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Erfan Naderi, Adel Asakereh, Masoud Dehghani,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (8-2019)

Bearing capacity is very important in geotechnical engineering, which depends on factors such as footing shape, stress distribution under footing and failure mechanism of soil. Construction of the footing near a slope affects the behavior of footing and reduces the bearing capacity. Also, construction of structures on soft soil usually involves problems such as excessive settlement, deformation and stability problems. In order to increase the bearing capacity, especially in soft soils, one method is adding stone columns to soils. In this method 15 to 35 percent of unsuitable soil volume is replaced with appropriate material. In this research, the bearing capacity and settlement of a strip footing on a clayey slope reinforced with stone columns is investigated. For this purpose, a series of small-scale model tests was performed on the slope reinforced with both types of ordinary and vertical encased stone columns. The effects of length of stone column and location of stone column on the behavior of footing was studied and the optimum length of column and best location for column were determined. Also, some tests were performed on the effect of group stone columns on the footing and the efficiency of columns was investigated.
Material and methods
In order to determine properties of clay soil, stone column and encasement material, some preliminary standard tests were performed. The stone column material was selected with aggregate size ranging from 2-10 mm considering the scale effect. The performance of stone column depends on the lateral confinement provided from the surrounding soil and this lateral confinement represents undrained shear strength of the soil. In very soft soils (cu<15 kPa), the lateral confinement is not adequate and the stone column cannot perform well in carrying the required bearing capacity. For this reason, a series of undrained shear strength standard tests were carried out on clay samples with different water contents. According to these tests, the amount of water content of clay related to cu-15kPa was equal to 25%; while the natural water content of the clay was 4%. Therefore, the additional amount of water was weighted and added to clay. The apparatus of this research was consisted of two main parts including a test box and a hydraulic loading system. The test box dimensions should be such that for all states of the tests, the stress in the soil applied from the loading would be almost zero at all boundaries of the box. Thus, a box was built to accommodate the clay slope with 150 cm×120 cm×30 cm dimensions. The test box was built using steel material and steel belts were welded around it to prevent the deformation at high loads. The front side of the box was made from two pieces of tempered glass and a 10 cm×10 cm grid was drawn on them, for making the slope during construction and observation of deformations during the loading easier. The model strip footing dimensions were 29 cm length, 10cm width and 4cm height and it was made from steel to have no deformation during the loading. The displacement of the footing was measured using two dial gauges with accuracy of 0.01 mm.
The clay was filled in the test box in 5 cm thick layers and compacted with a special 6.8 kg weight tamper. All model stone columns were constructed using the replacement method. In this method, a 10 cm diameter open ended steel pipe was inserted into the soil and the clay within the pipe was excavated. Then the stone column material charged into the hole in 5 cm layers and each layer was compacted using a 2.7 kg special circular steel tamper with 10 blows. The 5cm compactions were repeated until the construction of ordinary stone column was completed. For construction of vertical encased stone columns, the cylindrical encasement mesh should be constructed first. Then, after excavating the hole, the prepared encasement mesh was placed inside the hole and the aggregates were charged into the hole in 5 cm layers and compacted.
Results and discussion
The loading method used in all tests was a stress control method. Bearing capacity values were determined from pressure-displacement diagrams using tangent method. All test results show that when any type of stone columns was added to slope, the bearing capacity of adjacent footing was increased. Vertical encasing of stone columns leads to a further improvement in the behavior of the footing. Influence of length of ordinary stone columns on the behavior of strip footing near clayey slope, was studied for four different lengths. Results show that, the optimum length of stone columns giving the maximum performance is about 4 times their diameter. Also, the location of column for both ordinary and vertical encased stone columns was studied using a series of laboratory tests and results show that the best location for the stone column is right beneath the footing. Also, group stone column tests resulted that for both ordinary and vertical encased types of stone columns, the group of two columns had a better efficiency than the group of three columns.
In this investigation, some model tests with 1/10 model scale on a strip footing near a clayey slope reinforced with stone columns were performed and the effects of different parameters such as stone column length and location were studied. Based on results from experiments on different states of stone columns, the following concluding remarks may be mentioned:
- The maximum encasement influence was observed when the encased stone column is placed under the footing.
- The optimum length of ordinary stone columns which are placed beneath the strip footing gives the maximum performance more than 4 times to their diameter.
-Bulging failure mode governs when the stone column is placed under the footing. When stone column is not beneath the footing, the failure mode was lateral deformation.
- Comparing the different locations of stone columns in the slope shows that for both ordinary and vertical encased stone columns, the best location having the most influence on the strip footing is under the footing and with increasing the spacing between column and footing, the bearing capacity is reduced.
S. M. Ali Sadreddini, Navid Hadiani,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (11-2019)

Past research studies have demonstrated that seismic ground motion can vary significantly over distances comparable to the dimensions of long span engineering structures. The accurate determination of earthquake ground motion at the base of long span structures such as dams and bridges whose piers are located on the valleys surface is one of the most important issues in earthquake engineering. In this paper, the spatially variable earthquake ground motions are generated at stations located on the valley slopes, considering the topography effect of a triangular valley. To this end, the simplified geometry of the valley of Masjed Soleyman embankment dam has been used for numerical modeling. The spatially varying ground motions are simulated by using spectral representation method. According to this methodology, the generated time histories are compatible with prescribed response spectra reflecting the wave passage and loss of coherence effects. This method assumes that the response spectrum is identical for all stations i.e., they have the same amplitudes and frequency content. This assumption is not valid for stations located on valley surface in which the amplitude and frequency content of the seismic waves are changed considerably by topography features. It is concluded that the proposed method in this study can lead to artificial spatially variable earthquake ground motions which can be readily reflect the amplification pattern of 2D triangular valleys.
Material and methods
In the first part of this paper, seismic response of a triangular valley is investigated through time history analysis conducted by using FLAC2D computer program. The geometry of the valley analyzed in this paper is chosen close to the valley of the Masjed Soleyman embankment dam. Dynamic analysis is conducted using an artificial earthquake generated by spectral representation method. The material properties are obtained based on the results of a comprehensive study carried out to identify the dynamic characteristics of two large embankment dams in Iran. Spectral amplification functions of seismic waves are calculated by dividing the response spectra of stations located on the slope of the valley to that in base of the valley. These functions are then used as target quantity for generation of spatially variable ground motions at points located on the valley. In this study, spectral representation method, the most widely accepted method for generation of spatially variable ground motions, is developed to take into account the topography effect. According to this methodology, the generated time histories are compatible with prescribed spectral amplification functions reflecting the wave passage and loss of coherence effects. The Harichandran-Vanmarcke coherency model is used to simulate spatially variable seismic ground motions.
Results and discussion
Based on the obtained results the maximum and minimum values of peak acceleration are yielded at the base and at the edge of the valley, respectively. The results indicate considerable increase of the acceleration RMS at points near the edge of the valley. Maximum spectral amplification is also observed at the edge of the valley. For all points located on the valley, the first peak spectral amplification occurred at frequency of 1.15Hz, which can be readily interpreted as the natural frequency of the valley. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed method, the RMS and spectral amplification functions of artificial earthquakes are compared to target quantities. A very good consistency between the spectral amplification of artificial earthquakes and target spectral amplifications was observed in terms of both amplitude and frequency content.
The following conclusions were drawn from this paper.
- Artificial earthquakes generated using proposed method of this paper are in a very good agreement with the amplification pattern of the valley.
- The results of this study can be readily used to investigate the influence of spatial variability of earthquake ground motion on structures like bridges and dams whose supports are located inside the valley and are subjected to multi-support earthquake excitation.
- The proposed method of this paper is not limited only to the valley topography, but it can be effectively used in the generation process of non - uniform artificial earthquakes for stations located on other topography features. The latter can be carried out by establishing the spectral amplification functions of other topography features such as slopes and hills resulted from field or numerical studies.
Fatemeh Abtahi, Mehdi Hosseini, Akbar Shah Hosseini,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (11-2019)

Unsystematic execution of blasting process may result in serious damages. Blasting is a very complex process and almost all of blast designs are made based on empirical relations resulting from trial and error. In recent decades, considerable development of numerical methods has been made possible to achieve high accuracy study of blast effects on surface and subsurface structures. Among these methods are boundary element method, finite difference method and finite element method. It should be mentioned that there is currently no software which might be able to completely simulate blast process. But the UDEC software is able to simulate different aspects of this phenomenon through simplification and focusing on each aspect.  Therefore, the UDEC software was selected. In the present study, the modeling  has been performed for Ghareh Changool ramp of Zehabad Zinc and Lead Mine against blast loads.
Material and methods
Zehabad Ore deposit is located around 2 km south of  Zehabad Village of Tarom Sofla County, 56 km to northwest of Qazvin at 49˚ 25' east longitude and 36˚ 28' north latitude.
The formation surrounding the ore deposit is generally made up of pyroclastics, lavas and sedimentary rocks of Eocene age (Karaj Formation) which have been divided into 22 stratigraphic units. Lithological composition of the tuff units are often rhyolithic to dacitic and the lava units are consisted of rhyolite, dacite and andesite.
To  accomplish this study, we took rock blocks from Ghareh Changool ramp. Then, the blocks were cored in the laboratory to provide cylindrical samples for doing uniaxial compressive, triaxial, Brazilian and direct shear tests. Physical and mechanical properties of the tuff samples were determined according to ISRM standards. 
In the present study, field studies were done to calculate strength parameters and properties of the joints.  Based on these studies, three major joint sets were determined. In order to obtain the shear strength parameters of the joints, the cylindrical samples of andesitic tuff were molded by concrete and direct shear test was done on all of the joints according to ASTM D 4554.
Results and discussion
To simulate the complex conditions of blast process, we used the discrete element software of UDEC for numerical modeling considering the discontinuity of the medium. To do a dynamic analysis, first the model should come to equilibrium in the static state. The space considered to be modeled in the study was a horse-shoe-shaped ramp with 4 m base, 4 m height and 1.5 m arc radius which was located in rocky medium consisting of tuff.  The height of overburden above the roof of the ramp was about 190 m. The dimensions of the model in UDEC was 20*20 m2. The behavioral model considered for the rock blocks and discontinuities were the elastic isotropic and surface contact of the joint (elasto-plastic) associated with Coulomb sliding failure, respectively. After defining the absorbing boundary conditions, the dynamic loads were applied to the model based on the defined time period. In mines stability and blasting process, the dynamic load resulting from the blast is often applied to a model as a pulse. By application of dynamic load and considering the other mentioned variations with respect of static analysis, the dynamic response of underground space could be estimated under vibration load of blast or earthquake. To do this, the blast impact wave was applied to the left side of the model as exponential pulse with maximum pressure of 4.41 MPa and time width of 0.7 to 7 msec. The results of the numerical modeling in static analysis indicated that no block would fall (Fig. 1). After application of the blast load, the results showed that there was no falling around the ramp (Fig. 2).
1. In static condition, after initial equilibrium no block was fallen into the ramp, regarding the blocks’ magnification plots, as a result the ramp was stable in the static loading.
2. In dynamic loading case, considering the displacement plots  around the ramp and the low values of these displacements, as well as, magnification plot of  the blocks 40 msec after the blast it can be said that no block was fallen into the ramp. Therefore the ramp was stable in the dynamic loading case and there was no need to install support system. ./files/site1/files/133/1Extended_Abstracts.pdf
Alireza Alizadeh Majdi, Rouzbeh Dabiri,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (11-2019)

The standard penetration test (SPT) is one of the most common tests in geotechnical investigations. The results of this test are known as a simple, inexpensive, and tangible criterion in geological and geotechnical engineering. Many computational methods and engineering judgments depend on the results of this test. In this research, estimation of physical and engineering properties of clay soils was carried out using statistical methods based on standard penetration test results. The scope of this case study is related to a variety of clayey soils in Tabriz (the northwest of Iran). The existing relationships were confirmed based on database of this study. After statistical analysis of the database, eight relationships including single and two-variable associations have been proposed to estimate the physical and engineering properties with better performance using nonlinear regression.
Material and Methods
Different types of clayey silt and marl layers spread in Tabriz were included for the purpose of this study. The geological age of these layers dates back to the Miocene and Pliocene era. This research was conducted in two sections of the field and analysis. Two machine boreholes were drilled, and, based on ASTM, a standard penetration test with other laboratory tests were performed on the soil specimens in order to determine the physical and plasticity properties. According to the results of this study and the existing data, a total of 107 series were prepared. Based on the soil properties, 11 variables were selected including the fine grain percentage (FGP), liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL), percentage of clay particles (C), plastic index (PI), consistency index (CI), activity (A), dry unit weight (γd), natural moisture content (wn), initial void ratio (eo), and effective vertical stress (σ'v). The standard penetration tests were run for each meter in drilled boreholes. The results of this test were corrected according to NCEER method. The correlation between the variables and corrected standardized penetration test results (N60) were studied by Spearman ranking coefficient. Verifications of the existing eight experimental relationships between  standard penetration and other soil properties, proposed by Kayabasi (2015) and Hoshmand et al., (2012), were checked out using the findings and data of the present study. The linear, exponential, logarithmic, and exponential regressions between each variable and N60 were investigated using SPSS software, version 16. The best regression with the highest R2 for each variable was selected. Eight new relationships were proposed. Performance of the suggested relationships was compared with the existing relationships.
Results and Discussion
The findings of the current study could be summarized as:
1. The clay soils of the studied area in Tabriz were classified into four categories including CH, MH, CL, and ML according to USCS classification. The range of changes in plastic index and liquid limits of the samples were 9.19 ~ 45% and 29 ~ 77%, respectively. The corrected standard penetration test results (N60) changed from 9 to 28 showing that soil compression was low to high.
2. The highest positive and negative Spearman correlation coefficients were related to the consistency index (+0.772) and moisture content (-0.759), respectively.
3. The existing empirical relationships, based on the database of this study, were found to have better statistical coefficients in terms of consistency index, activity, moisture percentage, and fine grained percentage. In term of sample depth, the experimental relationship, showed the lowest statistical coefficient.
4. Four single-variable and two-variable relationships were proposed by nonlinear regression analysis. Using these relationships, clay soil properties including activity, moisture content, fine grain percentage, and consistency index were estimated based on N60. In addition, two relations were proposed between sample depth (D) and vertical effective stress (σ'v) with N60. The statistical coefficients of the suggested relationships were better than the existing empirical relationships. The proposed relationship of estimating the consistency index with coefficient (R2) of 0.673 and regression line slope of about 1 had the best performance.
In general, the main objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between physical and plasticity properties of clay soils and N60 on Tabriz clayey soils. Clay soils of the present study included various silty and marl layers. Sufficient correlation was observed between the physical and engineering properties of clay soils and N60. The validation of the existing experimental relationships based on A, wn, FGP, and D resulted in weak statistical coefficients (R2 <5) employing the database of the current study. Six new experimental relationships were proposed to estimate A, FGP, wn, and CI as well as two correlations of N60 with effective stress and sample depth. Generally, the results have been revealed that the statistical coefficients of the proposed relationships were improved compared with the existing relationships. The most suitable relationship was the estimation of soil consistency index (R2~70) and root mean square error (RMSE=129). Finally, due to the novelty of this research topic, verification and development of the proposed relationships for the soils has been recommended in other areas.
Majid Aslani, Javad Nazariafsha, Navid Ganjian,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (11-2019)

Stone column installation method is one of the popular methods of ground improvement. One of the common uses of stone columns is to increase slope stability. Several studies have been performed to examine the behavior of stone columns under vertical loads. However, limited research, mostly focused on numerical investigations, has been performed to evaluate the shear strength of soil reinforced with stone column. The study presented herein is an experimental program, aimed to explore the shear strength of loose sand bed reinforced with stone column. Direct shear tests were carried out on specimens of sand bed material, stone column material and sand bed reinforced with stone column, using a direct shear device with in-plane dimensions of 305*305 mm2 and height of 152.4 mm. Experiments were performed under normal stresses of 35, 55 and 75 kPa . In this study, 4 different area replacement ratios (8.4, 12, 16.4 and 25%), and 3 different stone column arrangements (single, square and triangular) were considered for investigation. The obtained results from this study showed that stone column arrangement had an impact on improving the shear strength of stone columns. The most increase in shear strength and stiffness values was observed for square arrangement of stone columns and the least increase was for single stone columns. This study also compares the equivalent shear strength values and equivalent shear strength parameters (internal friction angle and cohesion) measured during experiments with those predicted by analytical relationships. Results show that shear strength values and shear strength parameters measured from experiments are higher than those obtained from analytical relationships. Accordingly, a corrective coefficient was calculated for each column arrangement to represent the correlation between experimental and analytical results.
Material Properties of Loose Bed and Stone Column
Fine-grained sand with particle size ranging from 0.425 to 1.18 mm was used to prepare loose sand bed, and crushed gravel with particle size ranging from 2 to 8 mm was used as stone column material. The sand material used as bed material had a unit weight of 16 kN/m3 and a relative density of 32.5%, and the stone material used in stone columns had a unit weight of 16.5 kN/m3 and a relative density of 80%. The required standard tests were performed to obtain the mechanical parameters of bed material and stone column material. As the diameters of model scale stone columns were smaller than the diameters of stone columns installed in the field, the particle dimensions of stone column material were reduced by an appropriate scale factor to allow an accurate simulation of stone columns behavior.
Testing Procedure
In this study, large direct shear device with in-plane dimensions of 305*305 mm2 and height of 152.4 mm was used to evaluate the shear strength and equivalent shear strength parameters of loose sand bed reinforced with stone column. Experiments were performed under normal stresses of 35, 55 and 75 kPa.
Two class C load cells with capacity of 2 ton were used to measure and record vertical forces and the developed shear forces during the experiments, and a Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) was used to measure horizontal displacement. All achieved data from the experiments including data on vertical forces, shear forces and horizontal displacements were collected and recorded using a data logger, and an especial software was used to transfer data between the computer and the direct shear device. All specimens were sheared under a horizontal displacement rate of 1 mm/min.
Testing Program
Experiments were performed on single stone columns and group stone columns arranged in square and triangular patterns. The selected area replacement ratios were 8.4, 12, 16.4, and 25% for single stone columns, and 8.4, 12 and 16.4% for square and triangular stone column arrangements. To eliminate boundary effects, the distance between stone columns and the inner walls of the shear box was kept as high as 42.5 mm. In total, 12 direct shear tests were carried out, including 2 tests on loose sand bed material and stone column material, and 10 tests on stone columns with different arrangements. From the tests performed on group stone columns, 4 tests were performed on single stone columns, 3 tests on stone columns with square arrangement and 3 tests on stone columns with triangular arrangement. Hollow pipes with wall thickness of 2 mm and inner diameters equal to stone column diameters were used to construct stone columns. To prepare the specimens, first, the hollow pipes were installed in the shear box according to the desired arrangement. Then, bed material with unit weight of 16.5 kN/m3 was placed and compacted in the box in 5 layers, each 3 cm thick. Stone material was uniformly compacted to construct stone columns with uniform unit weight. The compaction energy was 67 kJ/m3 in all tests.
Results and discussion
In this paper, the behavior of stone columns under shear loading was experimentally investigated in large direct shear device by performing tests with different area replacement ratios (8.4, 12, 16.4, and 25%), different stone column installation arrangements (single, square and triangular), and different normal stresses (55, 75 and 100 kPa). The key findings of this study are as follows:
1. Shear strength increases with increase of area replacement ratio due to the higher strength of combined soil-stone column system, and due to the increase of stone column area effective in shear plane. The amount of shear strength increase with area replacement ratio is low for ratios lower than 15%. However, this amount is higher for area replacement ratios higher than 15%.
2. For stone columns with equal area replacement ratios, higher shear strength was mobilized in stone columns with square and triangular installation arrangements compared to single stone columns. Among the installation patterns investigated in this study, stone columns with square arrangement experienced the highest increase in shear strength value, while single stone columns experienced the lowest. One of the reasons of shear strength increase in square and triangular patterns is the increase of confining pressure applied by stone columns to the soil between them. Another reason is the increase the total lateral surface by changing the column arrangement from single column to square and triangular patterns. This increased lateral surface increases the lateral force imposed on the stone columns, resulting in higher shear strength mobilization of stone material.
3. The slope increase of shear strength-horizontal displacement curves shows that soil-stone column system has higher stiffness than loose sand bed, and this stiffness varies with area replacement ratio and installation pattern. The maximum stiffness values refer to stone columns installed in square pattern and the minimum values refer to single stone columns. In general, stone column installation pattern has an effective role in increasing stiffness.
4. Results show that shear strength parameters increase in soil reinforced with stone column. The maximum increase in internal friction angle refers to stone columns with square pattern and the minimum increase refers to single stone columns.
5. The equivalent shear strength values measured from experiments are higher than those obtained from analytical relationships. Accordingly, it is conservative to use analytical relationships to calculate shear strength parameters. It is worthy to mention that these relationships assume that the value of stress concentration ratio is equal to 1. Results from this study indicate that the value of stress concentration ratio should be accurately calculated and used in the relationships.
6. As discrepancy was observed between values measured from experiments and those obtained from analytical relationships, corrective coefficients were calculated to modify analytical relationships. These coefficients were computed and presented based on stone column installation pattern, area replacement ratio and the applied normal stress values../files/site1/files/133/2Extended_Abstracts.pdf 
Ali M Rajabi, Alireza Sajdeh,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Concrete faced rockfill dams have been considered in recent years more than other types of dams due to their low dependency on the bed and the shape of the valley, as well as the simpler construction technology. In this regard, rockfill dams are a suitable substitute for embankment dams because of higher stability of the body and the availability of rock aggregates. On the other hand, because the permeability of rock aggregates is much higher than other materials, different methods are used to seal these types of dams. One of these methods is the use of non-impermeable concrete facing in the upstream of these dams. This particular type of gravel dams is called Concrete-Faced Rockfill Dams (CRFD). In this study, a contact element with a definition of elastic-plastic failure in the modeling process is proposed to simulate the surface separation and re-contact of the concrete face with the rockfill surface of the dam.
In this paper, behavior of a concrete faced rockfill dam under earthquake loads is investigated. For this purpose, near-field earthquake records with focal depth lower than 15 km (for example Tabas earthquake 1978, M=7.4, and San Fernando earthquake 1970, M=6.6) are used. Moreover, to study the dam behavior under dynamic loads, interaction between concrete face and rockfill part of the dam is investigated and finally, some parameters including displacement, absorbed energy and base shear are evaluated. So, finite element method and Abaqus software is used for the study. Verification of the models is carried out using the results of previous researches by conducting modal analysis and determining natural vibration period. Then, the interaction between the concrete face and rockfill part as well as the effect of water level changes in stability of dam under dynamic load is investigated. Concrete behavior is simulated using concrete damaged plasticity. Therefore, concrete density, compressive strength and tensile strength and elasticity modulus are 2350 kg/m3, 25 MPa, 3 MPa and 29 GPa, respectively. Poisson’s ratio is assumed to be 0.2. Furthermore, 4-node shell elements are used to simulate concrete face and Drucker-Prager constitutive model is used to define rockfill material behavior.
The density and Poisson’s ratio for 2B, 3C and 3B layers are 2150 kg/m3 and 0.35, respectively. The shear modulus values for these layers are respectively 8.93, 2.89, and 3.85 GPa. In order to perform the simulation, the part of the dam structure beside the bed rock and the surrounding rock is considered as fixed bearing, and only the rockfill part and concrete face of the dam is simulated. Based on this assumption that the bed is rigid, there is no need to consider the dam foundation. This method is frequently used in literature review.
All the surfaces of the dam and bed rock are considered as fixed bearing to simulate the real condition where the dam is attached to bed rock and the surrounding rock. The interaction between dam layers is defined as tie. For defining the interaction between rockfill body and concrete face, tangential and normal contacts are defined using penalty method with friction coefficient equal to 0.5. In the next step, the model is meshed using 4-node shell elements for concrete face, 8-node brick and 4-node pyramid solid elements for rockfill body. Rayleigh damping is used to simulate the structure damping. The effective length of the dam reservoir has been determined by conducting several analyzes, so that the minimum required length for reservoir is reached in order to decrease the number of elements of the model.
Results and discussion
1. Interaction between concrete face and rockfill body
The results show that the increase of friction coefficient between concrete face and rockfill part from 0.5 to 0.7 has not affect the displacement of dam crown along the earthquake direction. However, when the concrete face is fixed to the rockfill part, significant changes are induced in dam crown displacement time history. In all cases, the deflection due to the dam weight is increased when the concrete face is attached to the rockfill body. The reason can be attributed to the tied interaction between these layers which results in similar deflection of concrete face with rockfill body and higher deflection of concrete dam crown. However, after the application of earthquake load, the displacement of the dam crown decreased in both analyses when tie interaction is defined between concrete face and rockfill body. In this study, due to the very high volume of analysis and its timeliness, it was not possible to examine the dam behavior in the free vibration regime, and therefore, it is not possible to assume the last displacement values at the end of analyses as the permanent displacement of dam. Figure 1 shows the relative displacement of the dam for the two selected earthquakes with a friction coefficient equal to 0.5 between the concrete face and the gravel body. According to Figure 1, the maximum displacement induced by the earthquake is related to Tabas and then, San Francisco earthquake. Furthermore, the high energy content of the Tabas record has been more effective in inducing greater displacement than the other record.
Figure 1. Lateral displacement of dam crown relative to the dam base for the selected earthquakes; Tabas and San Fernando.
The results also indicate that when the friction coefficient between concrete face and rockfill body is 0.5, the lowest damage occurs in the dam compared to that happens when friction coefficient is 0.7 or when the surfaces are tied. When the tied surfaces are used, the most damages takes place in concrete face, since all rockfill body displacement transmits to concrete face which results in much more concrete damages compared to the other interaction cases.
2. Effect of water level in reservoir on dam behavior
In this section, the effect of water level on seismic behavior of dam is investigated. For this purpose, the dam reservoir is analyzed in three cases including empty, half full and full (90% of dam height). Each study cases are examined under San Fernando and Tabas earthquakes. Figure 2 shows the relative displacement of dam crown in the three water level case for San Fernando and Tabas earthquakes.
Figure 2. Relative displacement of dam crown in three water level cases of empty, half and full for (a) Tabas and (b) San Fernando earthquakes
According to Figure 2, for both earthquakes, the dam crown displacement along the earthquake direction is significantly increased by increasing the water level, so that the maximum displacement in full case is 50% higher than empty case.
In this study, using the finite element method and simulation by Abaqus, the seismic behavior of concrete face rockfill dams has been investigated. For this purpose, the verification is firstly carried out using previous research results in literature. In the next step, nonlinear dynamical analysis is carried out, taking into account large displacements for the models under the earthquake record acceleration. The results illustrate that increasing the friction coefficient between the concrete face and the rockfill body from 0.5 to 0.7 has no significant effect on the displacement of the dam crown under earthquake load. Moreover, by using tie interaction between the concrete layer and the rockfill body, there is a substantial difference in the history of the relative displacement of the dam, and the displacement of the dam due to its weight has been increased. Furthermore, the results of this study exhibit that, with increasing the water level in dam reservoir, the deformation of the crown of the dam along the earthquake application direction has had a relatively significant increase, such that in the full state, the maximum displacement is increased by about 50% compared to that of the empty case. This is while the most damage of concrete is observed in the case when half height of dam in filled by water. Due to the more destructive power of near-field earthquakes and their impact nature, only near-fault earthquakes have been used in this research. Therefore, the results of this study are valid only for the behavior of dam under near-field earthquakes.
Adel Asakereh, Mahdieh Shabani,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Estimation of Liquefaction is one of the main objectives in geotechnical engineering. For this purpose, several numerical and experimental methods have been proposed. An important stage to predict the liquefaction is the prediction of excess pore water pressure at a given point. In general, there are two important methods for soil dynamics analyses, fully coupled effective stress and uncoupled total stress analysis. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the model capacity of the finite difference software, FLAC, based on effective stress analysis methods to predict the excess pore water pressure during seismic loading. A level ground centrifuge test conducted during the VELACS project on the Nevada sand with a density of 40%, was utilized to calibrate the numerical model. After the validation of the numerical model, a model was conducted to predict excess pore pressure and consequently the liquefaction for the site of Bandar Abbas Mosque.
Theoretical bases
A fully coupled u–P formulation, where pore pressures and displacements are computed simultaneously and interactively at each time step, is used in FLAC software. This feature is used to simulate the excess pore water pressure time histories during cyclic loading.
The finite difference based software, FLAC, used the Finn model that incorporates two equations correlating the volumetric strain induced by the cyclic shear strain and excess pore water pressure produced during cyclic loading. As mentioned above, the pore water pressure generation can be computed from two sets of equations: Martin et al. (1975) and the Byrne (1991) formulations in which the volumetric strain that was produced in any cycle of loading is depended on the shear strain that was formed during that cycle as well as the previously accumulated volumetric strain.
Modeling and Results
The VELACS model # 1 centrifuge test representing a level ground site constituted of the Nevada sand at 40% relative density has been numerically simulated in the current study to validate the numerical model. The centrifuge model contains a laminar box with slipping “rings” that allows differential horizontal displacements. This was simulated in the FLAC model by free-field boundary conditions which prevent reflection of the waves in the side walls. Figure 1 shows comparison of EPWP time histories ratio of numerical modeling and centrifuge test. Static analysis was carried out before dynamic analysis in order to find initial stress and strain state. At the next stage, the dynamic loads were applied at the base of the model and dynamic analysis was performed.
The Bandar Abbas mosque project is located approximately 500 meters from the coast. In the project, due to the groundwater level and the existence of loose layers of silt, investigating the potential of liquefaction is necessary.
For numerical modeling the results of the general soil mechanics test on soil samples and standard penetration test performed on the site were used to calibrate the parameters and select the model constants.
The results of numerical modeling have been matched to experimental results of the centrifuge test using both Martin and Byrne formulations, except for the case of 5 m the numerical model has predicted lower excess pore water pressure values than the experimental values. This may be originated from the fundamental assumption of the Martin et al. (1975) EPWP theory, in which excess pore water pressure is directly related to the relevant volume changes. On the other hand, the Martin et al. (1975) model was adopted for one-dimensional measures of shear strain, while, in a 2D analysis under both horizontal and vertical shakings, there are three strain rate measures. FLAC uses some assumptions to solve this problem and it can affect the results.
The results of the numerical model showed liquefaction to a depth of about 5 meters that is almost compatible with the results from the lab, which has declared that the depth 2 to 5 m is liquefiable.
With careful selection of numerical model parameters one can generally use the simulation results to have a general sense on the pore water pressure generation and liquefaction prediction.
Farzaneh Douzali Joushin, Kazem Badv, Mohsen Barin, Hossein Soltani Jigheh,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2019)

The geotechnical engineering problems involving unsaturated soils are included water flow, shear strength and volume change. Soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) describes the constitutive relationship between soil suction and soil water content. SWCC may be determined directly or indirectly in the laboratory. Because of the various difficulties involved in the direct measurements, a simple and economical laboratory method namely filter paper method is of considerable value. The filter paper method is a laboratory technique that has recently been accepted as a standard method of measuring soil potential, reaching far higher ranges of water potential in comparison to other techniques, and is based on the principle of moisture absorption by filter paper until there is a balance in potential between filter paper and soil.
This paper presents an experimental investigation performed to evaluate the soil water characteristic curves of dune sand stabilized with SBR polymer and MICP processes (Sporosarcina pasteurii bacteria with CaCl2 and urea) with contact filter paper method in the Jabal Kandi area.
Material and methods
The dune sand used in this study was obtained from the surface (0–10 cm depth) of Jabal kandi area, located on the south-west of Urmia Lake. SBR polymer is prepared from Paya Resin Company in Esfahan. In the MICP processes, S. pasteurii from Persian Type Culture Collection (PTCC 1645) was used as the urease positive bacterium. Cultivation of the microorganism was conducted in a medium containing 20 g l-1 yeast extract, 10 g l-1 NH4Cl at a pH value of 8. Sporsarcina pasteurii was grown to late exponential phase to final concentration of 1.5 g dry weight l-1 and urease activity of 2.2 mM urea min-1 under aerobic batch conditions. Broth cultures were incubated in a shaker incubator operated at 120 rpm. Cementation solution of MICP consisted of CaCl2 and urea. All experiments were performed at an ambient temperature of 25oC ± 2.
For the tests with Whatman No. 42 filter paper, three different soil samples were prepared (dune sand, dune sand stabilized with (5-10-15) % SBR polymer and dune sand stabilized with (5-10-15) % MICP process). Residual water content is 2.5% and the residual dry density is 15 kN/m3. The soil is mixed with the right quantity of water and placed in a sealed plastic bag for 24 hours to allow the hydric equilibrium to establish. The contact filter paper tests were carried out on soil specimens stabilized with SBR polymer and MICP process to the residual water content (2.5%) and nearly residual dry density (15 kN/m3). The soil specimen sizes were 50 mm in diameter and 20 mm height. The test procedure involves placing a piece of initially air dry filter paper against the soil specimen whose matric suction is required and sealing the whole to prevent evaporation. The filter paper was wetted to water content in equilibrium with the magnitude of the soil matric suction, and careful measurement of the water content of the filter paper enables the soil matric suction to be obtained from a previously established correlation. This provides a measure of the matric suction. ASTM D-5298-93 standard is used for the filter paper method.
Results and discussion
The SWCCs for dune sand stabilized with SBR polymer and MICP process under different SBR polymer and MICP process contents are illustrated in this study. Gradual transition from a unimodel SWCC to a bimodal SWCC was observed as SBR polymer and MICP process content increases. The unimodel SWCC is characterized by having two bends defining the air entry value and residual water content. The air entry value is defined as the matric suction above which air commence to enter the soil pores. The residual water content is defined as the water content beyond which no significant decrease in water content occurs. The bimodal SWCC is characterized by having four distinct bindings: two air entry values and two residual water contents. For SBR polymer and MICP process content equal to or less than 5 percent, the SWCC shows a unimodal form of SWCC. With the increase of SBR polymer and MICP process content greater than 5%, the SWCC indicate a bimodal form. It is further observed that the residual water content and the air entry value increases with the increase of SBR polymer and MICP process content. These observations are attributed to the presence of smaller pore size developed as a result of SBR polymer and MICP process particles filling the voids between sand particles. Bimodal SWCC are generally observed for gap-graded soils as well as soils that include two levels of pore sizes defined as macro pores and micro pores. Therefore, it can be inferred that the increase of SBR polymer and MICP process content, resulted in the formation of micro pores within the dune sand stabilized with SBR polymer and MICP process. The portion of the soil water characteristic curves representing macro pore sizes range between matric suction of 0.1 to 100 kPa. Whereas, the portion of the SWCC representing micro pore sizes lies between matric suction of 200 and 1500 kPa.
Summary and Conclusions
In this study, the effect of SBR polymer and MICP process content on the soil water characteristic curves of dune sand was evaluated. SBR polymer and MICP process contents considered include 0%, 5%, 10% and 15%. Results from this study indicated that, as the SBR polymer and MICP process content increased, the shape of the SWCC transforms from a unimodal form to a bimodal form. Furthermore, the air entry value and residual water content were observed to increase with increase in SBR polymer and MICP process content signifying increase in water retention capacity. The bimodal form of the SWCC indicates the presence of two levels of pore sizes; namely macro pores and micro pores. For 10% and 15% SBR polymer and MICP process content, the macro pores are considered the dominant pore size covering a broad range of the SWCC from 0.1 to 100 kPa. Therefore, it is inferred that the SWCC of dune sand stabilized with SBR polymer and MICP process are strongly related to the texture and pore size distribution of the dune sand stabilized with SBR polymer and MICP process which in turn, has a significant impact on its hydraulic characteristics.
Amirhasan Rezaei Farei, Masoud Mostafaei, Kazem Razavi,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Urban development and rapid extension of cities have been accompanied by a considerable growth in mechanized tunneling. The abrasivity of rock and even soil is a factor with considerable influence on the wear of tools. Soil abrasion and the resulting tool wear has a major impact on machine operation, utilization, and tunneling costs and time. One of the problematic aspects of working in abrasive grounds is the frequent need for the replacement of cutting tools, especially in pressurized face tunnel boring machines (TBMs). The effect of worn and damaged TBM cutter heads has been documented for numerous tunnel projects around the world. However, the lack of a standard or universally accepted test for soil abrasivity in geotechnical investigations has made the prediction of tool wear a difficult task.
Material and methods
A reliable prognosis of the abrasiveness of soils on a project would be of great benefit for designers, clients, and contractors. Many abrasion tests exist for rocks, and some have been proposed for soils; however, there is no universally accepted or international standard test for soil abrasivity testing. One of the most important and available tests in this field is LCPC abrasivity test which was developed by the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées in the 1980’s. The LCPC Abrasivity Coefficient (ABR or LAC) can be used as a measure for both the abrasivity of the soil material and the influence of the grain size. The  abrasivity  testing  of  rock  is  controlled  by well-known parameters, whereas in soils many factors are influencing the abrasivity such as in-situ soil conditions, sedimentary petrology and technical   properties.
Tabriz metro line 2 Project about 22 km in length that will connect eastern part of the Tabriz city to its western part, considered as a case study. The project comprises a single tunnel which has been constructed using two earth pressure balance EPB-TBM with a cutting-wheel diameter of 9.49 m. In this study, based on geological and geotechnical properties, the tunnel route was divided into four parts and the abrasion and brittleness coefficients of alluviums determined by LCPC test. Besides that, the influences of some factors such as moisture content, mineralogy, grain size and shape, type and amount of foam have been studied.
Results and discussion
Based on more than 130 LCPC test results, in general, the Tabriz Metro’s line-2 route alluviums have the abrasion in the range of low to very high and the brittleness in the range of high to very high. In order to measure the effect of moisture content on abrasion and brittleness coefficient, the LCPC test was done on some samples related to the tunnel route in dried and moistened modes (5%, 0%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%). Three types of sandstone, andesite, and conglomerate of the route were used to test the effect of moisture and petrology on abrasion. In a moisture range of 0 to 5%, in all types of materials, abrasion was increased. In a moisture range of 5 to 10%, abrasion was decreased in all three types, and this shows that a moisture level of 10% is a normal moisture content to create minimum abrasion. The behavior of sandstone and conglomerate is similar at higher moisture contents, and an increase in moisture content to 30% can increase abrasion of materials in both types. In conglomerate, abrasion at higher moisture levels is significantly more than in other modes. In andesite, an increase in moisture content to 20% can increase abrasion, although the abrasion is decreased with a moisture content of over 20%. In most samples, increase in moisture content led to decrease in brittleness of materials. In general, the highest abrasion level was related to conglomerate and the lowest level was related to sandstone. Moreover, andesite was at a lower level than conglomerate and a higher level than sandstone in terms of abrasion. Also, the results show that increased grain size led to increased abrasion, and the changes in andesite were greater than in sandstone.
In order to test the effectiveness of foam on abrasion, the foam used in workshops (A 168) made by Komeil Company Kashan was used for four types of petrography: conglomerate, andesite, sandstone, and silica. This test was conducted in the range of dried to 100 ml foam. In all types, decreased abrasion is observed from 0 to 20 ml and increased abrasion is observed from 20 to 100 ml.
The following conclusions are drawn from this research.
- With regard to the effect of grain size, increased size of grains could lead to more abrasion and less brittleness
- In terms of the effect of mineralogy, the conglomerate had the most effect on abrasion. In terms of brittleness, andesite was the most brittle.
- When the foam is moisturized in the sample, minimum abrasion is observed and above this level, the abrasion is increased.
Ata Aghaei Araei1, Nahid Attarchian, Ahmadreza Ghodrati Ghazaani, Hossein Haddad, Amir Saeid Salamat, Hossein Hasani,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2019)

One-dimensional site response analysis is widely performed to account for local site effects during an earthquake. Most of these approaches assume that dynamic soil properties are frequency independent. Laboratory test results as well as in-situ testing show that shear modulus and damping ratio are dependent on the frequency of loading. Although the amplification factor at ground surface with respect to frequency dependent dynamic properties of mixed alluvium materials under different near-fault motions with various velocity period is recognized, it is not well characterized and quantified.
Material and analysis methods
In this study, the tests results of samples which obtained from the drilling borehole (BH14) form Pardis city in Iran, are used. The soil is classified as clayey of high plasticity/clayey sand (CH/SC) and almost uniform and similar in the whole log profile.
Shear modulus and damping ratios versus shear strain curves (ASTM D3999) of CH/SC natural materials at effective confining pressures of 1, 2 and 5 kg/cm2 with frequency of 0.5, 2, 5, and 10 Hz were used in one dimension response analyses using EERA Code.
Generally the damping ratio versus shear strain of the studied materials under low loading frequency (i.e. 0.5 Hz) almost falls in the range identified in literature. However, at higher loading frequencies (5 and 10 Hz) the damping ratios completely fall above the known upper bound trend. It is observed that, in general, the G and D values increase as loading frequency increases. Moreover, at certain strain G/Gmax ratio decreases as loading frequency is increased.
Different dynamics behaviour curves were used in analyses, in isotropic consolidation conditions. In order to assess the amplification, acceleration spectra, acceleration spectra ratio, coefficient of B, at ground surface under eight well-known near-fault ground motions, 1728 one dimensional analyses were carried out with EERA code. The analyses have been performed for three base acceleration levels, namely, 0.1 g, 0.35 g and 1 g, using the simple time history scaling method. Field and laboratory test results of shear wave velocity were used in the analyses.
In this study, several well-known near-fault motion records are utilized for ground response analyses. Near-fault earthquakes records were selected from the strong motion database of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) and Iran Strong Motion Network (ISMN) for specific reasons of location of the near faults sites.
In current building codes, the upper 30 m soil deposits overlying the higher impedance earth crust are regarded as the most relevant and significant in characterizing the seismic behavior of a site. Therefore, it is useful to accomplish investigations for obtaining their amplification and spectral acceleration for 30 m and even thicker (e.g. 60 m, for usual deep excavation in Iran), in order to have economical and safe designs and constructions.
Results and discussion
Figure 1 presents a comparison of normalized spectral acceleration (B factor) versus period for 30 m and 60 m thick profiles and Vs testing for frequencies dependent and independent analyses under input base acceleration of 0.35g for longitudinal component of used earthquakes. B factor of Iranian Standard 2800 and UBC97 also has been presented in the figure. The spectral acceleration at short period for frequency dependent analysis is higher than that of the frequency independent analysis. The  increases in frequency dependent analysis and higher thick profile (i.e. 60 m).
Results show that the effect of loading frequency has a considerable influence on the acceleration response at the ground surface. For both 30 m and 60 m soil columns, the increase of the loading frequency, decreases the amplification factor especially in the short period zone of the spectra. Based on the acceleration response spectra of near field strong motions derived for soils types of I and IV in this study, the period corresponding to  in the design spectrum of Iranian Standard 2800 should increase to 0.5 and 1.4, respectively. Therefore, selection of the appropriate G and D curves measured at frequency similar to those of the anticipated cyclic loading (e.g. seismic) has a paramount importance../files/site1/files/134/1.pdf
Mr Alireza Darvishpour, Dr Ali Ghanbari, Dr Seyyed Ali Asghar Hosseini, Dr Masoud Nekooei,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (12-2019)

One of the effective parameters in the dynamic behavior of reinforced soil walls is the fundamental vibration frequency. In this paper, analytical expressions for the first three natural frequencies of a geosynthetic reinforced soil wall are obtained in the 3D domain, using plate vibration theory and the energy method. The interaction between reinforced soil and the wall is also considered by modeling the soil and the reinforcement as axial springs. The in-depth transverse vibration mode-shapes, which were impossible to analyze via 2D modeling, are also analyzed by employing plate vibration theory. Different behaviors of soil and reinforcements in tension and compression are also considered for the first time in a 3D analytical investigation to achieve a more realistic result. The effect of different parameters on the natural frequencies of geosynthetic reinforced soil walls are investigated, including the soil to reinforcement stiffness ratio, reinforcement to wall stiffness ratio, reinforcement length, backfill width and length to height ratio of the wall, using the proposed analytical expressions. Finally, the results obtained from the analytical expressions proposed are compared with results from the finite element software Abaqus and other researchers’ results, showing that the proposed method has high accuracy. The proposed method will be a beginning of the 3D analytical modeling of reinforced soil walls.

Ehsan Taherabadi Eliyas, ,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (12-2019)

This paper investigates the effect of micropile installation into saturated sandy soil by means of finite element method. The obtained results from numerical modeling are compared with the received data from the site. The validation of software has been done by simulating standard penetration test. The effect of some changes in spacing (3m, 1.6m and 0.8m) and injection pressure (1cm, 2.5cm, 5cm and 10cm boundary displacement) micropiles on liquefaction behavior was discussed. The results show that numerical modeling presented a conservative conclusion about the potential of liquefaction. The modification of soil increased by increasing injection pressure of grout. Also, it was observed that the effect of micropile spacing has less impact than the injection pressures up to 1m free distance of micropiles. Then for closer micropiles, the effect of spacing and the effect of pressure became bold and intensive, respectively. Because of direct relationship between number of SPT and liquefaction potential, it would be necessary to simulate SPT and to validate with the real data, before and next of micropile installation. This approach can be a proper way of forecasting the efficiency degree of modification by micropiles and could save costs and time.

Ehsan Amjadi Sardehaei, Gholamhosein Tavakoli Mehrjardi,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (12-2019)

This paper presents a feed-forward back-propagation neural network model to predict the retained tensile strength and design chart to estimate the strength reduction factors of nonwoven geotextiles due to the installation process. A database of 34 full-scale field tests was utilized to train, validate and test the developed neural network and regression model. The results show that the predicted retained tensile strength using the trained neural network is in good agreement with the results of the test. The predictions obtained from the neural network are much better than the regression model as the maximum percentage of error for training data is less than 0.87% and 18.92%, for neural network and regression model, respectively. Based on the developed neural network, a design chart has been established. As a whole, installation damage reduction factors of the geotextile increases in the aftermath of the compaction process under lower as-received grab tensile strength, higher imposed stress over the geotextiles, larger particle size of the backfill, higher relative density of the backfill and weaker subgrades.


Maryam Mokhtari, Kazem Barkhordari, Saeid Abbasi Karafshani,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (12-2019)

In recent years, with the growing use of the nailing method for stabilizing excavation walls, there has been a need for a comprehensive investigation of the behavior of this method. In the  previous studies, the behavior of nailed walls has been investigated in static and dynamic states and under different conditions. However, due to the different feature of near-field ground motions, it is  necessary to study the effect of these motions on the behavior of the nailed walls. Near-fault ground motion is significantly affected by the earthquake record direction and the rupture mechanism. So, in this study, to compare the effects of near-field and far-field ground motions, a two-dimensional (2D) soil- nailed wall was considered. PLAXIS 2D was used for the modeling of the soil-nailed wall system. An excavation with a dimension of 10 meters in height was taken into the account. In this study, 10 records (Five fault-normal near-field ground motion records and five far-field ground motion records), were recorded  on the rock and  applied to the model. These ground motion records were derived from the near-fault ground motion record set used by Baker. These records were scaled to the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) of 0.35g and then applied to the bottom of the finite element models. Mohr-Coulomb model was then used to describe the soil behavior, and Elasto-plastic model was employed for the nails. A damping ratio of 0.05 was considered at the fundamental periods of the soil layer. The results showed that the  generated values of bending moment, shear force and axial force in nails under the effect of the near-fault ground motions were  more than those in the far-ault ground motions. These values were  almost equal to 23% for the maximum bending moment, 30% for the  shear force,  and 22% for the axial force. The created displacement under the effect of near-fault ground motions was  more than that in the far-fault since a higher energy was  applied to the model in the near-field ground motions during a short time (pulse-like ground motions). In contrast, in the far-fault ground motions, due to the more uniform distribution of energy during the record, such pulse-like displacements were not observed in the system response. Increasing in nail length and soil densification, decreases the displacement of the soil-nailed wall but does not change the general behavior of the soil under the effect of near-field ground motions. Based on the obtained results, for a constant PGA, there were  positive correlations between the values of the  maximum displacement on the top of the wall and  the PGV values of near-fault ground motion records. However, the mentioned correlations were  not observed in the case of far-fault ground motions.

Ahmad Jabari, Mehdi Hosseini,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (12-2019)

In cases such as explosion, fire, deep drilling and geothermal energy extraction, rocks are exposed to high temperatures influencing the rock toughness. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of temperature on the fracture toughness of the rocks. In this study, the effect of temperature on the mode I fracture toughness is investigated. To this end, three-point bending tests were performed on semicircular specimens of four types of natural rocks including sandstone, limestone, tuff, andesite, and a series of concrete specimens to determine the fracture toughness. The specimens were first heated to 100, 200, 300, 500 and 700 °C. After reaching the desired temperatures, the specimens were cooled. A series of tests was performed on the specimens at ambient temperature (25 °C). The heating rate in the electric furnace was 15 °C/min in accordance with the temperature rise in fires. Petrographic studies and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) were performed to identify the composition of the rocks. Furthermore, the effective porosity and the weight loss of heated specimens were determined to study the behavior of rocks. Comparison of the test results indicated the higher impact of temperature on the fracture toughness of fine-grained rocks. In addition, the fracture toughness decreased by increasing the effective porosity and decreasing the weight loss. According to the results, the mode I fracture toughness of sandstone, tuff, limestone, andesite and concrete specimens underwent a heating-cooling cycle up to 700 °C respectively decreased 45, 17, 44 and 9.5 and 37 percent compared with that of unheated specimens.

Mr Vahid Yousefpour, Mr Amir Hamidi, Mr Ali Ghanbari,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (12-2019)

Sandy soils usually contain different amounts of fines like silt and clay, causing some changes to their shear strength and dilation characteristics. Bolton [1] conducted  some experiments on the different sands and suggested a relation between the parameters of the soil shear strength. In this paper, some experiments were performed on fine contained sand and the extended Bolton's relation was has been proposed. In this paper, shear strength and dilation behavior of a pure sand mixed with different amounts of silt or clay fines were studied using direct shear test device (100*100*30 mm), and a total of 96 tests were carried out. The samples were prepared separately using clay and silt contents of 0, 10, 20 and 30% in different relative densities of 70, 80, 90 and 100%. They were tested under three surcharge pressures of 90, 120 and 150 kPa, under particle crushing threshold. Variations in shear strength, maximum friction angle, critical state friction angle and cohesion, as well as dilation angle were investigated by increasing in the mentioned amounts. The results demonstrate that shear strength, dilation angle, maximum friction angle decreased by clay content increase, however, they increase with increase in silt content. In addition, a new form of the Bolton's relation for fine contained sandy soils was presented.
Saeed Mahdavi, Mehrnosh Haghighat, Maryam Mokhtari,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (5-2020)

Rock mass deformation modulus is one of  the major parameters has to be considered in the design phase of arch dams. Due to filling and discharging of reservoir and corresponding loading and unloading on the dam abutments, irreversible deformation takes place within the rock mass and consequently, increases the potential of creating a separation between dam body and abutments. Therefore, the rock mass modulus must be more than an alowable value in order to prevent arch dam failure. Regarding small core samples and lack of joints and other similar discontinuities in samples, the determined modulus through performing laboratory tests is higher than those obtained through in-situ tests. The available technique to estimate the rock mass deformation modulus is divided into two classes as direct and indirect methods. In direct methods, the rock mass deformation modulus is measured via performing in-situ tests such as plate loading test while it is estimated through empirical equations using rock mass classification and laboratory test results in indirect methods. These equations are developed based on regression analysis between the rock mass modulus calculated via in-situ tests, the rock mass classification and laboratory test results. Although application of these equations is simple and cost-effective, the results are doubtful and cannot be used in the design phase of arch dam due to the heterogeneous nature of rock mass and rock type variability. The numbers of micro-cracks which are developed after gallery excavation using drilling and blasting technique are more close to the loading plate. Thus, calculated modulus in these points is lower than reality. The displacement in the points far from loading plate was near to zero while the transmitted load which is calculated applying ASTM D4394 standard is more than reality in small galleries. Consequently, the calculated modulus was extremely larger than real values and sometimes even more than intact value. The empirical equations are site dependent and they are just applicable in sites with similar geotechnical condition. It is obvious that in-situ tests, such as plate loading, are the appropriate method in order to determine the modulus of deformation, however, due to some simplification in the data processing such as semi-infinite boundary condition, the application of numerical simulation as a data processing tool is more appropriate. In this research, the Beheshtabad dam was introduced and the geology characteristics of dam site were investigated. Applying direct and indirect methods, the rock mass modulus of dam abutments is calculated.
Material and Methods
The dam site is placed approximately at a distance of 2.7 km from the intersection of Koohrange and Beheshtabad river. In accordance with geological studies, the rocks in the site could be categorized in four units combined of Dolomite, Dolomitic Limestone, Limestone, Marl and Marly Limestone. Applying empirical equation the rock mass modulus of dam abutments is evaluated based on the laboratory test results and rock mass engineering classification systems. In addition, ASTM D4394 is applied to investigate the results of ten plate loading tests which are executed in the right and left abutments. To interpret the plate loading test results in the right abutment, a three-dimensional Fast Lagrange Analysis of Continuum (FLAC3D) model is developed.
Result and Discussion
To process the numerical simulation results, back analysis as a data processing tool is used. In this approach, the input parameters of numerical model will be changed in the way that the measured quantities by extensometers at the monitoring points are almost equal with the computed ones via numerical model at the corresponding points. Based on the sensitivity analysis carried out on the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion parameters, the friction coefficient and cohesion variation do not affect the displacements calculated via numerical simulation as the more portion of gallery displacements are elastic. The error function is minimum when the rock mass modulus is 12 GPa and the horizontal to vertical stress ratio (K0) is equal to 0.5. The evaluated rock mass modulus based on the numerical simulation is two times lower than corresponding one evaluated applying empirical equation as a result of empirical equation uncertainty. Consideration of stress decrement under loading plate shows lower level of stress decrement under loading plate in ASTM D4394 compared to numerical simulation. This is why, the rock mass modulus, calculated based on ASTM D4394, increases dramatically by getting distance from the loading plate. 
The empirical methods estimating the modulus of deformation based on rock mass classification systems tend to evaluate large value of modulus especially for the weak massive rocks.
As a result of galleries dimensions and semi-infinite boundary condition assumed in ASTM D4394, the calculated rock mass modulus increases dramatically by getting distance from loading plate. Therefore, the numerical simulation was applied to process the plate loading test results. A new normalized error function was developed based on measured displacements and the rock mass modulus in the right abutment was determined 12 GPa which is very lower than the calculated value using ASTM D 4394. Also, as a result of numerical simulation, the rock mass is uniform. The stress increment perpendicular to the loading plate was calculated applying numerical simulation which is 0-90 percent lower than those suggested by ASTM D 4394. 
, ,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (5-2020)

Geofoames are used as a light weight fill material in those places which soil borrows is not cost effective for engineering or economic purposes. In general, geofoames are highly capable of improving some of geotechnical properties of soils such as inflation creation, reduction of density, and etc., due to their light weight, no change of volume against water, low permeability, and relatively proper strength. Using mixture of geofoam beads and soil has been recently taken into consideration by researchers. The mixture causes tangible reduction of soil density and severe drop of active pressure of retaining walls. Also, using the mixture in seismic zones is of special importance. In the paper, effect of mixing geofoam (4 different percent) and three types of poorly graded sandy soils have been dealt with. The research innovation has been compared to previous ones is using poorly graded sandy soil, separating geofoam beads based on their diameter, and reviewing the effect of adding various percentage of geofoam on improvement of poorly graded sandy soil’s properties.
Materials and Test Method
Tests have been performed in direct shear box (10 cm x10 cm) under three stress levels of 50, 100, and 150kPa. First type of soil has been Firoozkooh sand (#161) with specific gravity of 2.65, as uniformly graded sand (SP). Second type of soil has been mixture of uniformly graded sand and 10% silt (SM-SP); and, third type of soil has been mixture of Firoozkooh sand and 20% silt (SM). The three above types of soils have been named as soil 1, soil 2, and soil 3, respectively.
Geofoam beads have been all fine grained, passing through sieve No. 10; and, their added weighted values have been 0, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6% of weighted percentage of soil. All of tests have been performed with optimum moisture content of geofoam and soil mixture. Due to diversity of soil types and ratio of geofoam-soil mixtures, soil compaction test has been performed on each direct shear test’s sample to specify optimum moisture content of various types of mixtures; because there have been various types of soils used, and also various ratios of soil and geofoam mixtures.
According to the results, using geofoam beads leads to considerable reduction of soil density. Decrease made in density will be more tangible when higher percentages of geofoam are added to the soil. Also, as far as geofoam absorbs water, optimum level of moisture will be increased through increase of geofoam percentage in soil-geofoam mixture.
Since geofoam beads are less rigid compared to grains of sand, sand and geofoam interlocking and friction level is lower than sand interlocked to sand; and shear strength has been decreased through increase of geofoam percentage in soil. The point to be remembered is that, reduction level of shear strength in soils containing various percentages of geofoam is not so tangible compared to the soil itself. In its worst case, the reduction would be about 12%.
Adding geofoam beads to all of the three types of soil has led to their increase of apparent cohesion. Moreover, through increase of mixture percentages, more increase has been made in apparent cohesion of mixture. The results are indicative of significant effect of mixing geofoam and soil 1 in increase of soil cohesion up to 9 times. The cohesion increase has been about 4 and 2 times for soils type 2 and 3 respectively. So, it could be concluded that the lower the soil cohesion, the higher would be effect on cohesion increase of soil, through increase of geofoam percentage.
In figure 1, chart of internal friction angle is shown based on mixture percentage of geofoam for those types of soils being tested. Considering decrease of internal friction angle through increase of geofoam percentage, the important point is slope drop observed when geofoam percentage added has been 0.4%. Therefore, reduction speed of internal friction angle has become slower, after this level. Considering the figure, internal friction angles of soils type 1, 2, and 3 have shown respectively 15, 16, and 18% of reduction, through highest percentage of geofoam added (0.6%).
Figure 1- Internal friction angle based on geofoam percentage mixed with different soils
Comparing the results from present and previous researches, it could be concluded that adding higher percentages of geofoam results in cohesion increase of sandy soils; however, the increase level is different for various types of soils. The lower the initial cohesion of sandy soils and the more uniform their gradation, the more the effect of adding geofoam on increase of cohesion coefficient of soil. Also, downward trend of internal friction angle for well graded and poorly grades sandy soils is almost similar.
Using the results from present research and considering acceptable level of reduction made in internal friction angle of the soil mixed with geofoam against cohesion increase and reduction of soil density; mixture of geofoam beads and soil could be used in construction of embankments, retaining walls and other earth structures, appropriately.
Mohammad Emad Mahmoudi Mehrizi1, Younos Daghigh, Javad Nazariafshar,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (5-2020)

The increasing rate of construction activities in urban areas is accompanied by excavation in the vicinity of existing structures and urban utilities. This issue has highlighted the importance of constructing protecting structures in order to control displacements and prevent damage to structures and their neighboring area. Among the important widely used wall stabilization techniques, one can name nailing and grouted anchors. However, these methods suffer some drawbacks such as annoying noise and vibration during the drilling, implementation difficulties below the water table, grouting problem, installation of strands and bars in the borehole in porous and collapse soils, and long curing time for the grout of post-tension anchors. Since the helical anchor method lacks many of the mentioned problems, it is now widely used in many applications.
In the present work, a laboratory model of helical anchor stabilized wall is presented and evaluated. For this purpose, four types of anchors at 20° back slope are designed in a sandy soil and the effect of helix configuration (in term of its diameter and number of blades) is investigated. Considering the laboratory scale of the designed model, the results obtained using helical anchor were compared with numerical results of soil nailing wall by applying the particle image velocimetry (PIV) analyses.
Material and methods
The test box designed in this work is made of a metal plate with a thickness, length, width, and depth of 1.5 mm, 100 cm, 60 cm, and 30 cm, respectively, and a Plexiglas in its opposing side with a thickness of 50 mm. The soil used in the experiments was the dry sand of Soufian region in east Azerbaijan province of Iran. The soil is classified as SP according to USCS classification. The helical anchors were fabricated by welding the helical pitches to a metal shaft. The end part of the shafts is screw threaded such that to fasten a bolt to them.
To start the experiment, the empty box was completely cleaned using the detergents to remove any pollution or soil on the Plexiglas and metal surface. Afterward, the sandy soil was poured on the wall floor and the facing was placed inside the box vertically. Again, the sandy soil was poured from both sides of the facing up to the installation height of the helices. Helices were installed in the assigned holes and their angle was adjusted through the pre-fabricated stencils. The soil height was increased up to the next row assigned for helices installation. These steps were repeated until reach the wall crest. After preparation of the physical model, its behavior during the preparation must be modeled. We first filled both sides of the model and then modeled the stability behavior of the helical anchor wall through excavating its facing opposed side. Overall, the wall was built through eight excavation steps.
Results and discussion
The maximum displacement is related to the anchor type 1, which does not have enough bearing capacity under surcharge conditions. By changing the anchor type and increasing the number of helices, shear strains and their expansion in the wall back decline. The decrease in displacement rate by changing the anchor from type 1 to type 2 is 18%, which is due to the low bearing capacity of type 2 anchor compared to the type 1 anchor. Increasing the number of pitches from one to two (changing the type 1 anchor to type 3 anchor) showed a considerable decrease (i.e., 43%) in displacement rate. Increasing the number of pitches from 1 to 3 (changing the anchor from type 1 to type 3) resulted in a 62% decrease in wall crest displacement. This displacement decrease rate seems to decline with an increase in the number of helixes.
The displacement rate for all four anchors is almost similar in two excavation steps, which probably is because of the need for displacement for activation of the anchors. One strategy to deal this issue in the sensitive projects and control the displacement is to apply post-tension helical anchors. Then, in stages 4 to 6, the displacement was almost constant due to four main reasons including wall rigidity, the presence of reinforcements, formation of pre-step displacement-induced tension force, and enough capacity of anchors to face with more displacement. In stages 6 to 8, type 1 and 2 anchors showed growing displacements due to the reduction and ending the wall rigidity and lower bearing capacity. In type 3 and 4 anchors, the maximum displacement was related to 4 initial stages. In type 1 and 2 anchors, which have two helical plates, almost a similar behavior was observed until stage 6 of excavation, but eventually type 3 anchors showed better performance because of higher bearing capacity to overall displacement.
In the present study, a physical model was designed to investigate the effect of helical anchors’ geometry on displacement rate of helical anchor wall and compare it with a nail wall. Overall, comparing the results obtained by conducting these experiments on a helical anchor stabilized wall and a nail wall revealed that:
- Wall crest displacement is affected by the diameter and number of helices and decreases by an increase in bearing capacity.
- The increase in the number of pitches from one to two (single-pitch to double-pitch anchor) has a higher effect on displacement control compared to the case of changing the double-pitch to triple-pitch anchor. So, it can be stated that a further increase in the number of anchor pitches results in a declined performance of the anchors.
- All anchors need a slight displacement for activation. This issue cannot be resolved by changing the type of helical anchors. Hence, when the displacement required for activation of the anchors exceeds the allowable wall crest displacement, use of post-tensioned helical anchors is recommended.
- A comparison between nailing and helical anchor results revealed that the relative density of the wall stabilized with the helical anchor is less than that of the nail wall; and wall crest displacement in the helical anchor wall was very lower than that of nail wall. Thus, the helical anchor wall stabilization is preferred when other economic and technical requirements are met.
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Volume 14, Issue 1 (5-2020)

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