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Showing 241 results for Type of Study: Research

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Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)

The current research was conducted by the aim of studying the moderator role of age, Intelligence, and gender in relation to the Executive functions and reading function of elementary students.The sample included 250 students (124 boys and 126 girls) in elementary level that were selected by Multi-stage cluster sampling method among students of Karaj. Different functions were measured as these: Reading through reading test of Karami-noori and Moradi, intelligence by Raven's Progressive Matrices, working memory by Memory span test, attention by Continuous Performance Test, and planning and inhibition by Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functions (brief). Statistical methods of Pearson correlation and regression analysis were used.The correlation results showed that there is a positive and significant relation between executive functions (working memory, inhibition, subjective planning, and attention) and reading. Regression analysis result showed that intelligence and gender have not a moderator role in the relation of executive functions and reading.  But, age had a moderator role in the relation of executive functions and reading. The results of this research was consistent with Miyake's theory that believes executive functions are separate but related to each other, and individual differences of the students in these functions should be considered, because they affect their school performance.

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Volume 4, Issue 4 (1-2017)

The present study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the Dispositions to Critical Thinking Inventory (DCTI) among a normal sample of Iranian students. The present study is a correlation study. The population of the study consisted all students of Tehran’s universities (Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran University, and Shahed University). 330 students (175 females, 155 males) were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. At first, the inventory was translated through double translation method and verified by the specialists. To assess construct validity, the exploratory factor analysis as well as internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) was used. To assess the convergent validity, the correlation coefficients between the DCTI and the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI) was used. Finally, in order to assess the reliability of the questionnaire, the test-retest after 2 weeks (N=40) and Cronbach’s coefficients were employed. Results from factor analysis and varimax rotation to determine construct validity showed that this inventory was saturated by three factors, innovativeness, maturity and commitment. To investigate its convergence validity, the results of correlation scores of the dispositions of critical thinking with the California critical thinking skills test score showed that the correlation between the critical thinking skills score and the California critical thinking skills test score was not significant, but it had a significant relationship with the two other factors. Using the internal consistency method, the Cronbach’s alpha for each of the subscales was calculated and following results obtained: 0.61 for innovativeness subscale, 0.38 for maturity, and 0.81 for commitment, which indicates dispositions to the critical thinking subscales had a positive and significant correlation with each other and with the total score of the inventory (r = 0.75). The obtained results of test-retest scores after one-week interval and internal correlation coefficient were calculated as follows: 0.564 for creativity, 0.372 for maturity, and 0.682 for commitment subscales.
According to the results of the present study, the DCTI can be used for educational and research goals in Iranian population.
Yazdan Moradizadeh, Robabeh Nouri Ghasmabadi, Jafar Hasani,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (1-2017)

The aim of present study was to investigation the role of metacognitive beliefs and thought control strategies in test anxiety symptoms of students. In a frame of correlation design, using multi-stage cluster sampling among high school students of Estahban and Shiraz in the 93-94 academic year, 401 students (male and female) were selected and completed test anxiety inventory (TAI), metacognitive questionnaire (MCQ-30) and thought control questionnaire (TCQ). Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Pearson correlation coefficient showed that the cognitive components of positive beliefs about worry, uncontrollability, danger and cognitive confidence had a positive relationship with test anxiety symptoms of students. Also, among thought control strategies, worry, social control and punishment had a positive relationship with test anxiety symptoms of student, but attention diversion had a negative relationship. The results of stepwise multiple regression analysis of variables combination showed that uncontrollability and danger, cognitive confidence, punishment and need to thoughts control predict test anxiety symptoms of students, respectively.  The results of this study suggests that one of important factors in incidence of test anxiety in students is metacognitive beliefs and copying strategies about them. Therefore, it is recommended that pay particular attention to metacognitive beliefs and copying strategies in the prevention programs or treatment of test anxiety. 

Sohrab Amiri,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (1-2017)

This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties flow metacognitions questionnaire (FMQ) on the student population took place. For this purpose, 390 students of Urmia University were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling, then flow metacognitions questionnaire (FMQ), Positive Metacognitions and Meta-Emotions Questionnaire and Meta-Cognitions Questionnaire were distributed among them to respond. After collecting data to determine the psychometric properties of the flow metacognitions questionnaire (FMQ), initially validity of the Questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach's alpha, retest and splitting coefficient, the criterion validity with Positive Metacognitions and Meta-Emotions Questionnaire and Meta-Cognitions Questionnaire. As well as its factor structure was assessed by using confirmatory factor analysis. The results of the factor analysis indicated that the flow metacognitions questionnaire (FMQ) has two factors, check the validity of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha, retest and splitting coefficient reflects the stability of the scale, the criterion validity of the questionnaire with other questionnaires Showed desirable discriminant and convergence validity. Overall, the findings indicated that flow metacognitions questionnaire (FMQ), has good psychometric properties in sample of student and normal population, and tool can be used in studies in the Iranian culture.  

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Volume 4, Issue 4 (1-2017)

This study aimed to determine the mediating role of self-regulation in the relationship between thinking styles and students’ test anxiety in Birjand University. The present study is a non-experimental one and of Structural Equations Modeling (SEM) type. The sample size consists of 300 students (150 males and 150 females) who were studying in Birjand University that were selected through multi-stage cluster random sampling method. They completed three questionnaires including Test Anxiety questionnaire developed by Abolqasemi et al. (1996), Self-regulation questionnaire by Pinterich and DeGrowth (1990) and Thinking Styles by Sternberg and Wagner (1992). Then, descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation and parameters of inferential statistics and path analysis were applied using AMOS software. The results showed that thinking styles explain 31% of the self-regulatory learning variance and thinking styles with mediation of self-regulatory learning explain 36% of the test anxiety variance. Thinking styles have an indirect relationship with test anxiety through self-regulation. Therefore, identifying different learning styles and skills through self-regulation of the amount of test anxiety they explained. And thus to reduce test anxiety set of programs. As a result, planners and therapists These findings suggest that self-regulation is necessary to reduce test anxiety, and also references to different learning styles as a key variable pay special attention

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Volume 4, Issue 4 (1-2017)

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of attention training on the reading performance of students with dyslexia .This was an experimental study with pre-test, post-test and control group. The samples were randomly selected and consisted of 30 female students with dyslexia that were 11-9 years old. They were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental Group received 20 sessions (Three times per week, each lasting 45 minutes) of verbal attention training program while the control group received only conventional education in school. Before and after the intervention, Assessment of Reading and Dyslexia (NAMA) were completed by the two groups. Before the intervention Toulouse-Pieron test screening for dyslexic students who had attention deficit was applied. The data were analyzed using analysis of covariance. The results showed that attention training program Increased the reading Performance of excremental group in comparison to control group (p <0/0005). Also the scores of experimental group were enhancing after the training. Attention training had a positive effect on reading performance of students with dyslexia and can be used to enhance students' reading performance. This method can be applied by psychologists, teachers and educators of special schools, parents and all those who are in communication with these children.
Masoumeh Ghanbarishokrali, Hamidreza Hassanabadi, Parvin Kadivar,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2017)

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Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2017)

This study to do identifying processes and strategies of emotion regulation and designing developmental model based on self-regulation patterns. Thus, this study examined emotion regulation with a developmental perspective in children age 4 - 12 years In Tehran. To 108 children, scenarios including four emotions namely sadness, madness, worry and pain were read. After the stories were read to the subjects and duly understood by them, and once an emotional atmosphere was created, subjects had an emotion regulation interview (ERI) and observation. Findings show that emotion regulation developed from extra-organismic self-regulation (input and output) toward intra-organismic (central processing). This trajectory is situation, attention and perception change, responding and expression modulating and internal-cognitive regulation. 

Zobair Samimi, Somayeh Ramesh, Javad Afzoon, Sayed Ali Kazemi Rezaei,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2017)

The failures of memory function in post-traumatic stress disorder and its relationship with severity of symptoms need to take new approaches to improve the memory performance in patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the Effectiveness of emotional working memory Training on improvement memory in adolescents with Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). For this purpose, 4 adolescents (M: 2 F: 2) were selected available sampling by using 2 instruments (SCID-I) & (IES-R) The selected people– one by one were under emotional working memory training during 20 sessions. All people were assessed during three stages (pre-training, post- training and 2 month follow up) by children' Wechsler Digit Span Test (direct and reverse). Data were analyzed using the indices for trend changes, slope and the visual inspection of the charts; recovery percent index and effect size were used to determine the clinical significance. The results showed that emotional working memory training lead to increase in ability of participants in memory from pretest to follow up who suffering from Post- Traumatic Stress Disorders. Regarding the current study, it can be said that emotional working memory training is an appropriate choice for increase in memory in adolescents suffering from Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder

Dr. Mohammad Khodayarifard, Dr. Elaheh Hejazi, Dr. Masoud Lavasani, Miss Zeinab Azimi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Low self-esteem is one of the key factors underlying psychopathology, such as test anxiety. It seems that the activation of positive self-representations in memory plays an important role in self-perception. The aim of this article was to determine the effect of strengthening memory representations on self-esteem in people with test anxiety. This study was based on a quasi-experimental design with pretest and post-test. According to retrieval competition approach, a training package was designed to promote self-esteem and after verifying its content validity by 5 expert psychologist, the intervention was administered in 10 sessions (a one-hour session per week). Participants were 10 high school students with test anxiety diagnosis which were selected by purposive and available sampling; and completed Spielberger Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) before and after the intervention and also one month follow up. Data analysis was performed using one-way trend analysis (one-way ANOVA with repeated measures). The results indicated that this intervention could lead to improve self-esteem and decrease test anxiety in participants (p˂0.01) and this trend continued until one month follow-up. As a result, it seems that interventions on the factors underlying psychopathology, such as low self-esteem, can have beneficial as well as proactive effects in this area and We may be able to make changes in self-concept even with no deliberate challenge to the thoughts.

Ms. Somaye Keshavarzi, Mr. Eskandar Fathi Azar, Mr. Mir Mahmoud Mirnasab, Mr. Rahim Badri Gargari,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2017)

This research aimed to investigate the effect of metacognitive awareness on decision-making styles and emotion regulation in female high school students during 2016 in Tabriz, Iran. We conducted a pre- and post-test quasi-experimental research design with a control group. Two classes were selected by cluster sampling method and randomly assigned to experimental (n=19) and control (n=19) groups. A metacognitive awareness intervention program was performed in eight sessions (once a week in 90-minutes) for the experimental group but the control group did not receive any intervention and served as the benchmarking point of the comparison. The Decision Styles Questionnaire (Leykin & DeRubeis, 2010) and Regulation of Emotion Questionnaire (Phillips & Power, 2007) were administered. Data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). The result showed a significant decrease in the score of the avoidant, anxious, intuitive, and spontaneous dimensions as well as a significant increase in the score of the dependent dimension of decision-making styles in the experimental group compared with the control group. Moreover, the scores of the dysfunction dimension of emotion regulation decreased significantly in the experimental group, while, the scores of the function dimension increased significantly.

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Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2017)

working memory is the comprehensive cognitive system that embedded attentional and memorical mechanisms and therefore can be used in systematic research of cognitive problems. The aim of this study was to investigate the predictive role of working memory capacity and executive functions (shifting, inhibition and updating) for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  We selected 164 student   (90 male and 74 female)    from university of Tehran with random sampling method  and they completed Maudsley Obsessional – Compulsive Inventory (Hodgson & Rachman, 1977), the Digit Backward Span Task (workingmemory capacity), Forward Span task (Short Term Memory), Stroop (inhibition, Spreen & Strauss, 1998), Set- Switching Task (shifting, Rogers & Monsell, 1995) and Keep Track Task (updating, Martinez, et al., 2011). Data analyzing used regression showed working memory and executive function totally predict considerable amount (67 percent) of obsessive compulsive predisposition. Therefore it can be concluding, obsessive people have crucial weakness in storage, monitoring and executive cognitive function (in general attention control) and we can use training in these functions as treatment strategies.

Mr Abdollah Borhani, Dr Alireza Moradi, Dr Mehdi Akbary, Mis Rozhin Mirani,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2017)


 Addiction has negative effects on people's psychological and social aspects. In fact, addiction is a chronic disease that causes various biological, psychological and social impact of.The aim of current study was Effectiveness of process emotion regulation strategies in improvement on executive functions  and quality of life in recovered addictions in drop in centers. The  method of this research is experimental that we used pre-tests and post-tests with control group. The sample consisted of 24 male  of recovered addictions in drop in centers that selected with accessible sampaling and randomly they have been appointed in experimental and control group. Experimental group recieved emotion regulation strategies based on gross model for ten sessions, while the control group don,t take any intervention. The information were assessed via Wisconsin card sorting test and quality of life questionnaire.The data were analyzed by analysis of multivariate covariance.  The results show that process emotion regulation strategies improve executive functions and  increase quality of life in experimental group. process emotion regulation strategies suggest positive clinical implications in substance abuse treatment  and relapse prevention.

Mrs Nasrin Darezereshki, Mr Kazem Barzegarbafroee, Mr Ahmad Zandvanian,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2017)

The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of teaching philosophy on the way community of inquiry on critical thinking and its dimensions of female students in fifth grade in Yazd. The study population included all fifth grade students in Yazd in academic year 2015 – 2016. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-post test on experimental and control groups. For this purpose, 30 students were selected by using convenience sampling and they were randomly assigned to two groups, experimental group (n = 15) and control group (n = 15). The critical thinking questionnaire of Watson- Glazer was used for gathering data. Philosophy on the way community of inquiry was taught to the experimental group during 12 sessions (each session was 60 minutes). Results of examining hypothesis by using analysis of covariance (significance level = 0.05) showed that teaching philosophy on the way community of inquiry has effect on critical thinking and its dimensions (perception, inference, interpretation and evaluation of logical reasoning), and it has improved them.

Saeed Alboghbeish, Rasool Abedanzadeh, Nahid Shetab Boushehri, Afkham Daneshfar,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2017)


Background & Aims: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of strop on the psychological refractory period.

 Materials & Methods: The present study is of semi-experimental. 20 students of Chamran University of Ahwaz, chosen in reach; participated in the study with average age of 23/45±1/45. Each of the participants did a test of strop effect dual task within four intervals of 50, 100, 300, 900 ms between asynchronous onset of the tasks in both congruent and incongruent conditions.

Results: The results of repeated measurement test with (p>0/05) significant indicate that response time of the congruent stimulant is quicker compared with the incongruent one. In short intervals, the automatic process of reading the word had no overlap with the process of naming the word.

Conclusion: Therefore, strop effect in short intervals was not effective and the incongruent condition of strop effect makes the analysis of stimulant complex during the phase of choosing the response. Intra-group difference and internal inconsistency of two stimulants within the sequence of congruent and incongruent dual task increased the response time of the second stimulant. So, increase in the complexity of the first stimulant causes the longest delay of the second one.

Phd Fatemeh Shahamat Dehsorkh,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2017)

The crucial difference between people with OCD and non-clinical individuals would be the presence of OCD-related dysfunctional beliefs. compulsions are aimed at undoing the intrusive thoughts.  With respect of core symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(OCD) deficit in cognitive inhibition is probable. But results are inconsistent in this field. Here researchers are aimed to study the probable IOR deficit in clinical sample of compulsive washing . this study is a causal- comparative research.  Beck Depression Inventory - version II (BDI-II), Obsessional Beliefs Questionnaire- 44 (OBQ-44) and emotional Inhibition of Return test were administered of  47 clinical samples of compulsive washing. The results of MANOVA analysis showed that there is no differences between two groups in IOR (F(4,42)=-0.578, P=0.735; Wilk’s Lambda= 0.955; Partial η2= 0.045). Moreover there is a significant deference between reaction times in valid and invalid trails  (t= 4.209; P≤0.01) that shows the general IOR phenomena in participants. This research failed to show  cognitive inhibition deficit  in clinical samples of compulsive washing according to their dysfunctional beliefs.IT seems that IOR deficient is not detectable in OCD patients according to exogenous attention. Other theoretical and experimental implications are discussed.

Rokhand Roohani Noosar, , ,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2017)

The project aimed to assess of biofeedback’s effect on anxiety and waiting anxiety symptoms using researcher-built instrument. The research design for this study was “Pretest- Posttest with Control Group Design”. The statistical population consisted of people with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in the 19-45 age range. This survey was based on a sample of 19 patients with GAD who were systematically drawn from 70 students with the high level of anxiety and then randomly assigned into experimental (n=10) and control (n=9) groups. At the percolation step, Anxiety disorder interview schedule for DSM-IV, Beck anxiety inventory and Waiting anxiety employed for the evaluation of the research variables. Biofeedback’s treatment using researcher-built instrument was performed on testable samples of the experimental groups. The data were analyzed using univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The covariance analysis revealed that biofeedback’s researcher-built instrument could help reduce anxiety (P<0.01) nevertheless no significant difference between experimental and control groups was observed in regards to waiting anxiety. The report suggested, easy availability of home version of biofeedback in large-scale in ensuring optimal level of its ability which can be subsequently employed on a broad spectrum of disorders.

Mr Masoud Moghaddaszadeh Bazzaz, Dr Javad S. Fadardi, Dr Hosein Kareshki, Prof John Parkinson,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Obesity is one of the most important problems which threatens the global health. Healthcare organizations spend a
large amount of money to predict and treat obesity every year. The most common treatment for obesity is
concentrated on shaping a new lifestyle with more exercise and healthy diet. But a multitude of dieters fail. In this study, the role of cognitive processing in dieters` success or fail was investigated. Participants were
successful (N= 42) and unsuccessful (N= 45) dieters between 18 and 40 years old. Attentional bias, positive
implicit association, and working memory capacity were measured by dot-probe task, a modified
version of implicit association test (IAT), and N-Back task. Results indicated that unsuccessful dieters showed
greater attentional bias to (d= 0.69) and more food preferences for (d= 1.06) high-calorie food pictures.
Nevertheless, there was no significant difference in implicit associations for high calorie food and in working memory capacity between the groups. These results were congruent with some previous studies and they were discussed based on dual-processing model.

Dr Hadi Keramati, Dr Javad Vefori,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2017)

The present research aims to examine the effect of teaching studying methods of reading and comprehension, note-taking and writing, and exam techniques and stress management with emphasis on cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies on academic achievement and motivation achievement among Iranian students with residency in Tajikistan. For this purpose, using empirical method and multi-group pre-test and post-test design, 80 students were considered in four groups(3 experimental groups and 1 control group). Response was given to Hermans achievement motivation questionnaire by the students at four groups and their Grade Point Average for previous year was registered, and the individuals in the experimental groups were trained during 10 sessions. After intervention, Hermans achievement motivation questionnaire was refilled by the students and their new Grade Point Average was registered. Ultimately, the research data were analyzed via Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). Results of statistical analyses indicated that training studying techniques of reading and comprehension, note-taking and writing, and exam techniques and stress management affect achievement motivation and academic achievement.

Doctor Hossein Zare, Masomeh Esmaeili,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2017)

The present study attemps to investigate overgeneral autobiographical memory and relationship with problem- solving deficits in depressive and anxious individuals. For this reason, 15 depressive, 15 anxious and 15 normal individuals were chosen from the students of estahban  payam noor university, that were the clients of the counceling clinic. In this study, after completing the Beck Anxiety Inventory(BAI) and Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), Autobiographical Memory Test And Means- ends Problem- solving task was used. To compare the overgeneral and problem- solving in 3 group of depressive, anxious and normal individual, data were analyzed with Analysis of Varience(ANOVA) And the Tukeys test was used to compare the pair groups. The results revealed that overgeneral in autobiographical memory depressive individuals is more than anxious and normal ones. Depressive individual are more inefficient problem solving solution to distressed and healthy people.So, according to Williams models depressed people because negative mood and bias in processing information not only in retrieving autobiographical memories are exclusively trouble but this was a problem retrieving, problem solving and also affect their problems and makes solutions less effective to produse.

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