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Zhaleh Kiani, Alireza Moradi, Parvin Kadivar, Hamid Reza Hasanabadi, Hadi Keramati, Mohammad Effatpanah,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Mindfulness is one of the effective interventions in improving executive functions. Although this intervention is well documented for adults, but it is less addressed for children, while children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder Executive functions are problematic. The purpose of this study is to Designing, developing and validating a psycho-educational program of empowerment based on mindfulness-cognitive for reduce behavioral symptoms and improve executive function in children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. The present study is of the fundamental type, which is in two parts, In the first for designing and development stages was a descriptive - analytic method with a configurative synthesis approach In the second stage For program validation, along with the use of face validity method, content validity method was used quantitatively and Qualitatively method with a panel of 10 experts and Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI). The minimum and maximum CVRs for each item or component of the program were calculated as 0/73 and 1, respectively. Also the minimum and maximum CVIs for each item or component of the program were calculated as 0/80 and 1, respectively. Finally, the average content validity index (S-CVI/Ave) for the entire program was calculated as 0/91. This research leads to the preparation of an educational-therapeutic program in three sections: 1- basics, 2- external awareness and 3- internal awareness, which includes the sub-elements of strengthening attention, concentration, awareness of emotions, thoughts, tasks, purpose and impulses. Be. This educational-therapeutic program includes 16 sessions for children and 3 sessions for parents, 120 cards and 20 educational worksheets. The psycho educational program of empowerment based on mindfulness- cognitive for  reduce behavioral symptoms and improve executive function in children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder has appropriate face and content validity, and has a useful validity for educational, clinical and research uses.

Masoumeh Soltanipour, Akram Parand, Peyman Hasani Abharian, Saeed Sharifyazdi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (8-2021)

the children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)  in executive functions such as kinds of attention, response inhibition and response rate cope with problems which need therapeutic and educational plans to improve. From this kind of methods, cognitive rehabilitation is a new approach, which its effectiveness has studied in various cases. The aim of this study is to find out the effect of Computer- assisted cognitive rehabilitation on improving of executive function of students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. This study is a kind of quasi-experimental design with pre-test / post-test and control groups. 30 students come down with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) selected by the available sampling method and base on criteria for entering of referrals to medical centers. 15 students were in experimental groups and others in control group. Experimental group have received training and computer-assisted Cognitive Rehabilitation for 15 Sessions. the integrated visual and auditory (IVA) continuous performance test, raven's progressive matrices test for children 5 to 9 years, SNAP-IV rating scale the Swanson questionnaire and Captain's­Log Cognitive Rehabilitation software. Data has analyzed by analyze of covariance method. the results of this study revealed that improving executive functions, response inhibition variables, sustain attention, self-centered attention and selective attention were caused by Cognitive Rehabilitation by computer game (P=0.05). But, significant Improvement was not observed in two variables, response rate and divided attention. (P=0.05). Ognitive Rehabilitation by Captain's­Log computer game affected on improving of executive functions of students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder so if the children with disorder being train under Cognitive computer software, executive functions of them will improve on response inhibition components, self-centered attention, selective attention and sustain attention.

Shamsi Rezaei, Majid Youseefi-Afrashteh, Zekrollah Morovati,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (8-2021)

The main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of computer cognitive empowerment on the attentional functions, concentration and cognitive effort of the elderly. Metods This study was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design with a control group. Participants were 30 elderly people who were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups (Each group includes 15 people). Instruments included Captain's Log cognitive software and D2 test. Data analysis was performed using analysis of covariance. Data analysis using analysis of covariance showed that there was a significant difference between the mean scores of pre-test and post-test in the experimental and control groups (p <0.001). The results of this study show that computer cognitive empowerment can be used as an effective method to improve attention, concentration and cognitive effort in the elderly.

Ahmad Borjali, Mohammad Rostami,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (8-2021)

Pharmacological treatment of adult with attention deficit with hyperactive disorder (ADHD) has been shown to be successful; however, medication may not normalize executive functions. The present study was assessed the effect of working memory training program on executive functions of adult with ADHD. Sixteen adults with ADHD and 16 healthy adult participated in the study. After a diagnostic and baseline evaluation, 16 adults with ADHD participate in up to 16 sessions of working memory training program and the outcomes are evaluated. Healthy people did not receive any training. Working memory and attention, were examined prior to and following the interventions. Data analysis revealed that the working memory training used in the present study led to significant improvements of various aspects of attention, including focus and sustain attention and capacity of working memory. The findings indicate that working memory training programs can improve working memory performance and have the potential to facilitate attentional functioning in adult with ADHD as well.

Samira Nasr Abadi, S. M. Hossein Mousavi Nasab, Ghasem Askari Zadeh, Mohsen Shahba,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2021)

Executive dysfunction is a hallmark of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and is associated with significant complications. Deficiency in problem-solving, emotion regulation, and attention is one of the most common phenomena after brain injury. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of short-term intervention of dual executive function on problem-solving, emotion regulation, and selective attention in patients with traumatic brain injury. This quasi-experimental design used pre-test and post-test with a control group. Twenty subjects with brain injury were selected with the Purposive sampling method. They were randomly entered into two experimental and control groups (10 in the experimental group and 10 in the control group). After performing the pre-test, the experimental group received the short-term intervention and double executive function in 8 sessions of 90 minutes, while the control group did not receive any intervention. The assessment was performed in two stages of pre-test-post-test using a set of software tests of the Tower of London, Stroop and John and Gross (2003) Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Analysis of covariance was used to analyze the data. The results showed a significant difference in the mean scores between the experimental group and the control group in all variables after the test. Therefore, it can be concluded that short-term intervention of dual executive function has a significant effect on improving attention, emotion regulation, and problem-solving in people with traumatic brain injury.

Seyede Mansoureh Hakak, Dr Ali Fathi-Ashtiani, Dr Hojatollah Farahani,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1-2022)

In spite of increasing importance of attentional control in conceptualization of psychopathology, there are a few scales to measure it. It is necessary to use valid and reliable scale to study this construct in Iranian studies.This study aimed to provide and investigate psychometric characteristics of Persian version of the attentional style questionnaire.The sample of 426 students were selected by available sampling and completed persian version of the attentional style questionnaire, attentional control (Derryberry &Reed, 2002) and repetitive thinking (Ehring et al, 2011) scales. Construct validity were evaluated through confirmatory factor analysis. Convergent and divergent validity were assessed by pearson correlation. Reliability was calculated using Cronbach s alpha method, test-retest and Composite reliability.factor analysis indicated that two-factor model (congnitive avoidance/distractibility and focusing) provided good model fit. Significant correlations between these factors and attentional control, and repetitive thinking scales confirmed convergent and divergent validity. Cronbach s alfa for both factors were 0/75 and test-retest coefficient for cognitive avoidance/distractibility and focusing were 0/88 and 0/73 respectively also composite reliability were 0/81 and 0/84 respectively. According to the results, Persian version of attentional style questionnaire characterized two factors and has been demonstrated to have acceptable validity and reliability to use in psychological researches in Iranian population.

Mehdi Jahani, Mohammad Nasehi, Mehdi Tehrani-Doost, Mohammad Hossein Harirchian, Mohammad-Reza Zarrindast,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Multiple sclerosis is a de-myelinating inflammatory condition of the central nervous system that is often thought of as an autoimmune disorder. These patients suffer from extensive cognitive impairments such as poor attention and concentration and memory and processing speed; Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the anodic effect of direct cortical electrical stimulation (tDCS) on sustained attention performance in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) in a pretest-posttest design with a control group. For this purpose, 32 patients with MS were selected using available sampling method and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The intervention consisted of 10 sessions of direct electrical stimulation during which patients were divided into two groups, one group received real stimulation and the other group received sham stimulation or sham. The research instruments were the use of RTI and RVP subtests in CANTAB test. Data analysis was performed based on independent and dependent t-test to compare pre-test and post-test scores in experimental and control groups. The results showed an improvement in sustained attention and processing speed in the experimental group at a significant level of 0.05. Therefore, we conclude that transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain improves sustained attention deficit and speed of response in patients with MS.
Mr Reza Mohammadzadeghan, Mr Abolfazl Farid, آقای Gholamreza Chalabianlu Hasratanlo, آقای Javad Mesrabadi,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (10-2022)

This research aimed to compare the effectiveness of mindfulness-based socio-emotional learning program with/and without Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on sustained attention and response inhibition in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. This research was a semi-experimental study with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The statistical population included all students aged 11 to 14 who referred to child and adolescent counseling centers in Khoy city in 2021-2022 year. 45 people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder of the mixed type were selected from among those who refer to the treatment centers by the purposeful sampling method and randomly replaced in two experimental groups and one control group. The first experimental group received the mindfulness-based socio-emotional learning program combined with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and the second experimental group received the mindfulness-based socio-emotional learning program for 8 weeks, but the control group did not receive any intervention. All participants were measured before and after the training using continuous performance test and GO/NO-GO test. For data analysis, multivariate covariance analysis was used in SPSS program. Data analysis showed that mindfulness-based socio-emotional learning combined with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation compared to the other two groups and mindfulness-based socio-emotional learning compared to the control group were more effective on sustained attention and response inhibition. According to the findings, it can be suggested that the mindfulness-based socio-emotional learning program combined with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation is an effective intervention to improve the cognitive functions of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Moslem Kord, Jalil Fath Abadi, Shahriar Gharibzadeh, Reza Khosrowabadi,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (3-2023)

This study aimed to comparison of the effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) and Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation (tRNS) combined with cognitive training on working memory performance of people with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. For this purpose, 45 children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in zahedan city were purposefully selected as the research sample. Subjects were divided into three groups: tDCS, tRNS and placebo group. Subjects in the experimental groups received 5 sessions of electrical stimulation (tDCS and tRNS) with an interval of 24 hours between each session; placebo group also received fake stimulation (non-effective). At the same time, all subjects also received cognitive rehabilitation of working memory. All subjects were evaluated before and after the stimulation and one week after the stimulation using the N-back task and the Wechsler Digit span test. The data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance. The results showed that in the tDCS group, there was a significant difference in most working memory components from the pre-test stage to the follow-up (p<0.001). In the tRNS group, a significant difference was found in the component of direct digit span and reverse digit span in the research stages. In the comparison between the two experimental groups, the effectiveness of the tDCS group was higher than that of the tRNS group. Also, no significant difference was found in most of the components between the tRNS and placebo groups (p>0.05). Overall, the results of this study show that tDCS was more effective than tRNS in working memory and this method can be used together with other treatments to improve the working memory of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Mrs Asma Farsi, Mrs Mahnaz Joukar Kamalabadi, Mr Soran Rajabi,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (3-2023)


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the cognitive functions of people with passionate love and normal people. Method: In this research, 500 students from persian golf University Bushehr , who studied in 2017-2018, were selected through purposeful sampling with a mean age of 21 years and filled the passionate  love scale (PLS). Individuals who scored between 135 and 106 in the passionate love group and Those who scored 105-15 were in the normal group. Of these people, 204 were selected for Stroop, Wisconsin and Continuous Performance tests and analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance. Results: the study showed that there is a significant difference between respondents with passionate love and normal people in terms of inhibition. No significant difference was observed between the two groups in the cognitive flexibility and attention (P> 0.05). Discussion: According to the findings, people with passionate love of inhibition have a weaker response than normal people, and the lack of difference between the two groups in the component of cognitive flexibility and attention point to the similar performance of these two groups in cognitive functions. Findings show the attention component in the two groups is different based on gender.

Fateme Zahra Moradi, Siavash Talepasand, Isaac Rahimian Boogar,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (3-2023)

The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of attention control on mind wandering. The method of this research was semi-experimental. The statistical population includes fifth and sixth grade female students of Semnan city in the academic year of 1400-1401. The number of 38 people from the statistical population was calculated as available, and in order to predict the drop of the subjects or the loss of data, 2 people were present in the study more than the number of the calculated sample. The tool used to measure mind wandering was the Stroop test, which was completed under active and reactive attention control conditions. The data were analyzed using one-factor analysis of variance and repeated measurement by SPSS25 software. The findings showed that mind wandering is more in active attention control conditions than in reactive attention control conditions. The findings of this study can provide useful insight in understanding the phenomenon of mind wandering. Teachers and educational designers, having the knowledge related to this field, can design and produce educational content that students will experience during virtual education, where the minimum supervision by the teacher takes place during the learning process. The wandering of the mind will be less on the part of the students.
Dr Mohamadagha Delavarpour, Monireh Mohammadinejhad Motlagh, Mehdi Zohrehvand,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2023)

In recent years, the dramatic increase in the use of smartphones has led to the emergence of a psychological disorder called nomophobia, which can have consequences for individual's cognitive functions. The aim of this study was to compare sustained attention and selective attention between nomophobic and normal individuals. The research method was descriptive-comparative, and the sample included 60 students of Semnan University who were identified through screening among a group of 120 students and were divided into two groups of 30 nomophobic and normal. The research instruments included Nomophobia Questionnaire, Continuous Performance Test (CPT) and Stroop Test. Data were analyzed using two-way MANOVA in SPSS software version 26. The results of the Continuous Performance Test showed that the amount of Omission error and reaction time of nomophobic individuals was higher than normal performance individuals. In the Stroop test, the rate of errors and the interference score of nomophobic individuals were higher than normal individuals. Also, despite gender differences in some components of the continuous performance and Stroop tests, it was found that the interactive effect of nomophobia and gender on the results of these two tests is not significant. These results show that nomophobia can be involved in reducing sustained attention and impaired selective attention regardless of gender. Therefore, because of the continuous interaction of people with smartphones and the significant prevalence of nomophobia among young people, measures should be taken to prevent nomophobia and cognitive rehabilitation of nomophobic people.

Mr Mohammad Reza Zoghi Paydar, Miss Nasrin Yousefi,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2023)

In different parts of the world, people speak different languages ​​to each other. Some parts of the world are more linguistically rich and more than one language is spoken in those regions. The aim of this study was to evaluate and evaluate the executive functions of the brain including cognitive flexibility, selective attention and response inhibition in monolingual and bilingual male and female students of Bu Ali Sina University of Hamadan. This research has been done by descriptive and causal-comparative method using complex Stroop computer test. The statistical population selected for this study were bilingual and monolingual students of Bu Ali Sina University. The test was performed on 214 male and female students. Data obtained from 165 students were analyzed by independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance. The obtained results showed that there is a significant difference between gender and executive functions studied in this study. But there was no significant difference between bilingual and monolingual individuals with these functions. In this study, we concluded that gender affects the executive functions of the brain, but bilingualism and monolingualism do not affect the executive functions of the brain.

Miss Maryam Abbasi, Dr Seyed Mosa Tabatabaee,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Empathy is an inseparable part of social-emotional people. It plays a positive role in society, throughout people's lives, and recognizing that it forms the basis of empathy is essential. This research was conducted in order to investigate the mediating role of attention control in the relationship between problem solving and empathy. The research method of this study was descriptive-correlation. The participants of this research included 500 students of Zahedan city who were selected by cluster sampling method. In order to collect data, Hepner and Petersen's problem solving questionnaire, attention control scale, Jolliffe and Farrington's empathy questionnaire were used. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods such as Pearson correlation and structural equation modeling were used to analyzethe data using spss and Amos software. The findings showed that the direct path of problem solving to attention control (-0.458) is negative and significant. The direct path of controlling attention to cognitive emotional empathy (-0.141) is negative and significant. The direct path of problem solving to cognitive emotional empathy (-0.440) is negative and significant. Also, the mediating effect of problem solving on cognitive emotional empathy through attention control is equal to 0.072, which is positive and significant. Therefore, the research results show that it is important to pay attention to the mediating role of attention control in the relationship between problem solving and empathy, and it is necessary to pay attention to the limitations that may be caused by increasing attention control for problem solving and empathy. Theoretically, investigating the effects of increasing thesecognitive functions on empathy requires more investigation and research.
Seyedeh Neda Gadamagahi Sani, Alireza Moradi, Reza Shalbaf, ,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2023)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a type of neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in cognitive skills and emotional self-control. Many studies have pointed out the poor functioning of the frontal region in hyperactive patients. Increasing hemodynamic changes in the frontal region of these children can reduce the symptoms of the disorder. Goal: The purpose of this research is to investigate the changes in the concentration of hemoglobin (Hb) in the frontal region of these children during the cognitive activity of the computerized continuous performance test. Method: The current research is a clinical trial study with a pre-test-post-test-follow-up design. From 30 hyperactive children six to eight years old, fNIRS recording was performed along with computerized continuous performance test as a pre-test. Then they were divided into two groups of 15 people by simple random method. The first group underwent CES intervention and the second group underwent Captain Log's computerized cognitive intervention for 14 half-hour sessions, and after the interventions, the amount of hemodynamic changes in the frontal area of all participants was recorded by fNIRS along with computerized continuous performance test as a post-test. was taken Finally, after completing the intervention period 4 weeks later, the participants were followed up with the above tests. Findings: The average difference in oxygen uptake from pre-test to post-test in CES group was significant (p<0.01), but this difference was not significant from post-test to follow-up (p>0.05). In the captain log group, the difference in the average amount of oxygen absorption from pre-test to follow-up was significant based on the results of the t-test (p<0.05). The results indicate the non-significance of the effect of group interaction on time for the oxygen uptake variable, there is no significant difference between the CES and Captain Log groups in the amount of change in oxygen uptake from the pre-test session to the post-test session and follow-up (p>0.05).Conclusion: Based on the findings of this research, it can be concluded that CES intervention and Captain Log cognitive software intervention are effective treatments to increase the hemodynamic changes in the prefrontal region of hyperactive children and can also improve persistent visual attention deficit in these children.
Mr. Saadi Ayazi, Dr. Sajjad Rezaei, Dr. Ashkan Naseh, Dr. Maryam Kousha,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders and efforts to improve its diagnostic methods continue. In this study, using CogLab software, a diagnostic model was developed and introduced to help psychologists as an auxiliary tool for diagnosing ADHD. In the context of a developmental and case-control project using targeted sampling in Rasht city, 93 children diagnosed with ADHD were selected by a pediatric psychiatry subspecialist. The parents of both groups (case and control) were also interviewed clinically and after completing the CSI-4 version of the Children's Disease Symptoms Questionnaire, their demographic information was collected. The control group consisted of 33 working students from Rasht schools without disorders were selected using the CSI-4 4th version of the Children's Disease Symptoms Questionnaire. Both groups responded to the change detection and spatial marking tests using the attention section of the CogLab software under the same conditions. Data were processed by SPSS-24. In the diagnosis analysis, the results showed that the ratio of the correct response to the detection of change in the so-so mode had the highest predictive power in the separation and differentiation of classes between the case and control groups, and the results of the diagnostic function in the cross-validation section were able to be found in both case and control groups. 80.6 percent of all people in the ADHD group (case) and also 72.7 percent of all people in the control group were correctly grouped; The change detection test and spatial marking in CogLab software platform can be used as an auxiliary tool in the service of psychologists to help the diagnosis process in children with ADHD.
Fatemeh Nemati, Kimiya Ghaedi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (9-2023)

The current research aims to examine the structural relationships between sleep problems and emotional intelligence in adolescents, considering the mediating role of defect in executive functions. The present research had a descriptive-correlational design. The study sample included 381 first-grade high school students in Tabriz during the academic year 1401-02, selected through cluster random sampling. Data were collected using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index questionnaire, the Siberia and Shiring Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, the Gross and John Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test software, and the Continuous Performance Test software task. Statistical methods used for data analysis included Pearson correlation coefficient and path analysis. The results showed that sleep problems have a direct and indirect influence on emotional intelligence through emotion regulation and cognitive flexibility. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that emotion regulation and cognitive flexibility play a mediating role in the relationship between sleep problems and emotional intelligence.
Zahra Mohseninasab, Somaye Saket, Masoome Deilami Pooya, Samaneh Basiti, Sahel Jafari,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2024)

The purpose of this research was the effectiveness of mindfulness training on executive functions (working memory and attention) and self-efficacy in patients with anxiety disorders. The sample of this research included 30 people from the mentioned community who were selected by available sampling method. 15 people in the experimental group and 15 people in the control group were randomly divided. The research design was semi-experimental with pre-test-post-test with control and experimental groups. The measurement tools included Gioia et al.'s executive function questionnaire (2000) and Scherer's general self-efficacy. To implement, at first, a pre-test was taken from both groups. Then the experimental group underwent mindfulness intervention during 8 sessions of 90 minutes, then a post-test was taken from both groups. Data analysis was done using multivariate covariance analysis (MANCVA) and one-way covariance analysis (ANCVA). The results of the research showed that mindfulness training has a significant effect on executive functions (working memory and attention) and self-efficacy of patients with anxiety disorders.

Mahdiyeh Rahmanian, Mojgan Aghah Haris, Amir Abdolhoseini, , Rezvan Dehbani,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2024)

The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of Captain Log cognitive rehabilitation software on attention and visual spatial and auditory active memory of adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This research was conducted as an experiment with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group with a one-month follow-up. The statistical population of the current study consisted of all adults aged 18 to 40 with ADHD who referred to the clinics of the 2nd district of Tehran in 2022, first a clinic was selected purposefully, then the number of 24 patients of this clinic was randomly selected. They were assigned in two experimental groups (12 people) and control group (12 people). To collect data, Barclay's Adult ADHD Rating Scale, Black's Chair Test, Wechsler's Working Memory Test, Integrated Visual Auditory Performance Test, and Captain Log cognitive software were used to collect data. The experimental group underwent cognitive rehabilitation intervention of Captain Log for one month (12 sessions of 45 minutes). The results of the analysis of variance with repeated measurements showed that the cognitive rehabilitation training of the Captain Log software is effective on the attention and active visual and auditory memory of adults with ADHD and it is suggested that this software be used in neuropsychological rehabilitation clinics, universities and jobs that require It should be used for attention and high active memory.
Najmeh Hamid, Miss Fathemeh Yosefy, Dr Morteza Omidian,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2024)

The present study investigated the effect of attention and memory training and improvement software on cognitive ability and emotion regulation in patients with corona virus after recovery. The present research project is a pre-test-post-test experiment with a control group. The statistical population of this research included all the residents of Shadegan city who were hospitalized in the first half of 2021 due to the corona virus in Shahid Moarefi Zadeh hospital (exclusively for corona patients) and then recovered. According to the research design, the sample size was 40 people, who were placed in 2 groups of 20, test and control groups (20 people in test group and 20 in control group) and were selected by simple random sampling method and randomly placed in test and control groups. Also, only the test group was intervened with attention and memory training and improvement software, and finally both groups answered the questionnaires (post-test) again. The research tools were the Garnefski`s Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Nejati`s Cognitive Capability Questionnaire, and attention and memory training and improvement software. Also, descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation, minimum and maximum scores and inferential statistics such as; Levene test and covariance analysis were used to analyze data using SPSS software version 24. The results of covariance analysis of the data have shown that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in each of the dependent variables (P<0.001). That is, the average of the cognitive regulation of emotion and cognitive ability and all the components of these two variables have increased significantly in the experimental group compared to the pre-exam and the control group. Therefore, it can be said that the attention and memory training and improvement software has had a significant impact on the cognitive ability and emotion regulation of recovered patients of corona virus.

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