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Showing 33 results for Executive Function

Mohadeseh Mozafari, Seyyed Abolghasem Mehri Nejad, Mehrangiz Peyvstegar, Massoud Saghafinia,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (12-2018)

This research was designed and conducted to compare the cognitive condition of two groups of healthy people and MTBI patients one year after their injury in terms of both executive functions and working memory.In this causal-comparative study, which was conducted from February 2017 to October 2018, two groups of individuals, 48(MTBI), male Patients from 30 to 55 years old who were admitted to the ICU in Shohadaye Haftome Tir and Baqiyatallah Hospitals and 64 healthy men from personnel and Patients' Visitors that had all the criteria for entering the research were chosen. Both groups were tested with two scales Wisconsin and Wechsler Number Memory. The two groups had significantly difference (p<0/01), in the executive functions at the levels of Categories, Perseverative, correct and error responses, number of trials to complete first category and conceptual level responses.Also, the results show that the two groups had significantly difference(p<0/01), in the forward and reverse auditory memory, forward and reverse visual memory, total score of auditory memory, total score of visual memory and span auditory memory and the two groups had significantly difference(p<0/05), in the span visual memory. In other words, patients with MTBI has overall poorer results for all the tests than healthy people.according to the findings of this research, mild traumatic brain injury can disturb executive functions of the brain's prefrontal lobes after one year. Hence, it is suggested that in clinical and legal evaluations of the patients, this issue to be considered and both psychological and medical interventions done simultaneously to facilitate the treatment process and cognitive rehabilitation of the patients and to prevent individual, social and financial consequences and costs associated with MTBI.
Parisa Oryadi, Habib Hadianfard, Nezamaddin Ghasemi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (10-2019)

Treatment of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder as the most common neurodevelopmental disorder has tended toward the use of computer-based technologies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of computer-based cognitive rehabilitation on the executive functions of children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. The study was a quasi-experimental with pretest posttest and 45 days follow up with control group. The statistical population consisted of all students with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder in Shiraz elementary school in winter of 2019. 32 students were selected as available sample and replaced in experimental and control groups. The Tower of London test, the Stroop test, and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test were used. The experimental group received cognitive rehabilitation based on computer games three times a week (15 minutes per game for a total of 30 minutes) and the control group was placed on the waiting list. Data were analyzed by SPSS-24 software using repeated measures analysis of covariance (ANOVA). The results showed that computer-based rehabilitation had a significant effect on the executive functions of children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (Sig <0.05). Experimental group showed improvement in cognitive function after intervention and planning, organization, inhibition and cognitive flexibility variables were observed after 45 days of intervention. Therefore, it can be said that cognitive rehabilitation is based on effective and sustained therapeutic computer games.

Kamal Parhoon, Hadi Parhon,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2019)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Cognitive rehabilitation traning (CTR) on Executive functions and attention in students with lrarning problem. In an experimental study with pre-test, post-test and control group, 42 students with LP were selected through convenient sampling method. They were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. The experimental group underwent two months’of intervention and the scores of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functions (BRIEF), and the Stroop Color and Word Test (SCWT) were gathered in both groups before and after the intervention and in one month follow up. The data was analyzing by the statistical test of mixed variance analysis. The results in the post-test and follow-up stages showed that there is a significant difference between the two experimental and control groups, in terms executive functions, and attention. This means that the experimental group who underwent the intervention program had significant improvement in the post-test phase in terms of executive functioning and attention. the changes made during the follow-up phase remained consistent. Also, based on the results obtained, cognitive rehabilitation intervention did not significantly affect the emotional regulation index of students with the LP. The results of this study indicate the effectiveness of a designed cognitive rehabilitation program on executive function, and attention of students with LP; therefore, considering these findings and the mechanism, the effectiveness of this intervention method can have appropriate therapeutic effects on reducing cognitive and psychological problems and improving the quality of life of student with LP.

Nahide Bagerpour, Ramin Habibi-Kaleybar1, Javad Mesrabadi,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (2-2020)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of training neuropsychological executive functions on metamemory, planning and problem solving in students with mathematics disorder. This research is semi-experimental and its design includes pre-test and post-test as well as a control group. The population of this research were female students with mathematics disorder from the third to sixth grade of primery school, who had been to the Isar Specialty Learning Problem Instruction Center in 2017-2018. Thirty of them were selected by available sampling and were divided into experimental and control groups. Initially, both groups were tested by Wechsler Intelligence Test and K-Mathematical Test. Both groups were assessed by pre-test and post-test using the Metamemory Questionnaire and the Tower of London Questionnaire. The experimental group received 10 sessions for 3 months, while the control group did not receive any training. The results of multivariate analysis of covariance indicated that there was a significant difference between the two groups in terms of metamemory, planning and problem solving. This means that training executive functions has been able to increase the amount of metamemory, planning and problem solving for students with mathematics disorder. The results of this study can be used in the education and treatment of students with mathematics disorder and executive functions should always be considered as a key factor.

Mohsen Saeedmanesh, Mahdiyeh Azizi, Zahra Hematian,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (10-2020)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness and the attention bias program on attention, inhibition and emotional regulation among children with generalised anxiety disorder. This was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design. The population of this study consisted of 30 children with generalised anxiety disorder referred to psychiatric clinics in Tehran's 20th district selected by the available sampling method and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group underwent an integrated program of attention correction and mindfulness for 8 sessions and the control group did not receive any intervention. In addition, parents of all participants completed the brief executive functions test at pre-test and post-test. Data were statistically analysed at two levels of descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (multivariate analysis of covariance). The results of this study showed that the program of correcting attention bias and mindfulness had an effect on the amount of attention, inhibition and emotion control among children with generalised anxiety disorder (p < 0.001). According to the findings of this study, it could be concluded that the combination of the treatment of attention bias and mindfulness improves executive functions in children with generalized anxiety and can be used in clinical interventions.

Faride Sadat Hoseini, Tayebe Ahmadshahi, Soran Rajabi,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (12-2020)

Computer-based cognitive games are new and exciting for kids and adolescents that can help them to improve their cognitive functions and creativity in addition to entertainment. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of computerised cognitive games on executive functions and creativity of preschool children. This study is a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test, post-test, and control group design. The sample consisted of 21 preschool female and male children, who were selected by convenience sampling in a preschool centre in Bushehr. Participants were matched on the basis of gender, age and intelligence and were allocated to three groups of seven children, i.e., two experimental groups and one control group. Before and after cognitive games, the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT), a simple Stroop software and the working memory Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) were used. The experimental groups played cognitive games such as Lomocyte and Tetris for 16 one-hour sessions, and the control group did not play any games during this time. The results showed that playing computerised cognitive games has a significant effect on creativity and working memory among preschool children. However, there is no significant effect on selective attention, cognitive flexibility, planning and organising. The results of this research have important theoretical and applied implications regarding the role of computerised cognitive games in promoting cognitive functions of preschool children.

Farangis Demehri, Tahere Khatibi, Mahdiye Azizi,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (12-2020)

The importance of understanding the pathology, nature, and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) has always been emphasised throughout school. Children with ASD have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal social communication, which limit their ability regarding effective social communication and academic achievement. The purpose of this research was to compare learning strategies and executive functions among successful and non-successful autistic students in terms of academic achievement. For this purpose, 15 successful students with ASD and 15 non-successful students with ASD were recruited via the purposeful sampling method. The Autism-Spectrum Quotient Test, the executive functions and learning strategies questionnaires were used. Data was analysed with an independent t-test. Results showed that, successful students with ASD had a significant difference with the second group in all variables of learning strategies in addition to inhibition, emotional management, planning, organizing and attention shifting. It can be concluded that students with ASD who are successful in education use more learning strategies and have better executive functions compared with autistic students who are not successful in education.

Zoha Borhani Dizaji, Seyed Abolghasem Mehrinejad, Mehrangiz Peyvastegar,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (2-2021)

Combining psychoanalysis and neurology feels peculiar at first. The combination that tries to bind concepts of psychoanalysis with neuroscience in order to provide an integrates knowledge for better understanding of human mind. However, interaction between psychoanalysis and neuroscience has come to attention during past three decades. Purpose of this study is to investigate and find correlation between three styles of defense mechanism, Mature, immature and neurotic defense mechanism with executive functions within universities students of Tehran. For this matter a study performs on a sample of 140 students (including 76 women and 64 men) by available sampling. The instruments of this research were The Defense Styles Questionnaire (DSQ40) and four computer base test for executive functions including Continues Performance Test (CPT), Strops, 1-back, Go-No Go. The data was analyzed by Pearson correlation and multiple regression method. This study demonstrated significant relation between styles of defense mechanism and executive functions and also forms a model to estimate executive function shares in neurotic and growth defense mechanisms. As a result, the findings suggest that one’s performance on executive functions can affect their style of defense mechanism.

Shahrzad Moradkhani, Kamran Yazdanbakhsh,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Given the increase in criminal behaviors and the damage they cause in society; it is important to study the psychological factors that make people prone to crime or prevent it from committing. Accordingly, the present study aimed to investigate the mediating role of cognitive executive functions in the relationship between behavioral brain systems with cognitive emotion regulation in prisoner men. The research was descriptive-correlational. The study population included all men who were serving their sentences in Kermanshah Central Prison in 1398, from which 300 people were selected by convenience sampling method. The participants completed the Gray-Wilson Personality Questionnaire (GWPQ-28), Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ), and Cognitive Ability Questionnaire (Nejati, 2013). Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and structural equations using SPSS22 and AMOS24. Findings showed that path analysis models of the relationship between behavioral brain systems and cognitive emotion regulation with executive functions' mediating role have a good fit. The results emphasize the importance of behavioral brain systems and executive functions in cognitive emotion regulation. As a result, paying attention to executive functions in controlling and cognitively regulating emotions and promoting them can be effective in reducing criminal behaviors.

Zhaleh Kiani, Alireza Moradi, Parvin Kadivar, Hamid Reza Hasanabadi, Hadi Keramati, Mohammad Effatpanah,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Mindfulness is one of the effective interventions in improving executive functions. Although this intervention is well documented for adults, but it is less addressed for children, while children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder Executive functions are problematic. The purpose of this study is to Designing, developing and validating a psycho-educational program of empowerment based on mindfulness-cognitive for reduce behavioral symptoms and improve executive function in children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. The present study is of the fundamental type, which is in two parts, In the first for designing and development stages was a descriptive - analytic method with a configurative synthesis approach In the second stage For program validation, along with the use of face validity method, content validity method was used quantitatively and Qualitatively method with a panel of 10 experts and Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI). The minimum and maximum CVRs for each item or component of the program were calculated as 0/73 and 1, respectively. Also the minimum and maximum CVIs for each item or component of the program were calculated as 0/80 and 1, respectively. Finally, the average content validity index (S-CVI/Ave) for the entire program was calculated as 0/91. This research leads to the preparation of an educational-therapeutic program in three sections: 1- basics, 2- external awareness and 3- internal awareness, which includes the sub-elements of strengthening attention, concentration, awareness of emotions, thoughts, tasks, purpose and impulses. Be. This educational-therapeutic program includes 16 sessions for children and 3 sessions for parents, 120 cards and 20 educational worksheets. The psycho educational program of empowerment based on mindfulness- cognitive for  reduce behavioral symptoms and improve executive function in children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder has appropriate face and content validity, and has a useful validity for educational, clinical and research uses.

Masoumeh Soltanipour, Akram Parand, Peyman Hasani Abharian, Saeed Sharifyazdi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (8-2021)

the children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)  in executive functions such as kinds of attention, response inhibition and response rate cope with problems which need therapeutic and educational plans to improve. From this kind of methods, cognitive rehabilitation is a new approach, which its effectiveness has studied in various cases. The aim of this study is to find out the effect of Computer- assisted cognitive rehabilitation on improving of executive function of students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. This study is a kind of quasi-experimental design with pre-test / post-test and control groups. 30 students come down with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) selected by the available sampling method and base on criteria for entering of referrals to medical centers. 15 students were in experimental groups and others in control group. Experimental group have received training and computer-assisted Cognitive Rehabilitation for 15 Sessions. the integrated visual and auditory (IVA) continuous performance test, raven's progressive matrices test for children 5 to 9 years, SNAP-IV rating scale the Swanson questionnaire and Captain's­Log Cognitive Rehabilitation software. Data has analyzed by analyze of covariance method. the results of this study revealed that improving executive functions, response inhibition variables, sustain attention, self-centered attention and selective attention were caused by Cognitive Rehabilitation by computer game (P=0.05). But, significant Improvement was not observed in two variables, response rate and divided attention. (P=0.05). Ognitive Rehabilitation by Captain's­Log computer game affected on improving of executive functions of students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder so if the children with disorder being train under Cognitive computer software, executive functions of them will improve on response inhibition components, self-centered attention, selective attention and sustain attention.

Ahmad Borjali, Mohammad Rostami,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (8-2021)

Pharmacological treatment of adult with attention deficit with hyperactive disorder (ADHD) has been shown to be successful; however, medication may not normalize executive functions. The present study was assessed the effect of working memory training program on executive functions of adult with ADHD. Sixteen adults with ADHD and 16 healthy adult participated in the study. After a diagnostic and baseline evaluation, 16 adults with ADHD participate in up to 16 sessions of working memory training program and the outcomes are evaluated. Healthy people did not receive any training. Working memory and attention, were examined prior to and following the interventions. Data analysis revealed that the working memory training used in the present study led to significant improvements of various aspects of attention, including focus and sustain attention and capacity of working memory. The findings indicate that working memory training programs can improve working memory performance and have the potential to facilitate attentional functioning in adult with ADHD as well.

Vahid Mirzaie, Seyed Mosa Tabatabaee, Shahrokh Makvand Hosseini,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (1-2022)

The aim of this study was to investigate The Effectiveness of Computer-based Cognitive Rehabilitation on Working Memory and Problem Solving of High School Students. Method: For this purpose, 30 high school students in Tehran were selected. These people were randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups of 15 people in each group. The number and duration of each session in the experimental group were 16 sessions and each session was 45 minutes, respectively. The control group did not receive any intervention. Research instruments included the Wisconsin Card Classification Test. The data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and SPSS 26 software. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in both components of class and survival and the effect of computer rehabilitation intervention on the class component was 0.375, which is lower than average. And the volume of the effect of computer-based cognitive rehabilitation intervention on the survival component is equal to 0.546, which is higher than average. Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, it can be said that computer-based cognitive rehabilitation intervention is effective on the Working Memory and Problem Solving of high school students.

Fateme Sharifmusavi,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (10-2022)

This study examined the associations among the executive functions, family cohesion, positive youth development and emotional maturity in adolescents, as well as the mediating role of emotion regulation in the relationship between executive functions, family cohesion, positive youth development and emotional maturity. Participants of this study included 300 high school students in grades 10 to 12 from six schools in Qom, Iran who completed the BRIEF2 Scale, the FACES IV, Positive youth development–short form, Emotional maturity questionnaire and Emotion Regulation Scale. Structural equation modeling revealed was positively associated executive functions with family cohesion, emotion regulation with emotional maturity and positive youth development. Also, the results indicated that no significant relationship between emotion regulation and family cohesion. Interaction-mediation analysis demonstrated that emotion regulation in the relationship between executive functions and family cohesion plays a full mediating role and in the relationship between executive functions and positive youth development and in the relationship between executive functions and emotional maturity has minor mediating role.  In generally, attention to the findings in this study can be used by researchers and therapists in the design and application of effective cognitive and psychological interventions to reduce the problems and mitigate the crises facing adolescents.
Fateme Zahra Moradi, Siavash Talepasand, Isaac Rahimian Boogar,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (3-2023)

The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of attention control on mind wandering. The method of this research was semi-experimental. The statistical population includes fifth and sixth grade female students of Semnan city in the academic year of 1400-1401. The number of 38 people from the statistical population was calculated as available, and in order to predict the drop of the subjects or the loss of data, 2 people were present in the study more than the number of the calculated sample. The tool used to measure mind wandering was the Stroop test, which was completed under active and reactive attention control conditions. The data were analyzed using one-factor analysis of variance and repeated measurement by SPSS25 software. The findings showed that mind wandering is more in active attention control conditions than in reactive attention control conditions. The findings of this study can provide useful insight in understanding the phenomenon of mind wandering. Teachers and educational designers, having the knowledge related to this field, can design and produce educational content that students will experience during virtual education, where the minimum supervision by the teacher takes place during the learning process. The wandering of the mind will be less on the part of the students.
M.a Student Elaheh Shirovi, Dr Shekoofeh Mottaghi, Dr Afsaneh Moradi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2023)

Executive functions are important structures that play an important role in controlling and directing behavior. This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the mediating role of emotional intelligence in the relationship between theory of mind and executive functions (cognitive flexibility and response inhibition). The current research method was correlation and structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the research included all female students aged 13 to 18 in Khomeini Shahr city in 2021, of which 300 were selected for the research sample using the available method. To collect data from the emotional intelligence questionnaire (Schutte et al., 1998), software tests of Wisconsian card sorting (Grant and Berg, 1984), go /no go (Hoffman, 1984) and mind reading through eye images (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001) were used. For data analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient and structural equation model were used in AMOS-24 software. The findings showed that theory of mind had a positive and significant direct effect on emotional intelligence with a coefficient of 0.233 and on cognitive flexibility and response inhibition with a coefficient of 0.133 and 0.218 respectively (P<0.01), intelligence Emotion with cognitive flexibility and response inhibition had a positive and significant direct effect with coefficients of 0.144 and 0.337 respectively (P<0.01). The indirect effect of theory of mind on flexibility and response inhibition with the mediating role of emotional intelligence was 0.033 and 0.078, respectively. Therefore, the results indicated the decisive role of theory of mind and emotional intelligence in predicting cold executive functions (cognitive flexibility and response inhibition). Finally, considering the relationship between theory of mind, emotional intelligence, cognitive flexibility and response inhibition, by increasing theory of mind and emotional intelligence, it is possible to help improve the components of executive functions.
Seyed Mohammad Saeid Sahaf,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (9-2023)

According to the existing classifications of Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices (RCPM) test, it is shown that RCPM is not a homogeneous test and various cognitive factors are involved in it. Moreover, success in RCPM is influenced by working memory ability. Therefore, the present study aims to compare the three factors of the RCPM test in two groups of students with weak and strong visuospatial working memory (VSWM) and examine their role in each of the existing components.
This research evaluated a sample of 150 female students aged 6 to 10 years. Initially, after obtaining consent from the students, the school, and the parents, each student took the RCPM test. The score for each question was recorded as either correct or incorrect, and the total correct responses for each factor were calculated. Subsequently, the Corsi block span test was conducted to assess VSWM, and the score for each participant was recorded. Based on the scores of Corsi block span test, the participants were divided into two groups with strong and weak VSWM, and each factor was individually examined in these two groups.
The results showed that the differences in two factors of the RCPM test in the two groups with strong and weak VSWM are statistically significant. Reviewing the literature shows that differences in VSWM can explain success in the first (involving similarity) and second (Gestalt principles) factors. However, the examination of the third factor (involving concrete and abstract reasoning) yields contradictory results in previous research. This research is the first study to focus on the difference in VSWM in the triadic factors of the RCPM test. It is recommended that in future research, the relationship between the factors of the RCPM test and other cognitive functions be examined, and the roles of gender and age be considered.
Zahra Mohseninasab, Somaye Saket, Masoome Deilami Pooya, Samaneh Basiti, Sahel Jafari,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2024)

The purpose of this research was the effectiveness of mindfulness training on executive functions (working memory and attention) and self-efficacy in patients with anxiety disorders. The sample of this research included 30 people from the mentioned community who were selected by available sampling method. 15 people in the experimental group and 15 people in the control group were randomly divided. The research design was semi-experimental with pre-test-post-test with control and experimental groups. The measurement tools included Gioia et al.'s executive function questionnaire (2000) and Scherer's general self-efficacy. To implement, at first, a pre-test was taken from both groups. Then the experimental group underwent mindfulness intervention during 8 sessions of 90 minutes, then a post-test was taken from both groups. Data analysis was done using multivariate covariance analysis (MANCVA) and one-way covariance analysis (ANCVA). The results of the research showed that mindfulness training has a significant effect on executive functions (working memory and attention) and self-efficacy of patients with anxiety disorders.

Shima Khajevand, Abdolmagid Bahreinian, Maryam Nasri, Fatemeh Shahabizadeh,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2024)

Research and clinical observations demonstrate that anxiety is a prevalent mental health issue in children, impacting various aspects of their lives throughout different developmental stages. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of mentalization-based therapy and parent-child relationship-based therapy in addressing executive functions and anxiety symptoms in anxious children. This research employed a semi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test, and follow-up assessments. The study's statistical population consisted of mothers of anxious children from the Bandar Abbas Oil Refining Company in 1402, with 45 eligible participants selected through available sampling and randomly assigned to two experimental groups and a control group. Assessment tools included Giova et al.'s behavioral rating questionnaires (2000) and the Spence-Parent Form children's anxiety scale (1998) administered at pre-test, post-test, and follow-up stages. Data analysis utilized SPSS 26 software, incorporating descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the mixed variance analysis indicated a significant difference between the control group and the mentalization-based and relationship-based treatment groups regarding executive functions and anxiety symptoms in anxious children (P < 0.05). Both mentalization and parent-child relationship interventions contributed to reduced anxiety symptoms and improved executive functions in anxious children. Furthermore, parent-child relationship therapy demonstrated greater efficacy in alleviating anxiety symptoms compared to mentalization-based therapy. Consequently, based on the study's outcomes, it is plausible to consider mentalization and parent-child relationship interventions as appropriate strategies for enhancing executive functions and alleviating anxiety symptoms in anxious children.


Vahide Seyed Mohseni, Dr Hadi Keramati, Dr Mohammad Hossein Abdpllahi, Dr Hamid Reza Hassan Abadi,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2024)

The objective of the present study was to compare the impact of two distinct educational approaches, namely the Montessori and robot-based methodologies, on students' executive functions. The research design was quasi-experimental, with two experimental groups and a post-test and follow-up. A total of 34 available female students from the second elementary grade were selected from the schools where Montessori classes were held. The students were free from physical or mental impairments and did not exhibit learning disorders. Each experimental group received one of the training methods in 12 sessions of 75-90 minutes. Following this, the post-test and follow-up were conducted using the Wisconsin tool to evaluate cognitive flexibility, the Stroop task to evaluate response inhibition, and the Cornoldi task to evaluate working memory. Multivariate mixed-variance analysis was employed to analyze the data. The findings of the study indicated a significant difference between the two educational approaches in enhancing students' executive functions (p<0.01). Additionally, the subscales of executive functions (as defined by Miyake, 2000) demonstrated significant differences, thereby corroborating the efficacy of the Montessori educational method in fostering cognitive flexibility and response inhibition. However, with regard to working memory, the robot-based educational method was found to be of greater importance. Due to the nature of the Montessori education method, which is based on fully targeted tools and activities, the above results are acceptable; Also, due to the sequence of programming in educational robots and the need to use previous information and pay attention to the previous stages of coding, the effectiveness of robot-based education is also acceptable.

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