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Showing 3 results for Asghari

F Amini Beiram, Ebrahim Asghari, M Hajialavi Bonab,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (6-2015)

The Kandovan village is one of the tourist attractions in East Azarbaijan province of Iran, whose rural houses were excavated within the cone-shaped pyroclastic rocks (in terms of local called keran) several hundred years ago. The present paper discusses the role of engineering geological properties of Kandovan pyroclastic rocks. Kandovan pyroclastic rocks have low resistance against weathering and erosion because their components are plagioclase minerals and pumice fragments with low resistance, welding, sorting and high sphericity and rounding. Although weathering and erosion along existing joints and fractures is the most important causative agent of cone-shaped forms but there is the possibility of further damage of rocks due to continuing these processes. High porosity of rocks has caused that their high capacity for water absorption. High water absorption percent increased sensitivity of rocks against expansion and contraction by freezing-thawing and wetting-drying cycles and low hardness and low their internal strength caused the rocks weathered and disintegrated due to environmental factors. Furthermore, the weak texture of the pyroclastic rocks have caused easy erosion of those by surface waters and wind.
Zahra Hoseinzadeh, Ebrahim Asghari-Kaljahi, Hadiseh Mansouri,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (9-2021)

The soil of the Arvand free zone in the north of Khorramshahr is fine cohesive and cannot be used in earth works. On the other hand, suitable materials for this purpose (coarse-grained soils) are located at the farther distances which a considerable cost requires. In this regard, it is trying to improve the soil with lime and furnace steel slag. This study is focused on improvement of the fine-grained soil by adding various contents of lime and furnace steel slag. For this purpose, after sampling and performance of compaction tests, different amounts of slag (10, 20 and 30% by weight of dry soil) and lime (2, 4 and 6% by weight of dry soil) were added to the soil and after curing for 28 days, the effect of additives on the physical and mechanical properties of soil was investigated by using several tests such as Atterberg limits, compaction, uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and CBR as soaked and unsoaked. Based on USCS classification the study soil is CL, its plasticity index is about 25% and sulphate ion content is more than 0.5%. Experimental results show that by adding slag and lime at different contents to soil, mechanical properties of soil improve dramatically, so plastic index of soil decreased and UCS and CBR has been increased. Also, the maximum dry unit weight of soil increases and the optimum moisture content decreases. The test results also indicate that the effect of lime on soil is higher than slag and the effect of slag for less than 35% is not considerable, however the test result of unsoaked CBR show that the bearing of soil increase in the more than slag content 20% is significant. According to the previous studies, due to the relatively high sulphate ion content in the soil, the use of lime alone is inappropriate and the slag can only physically improve soil conditions but also chemically prevent the formation of large volume minerals (like Ettringite) by the reaction of lime with soil sulphate ion../files/site1/files/152/%D8%AD%D8%B3%DB%8C%D9%86_%D8%B2%D8%A7%D8%AF%D9%87.pdf
Dr Sayed Ali Asghari Pari,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (Spring 2024)

Pile design is subject to a number of uncertainties that must be addressed to ensure the reliability and safety of the foundation. A common approach to reduce uncertainties in pile design is to calibrate the resistance factor in the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method through reliability analysis. However, it is important to recognize that the LRFD method may not fully account for uncertainties associated with soil and pile resistances. The results of this study show that the separate consideration of base and wave resistance can lead to a more accurate and reliable design of piles. The proposed method can help engineers make more informed decisions and reduce uncertainties in pile design. In addition, the study highlights the importance of considering different factors such as the ratio of dead to live load and the ratio of base to shaft resistance when calculating the resistance factor.

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