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Mahdi Jalili Ghazizade, Mohammad Ali Abduli, Edwin Safari, Behrouz Gatmiri,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (9-2011)

Desiccation cracking commonly occurring in compacted clayey soils typically used as landfill liners can result in poor hydraulic performance of the liner. In this research, a simplified image processing technique was developed in order to characterize desiccation cracking intensity in compacted clayey soils. Three pairs of compacted clayey soils were studied in a relatively large scale experiment to evaluate the effect of geotextile cover on desiccation cracking under real-time atmospheric conditions. Digital images were taken from the surface of soils at certain time intervals for 10 months and were analyzed to determine crack intensity factor (CIF). The key parameter in identification of cracks as accurately as possible was found to be sensitivity. Calibration process was based on using %20 of the images with different crack intensities whose crack dimensions and therefore CIF values have been already measured to compare to program output. A calibration coefficient for sensitivity was accordingly determined based on the average difference between the sensitivity introduced by the program and the actual sensitivity calculated based on an overlaying process. Result of verification of this methodology indicated that it can be reliably used to determine CIF of compacted clay soils in a simple yet accurate manner.
Mehdi Jalili, Amin Zare, Mohammad Javad Shabani,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (Vol. 12, No. 4 2018)

The design engineers usually follow a specific decision-making process for optimal selection of the type of required foundation and its design. In this state, in case the surface foundation is not appropriate for the project conditions, before making any decisions about the use of deep foundations, the proper methods for optimization of the liquefied soil should be evaluated in order to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each of them with those of deep foundation, in terms of efficiency, implementation problems, costs, and finally to select the best choice. One of the best methods of soil improvement is the use of stone columns. The rationale behind the use of stone columns is the high shear strength of materials and the provision of lateral grip by surrounding soil. Therefore, the stone column can receive the load from the structure, and transfer it to the resistant layers. In the soils with low shear resistance, the lateral constraint crated by the surrounding soils is not enough for preventing the sideway buckling of the column under which is subjected to the loads. Thus, special measures should be considered for the use of stone columns in these soils. One of these methods is the use of reinforcement shelves such as geogrid and geotextile. Investigating the previous studies, the lack of evaluation of the design parameters such as the settlement ratio of the soil improved by the reinforced stone column to the geogrid, and provision of design graphs in this regard, has been revealed. Therefore, by extension of the studies conducted by Chub Basti et al. in 2011, the design graphs were provided in this regard.
Material and methods
The PLAXIS V8 Software was used for modelling the soft soil improved by the stone column. For increasing the precision of the results, the 15-knot element was used in the current study. The fine mesh was used in the models made for the analysis of the problem. For simulation of the improved soft soil with the stone column in a single cell, the modelling was implemented in a two-dimensional environment in axial symmetry conditions. In the current study, it was assumed the rigid foundation is on the improved bed. Thus, for analysis of the simulated model, a vertical strain up to 2% of the soft soil height has been applied on the ground. Also, for simulation of the soil behavior, an appropriate model of soil and parameters proportional to the materials should be allocated to the construct geometry. The non-linear stress-strain of the soil in different levels of the problem can be simulated. The number of model parameters increases with the level of problem rupture. For precise simulation, we need the proper parameters of the materials. For modeling of soft soils and stone columns, elastic-plastic model with Mohr-Coulomb rupture criterion was used. In the current study, it was assumed the soft bed is located on a very hard layer of soil. Therefore, the vertical deformation was prevented on this horizontal boundary. Also, the horizontal deformation in two vertical edges was prevented and only deformation in vertical direction was allowed. The soft bed close to saturation was considered without the determined free water level. For models with stone columns, the element of interface between the stone column and soft soil, has been used. The reason behind using this element is that the stone column rupture is of shear form and due to this, a significant shear stress is created on the common surface between the stone column and soft soil. The percentage of the replacement area is defined as the ratio of the total area of the stone columns to the total area of the non-improved area. In the current study, the percentage of the replacement area is utilized between 10 to 30%, which is used in implementation. Also, the diameter of the stone columns is from 0.6 to 1.2, in the analyses.
Results and discussion
The results of the numerical study were compared with the existing theoretical relationships provided by Poorooshasb and Meyerhof (1997), and Pulko et al. (2011). Figure 1 shows the comparison of the replacement percentage (RP) and settlement ratio (SR) in the non-reinforced state in the current study as well as theoretical relationships proposed by the previous researchers. Based on this figure, there is a difference between the results of the current study and those of Poorooshasb and Meyerhof (1997), and Pulko et al (2011). Poorooshasb and Meyerhof (1997) calculated the settlement ratio in their proposed material with the assumption of linear elasticity of the materials without consideration for plastic settlement. Therefore, the settlement of the improved soft soil with stone column, calculated by Poorooshasb and Meyerhof, would not show the real amount. However, Pulko et al. (2011), with consideration for the elastoplastic behavior of the materials, the lateral expansion of the stone column, and the primary stress of the soil around the column, provided more realistic results that correspond closely with the present study. Also, for designing the stone column, the results of its reinforcement have been also provided in the graph presented in Figure 2. Thus, by the use of these graphs, the ratio of settlement reduction can be obtained for each distance between columns and with different percentages of alternatives../files/site1/files/124/2jalili%DA%86%DA%A9%DB%8C%D8%AF%D9%87.pdf
Mehdi Jalili, Hosein Saeedirad, Mohammad Javad Shabani,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Dispersive soils are problematic and they cause a great many of local damages and destructions in hydraulic structures such as dikes and irrigation channels. The correct identification and recognition of divergence are fundamental measures taken in line with preventing the early destruction of the hydraulic structures. The soil improvement using lime, especially in clayey soils (CL), brings about an increase in the optimum moisture percentage, reduction of the maximum dry unit weight, reduction of swelling potential, increase in the strength and elasticity module. The effect of lime on soil can be classified into two groups, namely short and long-term stabilization. Raise of the soil’s workability is counted amongst the short-term modification measures and it is the most important factor in the early improvement stages. The increase in the strength and stability can be considered as the lime utilization on long-term results occurring during curing and afterwards. Also, according to the reports, swelling and damages occur in the lime-stabilized soil containing sulfate. The effective role of the iron furnace slag has been well recognized in increasing the strength against sulfates and corrosive environment conditions of the mortar containing lime and sulfates.
Material and methods
Adding the slag products of the melting furnaces and lime is a method used to stabilize dispersive soils. The present study makes use of a mixture of clay featuring low plasticity with 1% and 2% lime and slag, for 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% of the weight, to improve dispersivity, shear strength and plasticity. The samples were kept in constant temperature and humidity for a day and then were subjected to direct shear, uniaxial strength and pinhole tests.
Results and discussion
It was observed based on pinhole experiment of the initial dispersive soil sample, denoted as D1, that the sample, shown by ND2, containing lime, for 2% of the weight, and slag, for 5% of the weight, turned out to have become non-divergent. The results of the direct shear test showed that the adhesion coefficient of the slag-free samples stabilized using 1% lime has been increased from 0.238 kg/cm2 to, respectively, 0.251 kg/cm2, 0.373 kg/cm2, 0.41 kg/cm2 and 0.48 kg/cm2  per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added. The adhesion of the samples stabilized using 2% lime as determined in the direct shear experiment were 0.615 kg/cm2, 0.671 kg/cm2, 0.724kg/cm2 and 0.757kg/cm2 per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added. Also, the internal friction angle of the samples stabilized using 1% lime was found an increase from 14.3° for slag-free samples to 18.11°, 21.3°, 21.86° and 21.92° per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% added slag. As for the samples stabilized using 2% lime, the internal friction angles were found in direct shear test equal to 23.15°, 23.53°, 23.76° and 24.12° per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added. The uniaxial strength of the slag-free samples stabilized using 1% lime was found an increase  from 1.0014 kg/cm2 to, respectively, 1.0616 kg/cm2, 1.0782 kg/cm2, 1.2127 kg/cm2 and 1.2246 kg/cm2 per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added. The uniaxial strength rates has been determined in the direct shear test of the samples stabilized using 2% lime were 1.1367 kg/cm2, 1.1885 kg/cm2, 1.2322 kg/cm2 and 1.2872 kg/cm2 per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added. The amount of axial strain of the slag free samples stabilized using 1% lime was found decreased from 9.6842% to, respectively, 9.3333%, 9.2683%, 9.6364% and 8.4444% per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added. Moreover, the axial strain amounts obtained for the samples stabilized using 2% lime were 7.7333 kg/cm2, 7.6316 kg/cm2, 7.1517 kg/cm2 and 4.7619 kg/cm2 per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added.
The study results indicate that slag and lime have the capacity of improving the studied soil’s dispersivity. Furthermore, it was figured out that adding slag to the soil causes an increase in the soil strength and improves the shear strength parameters. It can be stated according to the observed results that the use of slag, a byproduct of iron smelting industry, as a substitute for a given percentage of lime is effective on the reduction of the clay soil’s divergence potential. The results of the experiments carried out to determine Atterberg limits are suggestive of the idea that the increase in the slag and lime fractions brings about a decrease in the liquid limit and plasticity and improves the plasticity properties of the soil. The reason why the soil plasticity has been reduced after being mixed with lime and slag is the cationic exchange and coarsening of the soil texture. Addition of lime to the soil causes an increase in the plasticity limit and a reduction in the liquid limit. Therefore, the plasticity index is decreased and the plasticity characteristics of the soil are improved. Adding 1% lime to the dispersive soil leads to small reduction of the liquid limit from 32.43% to 31.73%, a small increase in the plasticity limit from 13.42% to 14.66% and a insignificant decrease in the plasticity index from 19.01% to 17.07%.
Tayebeh Mirjalili, Mashala Khamechian, Mohammadreza Nikudel,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (12-2020)

This study aimed at evaluating the effect of calcic aggregates of engineering geological properties on the artificial stones properties, non-resin cemented and then, to make a comparison between the engineering properties of artificial and natural stones. To investigate the effect of calcic aggregates properties on artificial stones, seven samples of building stones including black limestone, three samples of marble (Chinese stone, marble and crystalline marble) and two samples of travertine and onix were used. Engineering geological properties of the samples were then determined. In the next stage, after designing mould for constructing artificial stones, aggregates with the same grading and mixture design were provided. Then two samples including coarse and fine grained artificial stones were made for all of the mentioned aggregates under the same vibration, pressure and vacuum conditions. Next physical, strength and durability tests were conducted, and the obtained results were compared. The results of engineering parameters showed that Hojjat Abad travertine artificial stones have similar engineering quality to own natural stone and Crystaline Marble and Turan Posht travertine artificial rocks have about 11 to 32% increase in quality but Chinese stone, Black limestone, onix and marble have a 6 to 33% lower quality than own natural stone. However, the samples made of other stones in view of the compared parameters related to artificial stones have lower quality than natural stones; however, they are placed in the acceptable range as building materials.
Given the variation of construction materials, the importance of the economy in its supply and large use of natural stone mines and the production of seemingly unusable slags, it is necessary to reuse these slags. One of these reusing methods is to make artificial stones and its application as construction materials. Rock powder, aggregate, a small amount of cement or resin and other chemicals are used for producing artificial stone. In this study, carbonate minerals, rock powder and white cement in the first phase are mixed and wet. Then, in the next stage, to form the sample in a cubic mold, they have been compacted under three physical processes of vibration, vacuum and pressure. The aim of this study is to investigate how to make artificial stone, to evaluate the engineering properties of artificial rock and the effect of limestone engineering properties on artificial stone properties of non -resin cement and then comparing the properties of artificial rocks made with natural stones
Material and methods
In this study, in order to investigate the effect of calcic aggregates properties on artificial stone properties, seven samples of building carbonate rocks including crystalline marble, two samples of marble, black limestone, and two samples of travertine and onix were used.
Engineering geological properties of the used samples were then determined. In the next stage, after designing mold for constructing artificial stones, aggregates with the same grading and mixture design were provided. Then two samples including coarse and fine grained artificial stones were made for all of the mentioned aggregates under the same vibration, pressure and vacuum conditions. After construction, physical, strength and durability tests were conducted, and then the results were compared.
Results and discussion
Investigation of the effect of engineering geological properties of carbonate aggregate on artificial stone properties showed that the artificial stones made of travertine aggregates have higher quality than natural travertine in terms of physical, strength and durability properties. Due to the existence of pores on the surface of travertine aggregates, the used cement can result in reducing effective porosity and increasing strength and durability in the artificial stones.
In Table 1 a proposed research has been used for rating rock engineering parameters based on the degree of importance for building stones. Then, according to this table, the score of each natural stone and related artificial stones were determined. For building stones, the importance of durability and strength is more than the density.  Also, the density shows its effect on durability. At the same time, with increasing the percentage of water absorption, the durability of rock has decreased. Therefore, the rocks with less water absorption are more important.
Table 1. Scoring of building stones based on the engineering parameters
Parameters Description Excellent Good Marginal Poor
Total score 100 75 50 25
Water absorption (%) Range 0-2 2-3 3-5 >5
Score 25 20 15 10
Unit weight (kN/m3) Range >24 22-24 18-22 <18
Score 15 10 5 3
Uniaxial compressive strength (MPa) Range >50 40-50 30-40 <30
Score 20 15 10 4
Tensile strength (MPa) Range >20 15-20 10-15 <10
Score 20 15 10 4
Durability (%) Range <1% 1%-2% 2%-3% >3%
Score 20 15 10 4
The total score of fine-grained artificial stones (65%) is almost similar, indicating that the type of carbonate grains does not affect the characteristics of fine-grained artificial stones, but the total score of coarse artificial grains are in the range of 58 to 74%. This range of score indicates that structural weakness, especially the cleavage surface, porosity, lamination, vein and acetylolite of aggregates have more influence on engineering properties in coarse-grained artificial rock.
Comparison between the engineering properties of artificial and natural stones were studied. The following conclusions were drawn:
- The artificial stones of Hojjatabad travertine have similar engineering quality with their natural stone.
- Both Crystaline marble and Turan Posht travertine artificial rocks have about 11 to 32% increase in quality but Chinese stone, black limestone, onix and marble have 6 to 33% decrease in quality compared to natural stone but in acceptable ranges when they are considered as construction materials.
- The samples made of other rock samples have lower quality than natural stones; however, they are placed in the acceptable range as building materials../files/site1/files/144/Mirjalili.pdf

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