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Showing 13 results for Shear Strength

Volume 4, Issue 2 (5-2011)

A regular set of large scale direct shear tests were performed to study gravel particle effects on shear strength characteristics of sands. The tests were conducted using direct shear apparatus with 300 mm × 300 × 170 mm shear box. Uniform, fine sand was used as the base material and mixed with 20, 40 and 60 percent of angular and rounded gravel grains with maximum size of 12.5 and 25.4 mm as oversized particles. All tests were performed on dry samples in drained condition. Samples were prepared in a relative density of 60 percent and tested using three surcharge pressures of 150, 300 and 450 kPa. According to the results, mixtures with angular and larger gravel grains show more shear strength and dilation compared to the mixtures contain rounded and smaller oversized particles. Enhancement of gravel content increases the effects of oversized particle on shear behavior of mixture. In this regard, some correlations for estimation of mixture's friction angle and shear strength were suggested based on gravel type and gravel content.
A Ghorbani, F Kalantari, M Zohori,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2014)

Determining the precise shear strength parameters of the fine grained soils is always a difficult task. In order to conduct the shear strength tests and determine the mechanical parameters of the soil, achieving an untreated high quality sample is a problem with a high degree of importance. Therefore, during the recent decades many researchers have attempted to provide relations between strength parameters and soil physical characteristics in a specific structure and so to provide the possibility of estimating the strength parameters based on these characteristics. The aim of this research is to estimate the shear strength parameters of a wide region of fine grained alluvial soil located in southern Tehran, Iran. In this regard, the geotechnical data including physical and shear strength parameters of 294 boreholes were firstly collected from the site. Then, the obtained data were statistically and independently analyzed. Based on the results of analyzes, the soil geotechnical parameters were presented for various depths with an acceptable level of reliability. Moreover, they were considered as a basis for providing a nonlinear regression model to estimate the soil shear strength parameters and based on the index physical characteristics of the fine grained soil (water content and plasticity index). The developed model is capable to predict the soil drained shear strength parameters and also other similar soil properties with a very good accuracy
Vahid Taebi, M Hajisotodeh, Ar Mahbobi Ardakani,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (6-2015)

One of the most useful procedures in soil stabilization is lime. Soil improvement using lime is a quick and simple approach which could be included in large and small projects. The objective of soil ‘Improvement’ with quicklime is to achieve an immediate reaction, which significantly strengthens the soil due to the removal of moisture and a chemical change in clays. In order to do a parametric study on the influence of the lime on shear strength preparing the samples is important. In this paper, in addition to considering a method of samples preparation, the effect of lime content, water content and processing time on the shear strength of clay using direct shear test is investigated. The results indicate that the method of samples preparation is effective and is identified that there is an optimum lime and moisture content which maximize shear strength.
Mahdi Khodaparast,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (6-2015)

The Dynamic Probing is an important test in site investigation and geotechnical studies. It is used for determination of situation and specification of soil layers when the depth of exploration is moderate. In our country, in the last few years test has been widely used to replace the standard penetration. In this paper, the experiences to use different various types of dynamic probing rigs and the errors that can occur in these experiments are discussed. Then the accuracy of this test is studied to evaluate the specification of fine-grained soils. The most important innovation of this research is the proposition of the new correlations between cone dynamic resistance and undrained shear strength and so compaction percentage in fine-grained soils. The paper encourages the wider application and further development of this test for site investigation in fine-grained soils.
M Moradi , A Hamidi , Gh Tavakoli Mehrjardi ,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (5-2017)

Consolidated-drained triaxial compression tests were conducted to compare the stress-strain and volume change response of sands and clayey sands reinforced with discrete randomly distributed poly-propylene fibers. The influence of various test parameters such as fiber content (0.0%, 0.5% and 1.0% by weight), clay content (0%, 10% and 20% by weight), relative density (50% and 90%) and confining pressure (100 kPa, 200 kPa and 300 kPa) were investigated. It has been observed that addition of clay particles to the sands decreased the shear strength of samples. Also, increase in clay content reduced dilation and increased compressibility of the mixed soil. Addition of the fiber to both sands and clayey sands samples improved the shear strength and increased ductility and axial strain at failure point. 

Gholamhosein Tavakoli Mehrjard, Fariba Motarjemi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (10-2018)

The general failure mechanism of soil element in geotechnical structures is shear failure under static and dynamic loads. Therefore, assessment of soils’ shear strength parameters is very crucial in the performance of geotechnical structures, especially in slope stability. Tavakoli Mehrjardi et al. (2016) showed that by increasing soil grain size in unreinforced soil masses, bearing capacity of foundation increases due to increasing shear strength parameters of soil mass. Furthermore, Tavakoli Mehrjardi and Khazaei (2017) found out that generally, for all reinforced and unreinforced conditions, cyclic bearing capacity was enhanced by increasing the medium grains size of backfills. Taking into account the deficiency of studies on the shear characteristics of soil, a series of large direct shear test have been carried out to investigate and to compare effects of the soil’s physical properties such as aggregate size and relative density, besides of normal stress, on the shear characteristics of the backfills.
Material and Test Program
In this study, three types of uniformly graded soils as fill materials with the medium grain size (D50) of 3, 6 and 12 mm were considered. These soils are classified as SP and GP in the Unified Soil Classification System. It should be mentioned that these materials can be used in railroad as ballast and in retaining walls as fill materials. The current study aims to investigate strength characteristics of the backfills, influenced by different parameters such as relative density of the fill materials, normal stress on the shear plane and aggregate size of the fill materials. To cover all the matters, 18 large-scale direct shear tests have been scheduled. These tests encompass two relative densities of fill materials (50% and 70% which represent medium dense and dense backfill, respectively), three aggregate sizes of fill materials (3, 6 and 12 mm- selected based on the scaling criteria on size of shear box) and three normal stresses (100, 200 and 300 kPa- these values cover rather low to high vertical stress in a soil element of common geotechnical projects) have been examined. It should be mentioned that, prior to shearing, the normal stress was applied to the specimens for a period of 1 h, in order to stabilize the soil particles from any possible creep. As all materials used in this research are of coarse-grained type and the experiments were performed under dry conditions, the displacement rate of 0.5 mm/min was selected. During the tests, the applied normal stress, displacement of the lower box, shear force mobilized at the interface and vertical displacements of the cap were continuously recorded.
Results and discussion
The curves of shear stress as a function of shear displacement and also shear displacement-vertical displacement for samples show that shear stress dropped down to a specific amount of residual shear strength after reaching maximum amount of shear stress . It was observed that increasing the particle size and relative density of the fill materials mostly fortify interlocking of the grains which in turn, resulted in increasing the tendency to expansion through the shear plane. On the other hand, the initial compression has decreased and dilation was started from a smaller shear displacement. This may be interpreted that as the soil particles size increases, more expansion is required to reach the maximum shear strength. Moreover, comparing the observed behavior, it is found out that unlike the effect of grain size and density, increasing the normal stress caused the materials to be more compressed, resulted in reducing expansion and increasing the initial compression of the soil mass. This conceivably means that increasing normal stress, transferred on shear plane, can change the failure mechanism of materials, from dilatancy failure to bulging failure under shearing. From the results, it was found out that increasing medium grains size of soil from 3 mm to 12 mm ended to improvement in the maximum friction angle at relative density 50 and 70% by the value up to 4.4 and 5.8 degree, respectively. In fact, due to increasing grain size, the grains interlocking have been fortified. In order to have a comparison, the maximum dilation angles of all fill materials, mobilized at the shear plane, have been derived. Accordingly, the maximum dilation angle was increased with the increment of the fill grains size and relative density of the material. Nevertheless, by considering variation of peak dilation angle with normal stress, it is found out that the normal stress had a negative influence on the advancement of interface’s dilation angle. These findings can be directly interpreted by considering the compression/expansion of the materials during the increment of shear displacements.
The current study, consists of 18 large-scale direct shear tests, aims to investigate shear characteristics of soil which influenced by different parameters such as relative density of the fill materials, normal stress at the shear plane and aggregate size of the fill materials. Eventually, the following conclusions are presented:
  • Increasing relative density, soil particle size and normal stress have beneficial effect in shear strength improvement. But, the mechanisms of each parameter in this enhancement is different.
  • The dilation rate of shear interfaces directly complies with changes in the ratio of applied shear stress to vertical stress. So, the maximum dilation angle and the maximum ratio  mobilized at the shear plane have occurred around the same shear displacement.
  • Maximum values of friction and dilation angels have been occurred around the same shear displacement. Moreover, compaction effort leads to increase the required shear displacements to approach the maximum shear characteristics.

Nazanin Mahbubi-Motlagh, Ahmad-Reza Mahboubi Ardakani,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Many studies have shown that the lime stabilization method can increase the strength and hardness of cohesive soils. Increasing these parameters is dependent on several factors such as curing time, lime content, clay minerals, soil particle size and moisture content.
When lime is added to moisture clay soils, a number of reactions occur to improve soil properties: 1- short-term and 2- long-term reactions. The short-term reactions include cation exchange, flocculate and carbonation; whereas, the long-term reactions include pozzolanic reactions. Since adding lime changes clay particles structure, it can change shear strength parameters.
Using geogrids as reinforcement in soil mass creates a composite system in which the soil tolerates compressive stresses. The elements of the reinforcement are also responsible for tensile stresses and interaction the reinforcement elements and soil increases the strength and ductility. The mechanism of stress transfer is based on interaction between soil and reinforcement. Accordingly, one of the most important issues in the analysis and design of reinforced soil structures is determination of frictional resistance parameters in soil-geogrid interface (adhesion and friction angle) which is discussed in this paper.
Stability and performances of reinforced earth structures significantly depend on the shear behavior of interface soil-geogrid in different weather conditions. Factors such as rainfall, seepage of groundwater and seasonal changes influence on soil moisture content. Changes in moisture content or soil dry density change interface soil-geogrid resistance. Increasing moisture content reduces the shear strength of reinforced soil and sometimes leads to large deformation or failure of system.
In this study, clayey soil with low plasticity (CL), hydrated lime for soil stabilization and two types of geogrid with different aperture size for reinforcing were used. In order to improve the brittle behavior of lime stabilized soils and to increase ductility of the samples, in the present study, lime stabilization and geogrid reinforcement was investigated, simultaneously. The interface shear strength parameters of treated soil with different lime content-geogrid and reinforcement coefficient were determined by direct shear tests. In addition, to study the effect of moisture content on interface shear strength soil-geogrid, all samples were subjected to shear in optimum and higher moisture content because the long-term performance of reinforced cohesive soils exposed to seasonal variations is evaluated.
Material and methods
The selected soil for the study is clayey soil from south region of Tehran, Iran. According to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), the soil was classified as CL (clay of low plasticity).
In this study, three series of specimens were prepared and tested as follows:
  • Stabilized samples with 0, 2, 4 and 6% lime for 7 days curing time
  • Reinforced samples by geogrid (with and without transverse ribs of geogrid)
  • Reinforced stabilized samples with different lime contents (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8%) by geogrid (with and without transverse ribs of geogrid) for 7 days curing times
To investigate the effects of bearing resistance provided by the transverse members of the geogrid and their contribution to the overall strength for reinforced soil sample, numerous tests were conducted with the geogrid without transverse members (all the samples had the same number of longitudinal members of the geogrid).
Direct shear tests were carried out on specimens based on ASTM D5321 at constant horizontal displacement rate of 1 mm/min.
Results and discussion
The results reveal that the shear strength of the stabilized soil increased and there are maximum values in an optimum lime content which is about 4%. Increasing lime content to an optimum lime content of clay caused the maximum changes in clay minerals because of cementitious and pozzolanic reactions and increases the strength of the clayey soil. Reduction of strength by adding lime to the soil more than the optimum content may be caused by the following reasons:
1. Stopping pozzolanic reactions because of finishing reactance during reaction
2. Making difficult the release of limewater (Ca OH 2) in the cementitious context of soil.
Until SiO2 and AL2O3 are not finished, pozzolanic reactions continue and produce cementitious product, thus the shear strength increases and improves the long-term performance of the stabilized soils.
Reinforced soil samples have higher shear strength relative to samples without reinforcement subjected to the same normal stress. This increase in shear strength is mainly attributed to the interlocking of soil particles that penetrate through geogrid apertures. In addition, geogrids restrain particles´ movement and thus increase the mobilized frictional resistance at particle contact points.
Increasing in lime content to 4% (optimum lime content in this study) has significant effect on the development of adhesion and then decreases gradually with increasing of lime content from 4 to 6%, while friction angles remain constant approximately.
Adhesion and friction angles decrease with increasing moisture content.
The results show that the reinforced stabilized specimen with 4% lime has the maximum value of reinforcement efficiency. The increase in moisture content can significantly reduce the reinforcement efficiency.
It is clearly observed that the reinforcement coefficient of reinforced stabilized sample by geogrid that has smaller aperture opening size (4Í4 mm) is higher than reinforced stabilized sample by another geogrid (10Í10 mm) in optimum and higher than optimum moisture content.
One hundred and twenty samples in 3 specimen categories including lime treated, reinforced and reinforced treated samples were prepared for the current study for 7 days curing time in optimum content and higher than optimum content. The main results can be concluded as:
The test results indicate that the shear strength of stabilized clayey samples increases after 7 days curing time due to pozzolanic reactions.
The results show that reinforced samples have higher shear strength relative to unreinforced samples.
Adhesion and friction angles and reinforcement efficiency decrease with increasing moisture content.
The reinforcement coefficient of reinforced stabilized sample by geogrid 1 that has smaller aperture opening size is higher than by geogrid 2. In general, interaction between particles and geogrid with smaller mesh size is stronger because of matching the size of soil particles and meshes../files/site1/files/123/8Extended_Abstract.pdf
Majid Aslani, Javad Nazariafsha, Navid Ganjian,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (11-2019)

Stone column installation method is one of the popular methods of ground improvement. One of the common uses of stone columns is to increase slope stability. Several studies have been performed to examine the behavior of stone columns under vertical loads. However, limited research, mostly focused on numerical investigations, has been performed to evaluate the shear strength of soil reinforced with stone column. The study presented herein is an experimental program, aimed to explore the shear strength of loose sand bed reinforced with stone column. Direct shear tests were carried out on specimens of sand bed material, stone column material and sand bed reinforced with stone column, using a direct shear device with in-plane dimensions of 305*305 mm2 and height of 152.4 mm. Experiments were performed under normal stresses of 35, 55 and 75 kPa . In this study, 4 different area replacement ratios (8.4, 12, 16.4 and 25%), and 3 different stone column arrangements (single, square and triangular) were considered for investigation. The obtained results from this study showed that stone column arrangement had an impact on improving the shear strength of stone columns. The most increase in shear strength and stiffness values was observed for square arrangement of stone columns and the least increase was for single stone columns. This study also compares the equivalent shear strength values and equivalent shear strength parameters (internal friction angle and cohesion) measured during experiments with those predicted by analytical relationships. Results show that shear strength values and shear strength parameters measured from experiments are higher than those obtained from analytical relationships. Accordingly, a corrective coefficient was calculated for each column arrangement to represent the correlation between experimental and analytical results.
Material Properties of Loose Bed and Stone Column
Fine-grained sand with particle size ranging from 0.425 to 1.18 mm was used to prepare loose sand bed, and crushed gravel with particle size ranging from 2 to 8 mm was used as stone column material. The sand material used as bed material had a unit weight of 16 kN/m3 and a relative density of 32.5%, and the stone material used in stone columns had a unit weight of 16.5 kN/m3 and a relative density of 80%. The required standard tests were performed to obtain the mechanical parameters of bed material and stone column material. As the diameters of model scale stone columns were smaller than the diameters of stone columns installed in the field, the particle dimensions of stone column material were reduced by an appropriate scale factor to allow an accurate simulation of stone columns behavior.
Testing Procedure
In this study, large direct shear device with in-plane dimensions of 305*305 mm2 and height of 152.4 mm was used to evaluate the shear strength and equivalent shear strength parameters of loose sand bed reinforced with stone column. Experiments were performed under normal stresses of 35, 55 and 75 kPa.
Two class C load cells with capacity of 2 ton were used to measure and record vertical forces and the developed shear forces during the experiments, and a Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) was used to measure horizontal displacement. All achieved data from the experiments including data on vertical forces, shear forces and horizontal displacements were collected and recorded using a data logger, and an especial software was used to transfer data between the computer and the direct shear device. All specimens were sheared under a horizontal displacement rate of 1 mm/min.
Testing Program
Experiments were performed on single stone columns and group stone columns arranged in square and triangular patterns. The selected area replacement ratios were 8.4, 12, 16.4, and 25% for single stone columns, and 8.4, 12 and 16.4% for square and triangular stone column arrangements. To eliminate boundary effects, the distance between stone columns and the inner walls of the shear box was kept as high as 42.5 mm. In total, 12 direct shear tests were carried out, including 2 tests on loose sand bed material and stone column material, and 10 tests on stone columns with different arrangements. From the tests performed on group stone columns, 4 tests were performed on single stone columns, 3 tests on stone columns with square arrangement and 3 tests on stone columns with triangular arrangement. Hollow pipes with wall thickness of 2 mm and inner diameters equal to stone column diameters were used to construct stone columns. To prepare the specimens, first, the hollow pipes were installed in the shear box according to the desired arrangement. Then, bed material with unit weight of 16.5 kN/m3 was placed and compacted in the box in 5 layers, each 3 cm thick. Stone material was uniformly compacted to construct stone columns with uniform unit weight. The compaction energy was 67 kJ/m3 in all tests.
Results and discussion
In this paper, the behavior of stone columns under shear loading was experimentally investigated in large direct shear device by performing tests with different area replacement ratios (8.4, 12, 16.4, and 25%), different stone column installation arrangements (single, square and triangular), and different normal stresses (55, 75 and 100 kPa). The key findings of this study are as follows:
1. Shear strength increases with increase of area replacement ratio due to the higher strength of combined soil-stone column system, and due to the increase of stone column area effective in shear plane. The amount of shear strength increase with area replacement ratio is low for ratios lower than 15%. However, this amount is higher for area replacement ratios higher than 15%.
2. For stone columns with equal area replacement ratios, higher shear strength was mobilized in stone columns with square and triangular installation arrangements compared to single stone columns. Among the installation patterns investigated in this study, stone columns with square arrangement experienced the highest increase in shear strength value, while single stone columns experienced the lowest. One of the reasons of shear strength increase in square and triangular patterns is the increase of confining pressure applied by stone columns to the soil between them. Another reason is the increase the total lateral surface by changing the column arrangement from single column to square and triangular patterns. This increased lateral surface increases the lateral force imposed on the stone columns, resulting in higher shear strength mobilization of stone material.
3. The slope increase of shear strength-horizontal displacement curves shows that soil-stone column system has higher stiffness than loose sand bed, and this stiffness varies with area replacement ratio and installation pattern. The maximum stiffness values refer to stone columns installed in square pattern and the minimum values refer to single stone columns. In general, stone column installation pattern has an effective role in increasing stiffness.
4. Results show that shear strength parameters increase in soil reinforced with stone column. The maximum increase in internal friction angle refers to stone columns with square pattern and the minimum increase refers to single stone columns.
5. The equivalent shear strength values measured from experiments are higher than those obtained from analytical relationships. Accordingly, it is conservative to use analytical relationships to calculate shear strength parameters. It is worthy to mention that these relationships assume that the value of stress concentration ratio is equal to 1. Results from this study indicate that the value of stress concentration ratio should be accurately calculated and used in the relationships.
6. As discrepancy was observed between values measured from experiments and those obtained from analytical relationships, corrective coefficients were calculated to modify analytical relationships. These coefficients were computed and presented based on stone column installation pattern, area replacement ratio and the applied normal stress values../files/site1/files/133/2Extended_Abstracts.pdf 
Mahnaz Firuzi, Mohammad Hossein Ghobadi, Ali Noorzad, Ehsan Dadashi3,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (12-2019)

Slope stability could be a major concern during the construction of infrastructures. This study is focused to analyze the slope stability of Manjil landslide that was located 41+400 to 42+200 km along Qazvin-Rasht freeway, Iran. The Manjil landslide, which had 168 m long and approximately 214 m wide, was occurred due to inappropriate cutting in June 2013 and led to destructive and closure of freeway. Slope stability analysis was carried out using a finite element shear strength reduction method (FE-SRM). The PHASE2D program was utilized in order to model the slope cutting and stability of landslide. Slope angle was flatted with 3H:2V geometry and stabilized with piling. The results indicated safety factors of 1.95 and 1.17 in the static and pseudo-static states, respectively, while the maximum bending moment with single pile (SP) in the pseudo-static state was 5.69 MN. Maximum bending moment of the pile around the slip surface was significantly large and more than the bending moment capacity of the pile. Due to the large bending moment on the pile, pile-to-pile cap connections (two pile group: 2PG) should be designed at the toe of the slope. The obtained results showed reduction of this parameter to 2.48 MN. Thus, it can be concluded that 2PG is a suitable stabilization method for the Manjil landslide.
Mr Vahid Yousefpour, Mr Amir Hamidi, Mr Ali Ghanbari,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (12-2019)

Sandy soils usually contain different amounts of fines like silt and clay, causing some changes to their shear strength and dilation characteristics. Bolton [1] conducted  some experiments on the different sands and suggested a relation between the parameters of the soil shear strength. In this paper, some experiments were performed on fine contained sand and the extended Bolton's relation was has been proposed. In this paper, shear strength and dilation behavior of a pure sand mixed with different amounts of silt or clay fines were studied using direct shear test device (100*100*30 mm), and a total of 96 tests were carried out. The samples were prepared separately using clay and silt contents of 0, 10, 20 and 30% in different relative densities of 70, 80, 90 and 100%. They were tested under three surcharge pressures of 90, 120 and 150 kPa, under particle crushing threshold. Variations in shear strength, maximum friction angle, critical state friction angle and cohesion, as well as dilation angle were investigated by increasing in the mentioned amounts. The results demonstrate that shear strength, dilation angle, maximum friction angle decreased by clay content increase, however, they increase with increase in silt content. In addition, a new form of the Bolton's relation for fine contained sandy soils was presented.
Mehdi Jalili, Hosein Saeedirad, Mohammad Javad Shabani,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Dispersive soils are problematic and they cause a great many of local damages and destructions in hydraulic structures such as dikes and irrigation channels. The correct identification and recognition of divergence are fundamental measures taken in line with preventing the early destruction of the hydraulic structures. The soil improvement using lime, especially in clayey soils (CL), brings about an increase in the optimum moisture percentage, reduction of the maximum dry unit weight, reduction of swelling potential, increase in the strength and elasticity module. The effect of lime on soil can be classified into two groups, namely short and long-term stabilization. Raise of the soil’s workability is counted amongst the short-term modification measures and it is the most important factor in the early improvement stages. The increase in the strength and stability can be considered as the lime utilization on long-term results occurring during curing and afterwards. Also, according to the reports, swelling and damages occur in the lime-stabilized soil containing sulfate. The effective role of the iron furnace slag has been well recognized in increasing the strength against sulfates and corrosive environment conditions of the mortar containing lime and sulfates.
Material and methods
Adding the slag products of the melting furnaces and lime is a method used to stabilize dispersive soils. The present study makes use of a mixture of clay featuring low plasticity with 1% and 2% lime and slag, for 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% of the weight, to improve dispersivity, shear strength and plasticity. The samples were kept in constant temperature and humidity for a day and then were subjected to direct shear, uniaxial strength and pinhole tests.
Results and discussion
It was observed based on pinhole experiment of the initial dispersive soil sample, denoted as D1, that the sample, shown by ND2, containing lime, for 2% of the weight, and slag, for 5% of the weight, turned out to have become non-divergent. The results of the direct shear test showed that the adhesion coefficient of the slag-free samples stabilized using 1% lime has been increased from 0.238 kg/cm2 to, respectively, 0.251 kg/cm2, 0.373 kg/cm2, 0.41 kg/cm2 and 0.48 kg/cm2  per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added. The adhesion of the samples stabilized using 2% lime as determined in the direct shear experiment were 0.615 kg/cm2, 0.671 kg/cm2, 0.724kg/cm2 and 0.757kg/cm2 per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added. Also, the internal friction angle of the samples stabilized using 1% lime was found an increase from 14.3° for slag-free samples to 18.11°, 21.3°, 21.86° and 21.92° per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% added slag. As for the samples stabilized using 2% lime, the internal friction angles were found in direct shear test equal to 23.15°, 23.53°, 23.76° and 24.12° per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added. The uniaxial strength of the slag-free samples stabilized using 1% lime was found an increase  from 1.0014 kg/cm2 to, respectively, 1.0616 kg/cm2, 1.0782 kg/cm2, 1.2127 kg/cm2 and 1.2246 kg/cm2 per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added. The uniaxial strength rates has been determined in the direct shear test of the samples stabilized using 2% lime were 1.1367 kg/cm2, 1.1885 kg/cm2, 1.2322 kg/cm2 and 1.2872 kg/cm2 per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added. The amount of axial strain of the slag free samples stabilized using 1% lime was found decreased from 9.6842% to, respectively, 9.3333%, 9.2683%, 9.6364% and 8.4444% per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added. Moreover, the axial strain amounts obtained for the samples stabilized using 2% lime were 7.7333 kg/cm2, 7.6316 kg/cm2, 7.1517 kg/cm2 and 4.7619 kg/cm2 per every 0.5%, 1%, 3% and 5% slag added.
The study results indicate that slag and lime have the capacity of improving the studied soil’s dispersivity. Furthermore, it was figured out that adding slag to the soil causes an increase in the soil strength and improves the shear strength parameters. It can be stated according to the observed results that the use of slag, a byproduct of iron smelting industry, as a substitute for a given percentage of lime is effective on the reduction of the clay soil’s divergence potential. The results of the experiments carried out to determine Atterberg limits are suggestive of the idea that the increase in the slag and lime fractions brings about a decrease in the liquid limit and plasticity and improves the plasticity properties of the soil. The reason why the soil plasticity has been reduced after being mixed with lime and slag is the cationic exchange and coarsening of the soil texture. Addition of lime to the soil causes an increase in the plasticity limit and a reduction in the liquid limit. Therefore, the plasticity index is decreased and the plasticity characteristics of the soil are improved. Adding 1% lime to the dispersive soil leads to small reduction of the liquid limit from 32.43% to 31.73%, a small increase in the plasticity limit from 13.42% to 14.66% and a insignificant decrease in the plasticity index from 19.01% to 17.07%.
Habib Shahnazari, Mahmoud Fatemiaghda, Hamid Reza Karami, Mehdi Talkhablou,
Volume 14, Issue 5 (12-2020)

The present work is conducted to investigate the effect of texture and carbonate content on internal friction angle of carbonate soils. Carbonate soils are majorly found in the bed of shallow waters and also offshores in tropical regions. Recently there is a huge construction projects including oil and gas extraction platform and facilities, harbors, refineries, huge bridges and other big construction projects in many offshore and onshore areas around the world. One of these area is located on southern part of Iran. We collected soil samples from different parts of northern coasts of Persian Gulf, then the following experiments were performed, carbonate content, three-dimensional grain size, angularity, relative density & direct shear. The results showed that the average of internal friction angle of carbonate soil is higher respect to known silicate sands. This angle is affected by effective grain size, grain angularity, and calcium carbonate content. Based on the experimental results of this study, one of the results was that the internal friction angle of carbonate soils decreases as their effective size of soil aggregates increases.

Majid Aslani, Javad Nazariafshar,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (5-2021)

Stone column installation method is one of the popular methods of ground improvement. Several studies have been performed to investigate the behavior of stone columns under vertical loads. However, limited research, mostly focused on numerical investigations, has been performed to evaluate the shear strength of soil reinforced with stone column. The stress concentration ratio (n) is one of the important parameters that uses in soil improvement by stone column method. Stress concentration ratio is the ratio of the stress carried by stone column to that carried by the surrounding soil. In this paper, the results of a laboratory study were used to examine the changes in the stress concentration ratio when normal and shear stress applied. Direct shear tests were carried out on specimens of sand bed material, stone column material and sand bed reinforced with stone column, using a direct shear device with in-plane dimensions of 305*305 mm and height of 152.4 mm. Experiments were performed under normal stresses of 55, 77 and 100 kPa. In this study, three different area replacement ratios (8.4%, 12%, 16.4%), and three different stone column arrangements (single, square and triangular) were considered for investigation. Loose sand and crushed gravel were used to make the bed and stone columns, respectively. In this study, the equivalent shear strength and equivalent shear parameters measured from experiments were also compared with those predicted by analytical relationships at stress concentration value of 1 and stress concentration value obtained from experiments.
Material Properties
Fine-grained sand with particle size ranging from 0.425 to 1.18 mm was used to prepare loose sand bed, and crushed gravel with particle size ranging from 2 to 8 mm was used as stone column material. The sand material used as bed material had a unit weight of 16 kN/m3 and a relative density of 32.5%, and the crushed stone material used in stone columns had a unit weight of 16.5 kN/m3 and a relative density of 80%. The required standard tests were performed to obtain the mechanical parameters of bed material and stone column material. As the diameters of model scale stone columns were smaller than the diameters of stone columns installed in the field, the particle dimensions of stone column material were reduced by an appropriate scale factor to allow an accurate simulation of stone columns behavior.
Testing Procedure
In this study, large direct shear device was used to evaluate the shear strength and equivalent shear strength parameters of loose sand bed reinforced with stone column. Experiments were performed under normal stresses of 55, 75 and 100 kPa. Two class C load cells with capacity of 2 tons were used to measure and record vertical forces and the developed shear forces during the experiments, and a Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) was used to measure horizontal displacement. The main objectives of this study was to calculate the stress concentration ratio of stone columns in different arrangement. Stress concentration ratio is the ratio of the stress carried by stone column to that carried by the surrounding soil, and can be calculated using Equation 1. For this purpose, the direct shear device was modified. Two miniature load cells with capacity of 5 kN were employed. The load cells were mounted on the rigid loading plate with dimensions of 305*305 mm2 and thickness of 30 mm, as shown in Figure 1, All achieved data from the experiments including data on vertical forces, shear forces and horizontal displacements were collected and recorded using a data logger, and an especial software was used to transfer data between the computer and the direct shear device. All specimens were sheared under a horizontal displacement rate of 1 mm/min.
Experiments were performed on single stone columns and group stone columns arranged in square and triangular patterns. The selected area replacement ratios were 8.4, 12 and 16.4% for single, square and triangular stone column arrangements. To eliminate boundary effects, the distance between stone columns and the inner walls of the shear box was kept as high as 42.5 mm. In total, 11 direct shear tests were carried out, including two tests on loose sand bed material and stone column material, and 9 tests on stone columns with different arrangements. From the tests performed on group stone columns, 3 tests were performed on single stone columns, 3 tests on stone columns with square arrangement and 3 tests on stone columns with triangular arrangement. Hollow pipes with wall thickness of 2 mm and inner diameters equal to stone column diameters were used to construct stone columns. To prepare the specimens, first, the hollow pipes were installed in the shear box according to the desired arrangement. Then, bed material with unit weight of 16.5 kN/m3 was placed and compacted in the box in 5 layers, each 3 cm thick. Stone material was uniformly compacted to construct stone columns with uniform unit weight.
Results and discussion
  1. The SCR value increases for settlement up to 3 mm and then decreases with increasing the horizontal displacement and then approaches almost a constant value. Results also show that stress concentration ratio decreases with increase of stone column diameter. Results show that the value of stress concentration ratio in square pattern is higher than that in single and triangular pattern. Moreover, results show that stress concentration ratio decreases with increase of normal stress.
  2. The value of the internal friction angle in (peak) state, for loose bed increases from 33 to 40 degrees in square arrangement and in the corresponding state of displacement of 10 % from 30 degrees in a loose bed increase to 32 degrees, for loose sand reinforced with stone column. Shear strength increases with the increase of modified area ratio in all stone column installation patterns in both the peak and the corresponding state of the horizontal displacement of 10%.
  3. For stone columns with the same modified area ratio, the installation pattern has an effective role in defining the shear strength. Group stone columns mobilize higher shear strength compared to single stone columns. Among the installation patterns investigated in this study, stone columns with square arrangement experienced the highest increase in shear strength value while single stone columns experienced the lowest.
  4. The equivalent shear strength values measured from experiments are higher than those obtained from analytical relationships. Accordingly, it is conservative to use analytical relationships to calculate shear strength parameters. It is worth explaining that these relationships assume that the value of stress concentration ratio is equal to 1. Results from this study show that the value of stress concentration ratio should be accurately calculated and used in the relationships.
  5. Comparison between shear strength parameters obtained from experiments and those predicted by analytical relationships shows that in single stone columns, the value of stress concentration ratio should be 3 to 4.5, and in square and triangular patterns, this value should be 6 to 7 and in triangular patterns 4.5 to 5, respectively, to achieve good agreement between experimental and analytical results in peak condition. In horizontal displacement 10% the value of stress concentration ratio should be 2.5 to 3, in single, square and triangular patterns, to achieve good agreement between experimental and analytical results../files/site1/files/151/2.pdf

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