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Javad Khalaji Pirbalouti, Naser Hafazi Moghadas, Gholam Reza Lashkaripour,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Hazardous waste (solid, liquid or contained gases) is a waste with properties that make it potentially dangerous or harmful to human health or the environment. Site selection and suitable conditions for hazardous wastes landfill is considered as the final stage of waste management that they have high sensivity. The purpose of this study is to identify prone areas to hazardous waste landfill for Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province using geographic information systems (GIS) as an important tool for the analysis of potential sites and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and to provide solutions to optimize the positioning is executed. Firstly, criteria and limitations of environmental, economic, social and physical were determined, then layers of the criteria in GIS were prepared. In this study, the inappropriate areas were first removed from the model, and the suitability of remaining regions as a categorize criterion considered. Categorize criteria for paired comparison using AHP as an efficient tool for determining the relative weight parameters are used to measure and rank the expert choice application imposed. Then the implement paired comparison of the relative weights of the criteria and sub-criteria and criteria for each category were determined. After calculating the net weight and normal weight, normal weight based on standard maps in the GIS environment has been classifieds. Finally, by combining maps and applying criteria FA map, the final map was extracted.
Material and methods
The purpose of this research is to identify and prioritize appropriate areas of special waste disposal using multi-criteria decision-making methods. In order to locate using the GIS, first, identifying, evaluating and selecting criteria and constraints for the construction of landfill, in order to reduce the economic, environmental, and health costs. In the multi-criteria evaluation method, criteria are the basis of decision making, so that a set of criteria is combined and combined to achieve a single combination. In this paper, a two-stage process was used to locate the landfill site. In the first stage, which is recognized as the identification stage of prohibited areas according to different criteria, the study area is divided into two appropriate and inappropriate classes that will be eliminated as prohibited areas for the construction of landfills. In the second stage, the various factors are ranked and weighted according to the relative importance and, finally, places that receive the appropriate points are introduced as areas susceptible to the dumping of special wastes. In order to obtain the digital data of the criteria in the GIS environment from the digital elevation map (DEM), the specifications of the piezometric wells information are available from the regional water organization of the province. The available data such as geological map of the province at a scale of 1: 250,000, satellite images of Landsat and map of land suitability of the province, rainfall data of the synoptic stations of the province and the data of the Environmental Protection Agency were used. In general, the following steps have been taken in the process of locating:
- Identification of effective locating factors (limitations and factors)
- Digitizing and providing the required layers of information using the GIS package
- Identify and eliminate prohibited and inappropriate areas for landfill construction
- Classification and weighting of the factors and layers of information sought
- Integration of layers and the provision of a mapped rate and talent to determine the appropriate areas.
Results and discussion
1. Set limits
In this study, in order to select suitable sites for landfill particular, the criteria and limitations were determined. The information layers for each of the criteria were provided in the GIS environment.
2. Classification and weighting criteria
In the second stage, which is the stage of weighting and rating, of 14 effective criteria were used in site selection. AHP is one of the most efficient techniques, multi-criteria decision. This method is based on comparing factors and to study various scenarios to give managers and decision makers. This technique is one of the most comprehensive system designed for decision-making with multiple criteria.
3. Editor hierarchy to locate
Hierarchical structure is a graphical representation of a real complex problem, which mainly target the problem and at the next general criteria, sub-criteria and options are the way in AHP is used to calculate points based on comparison test.
4. Shipping Weight Matrix Binary comparison and decision-making
After compiling a hierarchical structure, the next step is to evaluate the elements by comparing the test. In general, if the number of options and criteria respectively m and n are then paired comparison matrix of options for comparison matrix m × m and n × n matrix will be a couple of criteria.
5. After weighing and preparing the normal weight of the options, the normalized weights in the GIS environment were added to the criteria map and the Raster and Weighted layers of each criterion were prepared. Due to the wide area of the studied area, the size of each pixel was 50 * 50 m. Then, using the Raster Module, the Criterion Map was combined and a zoning map was prepared for the special waste disposal site.
In the present study, according to various criteria influencing the Hierarchical Analysis Process for prioritizing the criteria in decision making, based on the results, the talent map of the area was prepared for special waste dumping, in which according to the final score of the layers, the area was classified into four appropriate, relatively suitable, relatively inappropriate and inappropriate classes. Suitable areas were 12.64%, relatively fairly 32.47%, relatively inappropriate 30.43%, and inappropriate zones 9.58% of the area of the talent map were included.
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Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Safety and sustainability of infrastructures which were placed in or on rock mass mainly control by geometrically size distribution and physical and mechanical characteristics of rock blocks that is created by intersection of discontinuities. hence identification of rock blocks has a key role in mechanical analysis and hydraulic behaviour of jointed rock mass. Detection process of blocks have many applications in rock mechanic which could be referred to their use in the numerical methods like discrete element method or in analysis of continuous deformation of discontinuities. As pioneer researchers, Goodman and Shi, Warburton and Heliot could be known as leaders in the field of diagnosis of rock mass blocks. Warburton provides a method based on geometric parameters of rock mass and developed a software based on it. Warburton in his work assumed discontinuities as parallel and infinite. In the earlier works, discontinuities were considered as infinite panes. So, just convex blocks were distinguishable. Concave blocks were diagnosis in more detailed researches that is created by finite discontinuities. Basically, methods based on finite planes was classified into two branches. Aforementioned branches were based on blocks detection based on topology concepts and assemble of block elements. Lin at al. presented detection method that assumed discontinuities as finite planes and worked based on topology theory. This method could realize convex and concave blocks of rock mass. Ikegawa and Hudson, Jing presented the similar methods using more accurate process. Sharma et al. presented an equation for calculating the volume of rock blocks in their work. Ferreira provided a method based on graph theory which is better than other method considering time and complicity. Based on this method, firstly vertices were detected in two dimensions and then created a graph based in vertices and edges which in next step constitute polygons that are form in two-dimension blocks. In the present research, it is developed high-speed algorithms to identify the blocks. New method was developed in MATLAB software that by assuming infinite discontinuities and inclusion of a set of joints. we have identified created blocks and calculated their volume and at last block volume histogram were draw that paves the way to obtain their distribution function.
Material and methods
Infinite planes are used to simulate of this study, each discontinuity is represented by a plane in a three-dimensional Euclidean space. To identify the block, a certain volume of rock mass space should be considered as study region. The studied volume is called domain. By the intersection of discontinuity planes in space, rocky blocks are created in the domain. First, vertices should be recognized at first as first step in block detection. Then, edges are diagnoses and after that it's time to specify the polygons and finally, polyhedron or blocks are obtained by joining edges together. Each vertex in space is created by the intersection of three nonparallel planes. In fact, the vertex is the interface of three planes in the Euclidean space. The next element in the block metric process is the diagnosis of the edges or the blocks' edges. All edges are sections on the lines which created by the intersection of the planes in space. first the parallel vector of all the lines resulting from the intersection of the pair of planes is obtained.
After detection of edges, it’s time to identify polygons that form key element of blocks. Each polygon of a block is formed from their constituent unit. In this step, polygons belong to each discontinuity plane is identified separately. Some edges are determined that are start from the end of selected edge between other edges. In this state, if there is just one edge, that edge is record as the next edge of first polygon. If there is more than one edge from the edge of the selected edges, the angle is calculated between each possible of end edge with the selected edge.
In the next step, it’s time to diagnosis polyhedrons that have created by discontinuities intersection. In the previous step, possible polygons were obtained for each discontinuity. In this stage, it is used the principle which is designed this algorithm that two polygons that formed a block have a common edge. So, the first polygon of first discontinuity is consider as first polygon of first block to recognize block.
Results and discussion
According to the developed algorithm, MATLAB software was used to model the discontinuities. The computational and graphic capabilities of this software have created a lot of attractions for most researchers to use its potential. The strengths of this software are high computing power with its graphical accuracy. The code developed in MATLAB is called RockBlock2 that is designed using a graphical user interface (GUI) to make it easy to use. To illustrate how the program works, there are 29 discontinuities given to the program. The program first takes the dip and dip direction of discontinuities along with the desired point on it and calculates the parameters that make up the equation of discontinuity planes.
Input data is stored in a separate Excel file that was previously introduced to the program. In the next step, the program attempts to identify the vertices. The program stores the coordinates of each corner, with the assignment of a number to it, in the matrix of the corners, which is in fact the Excel file that was previously introduced to the program to use in the next steps, after recognizing vertices on the area.
Identifying the edges is the next step that the program done. At this stage, the program begins to identify each single edge using the data from the previous step that means the coordinates of the corners and the algorithm defined.
The coordinates of the beginning and end of each edge along with its number are stored and maintained in the edge matrix in the Excel file format. In the stage of identifying the polygons, the polygons are formed by joining the edges together. This matrix is a special matrix that its matrix matrices are matrix itself. The matrix of polygons is a row matrix; whose number is the number of discontinuities. Because, as it mentioned in the chapter of the algorithm, the polygons are found by separation of discontinuities. Therefore, each column of the polygons matrix is consisting of faces that are on a certain discontinuity.
The next step begins the process of identifying the blocks, or the same polygons by the program. At this step, the program starts the identification process using the features found in the previous step and the algorithm defined for it. At this stage, the identified blocks are stored in the blocks matrix. By identifying blocks, the program calculates the volume of each block and finally draw its volume histogram. In fact, a volume histogram is presented to illustrate how the block volume is distributed. Obtaining the distribution of blocks or, in other words, achieving a block probability distribution function is an essential step in the behavior of rock mass. Because one of the most important consequences of the presence of discontinuities is the fragmentation of the rock material under the block intervals. By having the block distribution function, it is possible to produce a blockbuster method using random methods, such as Monte Carlo, and to analyze it in various and arbitrary modes.
To identify and study the rocky blocks created by discontinuities, a hierarchical algorithm was designed and developed in MATLAB software. This algorithm identifies and records blocks, consisting of blocks, edges, and facets of the blocks forming components, including stone blocks. This algorithm, which is written for user-friendly ease with the use of graphical coding capabilities, shows a very fast performance using the parallel computing power of MATLAB software. The developed code calculates the dip and dip direction of discontinuities using the geometric properties, and calculates the blocks created in three dimensions and calculates their volume. This histogram code displays the calculated volumes.
The results show that the developed code with its fast performance, while identifying the blocks, calculates and records their volumes without errors. The ability to display the step-by-step process of identifying blocks is one of the clear features of this code. Information about edge is also records and is available for auxiliary applications. Histogram of block volume is one of the most important results of the developed code, which can have different applications.
Identification of created rocky blocks is used both in the stability analysis and rock mass simulations such as Discrete Fracture Network modeling. Determination of block volume distribution function which is done using histogram is one of the most important uncertainties in three-dimensional rock masses behavior that can play a key role in optimizing the design of structures involved in rock mass. Therefore, considering the key role of blocks volume, identifying and calculating block volumes and, consequently, plotting their histogram and determining the distribution function governing them, has a key role in the static and dynamic analysis of rock base structures. ./files/site1/files/123/1Extended_Abstract.pdf
Mehdi Jalili, Amin Zare, Mohammad Javad Shabani,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2018)

The design engineers usually follow a specific decision-making process for optimal selection of the type of required foundation and its design. In this state, in case the surface foundation is not appropriate for the project conditions, before making any decisions about the use of deep foundations, the proper methods for optimization of the liquefied soil should be evaluated in order to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each of them with those of deep foundation, in terms of efficiency, implementation problems, costs, and finally to select the best choice. One of the best methods of soil improvement is the use of stone columns. The rationale behind the use of stone columns is the high shear strength of materials and the provision of lateral grip by surrounding soil. Therefore, the stone column can receive the load from the structure, and transfer it to the resistant layers. In the soils with low shear resistance, the lateral constraint crated by the surrounding soils is not enough for preventing the sideway buckling of the column under which is subjected to the loads. Thus, special measures should be considered for the use of stone columns in these soils. One of these methods is the use of reinforcement shelves such as geogrid and geotextile. Investigating the previous studies, the lack of evaluation of the design parameters such as the settlement ratio of the soil improved by the reinforced stone column to the geogrid, and provision of design graphs in this regard, has been revealed. Therefore, by extension of the studies conducted by Chub Basti et al. in 2011, the design graphs were provided in this regard.
Material and methods
The PLAXIS V8 Software was used for modelling the soft soil improved by the stone column. For increasing the precision of the results, the 15-knot element was used in the current study. The fine mesh was used in the models made for the analysis of the problem. For simulation of the improved soft soil with the stone column in a single cell, the modelling was implemented in a two-dimensional environment in axial symmetry conditions. In the current study, it was assumed the rigid foundation is on the improved bed. Thus, for analysis of the simulated model, a vertical strain up to 2% of the soft soil height has been applied on the ground. Also, for simulation of the soil behavior, an appropriate model of soil and parameters proportional to the materials should be allocated to the construct geometry. The non-linear stress-strain of the soil in different levels of the problem can be simulated. The number of model parameters increases with the level of problem rupture. For precise simulation, we need the proper parameters of the materials. For modeling of soft soils and stone columns, elastic-plastic model with Mohr-Coulomb rupture criterion was used. In the current study, it was assumed the soft bed is located on a very hard layer of soil. Therefore, the vertical deformation was prevented on this horizontal boundary. Also, the horizontal deformation in two vertical edges was prevented and only deformation in vertical direction was allowed. The soft bed close to saturation was considered without the determined free water level. For models with stone columns, the element of interface between the stone column and soft soil, has been used. The reason behind using this element is that the stone column rupture is of shear form and due to this, a significant shear stress is created on the common surface between the stone column and soft soil. The percentage of the replacement area is defined as the ratio of the total area of the stone columns to the total area of the non-improved area. In the current study, the percentage of the replacement area is utilized between 10 to 30%, which is used in implementation. Also, the diameter of the stone columns is from 0.6 to 1.2, in the analyses.
Results and discussion
The results of the numerical study were compared with the existing theoretical relationships provided by Poorooshasb and Meyerhof (1997), and Pulko et al. (2011). Figure 1 shows the comparison of the replacement percentage (RP) and settlement ratio (SR) in the non-reinforced state in the current study as well as theoretical relationships proposed by the previous researchers. Based on this figure, there is a difference between the results of the current study and those of Poorooshasb and Meyerhof (1997), and Pulko et al (2011). Poorooshasb and Meyerhof (1997) calculated the settlement ratio in their proposed material with the assumption of linear elasticity of the materials without consideration for plastic settlement. Therefore, the settlement of the improved soft soil with stone column, calculated by Poorooshasb and Meyerhof, would not show the real amount. However, Pulko et al. (2011), with consideration for the elastoplastic behavior of the materials, the lateral expansion of the stone column, and the primary stress of the soil around the column, provided more realistic results that correspond closely with the present study. Also, for designing the stone column, the results of its reinforcement have been also provided in the graph presented in Figure 2. Thus, by the use of these graphs, the ratio of settlement reduction can be obtained for each distance between columns and with different percentages of alternatives../files/site1/files/124/2jalili%DA%86%DA%A9%DB%8C%D8%AF%D9%87.pdf
Navid Sohrabi, Mehdi Khodaparast,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2018)

In many areas of the world, the mechanical properties of soils for utilization of land are not sufficient. For improvement of these lands, soil stabilization such as compacting, installation of nails, elders of piles, mixing soil with lime or cement before or during constructions on the surface or inside of the ground can be useful. Microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP), due to its versatility and stable performance, has been recently attracted the attention of many researchers in the field of the geotechnical engineering around the world. MICP is a biological technique that is naturally caused to create a cementation agent, which is known as calcium carbonate or calcite by controlling the metabolism of bacteria. Although there are many biological processes that can be lead to MICP, but the using of urea hydrolysis by bacteria is commonly used more. In this method, aerobic bacteria with the enriched urease enzymes inject into the soil. Hydrolysis of urea occurs when the bacteria speeds up the hydrolysis reaction to produce ammonium and carbonate ions. In the presence of soluble calcium ions, carbonate ions are precipitated and formed the calcium carbonate crystals. When these crystals are formed on a grain of soil or like a bridge between them, they prevent the movement of grains and thus improve the mechanical and geotechnical properties of the soil.
Material and methods
In the present study, the effect of increasing fines on the improvement of Anzali sandy soil, and soil resistance parameters for improving the clean sand and its mixtures with a fine grained cohesive soil and a fine grained cohesionless soil separately in a percentage weight of 30 by MICP and using a small scale of direct shear test (6×6) have been investigated. In the present study the sandy soil was collected from the coast of Bandar Anzali Free Zone and for the preparation of samples of clayey sand and silty sand, Kaolinite clay soils and Firouzkooh broken silt were used, respectively. Anzali sand is poorly graded and had a rounded corner with an average particle size of 0.2 mm, somewhat, sharpening cores are also found in its granulation. In addition, its fine grained content is very small (less than 1%). The Kaolinite clay is also labeled with a liquid limit of 40, a plastic limit of 25, and a plasticity index of 15 as an inorganic clay (CL). The used microorganism in this study is urease positive Sporosarcina pasteurii, which is maintained with the number of PTCC1645 at the Center Collective of Industrial Microorganisms of Iran Scientific and Research Organization. The bacterium was cultured in a culture medium containing 20 g/l yeast extract and 10 g/l ammonium chloride at pH 9 under aerobic conditions in incubator shaker machine at 150 rpm and temperature of 30 °C. The organism was grown to late exponential/early stationary phase and stored at 4 °C before injection in samples. A solution of calcium chloride and urea with a molar ratio of one is also used as a cementation solution. With the direct shear test (6cm×6cm) as a benchmarking of the shear strength in the before and after improvement steps, molds fitted with a shear box made of the galvanized sheet with a thickness of 0.6 mm and it consists of two main parts, the body,  in the middle of which an exhaust pipe was embedded in the injector waste fluid. At the bottom of the samples, a layer of filter paper was placed in order to prevent soil washes, and then all samples with a thickness of 2 cm, with a relative density of 30% at the same weight and height were pressed. In the upper part of the samples, a layer of filter paper is similarly used to prevent the discontinuity of soil particles when injected biological materials are used. Biological solutions are injected from the top to the specimens and allowed to penetrate under the influence of gravitational and capillary forces in the sample and discharge the inhaled fluid from the exhaust pipe. The criterion for determining the volume of the solution to inject into each sample is the pure volume (PV) of soil. The preparation process of the samples was initiated by injection of a PV water unit, followed by a two-layer mixture of bacterial suspensions and cementation solutions, each with a volume of one PV, and then for biological reactions, 24 hours to the sample at laboratory temperature (25 ± 2) is given. After the time of incubation, the solution of cementation is injected into the sample for a period of three days and every 24 hours. The processing time of samples is also considered 28 days. In this study, optical density (OD) was selected as a benchmark for estimating the concentration of bacterial cells in the culture medium, and in all stages of development, and precisely before injection of bacteria suspension into soil samples, it was measured by a spectrophotometer device at 600 nm (OD600) wavelength, which was obtained for all bacterial suspensions in the range of 1.7 to 2 before the injection. To determine the activity of urea bacteria, 1 ml of bacterial suspension was added to nine milliliters of 1.11 molar urea solution, and by immersing the electrode of the electrical conductivity in the solution, its conductivity was recorded for 5 minutes at 20 ± 2 ° C. The rate of urea activity in the pre-treatment stage for all specimens was in the range of 0.8 to 1.23 mS min-1. In order to evaluate the shear strength parameters of soil samples, before and after the improvement operations, a direct shear test was used based on the ASTM D3080 standard. This test was performed for all samples under stresses of 50, 100 and 150 kPa in undrained conditions at a loading speed of 1 mm/min up to a strain of 15%. Also, samples of soil with a moisture content of 7% and a relative density of 30% (as already mentioned) have been restored. SEM analysis was carried out to determine the distribution of sediment between soil particles and EDX analysis in order to identify carbonate calcium sediment formation elements in improved soil samples, by scanning electron microscopy on Anzali sandy soil samples in before and after improvement conditions.
The effect of the increasing cohesive and cohesionless fines on the bio-treated process of sandy soil is the main subject of this research. For this purpose, three samples of clean sand, sand containing 30% clay and sand mixture with 30% silt in a relative density of 30% were treated with MICP method and their shear strength parameters were evaluated by direct shear test after 28 days of processing. Using the direct shear test and analyses of SEM and EDX data, the results are represented as below:
1.  The microbial sediment of carbonate calcium has greatly improved the resistance properties of all three soil samples.
2. A sample of clayey sand, in spite of a higher improvement compared to the other samples with an average shear strength of 113.7% in comparison to to its untreated state, it has the lowest shear strength among the three improved samples.
3. Increasing the clay content of 30% increases the soil voids. On the other hand, it reduces the friction angle and shear strength of the soil in the pre-treated state and also facilitates easier movement of the bacteria between the pores in the soil. More favorable distribution of sediment calcium carbonate was occurred and, as a result, increased adhesion between soil particles.
4. The increase of cohesionless fine particles creates more bonding points between sand particles and, therefore, calcium carbonate crystals form shorter distances between the soil bridges. As a result, with the end of the improvement process, the shear strength parameters of the sandy soil containing 30% of the silt compared to the clean sand have a higher value.
5. SEM images of the clean sand in both before and after improvement show that the calcium carbonate precipitation occurred with a uniform and thin layer that surrounds sand grains and another part of the sediments formed in the joint of grains.
6. Cube-shaped crystalline sediments confirm that the sediment formed in the soil is a stable type of calcite and that the relative increase in the friction angle of the improvement samples can be attributed to solid particles and multifaceted sediments. Also, the elements of carbon, oxygen, and calcium, which are the main components for the formation of calcium carbonate deposits, have been found in the EDX analysis of improvement sand samples../files/site1/files/124/7sohrabi%DA%86%DA%A9%DB%8C%D8%AF%D9%87.pdf
Ehsan Dadashi, Ali Noorzad, Koroush Shahriar, Kamran Goshtasbi,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2018)

Pressure tunnels in hydroelectric plants are used to convey water to powerhouses. These tunnels are the sources of seepage flow to the rock formation, thus, during the water filling, they will have a low resistance to seepage and, by increasing the internal water pressure of the tunnel, the inflow force will be transferred to the rock mass. In these conditions, the cracks, pores and all other elements of the rock mass are affected by the seepage forces in all directions. This hydro-mechanical interaction affects changing the stresses and displacements of the rock mass around the tunnel and causes modifications in the permeability of rock elements during the water filling. Therefore, changes in stress distribution lead to alterations in the permeability coefficient and redistribution of the seepage field. In these conditions, since the analytical solution of the problem is not possible, the numerical analysis based on the finite element method has been used in this study.
Material and methods
In this approach, the rock mass is considered as an equivalent continuum in which the effects of discontinuities are taken into account in its material behavior. High-pressure tunnels under internal water pressure requires reinforced concrete lining to prevent hydro-fracturing. The ABAQUS software is capable of analyzing such as seepage from the tunnel, modeling of the steel bars in concrete, and taking into account hydro-mechanical interaction. Thus, the software is used for numerical analysis.
The pressure tunnel of the Gotvand dam and hydroelectric power plant (HPP) scheme is taken as a case study for the numerical simulation. Pressure tunnel of the Gotvand dam located in the southwest of Iran is taken as a case study for the numerical simulation. Among behavioral models in the software, Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is considered to describe the rock mass, but the principle of effective stress determines the rock mass behavior. Since the concrete lining of the pressure tunnel will undergo two mechanisms of the cracking due to tension and the crushing due to compression, concrete damaged plasticity model is used to predict the response of the concrete elements. The evolution of the yield surface of the concrete lining is also controlled with tensile and compressive equivalent plastic strains, correspondingly.
In this study, the hydro-mechanical interaction is implemented based on the analysis of the pore fluid/deformation analysis, and the direct-coupled method is used to solve the governing equations of the problem. To verify the proposed model, the elastic behavior of the media is simulated to compare the numerical and the analytical solutions and good agreement is obtained. The numerical analyses are carried out the hydro-mechanical interaction with constant permeability coefficient. When cracks develop in the concrete lining at high water pressure, the properties of the concrete lining change and as a result, the stress dependent permeability of the lining and surrounding rock mass in pressure tunnels should be considered. The coefficient of permeability controls the rate of seepage flow in porous and fractured media. Although permeability represents an original property of the porous media, it can be modified when subjected to the stress variations. Instead of changing aperture, the change in the void space or volume is the typical consequence that results to change the permeability coefficient. In order to bring the model closer to the real conditions and in the validation of the new model, the influence of the permeability coefficient variations of the concrete and rock mass on the deformations and stresses of the model has been added to nonlinear analysis by USDFLD code. Increasing the water head in the tunnel during water filling is also considered with the combination of DLOAD and DISP codes in the model.
Results and discussion
Since the lining and rock mass have nonlinear properties and complex behavior, for verification of the model in ABAQUS software, the model is simulated with homogeneous, isotropic and elastic behavior. The results of seepage flow on the interface of the concrete lining and rock mass obtained by analytical and numerical solutions indicate that there is a ±5 % difference between them. Then, the results of the elastic behavior of the model show a good agreement with the results of analytical solutions. Therefore, this numerical model has been employed for the nonlinear analyses.
Finally, the optimal thickness of the concrete lining with the appropriate arrangement of the reinforcement in the reinforced concrete linings is utilized to minimize water losses from the tunnel based on the new model. Thus, the results of the analysis with the aim of reducing the water losses from the tunnel indicate that the suitable arrangement of the steel bars in the concrete lining leads to the distribution of micro cracks in the lining, and the reinforcement stress stays at a lower value with high internal water pressure. Based on the new numerical model, it is suggested that the lining should be designed with the thickness of 40 cm and the reinforcement with the diameter of 16 mm and the spacing of 20 cm.
The results of the numerical model indicate that to control the seepage outflow from concrete-lined pressure tunnels, the thickness of the lining and the suitable arrangement of the steel bars in the concrete lining play a significant role in preventing excessive seepage from the tunnel./files/site1/files/124/3dadashi%DA%86%DA%A9%DB%8C%D8%AF%D9%87.pdf
Ako Daraei, Shokrollah Zare,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2018)

It is very important to have knowledge on the rock deformation modulus when designing geotechnical ‎structures and modeling oil reservoirs. In general, there are two destructive or static and non-‎destructive or dynamic methods for determining the rock deformation modulus, but considering the ‎time and cost of destructive methods proportionate to the depth, it is more common to make use of ‎non-destructive approaches. The outcrops of Asmari Formation are widely spread in the west and ‎southwest of Iran, and many engineering projects have been constructed or are being studied ‎on this formation. Therefore, it is of great importance to study on the geomechanical characteristics of this ‎formation. Presentation of empirical relations regarding the relationship between static and dynamic ‎moduli, with respect to the studies carried out in other parts of the world and the dispersion and ‎independence of studies done on Asmari Formation due to its large extent on one hand and the ‎importance of this formation in terms of oil and development civil projects on the other hand, necessitate ‎presenting a comprehensive criterion resulted from all studies carried out on Asmari Formation which ‎can express the relationship between the static and dynamic moduli. This paper represents the ‎relationship between the dynamic and static moduli of the site using the moduli obtained by the ‎down-hole geophysical method and the static moduli obtained by the intact rock test results of ‎Ghalajeh tunnel located in Asmari Formation in Ilam province. Then, a comprehensive relation is ‎presented to express the relationship between static and dynamic modulus by studying the previous ‎researches and criteria on this formation.
Material and methods
Two sets of tests were conducted to determine the relationship between static and dynamic moduli in the Ghalajeh tunnel. First, a uniaxial compression strength test was performed on 13 cores taken from three boreholes to compute the elasticity modulus in accordance with ISRM standard. Then, down-hole test was conducted on two boreholes such that to determine the dynamic modulus using compressive and shear wave velocities. Seismographic apparatus of ABEM RAS 24 as well as three-component down-hole geophones were utilized in order to plot the seismic profile. After the performing the tests, the dynamic modulus of deformation was calculated using the velocity of P-waves and the density of the host rock.
Discussion and Conclusions
By conducting in-situ static and dynamic laboratory tests on Ghalajeh Tunnel project and determining the values ​​of the static and dynamic deformation moduli, a relation was presented between them. Then, taking into consideration the previous models studied in Asmari Formation, a comprehensive criterion was presented for wider use in the mentioned formation. Given the root mean square error (RMSE) and variance account for (VAF), the values predicted using the proposed comprehensive model have acceptable accuracy. In the interim, the correction factor between dynamic and static moduli in Asmari Formation was between 0.8 and 2.4. The results show that, in general, the relationship between static and dynamic moduli is linear up to a certain range (static modulus of 100 MPa) and then it has a power trend./files/site1/files/124/4darai%DA%86%DA%A9%DB%8C%D8%AF%D9%87.pdf
Dr Mahmood Reza Abdi, Mr Mahdi Safdari Seh Gonbad,
Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2018)

One of the methods of increasing soil resistance against failure is soil reinforcement using geosynthetics. Soil-geosynthetic interactions are of great importance and are affected by friction and adhesion at their interface. Soil gradation, contact surface roughness and geotextile density are among the factors affecting soil-geotextiles interaction this study, to investigate the effects of these factors, large-scale direct shear tests have been conducted using a well and a poorly graded sand at a relative density of 80% reinforced with two geotextiles having different tensile strengths and mass per unit area. Samples were subjected to normal pressures of 12.5, 25 and 50kPa and sheared at a rate of 1 mm/min. Geotextile surface roughness was achieved by gluing two different single sized sand particles. Results show that increasing geotextile surface roughness increases shear strength at soil-geotextile interface. Geotextile tensile strength mobilization is shown to depend on soil grain size at the interface. The coarser and more angular the soil particles, the more effective the soil-reinforcement interactions. Geotextile tensile strength and its mass per unit area are shown to less important factors.

Mr Behrouz Ahmadpour, Dr Masoud Amel Sakhi, Prof Mohsen Kamalian,
Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2018)

Steel sheet pile walls are being widely used as earth retaining systems. Sometimes loose or soft soil layers are located in various depths in an excavation. This issue causes different effects on ground surface displacements, forces and moments acting on sheet piles and struts during excavation procedure, compared with a status that soil is totally uniform. These differences are not exactly considered in conventional design methods of sheet pile walls. In this paper, a deep excavation using finite element method is analyzed. Excavation’s depth is divided into three different layers. One of three layers is a loose soil layer and its position is modeled in three different situations, top, middle and bottom of the model. Obtained results are compared with results of excavation without the loose layer. The pseudo-static analysis is performed by applying 0.3g horizontal acceleration. The results indicate that when a loose layer is located beneath stiffer layers, bending moments acting on sheet pile wall and shear forces increase about (50~100)% and (15~50)%, respectively. Also, the middle loose layer changes the location of maximum lateral deformation of steel sheet pile wall.

Hadi Fattahi, Zohreh Bayatzadehfard,
Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2018)

Maximum surface settlement (MSS) is an important parameter for the design and operation of earth pressure balance (EPB) shields that should determine before operate tunneling. Artificial intelligence (AI) methods are accepted as a technology that offers an alternative way to tackle highly complex problems that can’t be modeled in mathematics. They can learn from examples and they are able to handle incomplete data and noisy. The adaptive network–based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and hybrid artificial neural network (ANN) with biogeography-based optimization algorithm (ANN-BBO) are kinds of AI systems that were used in this study to build a prediction model for the MSS caused by EPB shield tunneling. Two ANFIS models were implemented, ANFIS-subtractive clustering method (ANFIS-SCM) and ANFIS-fuzzy c–means clustering method (ANFIS-FCM). The estimation abilities offered using three models were presented by using field data of achieved from Bangkok Subway Project in Thailand. In these models, depth, distance from shaft, ground water level from tunnel invert, average face pressure, average penetrate rate, pitching angle, tail void grouting pressure and percent tail void grout filling were utilized as the input parameters, while the MSS was the output parameter. To compare the performance of models for MSS prediction, the coefficient of correlation (R2) and mean square error (MSE) of the models were calculated, indicating the good performance of the ANFIS-SCM model.

Mehri Sharifi, Maryam Meftahi, Seyed Abolhasan Naeini,
Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2018)

Materials such as waste tire chips were widely used to improve the strength of soil. The objective of this study is to discuss the residual strength or steady-state behavior of sand-waste tire chip mixtures. A series of undrained monotonic triaxial compression tests were conducted on reconstituted saturated specimens of sand and sand-tire chip mixtures with variation in the tire-chip contents from 0 to 4 percentages by dry weight of soil. The specimens are prepared using dry deposition method of preparation. The influence on residual resistance of varying confining pressure (100, 200, and 300 kPa) and sand mixture relative density (40, 65, and 80%) were evaluated. Tests results showed that by increasing the tire chip contents, the residual strength increased and steady-state lines move to the right of log Sus-e diagram. Also, the residual resistance improvement induced by tire chip inclusions was found to be sensitive to the relative density of samples and applied confining pressure.
Prof. Seyed Amirodin Sadrnejad, Dr. Hasan Ghasemzadeh, Mr. Ahmadali Khodaei Ardabili,
Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2018)

In a perforated well, fluids enter the wellbore through arrays of perforation tunnels. These perforations are typically distributed in a helical pattern around the wellbore. Available numerical models to simulate production flow into cased-and-perforated vertical wells have complicated boundary conditions or suffer from high computational costs. This paper presents a simple and at the same time efficient finite element model to simulate flow around a well with helically symmetric perforations. In the proposed model, by taking advantage of the symmetry, only a thickness of perforated interval containing a single perforation tunnel needs to be meshed. Angular phasing between adjacent perforations is considered by applying periodic boundary conditions on the upper and lower boundaries of the representative reservoir thickness. These boundary conditions involve periodic-pressure and periodic-velocity parts. Unlike the periodic-pressure part, the method of imposing the periodic-velocity condition within a single-variable flow problem is rather vague. In this regard, it is proved that in the proposed model, periodic-velocity condition is automatically satisfied in a weak sense. The accuracy and the computational efficiency of the proposed model are verified through comparison with available models. The model results, in terms of skin factor, are compared with the common semi-analytical model as well, and good agreement is obtained. The proposed model can readily be used as a numerical tool to study inflow of wells with helically symmetric perforations.

Milad Masomi Aghdam, Mehdi Hosseini,
Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2018)

In the mechanized boring method, the factors affecting ground surface settlement can be mainly divided into five categories: geometric, geomechanic, boring machines working, operating and management parameters. In urban tunnels bored mainly in shallow soil bed, face pressure can be one of the factors preventing ground settlement. The Line A tunnel in Qom metro project is bored with an EPB (Earth Balance Pressure) mechanized boring machine. The effect of face pressure on ground surface settlement was analyzed in the present study according to five sections of the tunnel. These five sections were selected in different kilometers of the tunnel where settlement gauges were installed and the results could be validated. To investigate the effect of face pressure on maximum ground surface settlement, four pressure levels of 100 kPa, 150 kPa, 200 kPa, and 400 kPa were taken into consideration. These were 1, 1.5, 2, and 4 times of the initial face pressure level, respectively. The ground surface settlement was assessed at four pressure levels using the finite element software, PLAXIS 3D TUNNEL. The results were validated using ground-level instrumentation (settlement gauges) on all sections. The validation showed that the modeling results are in good agreement with the results obtained from settlement gauges.  Comparison of the results indicated that a 4-fold increase in the face pressure led to a maximum decrease of 4.45 mm in the maximum settlement. Therefore, an increase in the face pressure can reduce settlement, although quite minimally. It was also found that an over-increased face pressure (face pressure over 200kPa) not only did not reduce the maximum ground surface settlement but also may lead to passive failure or uplift of ground surface ahead of the shield. 
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Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2018)

In urban areas, it is essential to protect the existing adjacent structures and underground facilities from the damage due to tunneling. In order to minimize the risk, a tunnel engineer needs to be able to make reliable prediction of ground deformations induced by tunneling. Numerous investigations have been conducted in recent years to predict the settlement associated with tunneling; the selection of appropriate method depends on the complexity of the problems. This research intends to develop a method based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for the prediction of tunnelling-induced surface settlement. Surface settlements above a tunnel due to tunnel construction are predicted with the help of input variables that have direct physical significance. The data used in running the network models have been obtained from line 2 of Mashhad subway tunnel project. In order to predict the tunnelling-induced surface settlement, a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) analysis is used. A three-layer, feed-forward, back-propagation neural network, with a topology of 7-24-1 was found to be optimum. For optimum ANN architecture, the correlation factor and the minimum of Mean Squared Error are 0.963 and 2.41E-04, respectively. The results showed that an appropriately trained neural network could reliably predict tunnelling-induced surface settlement.
Majid Jazebi, Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadi,
Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2018)

This study numerically investigates the bearing capacity of drilled shafts (bored piles) in clay using FLAC2D. The results obtained in this study are compared with centrifuge test results. The results of the empirical relationships available in the literature are compared with the results of the present numerical study. A series of analyses is also conducted to assess the effects of various soil and pile parameters on the magnitude of tip and side resistance of bored piles embedded in clay. These parameters include the soil elastic modulus, pile length and diameter, undrained shear strength, unit weight, and Poisson’s ratio of soil. Furthermore, the coupling effect of soil undrained shear strength and elastic modulus of soil on tip resistance are investigated. The results show that the lower value of soil elastic modulus results to lower effect of soil undrained shear strength. The effect of soil undrained shear strength on tip resistance is approximately constant (about 83% for a change of soil undrained shear strength between 25 to 200 kPa) for the range of elastic modulus between 20 and 180 MPa. Also, a new equation is proposed to estimate the bearing capacity factor of N*c.
Mehrdad Emami Tabrizi, Bahareh Mohammad Seyyedi,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (8-2019)

Microbial induced calcite precipitation (MICP) is one of the environment-friendly soil improvement methods that uses urease activity of the microorganisms to bound soil grains.
This method is based on three following steps:
1. Urea hydrolysis by urease activity of microorganisms and formation of ammonium and carbonate ions:
2. The reaction between carbonate and calcium ions and formation of calcium carbonate:
3. Bonding the soil particles by calcium carbonate.
One of the main challenges in use of MICP for soil improvement is the selection of proper injection method. An efficient injection method should lead to the construction of a homogeneous specimen beside of less used materials. In this study, a new method based on the theory of convection of liquids, for injection of bacteria and cementation solution is introduced.
Specimens are made according to the new injection method and their strength and homogeneities are tested. The obtained results are compared with the specimens which are made based on common injection method. Eventually, the success of the proposed injection method is investigated.
Material and methods
Gram-positive microorganism Sporosarcina Pasteurii No. 1645 (DSM 33) is provided from Persian type culture collection (PTCC). To make sand columns, Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) tubes were used with an internal diameter of 5cm and length of 12cm. Molds were placed vertically and a scouring pad and approximately 1 cm gravel as a filter are placed at the bottom of the column. Then the column packed with pure silica (Table 1). Finally, a scouring pad and approximately 1 cm gravel as a filter are placed at top of the column and mold were closed with a threaded Polypropylene layer on top and bottom with a hole for injection of bacteria and cementation solutions.
Table 1. Sand properties used in this study
Soil Type Gs γd e D10 D30 D60
Sw 2.6 1.84 41% 0.11 mm 0.43mm 0.85mm
In this study, a new multi-step method of injecting bacterial and cementation solutions is introduced. Injection of solutions is done after washing the sand column with distilled water. At the first step, 0.25 times of the void volume of soil, the bacterial solution is injected into the sand column. The bacteria allowed resting in the sand for 2 hours before the cementation solution was injected. After 2 hours, cementation solution is injected into the sand column by the amount of 0.25 times of pore volume of soil. The cementation solution consisted of 1.5 M urea and 3 M Calcium chloride. Again after 2 hours delay, bacterial solution and cementation solution are injected into sand column both by the amount of 0.25 times of pore volume of soil, same as aforementioned steps. In order to provide a comparison between the proposed injection methods of this study with conventional injection method, specimens are also made by the conventional method. In these specimens, bacterial solution and cementation solution are injected into the soil both by the amount of 1.5 times of pore volume of soil.
Results and discussion
To evaluate the homogeneity of the biologically improved sand specimens, the specimen is divided into 6 equal parts and the amount of calcium carbonate in each part is measured. It is found that calcium carbonate crystals are formed more homogenous in parts of specimens which are improved by new injection method (Figure 1). While specimens improved with conventional injection method are not homogeneous. The new injection method used in this study is based on the theory of convection in cementation and bacterial solution. Since the specific gravity of used cementation solution (3M urea and 1.5M calcium chloride solution) is 1.120 gr/cm3 and the specific gravity of ammonium chloride (which is the result of reaction between ammonium and chloride ions) is 1.031 gr/cm3, therefore a convection flow occurs in cementation solution after urease reaction (reaction 1) because of difference in specific gravity of two mentioned solutions. This convection flow causes a sustainable contact between cementation and bacterial solution in entire height of specimen.

Figure 1. Amount of calcium carbonate deposition along improved specimens by new and conventional injection method
To examine the efficiency of newly suggested injection method in this study, uniaxial compressive strength test (UCS) is performed on biologically improved sand specimens. Figure 2 shows stress-strain curves of specimens. The peak strength of specimens with conventional injection method is about 0.6 MPa. While the peak strength of biologically improved specimens prepared by new injection method is about 1.6 MPa. The reason for this difference in the obtained results is that when the volume of bacterial solution is more than the pore volume of soil, a part of bacteria solution in the first step of injection is removed. Then with an injection of cementation solution, more amounts of bacteria removes from the specimen before efficient placement of bacteria between soil particles. However, in new injection method the total volume of injection solutions (bacterial and cementation solutions) are equal to the pore volume of soil and this prevents the removal of bacteria from a porous medium.

Figure 2. Uniaxial stress-uniaxial strain curves of biologically improved specimens
In this study, the feasibility of using a new injection method for biological soil improvement is investigated based on the theory of convection with the aim to decrease the volume of bacteria and cementation solution. In this method, the final volume of bacterial and cementation solutions are reached the soil void volume in 4 consecutive injection steps. Specimens are made to investigate the efficiency of the proposed injection method. Also, specimens are made base on conventional injection method to provide the comparing possibility. Studying the precipitated calcium carbonate along the specimens show more homogeneity in ones prepared by proposed injection method in comparison to the specimens made by the conventional method. The obtained results of UCS tests are also showed that specimens made by new injection method have the more uniaxial strength (1.6 MPa) while the conventional method specimens are presented the strength of 0.6 MPa. Eventually, the proposed injection method of this paper implies less amount of bacterial and cementation solutions in a proper and efficient manner to bond the soil particles which leads to specimens with more strength, stiffness and homogeneity../files/site1/files/131/2Extended_Abstract.pdf
Mohammad Moghadas, Ali Raeesi Estabragh, Amin Soltani,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (8-2019)

Improving the mechanical behavior of clay soil by stabilization agents is a mean of fulfilling geotechnical design criteria. The method of stabilization can be divided into chemical, mechanical, or a combination of both methods. Chemical stabilization is performed by adding chemical agents such as cement, lime or fly ash to the soil (Bahar et al., 2004). Soil reinforcement is one of the mechanical methods that is used for improving the behavior of soils (Tang et al., 2007). Reinforcement of soil achieved by either inclusion of strips, bars, grids and etc. within a soil mass in a preferred direction or mixing discrete fibers randomly with a soil mass.
Mixing of cement with soil is made a production that is called soil-cement and results in chemical reaction between soil, cement, and water. The compressive strength of soil-cement is increased by increasing the cement content and this leads to brittle behavior or sudden failure. On the other hand, by increasing the cement to soil ratio for cohesive soils, shrinkage micro-cracks may develop in the soil as a result of the loss of water content during drying or hydration of cement. Therefore, if the tensile strength of these materials is not sufficient cracks will develop under loading and damage will be resulted (Khattak and Alrashidi, 2006). Consoli et al. (2003) and Tang et al. (2007) indicated that adding the fiber to soil can prevent from occurrence of these cracks and increases the tensile strength of the soil.
The focus of this paper is on the statistical analysis of the results and development of regression models. Regression relationships are developed based on the experimental results that were presented by Estabragh et al. (2017). These relationships relate the compressive and tensile strengths of the soil to percent of used fiber, cement and curing time.
Material and methods of testing
Unconfined compression and tensile strength tests were carried on unreinforced and reinforced soil, soil cement according to ASTM standards. Samples of soil-cement were made by mixing a clay soil and two different weight percent of cement (8 and 10%). Reinforced soil samples were also prepared by mixing 0.5 and 1 weight percent of Polypropylene fibers with 10, 15, 20 and 25 mm lengths. The dry unit weight and water content of prepared samples were the same as optimum water content and maximum dry unit weight that were resulted from standard compaction test. The compressive and tensile strength tests were conducted on the samples by considering the curing time according to ASTM standards until the failure of the sample is achieved.
Results and discussion
The experimental tests showed that reinforcement of the soil and soil cement increase the peak compressive and tensile strength. The peak compressive strength of reinforced soil is increased by increasing the fiber content at a constant length of the fiber. It can be said that by increasing the percent of fiber, the number of fibers in the sample is increased and contact between soil particle and fibers is increased which result in increase in the strength (Maher 1994). However, by increasing the length of the constant fiber inclusion there will be no significant increase in strength because the number of shorter fiber is more than longer fiber in a specific sample (Ahmad et al., 2010). Inclusion of fibers can greatly increase the tensile strength of clay soil. In addition to reinforcement of soil cement showed the same trend. When fiber is added to soil cement, the surface of fiber adheres to the hydration products of cement and some clay particle. Therefore, this combination increases the efficiency of load transfer from the composition to the fibers which increase the peak strength (Tang et al., 2007). In addition, the tensile strength shows the same trend.
Based on the experimental data on the behavior of a randomly reinforced clay soil and soil cement multiple regression models (linear and non-linear) were developed for calculating the peak compressive and tensile strength (dependent variables) based on the value of the coefficient of determination (R2). The proposed regression models were functions of independent variables including weight percent of fiber, length of fiber (length/diameter of fiber), weight percent of cement, and curing time. Finally, the comparison is made between the predicted results from proposed models and experimental results. In order to investigate the model accuracy, the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE) are used.
 The Multiple Linear Regression models (MLR) was very suitable for the study of the effect of independent variables on the quantitative analytic dependent variable. The NRSME for peak compressive and tensile strength is was 3.59% and 5.11% respectively for these models. Also, the Multiple Nonlinear Regression models (MNLR) had a much lower error than the linear model because of the quadratic equation, the equation will be able to predict the increase and decrease of the output variable in terms of the increase of the independent input variable. Therefore, The NRMSE for peak compressive and tensile strength was 1.02% and 4.04% for MNLR models respectively.
The following conclusions can be drawn from this study:
- The strength of reinforced soil and soil cement is increased by increasing the fiber content.
- Increasing the length of the fibers in the soil and soil cement has no significant effect on increasing the peak compressive strength, but it will be effective in increasing the tensile strength.
- The Multiple Nonlinear Regression models (MNLR) have more accuracy for prediction of output variable (peak strength) because of lower normalized root mean square error../files/site1/files/131/7Extended_Abstract.pdf

Reza Nassirzadeh Goorchi, Mehdi Amini, Hossein Memarian,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (8-2019)

One of the most sensitive and important issues in some civil engineering projects is slope design and application. The process of slope design always involve many uncertainties. Hence, it is impossible to accurately comment on its stability or instability. Most of the uncertainties in the slope stability analysis are related to the nature of materials, geometry, environmental conditions, model errors, and measuring errors as well. Therefore, the slope stability analysis with a deterministic approach which uses the concept of safety factor would often not result satisfactory. Consequently, the use of probabilistic methods is more advised. Accordingly, in recent years, the probability analysis has been used to slope stability analysis. In these analyses, the effective quantities of slope stability are considered as statistical distributions, and the reliability coefficient would then be a statistical distribution. Likewise, one of the approaches to simulate uncertainties in the probabilistic analysis is to use the variation coefficient. If the variation coefficient changes, the probability of failure will change accordingly. When the variation coefficient becomes a larger number, costly solutions are required to reduce the probability of failure. If the variation coefficient becomes low, the reliability will be increased and the required costs to reduce the probability of failure will be decreased. Therefore, determining the amount of variation coefficient in these analyses is very important. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient between the quantities is another effective parameter in computing the probability of failure.
Material and methods
In this research, the stability analysis of the slope facing the spillway of the Shiraz Kavar dam has been done in two probabilistic and deterministic methods. Since circular slip probability is more likely than other types of failure, in the analysis of the stability of this slope, the problem of circular failure is very important, and an appropriate equilibrium program should be used for circular failure analysis. Therefore, SLIDE software was used to slope stability analysis. For material behavior, the Hook-Brown failure criterion was applied. In order to determine the strength parameters of the criterion, Geological Strength Index (GSI), uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and rock constant parameter mi were used. For crushed rock with a moderate quality of crushing, the GSI quality of the rock mass was about 23 to 38, which the average value of that for the rock mass of the overflow was assumed 35. Also, the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock was evaluated about 50 to 100 MPa with an average value of 75 MPa. In addition, the value of mi was 10, and due to mechanized drilling, the disturbance factor was considered to be 1. The amount of unit weight was assumed to be 22 kN/m3. The initial model used for deterministic and probabilistic analyses, is the Morgenstern-Price model. To conduct probabilistic analyses, Monte Carlo simulation was performed using random sampling method (RS-MC) and 200,000 sampling were used to converge the simulation results. To determine the coefficient of variation and the probability distribution of UCS, GSI and mi, the proposed values ​​of Hook (1998) were applied and for unit weight (γ) James Rodriguez and Sitar (2007) studies were used. Also, the minimum and maximum values ​​of UCS and GSI are determined based on the results of experiments, and Third Sigma rule was utilized for mi and γ quantities. Since the earthquake phenomenon is rarely of great intensity and the number of small earthquakes is higher, therefore the truncated exponential distribution function can be in good agreement with the results of the earthquake. Usually, the maximum magnitude of the earthquake acceleration coefficient is twice that of the average.
Results and discussion
In the presented paper evaluation denotes that the safety factor computed by probabilistic analysis is given as a distribution function. The function provides a clearer view of failure condition. However, a deterministic analysis only illustrates a certain value for the failure. In addition, the results of the probabilistic analysis show that it is possible to optimize the dip of the slope; such that it remains completely stable and the volume of earthwork is also minimized. Therefore, by using probabilistic analysis, the optimal dip of the slope was determined. In these circumstances, the amount of earthwork was decreased by 28,000 cubic meters. Also, the sensitivity analysis of the variation coefficient and correlation coefficient between parameters are analyzed. The results of the sensitivity analysis of the failure probability versus the variation coefficient of the quantities showed that the quantities of sensitivity factor for static conditions is greater than the corresponding pseudo-static, and the GSI amount is the highest, while the specific gravity has the least effect on the probability value. In addition, the analysis indicated that if the GSI coefficient of over 21% is selected, the probability of a static failure is higher than the permissible limit. Also, increasing the variation coefficient of quantities by as much as 50% exhibits that the probability of static failure is still below the permissible limit. Also, the correlation coefficient between UCS and GSI shows that the higher variation coefficient of the quantities is chosen, the more variations of failure probability compared to . In the case of pseudo-static conditions, variations in the failure probability are linear in relation to , while in static conditions, these changes are exponential for an increase of 50% in the variation coefficient. Also, to reduce the coefficient of variation by 50%, the probability of static failure for different values of  is approximately zero.
Seyed Taha Tabatabaei Aghda, Ali Ghanbari, Gholamhosein Tavakoli Mehrjardi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (8-2019)

In some ports, the dredging and accumulation of a large amount of sedimentary material turned to a serious challenge, because of their sequent environmental and economic effects. These problems clarify the necessity of reusing dredged materials. Often, owing to their poor mechanical properties, they are not applied directly in technically engineering uses, so they require to be improved. Geocell application is one of the methods used for the improvement of soil behavior, which confines the sand mass through itself in the three-dimensional structure. These methods ease the speed of applying emerged it into a perfect option for stabilizing of the granular soil.
 In Shahid Rajaee port, by the dredging process for developing new phases, a large amount of calcareous sand is being accumulated near the Persian Gulf coastline. Therefore, in order to provide a solution to reuse these materials, this study attempts to investigate the beneficial influence of reinforcing sand by geocell on its load-beneficial behavior experimented by the plat loading test. For this purpose, a large scale model including circular foundation on reinforced and unreinforced sand has been employed under cyclic loading process.
Material and Methods
Two types of soils were used in this study. The first type was the sand derived from the dredging process of Shahid Rajaee port which has been used in different layers of the models. The second type of soil was well-graded gravel which has been used only in the cover layer.
The geocell in this study were made of heat-bonded non-woven polypropylene geotextiles. Single cells were 110 mm long, 100 mm wide and 100 mm height.
Plate load test
In order to determine the bearing capacity of backfills, repeating plate load test was used with 150 mm diameter. Loading process included four stress levels (250, 500, 750 and 1000 kPa) consisting of 10 cycles each.
Test backfills
Four backfills was made by manually compacting the dredged sand, with tamper up to 350 mm in reinforced cases and 450 mm in unreinforced cases. Then geocells placed and dredged sand filled with accuracy in cells. Finally, a 50 mm thick sand or gravel cover layer, was placed. All lifts were compacted to 70% of relative density with 4% moisture content.
Results and Discussion
PLT results are summarized in Table 1. According to the results, only geocell reinforcement backfills can carry standard truck wheel load (550 kPa). Geocell can increase the ultimate strength of backfills with a sand cover layer by 70% (from 416 kPa to 725 kPa) while in backfill with a gravel cover layer showed 80% increase (from 520 kPa to 960 kPa) in ultimate strength. The gravel cover layer in unreinforced backfills increases the ultimate strength by 25 percent (from 416 kPa to 520 kPa).
Table 1. Results of PLT and performance ratings
Backfill name UR-S GR-S UR-W GR-W
Maximum stress (kPa) 416 725 520 960
Settlement at failure (mm) 4.6 9.0 15.5 14.9
Plastic settlement (mm) 3.5 7.0 12.5 12.0
Number of load cycles 10 20 20 30
Bearing capacity ratio (BCR) 1 1.74 1.25 2.32
Performance rating 4 2 3 1
Base on Table 1, bearing capacity ratio (BCR) has been increased up to 2.3 and has best when geocell reinforcement and gravel cover layer were used together. Geocell utilization as reinforcement for sand backfills, improves the stress-settlement behavior. Dredged sand can be used as backfill material for yards and access roads when reinforced with geocell and covered with a layer of well-graded gravel../files/site1/files/132/3Extended_Abstracts.pdf
Vahed Ghiasi, Mobin Moradi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (8-2019)

Raft foundations are generally used to support buildings and structures, with or without basements, in dry or high ground water table conditions. When the shallow subsoil conditions are unfavorable (unsafe bearing capacity or excessive settlements) then load bearing piles can be used for transferring the total loads to more competent soil layers. In many cases, the maximum and differential settlements are the controlling factors to the selection of composite foundations systems including piles and raft. The piled raft foundation contains three elements of load-bearing; namely piles, raft and the underlying soil mass. Matching their relative stiffness, raft foundation distributes the whole load is transferred from the superstructure to the top soil and the connected piles. In foundation design, the idea of combining mat foundation and deep foundations as a new option in the topic of foundation engineering has been raised in recent years. The use of deep foundations under mat foundations (Piled-raft Foundation) can leads to reduce the settlement and the effect of bearing capacity. In conventional design of piled foundations, it was usually postulated that the overall load is supported by the piles. In composite foundation systems, raft contribution is taken to confirm the bearing capacity in ultimate moment and the serviceability of all over system.
Material and methods
Composite piled-raft foundations including pile and raft have been considered in this research. Knowing the performance of composite piled raft systems is important because of the fact that the decreasing role of differential settlement and piles plays the role of supporting the underlying soil and increasing the load bearing capacity of the soil. A case study has been used to analyzing the performance of piles and shallow foundation systems in this study. For this purpose, the finite element PLAXIS 3D foundation software is used to analyze the foundation deformation. Raft foundation with a thickness of 0.3m and dimensions of 6 × 6m, which is located on a uniform sandy soil mass, and depth of raft from the soil surface is 2 m. Piles with a circular section of length 10 m, a thickness of 0.5 m and with 9 numbers below and within soil are located. Groundwater level is not considered, which actually indicates that the water level is outside of the 25m thick layer of the sand. In this research, deformation of foundation, moment applied on foundation and also the contribution of piles in the bearing of combined system under static loading in sandy soil for the various of pile lengths 7m to 13m and different thickness of raft 0.3m to 1m in the piled-raft foundations regarding connection of raft and piles, has been analyzed.
Results and discussion
The obtained results indicate that the first to third layouts in the optimal system where the central piles are longer, the settlement has had a maximum decline. A comparison of the default composite system with a 10 meter pile length and an optimal proposed system illustrates that the optimal system in the first and fourth layouts reduces differential settlement of raft in relation to the default system. Applying variations in pile lengths the optimal system has led to a reduction in the amount of bending moment applied to the raft in all layouts. Composite systems with the first, second and third layout, optimize system utilization effect on increasing the share of piles bearing. But in the fourth, with the optimum layout of the composite piled-raft system share of piles bearing to the total load on the same analogy in the basic system, the less value has been raised this argument that the position of the scattered placement of piles are the reason for this issue. The raft thickness of the composite system is another parameter whose performance has been measured against the raft settlement. With the increase in the maximum amount of raft thickness increases the settlement which of course this increasing is small and very different thickness is not notable. By increasing the raft thickness, reducing the differential settlement is sensible but the major settlement reduction in the thickness of 0.3m to 0.5m has been occurred. With increasing the raft thickness the value of the moment has been increased. This moment increasing in the piled-raft system with disconnected piles over other systems in the primary thickness, moment is created about 60 kN and the raft thickness 1m, this moment value has reached more than 100 kN, as well as, by increasing the raft thicknesses, the amount of load share of the piles to the total load increased, significantly.
The following conclusions were drawn from this research.
-Use a long piles in the center and the shorter piles about the raft reduce the maximum settlement, differential settlement and significant reduction of the raft foundation moment, and beside these, piles bearing the composite piled-raft system is increased.
By increasing the raft thickness increases the maximum settlement, mean settlement, bending moment of raft has been increased. The positive effects of increasing the thickness of raft foundation is reducing the differential settlements and increasing the pile contributions in the bearing. This result has been expected due to increasing the raft mass and rigidity.
-The combined piled-raft system utilizes connected and disconnected piles to the raft and detached from it simultaneously to improve the expected indices../files/site1/files/132/4Extended_Abstracts.pdf
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Volume 13, Issue 2 (8-2019)

Retaining walls are geotechnical structures built to resist the driving and resistant lateral pressure. In terms of serviceability life, these walls are divided into two groups including short-term structures (temporary), such as urban excavation project, and long-term (permanent) structures, such as Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls (MSE Walls). Retaining walls are implemented by two main methods including Top-down and Bottom-up. Among the reinforcements applied in the Bottom-up walls, one can name geocells, geogrids, metal strips, and plate anchors. On the other hand, the common reinforcements applied in the Top-down walls are grouted soil nails and anchors and helical (screw) soil nails and anchors.
Plate anchors are burial mechanical reinforcements that have one or multiple bearing plates with a bar or cable to transfer the load to an area with stable soil. Among different types of plate anchor applied in onshore and offshore projects, one can name simple horizontal, inclined, and vertical plate anchors, deadman anchors, multi-plate anchors, cross-plate anchors, expanding pole key anchors, helical anchors, drag embedment anchors, vertically loaded anchors (VLAs), suction-embedded plate anchors (SEPLAs), dynamically-embedded plate anchors (DEPLAs) like Omni-max and torpedo anchors, and duckbill, manta ray and stingray anchors.
The present research reports the results from physical modeling of plate anchor retaining walls under static loading. The evaluation parameters in this work include the geometry, dimension, and reinforcement configuration of plate anchors on wall stability. PIV technique was employed to observe critical slip surface. It is worth mentioning that PIV is an image processing technique firstly used in the field of fluid mechanics to observe the flow path of gas and fluid particles. This method was used in geotechnical modeling by White et al. (2003) and few reports are already available about its application to observe wedge failure of mechanically stabilized retaining walls.
Material and methods
To carry out tests at a laboratory scale, a dimensionality reduction ratio of 1/10 was applied. Thus, all dimensions of the designed retaining wall were divided by 10. As a result, a retaining wall with a height and length of 3000 mm was reduced to a wall with 300×300 mm2 dimensions. To build a retaining wall, a chamber was designed with a length, width, and depth of 1000 mm, 300 mm, and 600 mm, respectively.
The soil used in all tests was the sandy soil supplied from Sufian (in Eastern Azerbaijan, Iran). According to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), the soil is classified as poorly graded sand with letter symbol ‘SP’.
To create a perfect planar strain condition and prevent any friction between the footing and the lateral sides of the test box, the footing length was selected 1 mm smaller than the 300 mm width of the test chamber. Therefore, the length, width, and thickness of footing were selected as 299, 70, and 30 mm, respectively.
The length and diameter of applied tie rods were respectively 300 mm and 4 mm, which are the smaller scales of 3000 mm length and 40 mm diameter tie rod. The two sides of the tie rods were threaded to plate anchors and wall facing. Four polished square and circular anchor plates with two different areas were used. The area of small and medium circulars are respectively equivalent to the area of small and medium square plates.
Because no post-tensioning occurs in these plate anchors, the horizontal and vertical distances were both selected as 1500 mm. By applying a dimensionality reduction coefficient of 1/10, a 150 mm center-to-center distance was obtained for reinforcements in the wall. Accordingly, three applied reinforcement configurations including 5-anchor, diamond, and square configurations were used.
To construct permanent retaining wall facing, prefabricated or precast concrete blocks with a thickness of 300 mm were used. Wood (2003) conducted a dimensional analysis and introduced four types of material with different thicknesses for a 300 mm concrete facing in laboratory modeling. Accordingly, a 0.9 mm thick aluminum plate was used in the experiments performed in the present work.
Results and discussion
With an increase in dimensions of anchor plates, an increase in bearing capacity of footing and a decrease in horizontal displacement of the wall are noticed. By comparing the 24 mm footing settlement in three configurations, with changing dimension of the plates from C1 to C2 and S1 to S2 respectively, 63% increases are observed in bearing capacity of the wall.
An increase in anchor plate dimensions results in a significant decrease in wall displacement. Therefore, changing the plates from C1 to C2, S1 to S2 leads to 24% and 28% declination in wall displacement.
By changing reinforcement configuration from square to diamond, diamond to 5-anchore, and square to 5-anchor, respectively, 27%, 31%, and 67.5% increases in bearing capacity for small plates, 9.2%, 27%, and 38% for medium plates are achieved using a comparison of the final loading steps in experiments. An analogy of percentages shows that a decrease in the effect of changing the reinforcement configurations on the bearing capacity of the wall with an increase in plate anchors dimensions is reached. 
In the present research, a set of laboratory experiments were carried out to evaluate the stability of mechanical retaining walls reinforced with plate anchors with different geometries (square and circular), sizes (small and medium), and configurations (diamond, square, and 5-anchor). The main results of the present work can be outlined as follows:
• The maximum bearing capacity is for the 5-anchor configuration since it has one more reinforcement. After 5-anchor configuration, the diamond configuration results in a higher bearing capacity compared to the square configuration.
• Circular anchor plates compared to square anchor plates provide a higher wall stability and in the most of the experiments lead to higher bearing and lower displacement in the wall.
• Wall displacement in a diamond configuration with one less reinforcement shows a little difference with 5-anchor configuration. The maximum wall displacement occurs in a square configuration and more wall swelling is observed in the wall middle height due to inefficient anchors configuration in the wall.

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