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Hossein Mohammadzadeh, Vahid Naseri Hesar, Hamid Ghalibaf Mohammadabadi,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (Winter 2023)

Due to the complex hydrogeology of karst areas, the sealing of dams in such areas is more difficult, time-consuming and expensive, and the possibility of water leaksge is higher. After the dewatering of the Gharetikan dam and appearance of downstream springs and the leakage of water from the abutment of the Tirgan limestone formation, the possibility of karst development is considered to be the most important problem of this dam. In this article, the potential of karst development in the area and supports of the Gharetikan Dam has been studied by carrying out geological studies, structural geology and joint studies, geotechnical permeability and analysis hierarchy method (AHP).. The results show that about 14.6% of the ​​Gharetikan dam area has a high potential for karst development. The area of ​​Gharetikan dam area is affected by the Sarroud fault zone system, which has caused the collapse of the left side of the dam axis. The joint studies in the abutment of Gharetikan dam show three main types of joints. Two groups of joints are located at the intersection with the dam axis and the slope of the other group of joints is towards the dam basin. The investigating of Lugeon permeability tests in the dam construction shows that the highest permeability can be seen in the left abutment with turbulent flow, and then under the river bed with linear and turbulent flow, but there is no permeability in the right abutment. And the flow is mostly linear. According to the structural-conceptual model prepared from the location of the Gharetikan dam, to the location of the dam axis in the Sarroud fault system, and the amount opening and the slope direction of the joints in each station, it is expected that the amount of water leakage and escape and the possibility of karst development from the left side and the bed of the dam will be more than the right side of the dam.

Dr Seyed Yahya Mirzaee, Phd Student Roghayeh Amiri, Dr Manouchehr Chitsazan,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (Winter 2023)

This study investigates the effects of climate change on the Khorramabad Central Plain aquifer. The climatic variables of temperature and precipitation were studied and downscale using GCM and LARS-WG models for a 45-year base period (October 1971 to September 2015). Temperature and precipitation values were then projected for a 30-year period (October 2024 to September 2054) under the climate scenarios SSP1.2.6, SSP2.4.5 and SSP5.8.5. The rainfall runoff simulation was carried out in the Khorramabad basin using the IHACRES model. The groundwater flow in the central plain of Khorramabad was calibrated using MODFLOW code for a period of 120 months (October 2010 to September 2020). This model was validated for a period of 36 months (October 2020 to September 2023). According to the results, the values of precipitation in the future period compared to the base period will decrease by 42.6, 47 and 61.9 mm in the scenarios SSP1.2.6, SSP2.4.5 and SSP5.8.5 respectively. The annual mean of minimum and maximum temperatures increases in all three scenarios. After calibration of the IHACRES model, NSE=0.74, RMSE=1.46 and R2=0.64 were obtained. According to the results, the predicted discharge of the Khorramabad River in the future period will increase by 2.38 m3.sec in the SSP1.2.6 scenario and decrease by 0.42 and 0.94 m3.sec in the SSP2.4.5 and SSP5.8.5 scenarios, respectively, compared to the base period. The average 30-year aquifer balance under the SSP1.2.6, SSP2.4.5 and SSP5.8.5 scenarios was 27494.5, -12335.3 and -41823.3 m3, respectively. The groundwater level of the Khorramabad Central Plain aquifer will decrease in the future period.

Prof. Mohammad Nakhaei, Dr. Amin Mohebbi Tafreshi, Dr. Tofigh Saadi,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (Winter 2023)

A sharp drop in groundwater level as a result of indiscriminate extraction over a long period of time leads to the drying up of groundwater flows, which is called the phenomenon of groundwater drought. In this regard, this research aims to investigate the process of change and reduction of groundwater level, which is characterised by the phenomenon of groundwater drought. Based on this, the Groundwater Resource Index (GRI) was used to evaluate the drought condition of groundwater and analyse its spatial and temporal patterns based on groundwater level data of 21 observation wells between 1993 and 2019. ArcGIS software was used to create zone maps. The results of the research show that certain areas of the study area have experienced moderate to severe drought since 2001. In addition, the GRI zonation maps show that the southern and south-eastern regions of the aquifer have been more sensitive to drought than other parts of the aquifer during the defined period. The spatio-temporal pattern of groundwater drought in the aquifer shows that after a period of moderate drought from 2001 to 2003, the condition of the aquifer improved slightly, and generally stable conditions were established from 2001 to 2010, but since 2011, the occurrence of drought has intensified and the aquifer has been in severe to very severe drought conditions. These conditions highlight the need for careful attention and implementation of management measures. One of the study's recommendations is to use satellite data on groundwater levels to assess the progress of the drought, and compare it with the findings of this study.

Dr Sayed Ali Asghari Pari,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (Spring 2024)

Pile design is subject to a number of uncertainties that must be addressed to ensure the reliability and safety of the foundation. A common approach to reduce uncertainties in pile design is to calibrate the resistance factor in the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method through reliability analysis. However, it is important to recognize that the LRFD method may not fully account for uncertainties associated with soil and pile resistances. The results of this study show that the separate consideration of base and wave resistance can lead to a more accurate and reliable design of piles. The proposed method can help engineers make more informed decisions and reduce uncertainties in pile design. In addition, the study highlights the importance of considering different factors such as the ratio of dead to live load and the ratio of base to shaft resistance when calculating the resistance factor.

Amin Ahmadi, Maryam Zebarjad, Ghoramreza Mirzavand,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (Spring 2024)

The zone of influence is the area where water withdrawal from the well causes the water level to fall. The drawdown cone is a conical shape of the water level in the zone of influence, and it is necessary to know the effect of the factors influencing it. Previous studies have mainly investigated aquifers with horizontal water levels and less realistic conditions. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of well physical parameters on the drawdown cone in one of the unconfined aquifers with a sloping water surface. In this aquifer, a normal discharge well was simulated using the Modflow program and the effect of the target parameters was studied. The results showed that: the drawdown cone is symmetrical up to long pumping and relatively long distances; the zone of influence will eventually extend to the entire aquifer and significant drawdown will occur at long distances. A significant part of the drawdown in the well is recovered in the first moments of pump shutdown, but at long distances, the drawdown continues to increase for a long time. An inflection point can be extracted from the drawdown cone which represents the minimum drawdown that does not increase after the pump is stopped and can be introduced as a unique value. By increasing the flow several times, the depth of the cone increases, but the width of the cone increases only slightly. If the pump is turned on and off successively, the general shape of the cone does not depend on the nominal discharge of the well, but mainly on the average discharge of the aquifer. Relative infiltration increases the depth of the cone only near the well and has no significant effect on its shape further away.

Somayeh Zarei Doudeji, Rahim Bagheri, Hadi Jafari,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (Spring 2024)

Groundwater resources in Iran are of particular importance due to the lack of surface water resources, lack of precipitation, high evaporation volume and recent droughts. The first step in identifying and exploiting groundwater resources is its quantitative and qualitative investigation. Neyriz watershed, located in the study area of ​​Qatroiye desert, has 17 piezometers, whose groundwater level has been recorded monthly during the statistical period of more than 12 years. Investigations of the groundwater level and the map of the flow lines show the anomaly of the flow in the south and southwest part of the aquifer, which shows the direction of the groundwater flow contrary to the direction of the topography of the area. In this research, an attempt was made to investigate the cause of this anomaly based on the available information, including piezometer drilling logs, aquifer quality data, and national statistical data. Based on the qualitative information of the aquifer, the electrical conductivity and chlorine values ​​of the groundwater increase in the direction of the topographic slope, which indicates the flow in the direction of the topographic slope. Qualitative charts of Piper, Schuler and Durov also confirm this issue. The level of groundwater in selected exploitation wells for qualitative sampling based on the information of the depth of groundwater in national statistics also indicates the flow in the direction of the topographic slope. Finally, a clay layer with a thickness of 10 to 30 meters was observed in the drilling log of the piezometers in the south and southwest of the aquifer. Examining all the results shows that the existing aquifer is probably a double-layered aquifer, where the flow direction in the upper layer is in the direction of the topographic slope and in the lower layer is against it, and the piezometers of the south and southwest parts penetrated the lower aquifer. In order to confirm the desired hypothesis, it is suggested to carry out geophysical studies in the area or to dig exploratory wells.

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