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Mahdi Jalili Ghazizade, Mohammad Ali Abduli, Edwin Safari, Behrouz Gatmiri,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (9-2011)

Desiccation cracking commonly occurring in compacted clayey soils typically used as landfill liners can result in poor hydraulic performance of the liner. In this research, a simplified image processing technique was developed in order to characterize desiccation cracking intensity in compacted clayey soils. Three pairs of compacted clayey soils were studied in a relatively large scale experiment to evaluate the effect of geotextile cover on desiccation cracking under real-time atmospheric conditions. Digital images were taken from the surface of soils at certain time intervals for 10 months and were analyzed to determine crack intensity factor (CIF). The key parameter in identification of cracks as accurately as possible was found to be sensitivity. Calibration process was based on using %20 of the images with different crack intensities whose crack dimensions and therefore CIF values have been already measured to compare to program output. A calibration coefficient for sensitivity was accordingly determined based on the average difference between the sensitivity introduced by the program and the actual sensitivity calculated based on an overlaying process. Result of verification of this methodology indicated that it can be reliably used to determine CIF of compacted clay soils in a simple yet accurate manner.
Hojjat Ollah Safari, Hamed Rezaei, Afsaneh Ghojoghi,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (11-2020)

The landslides, as a natural hazard, caused to numerous damages in residential area and financial loss. In many cases, we can forecast the occurrence probability of this natural phenomenon with using of detail geological and Geomorphological studies. This seems that one of the most effective parameters in landsliding phenomenon is structural parameters, especially faulting in rocky outcrops. For verifying this hypothesis, the Nargeschal area, as high potential of hazardous area, is selected as case study for investigation on influences of faulting on landslide occurrence probability. Many large composite landslides were happened in 2016 and hence, this area is enumerated an active zone of landsliding. This area with geographic attitude 55° 09' 06" to 55° 27' 21" Eastern Longitude and 36° 54' 23" to 37° 05' 15" Northern Latitude located in south of Azad shahr (in Golestan Provinces) placed in Northeastern of Iran.
Geological studies indicate that this area located in northern limb of Alborz fold belt (as a young fold-thrust belt with 900 km length) which formed in late Alpine orogenic events by convergence Afro-Arabian and Eurasian plates. In this zone, the structures have main NE-SW trends with main active faults such as Khazar and North Alborz faults, as reverse faults with north-ward movements. The remnant part of Paleotethyan rocks (which transported from collision zone toward southern part by low angle thrusts) located between these faults and formed the mountain-plain boundary hills.
Material and Methods
In this research, we investigated on effective parameters in landslide occurrence probability of Nargeschal area with using of remote sensing techniques, GIS environment abilities and complementary field investigations. Therefore, we have prepared the seven data layers of geological and morphological effective parameters which are affected on landslide probabilities. These data layers consist of: lithology of outcropped rocks, faulting condition, topographic slopes categorizes cultivation circumstances, seismicity condition, spring population (ground water condition) and surveyed occurred landslides. Then, the content of each data layer is weighted and classified into five classes in GIS environment. Finally, the content of each pixels in all of 7 layers are algebraically summed and recorded as an attributed table. Hence, the landslide hazard zonation map was prepared by drawing the isopotential surface map on the basis of quantities of attributed table by using of GIS functions in Arc view 3.2 software.
Results and Discussion
The results of this research illustrate that a high risk zone is located in central part of area as an oblique broad-stripe zone with NE-SW trend [6]. This zone is correlatable with high density of fractures zone and high population of springs and earthquake focus and also, taken place in Shemshak formation with shale, marl and siltstone rocky outcrops (upper Triassic- Jurassic in age). 
Also, the results of investigations on influences of structural parameters (especially faulting) in landslide hazard demonstrated that faults are indirectly impressed on this hazard probabilities via formed the high slope topography, poor strength faulted rocks, locating of spring presences and creation of seismicity, and hence, defined the spatial pattern of landslides.
Nargeschal area in Northern limb of Eastern Alborz is selected as case study for investigation on temporal relationship between Faulting and Landslides. The following conclusions were drawn from this research.
- It seems that the fault surface plays the role of rupture planes for landsliding.
- The structural factors also increased the ground slope and then, the close relationship is formed between landslides and faults.
- The results demonstrate the genetically relationships between landslides and faults in macroscopic scale in Nargeschal area.

Mister Hamzeh Torkamanitombeki, The Doctor Mashalah Khamehchiyan, Mistress Maryam Nazari, Mister Shazdi Safari,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (Autumn 2023)

The purpose of the research is to investigate the risk of liquefaction risk at the beaches of Bustano in the western part of Bandar Abbas in Hormozgan province. The periodic stress method was used as the method to evaluate the liquefaction potential based on the data obtained from Standard Penetration Test (SPT). The acceleration of  0.35 g was chosen as the maximum acceleration of the bedrock, and cross sections were extracted using Rockwork software. From an engineering geological point of view, the characteristics of the sedimentary deposits and the collected geotechnical information were analyzed to generate geotechnical index profiles. As the study area is located at the edge of the folded Zagros, seismically it has the characteristics of the Zagros-Makran transition zone which basically exerts the most pressure on the saturated sediments of the area. Due to the strong movement of the earth in generating liquefaction, the seismic bedrock acceleration (PGA) and the maximum horizontal acceleration at the ground surface (amax) were evaluated by liquefaction analysis using LiqIT v.4.70 software. The results indicate that the sandy and silty sediments of the study area are the outcome of the weather changing processes at the northern altitudes of the region. Granular sand and silt sediments were found under favorable conditions with high groundwater level, confirming the presence of liquefaction phenomenon in the area. Zoning maps of the intensity of liquefaction were extracted at the surface and at depth were obtained in different parts of the Bustano, indicating the different  classes of risk of liquefaction in the soil of this area. In general, the occurrence of liquefaction with high intensity liquefaction was predicted  for the Bustano area.

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