recoveries weren't different between the two interventions. Although metacognitive believes changed more in MCT. Percent recovery has improved in the follow up.  In general, MCT and Neurofeedback are both effective in reducing SAD but MCT was more effective in milder SAD and Neurofeedback was more effective in more severe SAD than MCT.

دکتر علی یاسینی,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2016)

This study examined the effect of concept maps and traditional ways of teaching to students’ learning about the concepts of third year high school chemistry course and to analyze this effect, knowledge space theory is used. Semi – experimental method with pre and post test were used and the population of this study consisted of all students (N=250) in the third year of secondary school in the city of Ilam. The sample used in this study selected via convenience sampling and two high school class were selected randomly to investigate the traditional and inquiry teaching methods. To collect the data, learning and attitude research made questionnaire was done in which their validity were approved by five professors of education and ten chemistry professors and teachers. Reliability assessed via Cronbach Alpha and the amount of 0.79 and 0.74 estimates to knowledge and attitude respectively. To analyze the data, knowledge space theory and Potter software was used. Comparison between groups was performed using t-test and results of post test showed significant difference between the groups' attitudes and knowledge structures of inquiry method more cohesive and its training critical path is different than the traditional group.

Maryam Ahmadi, Dr Alireza Moradi, Dr Jafar Hassani,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2016)

The present research aims to compare the cognitive performance of the adolescents suffering from MDD and PTSD in the working memory and information processing. the selected sample in this casual-comparative study included 15 MDD patients, 15 youth PTSD subjects and 15 normal subjects who were matched by age, IQ, sex as well as social and economic status variables. The tool package employed in this investigation comprised child depression inventory (CDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Impact of Event Scale (IES-R), Wechsler’s Memory and Intelligence Test, and The Information Processing Index Test. Findings were analyzed using the ANOVA, MANOVA analysis statistical indicated by our result, in the verbal memory there is a significant difference between groups of depression and PTSD and between depressed and normal subjects. in the reverse spatial working memory there are significant differences between normal and PTSD. in the visual memory and information processing, the significant difference is between normal and both PTSD and depressed.The findings of this study confirm the disorders of working memory and speed of information processing in adolescents with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. 

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Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2016)

Dr Mehdi Reza Sarafraz,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2016)


There has been substantial interest in mindfulness as an approach to reduce cognitive vulnerability to stress and emotional distress in recent years, and mindfulness meditation practices have been incorporated into several interventions that are now widely available in medical and mental health settings. However, thus far mindfulness has not been defined operationally. Among the important questions that can be studied is whether mindfulness should be described as a multifaceted construct and, if so, how the facets should be defined. Several current descriptions of mindfulness suggest a multidimensional nature. The aim of the present study was to investigate the factor structure and psychometric properties of Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) in Iran. 247 Iranian university student (188 women, 53 men and 6 undefined) filled following scales:  FFMQ (Baer, Smith, Hopkins, Krietemeyer, & Toney, 2006), Integrative Self-Knowledge (Ghorbani, Watson, & Hargis, 2008), BSCS(Tangney, Baumeister, & Boone, 2004) , Rumination Scale (Trapnell & Campbell, 1999), Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ; (Meyer, Miller, Metzger, & Borkovec, 1990), Vitality Scale (Ryan & Frederick, 1997), symptom checklist  (Bartone 1995), perceived stress(Cohen, Kamarack, & Mermelstein, 1983) & Anxiety and Depression Scale(Costello & Comrey, 1967).  The second order CFA showed that five-factor structure of FFMQ in first order and one-factor in second order did not fit the data well and EFA proved five-factor structure in first order and two-factor in second order of the scale that fit the data well. These results point toward conceptual distinction between facets of mindfulness. Mindfulness facets were shown to be differentially correlated in expected ways with several other constructs and to have convergent and divergent validity. Findings suggest that conceptualizing mindfulness as a multifaceted construct is helpful in understanding its components and its relationships with other variables, and suggested a need for reviewing the research and theory of mindfulness due to exposed facets.

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Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2016)

The purpose of the present study was to compare the creativity and critical thinking between bilingual students of Persian-Armenian language and monolingual students of Persian language. The study method is causal-comparative. Statistical community is all Bilingual of Persian-Armenian language and monolingual of Persian language students in first year of high school in the Tehran city in the 1393-94 academic year. The sample group is included 120( 60 monolingual students and 60 bilingual students and each group consisted of 30 male and 30 female) that were selected by multistage cluster sampling method. To collect data  used from Abedi creativity test and California critical thinking skills test. Data using independent sample t-test were analyzed. The results showed that there is not significant difference between monolingual and bilingual students in creativity and it subscales (including fluency, elaboration, originality and flexibility) and critical thinking and it subscales (including analysis, inference, evaluation, deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning) mean scores. Also there is not significant difference between male and female students in critical thinking and it subscales mean scores and creativity  and it subscales with the exception of flexibility subscale. Mean scores of female students in flexibility from creativity subscales was higher than of male students. In explaining these results we can say that due to the not found significant difference between creativity and critical thinking of monolingual and bilingual students  as two cognitive skills, Therefore, bilingualism is not a defect and obstacle for bilingual students cognitive development and  with proper educational strategy bilingualism becomes an opportunity for the cognitive skills development.

Mrs Seyede Maryam Moshirian Farahi, Mrs Haniye Zarif Gobar Yazdi, Dr Seyed Amir Amin Yazdi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)

The aim of this research was to investigate the  visual-spatial attention and visual-manual dexterity skills in children with learning disorders and  normal children . this is on Expost study. To do so, of elementary  clinic of psychology  of mashhad chity 15 children with learning disorders and 20 elementary normal children. Tools  in research was include Corsi test and  Pursuit rotor test. Mean scores of students with LD and normal students, there are significant differences in test corsi and Pursuit rotor test. According to visual - spatial attention and Visual-manual dexterity  in children with  learning disorders poor than normal children, these problems should be assessed in order to plan appropriate interventions.
Dr Maryam Rahimian, Dr Parvaneh Shamsipour, Mis Nahid Barizi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of goal setting on declarative memory performance in tasks with different cognitive loads. 60 female students were selected randomly and divided into short-term goals, long-term goals with high and low cognitive loads and the control groups. For this purpose, the Petersburg sleep quality questionnaire, Goldberg mental health questionnaire, inventory cognitive function, Annette handedness questionnaire, and Stroop software (task  with high cognitive load) and color matching chain (task with low cognitive load) were used. All groups practiced four training sessions in four days based on type of goal setting instructions. The retention test was performed 24 hours after the acquisition phase. Data were analyzed using the factorial repeated measures ANOVA (acquisition phase), two-way analysis of variance, one way analysis of variance and Bonferroni post hoc test (retention test). Results showed significant differences among experimental groups in the acquisition phase (P<0.05). The short term goals group performed better than the other groups in the retention test and task with high cognitive load (stroop task). Also, the short term goals group had better performance than control group in the low cognitive load task (color matching task chain). Furthermore, comparing the groups in tasks with high and low cognitive loads in the retention test showed that the short and long term goals groups in task with high cognitive load performed better than the short and long term goals groups in task with low cognitive load. Thus, the results indicate that goal setting instructions are more effective in task with high cognitive load.

Zobair Samimi, Somayeh Ramesh, Moslem Kord Tamini,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)

Being behavioral inhibition problems in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder outstands need for more notice to new therapeutic methods. Therefore, The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of emotional working memory training on improvement behavioral inhibition of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. For this purpose, 20 people with obsessive-compulsive disorder were selected available sampling by using 2 instruments (SCID-I) & (YOCS) .Then they randomly divided into two groups, control and experiment. The experimental group participants were under emotional working memory training during 20 sessions. All participants were assessed during pre-training and post- therapy by go /nogo task. The results of multivariate analysis of covariance showed that there is a significant difference in go /nogo omission error and reaction time between two groups in post-test stage and scores of experimental group were less than the control group.
Regarding to the current study, it can be said that emotional working memory training is an appropriate choice for improvement behavioral inhibition of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of coherent principlin  multimedia learning environment. In doing so, the issue of the creation of lightening concept was represented via 4 different animation to junior students of secondary school (N=112). The first group observed the animation with the coherent concept, the second group watched the animation with seductive details with less interest (irrelevant details), the third group watched it with seductive details with more interest that led to emotional interest and the forth group watched the animation with seductive details with more interest that led to cognitive interest. Learning the process of lightening formation was evaluated via maintenance and transmission, the test of cognitive load was used for investigation of the amount of cognitive load of experience during training and response to question. For investigating the research hypotheses the one way ANOVA, contrast coefficient and follow test were used. Better performance of the fourth group in maintenance and transmission information compared with the third group indicates that the seductive details are not seductive always. On the other hand the better performance of the first group in one test of the information maintenance compared with the second and third group indicates the impact of coherent principle.

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Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)

The current study aims reduction cognitive vulnerability and dissociative experiences in Patients with PTSD by MEmory Specificity Training. in the Semi- pilot with pre test-post test and follow up after one month, Combined control group,24 patiens (12 men & 12 women) Suffering of PTSD, selected via available sampling and were Randomly in experimental and control groups. Subjects in experimental group received MEmory Specificity Training in 4 sequential weekly sessions and control group Were placed in Waiting list. In both groups, Scores Were collected before and after the intervention and with month follow-up period by Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES-II), Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT), Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), The data were analyzed by Multivariate analysis of variance with repeated measures. findings Confirmed Effectiveness of MEmory Specificity Training That  reduction cognitive vulnerability Related to avoidance, intrusive thoughts, Hyperarousal and reduction dissociative experiences in Dissociative Amnesia, Depersonalization/Derealization and Absorption/Imginative Involvement  dimension in patients with PTSD.

Mrs Fatemeh Gorjian, Dr Mohammad Hossein Abdollahi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)

The aim of current study was to investigation the Compare executive functions and cognitive interpretation bias and cognitive estimation in social anxiety disorder patients and healthy controls. In this study, the sample was 100 students with Purposive sampling method selected from public university from the city of Tehran. This means that the first explanation was given about the research and the cooperation to sample every five Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN), Cognitive estimation, Cognitive Abilities Questionnaire  and، Interpretation bias Questionnaire. Then 50 people who score above the cut-off point in Social Phobia Inventory And in the range of subclinical and clinical, and 50 people who score below the cut-off point gained in social anxiety questionnaire formed the sample. The data was analyzed through multivariable analysis of variance. In sum, the finding of current study Interpretation bias in social phobia patients is higher than normal Individuals and cognitive estimation and executive functions in individuals with social anxiety disorder compared to healthy individuals is flawed.  So that students with social anxiety disorder have lower performance in the components of other groups of students. This problem must be identified and targeted intervention.

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