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Showing 241 results for Type of Study: Research

Seyed Ali Kazemi Rezae, Saber Saeedpoor, Zobair Samimi, Mahdi Parooi, Javad Afzoon,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2017)


the present study aimed to the comparison of the intolerance of uncertainty (IU) and short-term memory capacity in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and normal individuals. a total of 30 patients (16 female, 14 male) with obsessive-compulsive were selected using convenience sampling from the psychiatric clinics and centers of Tabriz were matched with 30 patients (16 females and 14 males) of normal individuals by demographic information, and all of them were assessed through Baher & Dougas’s intolerance of uncertainty scale and the Wechsler Digit span test subscales .Data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and as well as SPSS version 19. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the two groups in terms of IU (P<0/01) and the difference in patients with OCD is more than normal individuals. Also, there is a significant difference in terms of the short-term memory capacity (P<0/01) and the difference in normal individuals is more than patients with OCD . So it can be concluded that patients with OCD have less ability to tolerate uncertainty than normal people and short-term memory capacity in these patients is lower than normal people. Therefore, intolerance of uncertainty and low working memory capacity are two factors that may affect OCD symptoms and therefore exacerbate and perpetuate the disorder.

Saeed Toulabi, Hamidreza Hassanabadi, Balal Izanloo,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Aim: The purpose of this study was to examine the effective of the Pennsylvania resilience program training on cognitive appraisal and achievement behaviors among university students.

Method: In this pretest-posttest nonequivalent-group design, 51 undergraduate students at Kharazmi University in experimental and control groups responded to the Cognitive appraisal scale (CAS, Lazarus, and Folkman, 1984) and the motivation strategies for learning questionnaire (MSLQ, Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, & McKeachie, 1991). The experimental group received 6 resilience training sessions (2 hours a session). Results: The results of multivariate covariance analysis indicated that the resilience program training was effective in increasing cognitive appraisal and achievement behaviors in short term. Conclusion: These findings suggest that resilience program training improve the achievement behaviors of university by letting them: 1) find their personal power (personal feeling, attitudes and beliefs), 2) find and make full use of their external resources (development of security and feeling of protection), 3) master their interpersonal skills and problem solving ability (such as persistence, humor and communication).   

Saeede Khosravi, Dr Imanollah Bigdeli, Dr Mehrdad Mazaheri,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2017)

In working memory (WM) tasks, performance can be boosted by directing attention to one memory object: When a retro-cue in the retention interval indicates which object will be tested, responding is faster and more accurate (theretro-cue benefit). This study tests explanations of the retro-cue benefits in 2 experiment desined by superlab software: Experiment 1, the effect of valid and invalid retro-cues compared with no-cues were tested before the  memory test. Experiment 2, We tested whether the retro-cue benefit in WM depends on sustained attention to the cued object by inserting an attention-demanding interruption task between the retro-cue and the memory test. In this quasi-experimental study, with a series of repeated measurements, 30 individual (15 for each test) from graduate students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad were selected by convenience sampling and were tested. Data analysis of variance with repeated measurements and t-test for paired samples were also analyzed. The result showed that valid retro-cue compared to the no-cue was better. Also, it was shown when visual interference was held constant, retro-cue benefits were still obtained whenever the retro-cue enabled retrieval of an object from VWM but delayed response selection. The results showed that retro-cue improved visual working memory performance.

Mrs Simin Zeqeibi Ghannad1, Mr Sirous Alipour, Mrs Manijeh Shehni Yailagh, Alireza Hajiyakhchali,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2017)

mind wandering is a pervasive and common phenomenon of human cognition that its role in performance of any field related to mind is undeniable. This study plans to investigate The causal relationship of mindfulness and mind wandering with mediating strategical engagement regulation, anxiety, depression and working memory. To this, 434 female students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz were selected by multistage random sampling method and They got Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, Strategic Engagement Regulation Scale, Stress Anxiety Depression Scale, Stress Anxiety Depression Scale, The Working Memory Questionnaire and The Mind Wandering: Deliberate and Mind Wandering: Spontaneous Scale. Collected data were analyzed by SPSS and AMOS (version 21) and using structural equations modelling method. In order to earn the suitable model fitness indices, the item parceling method was used about mindfulness variable. Finally, on the base of values of some indices (for example, RMSEA = 0/06 and GFI = 0/98), model had a good fit. Also, all paths of the model except two paths: anxiety to working memory and anxiety to mind wandering were significant. In sum, this research results showed that mindfulness plays important role in mind wandering anticipation that transfers this effect through mechanisms as self-regulation, mood and working memory. 

- Mahnaz Shahgholian,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2017)

The purpose of study was to determine the brain waves of subjects with impulsivity trait in performing cognitive task. 140 female students who completed the Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, after control of the inclusion criteria, two groups of 20 people, including high impulsive (Imp+) and low impulsive (Imp-) were selected. The subjects in two  status: (a) resting (without doing the task); and (b) performing a cognitive task (Wisconsin test), taking EEG. The Results showed, when  performing a cognitive task, activity of the prefrontal, frontal, and temporal areas of both hemispheres increased significantly in Imp+. Alpha and Theta wave showed that during cognitive task, the activity of all regions of both hemispheres in Imp+ was greater than Imp-. About Beta wave, the results indicated that the left prefrontal, temporal and the right frontal was more activated  in Imp+ than the other group. The results emphasize to consider personality traits when examining the brain regional activity, as well as  investigate of the functional impulsivity and its differentiation with dysfunctional impulsivity .

Mis Saeideh Ghribnavaz, Dr Robabeh Nouri, Dr Maryam Moghadasin,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (1-2018)


The main purpose of this study was to investigate causal relationship between cognitive emotion regulation, metacognition and test anxiety were evaluated in students according to the self-regulatory executive function model of wells and Matthews (1999). Data was analyzed through correlation, structural equation modeling. In this study 1000 students at second and third grade of public, governmental and gifted school were participated from October to November 2015 by cluster random sampling method. The participants completed cognitive emotion regulation inventory (Garnefski et al, 2001), test anxiety inventory (Abolghasemi: et al, 1995) and metacognition questionnaire (Cartwright-Hatton and Wells, 2004). Result of this study showed positive and negative cognitive emotion regulation had a mediating role in the relationship between Meta cognition and test anxiety in student. Metacognition had a direct and indirect effect on test anxiety by mediating role of positive and negative cognitive emotion regulation but negative cognitive emotion regulation had a more effect than positive cognitive emotion regulation in mediating role between meta cognition and test anxiety. To the result, focusing on the cognitive emotion regulation strategies can play on important role in student test anxiety. More interventions based on metacognition and negative cognitive emotion regulation in treatment for pathological test anxiety are suggested.

, , ,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (1-2018)

Given that Gray behavioral-brain systems and AFECT combined nature emotional-affective model, a biological model of personality is introduced which forms individual differences  so that each activity results in calling of different reactions. This  present research aimed to  provide relational  patterns of behavioral-brain systems with dimensions of combined nature emotional-affective model. Statistical population contained 220 university students from ShahidMadani University of Azarbaiijan that sampling method was categorical clustering  and subjects were tested by Jackson Personality Questionnaire  and AFFECT. To analysis  data, Pearson  correlation coefficient  and simultaneous multi regression were done. Results  of  regression showed that all dimensions of AFECT combined nature emotional-affective model  are predictable from  relational  patterns of Gray behavioral-brain systems with significance in level 0/01, except anger and spree, the highest percent of prediction belongs to emotional nature of control and the lowest percent of prediction belongs to anger  so that 16% variances former as well as7% variance of  later are predictable from Gray theory. The  highest  percent of prediction is for depression affect which 15% of changes as well as the lowest  prediction was for spree which 8% of changes were predictable from Gray theory. Collectively,  results from research  on statistical population is indicator of rational patterns between theories of Gray behavioral-brain systems and AFECT combined nature emotional-affective model.

Parvaneh Shamsipoor, Phd Parvaneh Shamsipour, Miss Mahyaa Mohamadtaghi, Miss Matin Mot Abadi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (1-2018)

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of aerobic and strength exercises and interactive time circadian rhythms of everyday memory performance, retrospective and prospective youth. Methods quasi-experimental, pretest - posttest randomized groups. 48 participants were randomly divided into four groups: aerobic training STR X in the morning (n =12), strength training fitness in the morning (n =12), exercise STR X age (n =12), and strength training fitness in age (n =12), the exercise period of 2 months (8 weeks, 3 times a week, and every 45 minutes) respectively. Participants Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), a questionnaire circadian cycles Steve Horn questionnaire prospective and retrospective memory and RAM questionnaires were completed daily.Inferential statistics such as ANOVA test of the indicators in the pre-test and post-test in two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc test was used to analyze the data. Results showed that participants in training t-RX power in the morning and in the evening a higher average daily memory. And participants in training t-RX and power in both the morning and evening with retrospective memory were weaker. Average memory function prospective and retrospective exercises T oryx and fitness in the morning and evening statistically significant difference, and people in the morning activities with prospective memory and retrospective better than those in the era of work , have. The average daily memory exercises and fitness in the morning and evening t oryx statistically significant, and people who are active in the afternoon with daily memory better. Physical activity and aerobic training and strength is increasing everyday memory. (P < 0.05)In the meantime, do cardio in the morning and in the evening can improve the power performance is better.
Mohamad Sohbatiha, Dr Ali Akbar Jaberimoqadam, Dr Mehdi Shahbazi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (1-2018)

The aim of this study was to compare the effects Errorless, Error full and scaling equipment methods on accuracy of the throw basketball under stress in children. 50 elementary boy students 10-12 years randomly divided into five groups (errorless, error full, Training with scaling and standard equipment, scaling equipment and combined). After 5 session in acquisition, retention and transfer (under stress) tests were conducted. Revised Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 was filled out by participants before retention and after transfer tests. Data was analyzed with dependent t-test and mixed ANOVA. Significant reduction were found between retention and transfer tests in training with standard equipment group. Performance of standard equipment group declined under pressure. However, performance Decrement in other groups was not significant. In general, according the results of this study, the use of scaled equipment by children lead to implicit learning in the same manner as the errorless learning paradigm and prevents choking under stress. Therefore, it can be used as a proper method for teaching motor skills in children.

Sohrab Amiri,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (1-2018)

The aim of the present study was to investigate prospective and retrospective memory and cognitive ability in three groups of personality based on reinforcement sensitivity theory. For this purpose, first, 358 students Bu Ali Sina university were selected through a multistage cluster sampling. Then Brain / behavioral Systems questionnaire were distributed among them to be answered. After initial data analysis, 51 of them, based on cluster analysis in Brain / behavioral Systems questionnaire were selected, in order to test the hypothesis of this study, participants were studied in dimensions of prospective and retrospective memory and cognitive ability. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive indicators, multivariate analysis of variance and post hoc tests. Results showed significant difference between three personality groups in memory and cognitive ability. So that, group with high behavioral inhibition system sensitivity have better performance in components of retrospective memory, prospective memory, general memory and ability of naming; group with high sensitivity of fight-flight-freeze system have higher scores in prospective memory and general memory. The results showed that more active and less active of brain/ behavioral systems may be in close relation with memory and other cognitive abilities. It seems that cognitive abilities can to be influenced by the brain systems associated with reinforcement sensitivity and thereby cognitive functions changed.
Mr Mohammad Sadegh Montazeri, Dr Shahrokh Makvand Hosseini, Dr Imanollah Bigdeli, Dr Parviz Sabahi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (1-2018)

Aim: The being of impairments in executive functions could lead to weakness individual control on health behaviors and cigarette consumption. The aim of present research was to investigate effectiveness of comprehensive intervention in order to retraining executive functions in smokers. Method: A randomized controlled trial design with pre-posttest and two monthly follow up was applied. The study population included all smoker men in the summer 2016 in Gorgan city. A number of 60 eligible adult smokers were chosen according to specific inclusion and exclusion criteria of the research and were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The Fagerstrom questionnaire for assessment of cigarette dependence was administered to two groups people. The experiment group then received 10 sessions (twice weekly) retraining of executive functions (Working Memory and Inhibitory Control), whereas in the control (placebo) group a placebo intervention like the original tasks were performed. The Fagerstrom questionnaire was again performed at post-test and in one month and two month follow up stages in both groups. Results: A repeated measure GLM: Multivariate Analysis of Variance showed significant differences between two groups in Fagerstrom in posttest and two follow up stages. Conclusion: Overall, the retraining executive functions intervention was effective on cigarette dependency and could use from this intervention in cigarette treatment programs. 
Somayeh Ramesh, Zobair Samimi, Ali Mashhadi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2018)

The aim of this study was to investigate the Improvement cognitive inhibition of children with attention deficit / hyperactivity in the context of emotional working memory training. The 20 children with attention deficit / hyperactivity were selected available sampling and using diagnostic tools (SCID-I and SNAF-IV) and randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. The experimental group were trained in emotional working memory for 15 sessions of 40-30 minutes during 15 days, while the control group did not receive such training. Both groups were tested in pre-test and post-test by classic Stroop test. The results of multivariate analysis of covariance showed that emotional working memory training has leads to Improvement cognitive inhibition in the experimental groups in comparison with the control group. Thus, it can be concluded that that emotional working memory training can as a viable option for improvement cognitive inhibition in children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder be regard to specialists and researchers
Ali Mostafaie, Hosein Zare, Ahmad Alipour, Valiahhah Farzad,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2018)

The main purpose of this study is to determine the Effectiveness of Decisional and Self-Efficacy Therapy Transtheoretical model (TTM) on Cognitive-Emotional regulation , Mind control and pain Patients with chronic pain. This study was a semiexperimental study with a pretest, post-test and follow-up. Subjects were first screened using the inclusion and exclusion criteria.Therefore 70 hypertensive patients who referred to the chronic pain Hospital in bukan city were selected and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The TTM group was treated in 8 sessions, Results showed that there were significant differences between two groups in Cognitive-Emotional regulation , Mind control and pain. so, TTM is an effective intervention in essential chronic pain patients.

Rohollah Shahabi, Javad Kavusian, Saeid Akbari Zardkhaneh, Nastaran Rezae,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Working memory is the comprehensive cognitive system that embedded attentional and memorial mechanisms and therefore can be used in systematic research of cognitive problems. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to investigate the developmental changes of working memory capacity, and its components, including phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, and central executive (inhibition and updating). A total of 356 children (8 and 12 years) recruited from primary school in Tehran were selected and tested. Digit Span, and the Kim Karad Visual Memory Test were used for measuring phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad. Working memory capacity was measured by Backward Digit Span, and finally, the Stroop Task, and the Keep Track task measured central executive. Data analyzing showed as child growth, working memory and its components become more effective. More skills in arithmetic abilities, more flexibility in storage and processing, more experience in academic achievement and more use of metacognitive strategies can be possible reasons for the results of this study.
Roghaye Ghorbani, Faride Yousefi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2018)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural relationship between creativity and wisdom. Participants were 268 (133 women, 135 men) undergraduate students of Shiraz University which were chosen via random multi-stage cluster sampling method. They completed creativity test and self-report wisdom scale. The data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and the structural equation modeling technique. The results indicated that there was a positive correlation between creativity facets (fluency, flexibility, and originality) and wisdom components (sense of humor, emotional regulation, reflectiveness, openness to experience, and critical life experiences). The result of structural equation modeling showed that creativity had a significance positive effect (β=0.51, p<0.001) on wisdom and can explain 26% of the variances for wisdom. According to the research findings, it can be suggested that as wisdom can be predicted by creativity, educational administers and scholars can train creativity by providing rich environments and raise wise individuals.
Mrs Razieh Khorram Abadi, Dr Zohre Sepehri Shamloo, Dr Javad Salehi Fadardi, Dr Imanollah Bigdeli,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2018)

The purpose of this study is presentation the structural model of executive functions and extramarital relationship with mediating role of self­­­-control. The 210 samples were selected by convenience sampling. In experimental situation, for assessing executive function participants did computerized exams include: Stroop, Wisconsin, Go No Go and N- Back and completed self-control questionnaire of Tangney and attitudes toward infidelity scale of Whatley.  Data was analyzed through regression, structural equation modeling. Model has a suitable fit. Results shows that executive functions includes inhibition(-0/13), task switching(-0/13) ,working memory(-0/16)  and self-control(-0/10)had direct effect on extra marital relationship. Executive functions includes inhibition(-0/23), task switching(-0/11) ,working memory(-0/27) had indirect effect on extra marital relationship with mediation of self-control.
Ph.d Sivash Talepasand, Ph.d. Student Sedighe Nasiripoor,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2018)

The purpose of this study was to examine psychometric characteristics of memory scale: measure of everbody functions of memory in students. The research design is a correlation type. The population of this study is all students of elementary schools in Semnan city. 220 students were selected by cluster random sampling method and their parents responded to the memory scale (Geurtin et al., 2018). SPSS-22 and Lisrel 8.54 were used for data analysis, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, multivariate analysis of variance and rock curves. In the context of construct validity there was a significant difference between the two groups; normal students and students with learning disabilities in all components of memory; effortful/intentional learning, automatic/procedural learning, working memory and prospective memory/organization. In the context of the discriminant validity, the levels below the rock curve for each component showed the ability to differentiate between normal students and students with learning disabilities. The memory scale has an internal consistency and a good stability coefficient. The results of the factor analysis showed that this scale was made up of four factors of effortful/intentional learning, automatic/procedural learning, working memory and prospective memory/organization. Cronbach's alpha for effortful/intentional learning was 0.86, prospective memory/organization of 0.77, working memory 0.70, and , automatic/procedural learning 0.82 and for the whole scale 0.93. Findings of the research indicate that the Persian version of the memory questionnaire in the students’ community has acceptable psychometric properties.
Mrs Vahideh Fazilatpour, Dr Masoud Fazilatpour,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Depressed mood effects attention and its span. The present study aimed to compare the allocation of attention to relevant and irrelevant neutral stimuli in depressed and non-depressed participants. The studied populations include all the students from Azad university of Ahwaz and the undergraduate psychology students from Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. After completion of Beck Depression Inventory by participants, in two sessions with a minimum of 2 weeks interval and using structured clinical diagnostic interview, 52 participants were allocated in the non-depressed group and 41 to the depressed group.The focused attention of participants was measured by recognition of the Wechsler cube designs (focal task) and the defocused attention measured by recognition task of the irrelevant stimuli on the table. Mixed variance analysis of scores indicated that in allocating attention to relevant stimuli, there was no significant difference between two groups. However, attention to irrelevant stimuli for the depressed group was significantly greater than the non-depressed group. The results have been explained in line with the evolutionary framework of depression.
Yazdan Movahedi, Morteza Pourmohammadi,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018)

The present study was aimed at analyzing cognitive activity of the brain during creative design thinking. This study was a causal-comparative study. The statistical population of the study was all students of Tabriz University in the period of 2016-17. At first, interested students were invited to participate in the research, and 30 of them were randomly selected and selected from delta, theta, alpha and beta frequency bands in the forehead, central, temporal, temporal and postural areas The series of quantitative electroencephalographic records was quantitatively recorded at two stages of rest and performed by the design of Torrance's cognitive creativity. Then, two cognitive and recreational activities were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance and all stages were calculated by SPSS software version 19. The findings of the study showed that in the frontal area and at the time of creative cognitive thinking, the alpha is higher, and in the temporal region the Delta level is higher and this difference is significant at P <.1. However, no significant changes were observed in other frequency bands in other areas. Based on the findings of this study, it can be said that understanding the basic functions of the human brain in examining its behavior is very necessary and these results can provide a perspective for studying brain wave patterns as well as creative thinking.
Saeed Nazari, Alireza Saberi, Hamidreza Taheri, Hasan Rohbanfard,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018)

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of working memory capacity and errorless and errorful practice on the learning the relative timing was a motor task. 50 Participants based on were selected aged 22±4 years as accessible samples randomly assigned to one of four groups (errorless low working memory capacity, errorful low working memory capacity, errorless high working memory, errorful high working memory capacity). This study was carried out in four phases. First phase (pre-test), subjects participated in 10 trials without knowledge of results (KR) on four-segment timing task. In the acquisition(ACQ) phase, a timing task with three different difficulty levels (simple, moderate, and difficult) was practiced in three sessions of 45 trials with feedback by experimental groups, except for control. In the 10-minute and 24 hour retention and 10- minute transfer tests, errorless group with low working memory capacity and errorful group with high working memory capacity had better performance than other groups. In the dual task tests (24-hour transfer) errorless group with low working memory capacity in the relative timing (intermediate times, RMSE) had better performance than other groups. These results indicate that the efficiency and efficacy of errorless and errorful practice interact with psychological indicators such as working memory capacity. These results suggest that implicit motor learning (errorless) may be beneficial for children with working memory capacity. Individual with high working memory capacity might benefit from learning explicitly (errorful). Results in dual task conditions support the implicit learning and reinvestment theories.

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