Akbar S, Ranjbar H, Kariminasab S, Abdolmaleki M. Assessment of Landslide Hazard with Knowledge-driven Fuzzy Model & Hybrid Fuzzy-Weight of Evidence Method-A Case Study: Maskoon Area-Jiroft District. Journal of Engineering Geology 2013; 7 (1) :1601-1622
1- , sa.3761@gmail.com
Abstract: (8738 Views)
The study area is located in Jiroft district, Iran, and is a part of Sahand-Bazman volcanic zone. There are various landslide factors and the importance of each factor are identified qualitatively, based on previous studies and regional specifications. Three landslides were recognized in the study area using direct method (field work) and aerial photographs interpretation. One of these landslides is located in the vicinity of Mohammad Abad of Maskoon Village. The aim of this study is landslide hazard mapping using two integration methods that includes Fuzzy Logic and Hybrid Fuzzy-Weight of Evidence (Hybrid F-W of E). The obtained results of maps from both methods, show a good agreement especially in introducing high hazard regions. The hybrid method is based on the occurred landslide points and is more rigorous, so hazard regions delineated by this method occupy smaller areas than the areas introduced by fuzzy model. Therefore, hazard maps resulted from Hybrid and Fuzzy methods, can be considered as minimum and maximum limits of landslide hazard in the area, respectively.
Type of Study:
Original Research |
En. Geology Accepted: 2016/10/5 | Published: 2016/10/5