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Showing 4 results for Yavari

Alireza Garshasbi, Dr Kazem Yavari, Dr Reza Najarzade, Dr Masoud Homayounifar,
Volume 3, Issue 10 (12-2012)

The estimation of output supply and inputs demand in farming sector with the assumption of full economic efficiency may result in false policy decisions. This article investigates the effects of irrigated wheat economic inefficiency on output supply and inputs demand in the period 2001-2009. After estimating the economic inefficiency by the use of production and cost stochastic models, the output supply and inputs demand of irrigated wheat are obtained through seemingly unrelated regression method. Results show that technical, allocative and economic inefficiency in irrigated wheat production in Iran are 21, 23 and 38 percent respectively. Moreover, the slope of output supply function is strongly affected by the related economic inefficiency in profit function and inefficiency changes input’s demand coefficients. Results also show that technical inefficiency has a greater effect on inputs demand compared to the allocative inefficiency.
Aziz Ahmadzadeh, Kazem Yavari, Mohammad Isaee Tafreshi, Ali Salehabadi,
Volume 5, Issue 17 (10-2014)

"Market efficiency" is the basic axiom of Financial Economics and fondamental base for ability of optimal allocation (of financial resources) in a capital market. Vast and extensive studies around Market efficiency in recent decades, has induced strong evolutions in economist’s perception from a Market efficiency, methods of assessing and their implications in real world. This essay attempts to procure a concise leterature review of these evolutions. Results show that applied methods in Iran are incomplete in regard with new addvancements in foreign studies. So, weak form efficiency of Tehran Stock Exchange is reevaluated using new method of H statistic of Hinich. Results of empirical study shows that weak form efficiency is rejected for all the sample as a whole. But, market efficiency would be in evolvotion in studied periods based on used H statistic in this article. Also, market efficiency experienced an stationary improvement  from 2005.

Yunes Salmani, Kazem Yavari, Hossein Asgharpour, Bahram Sahabi,
Volume 9, Issue 32 (7-2018)

One of the major problems in Iranian economy is continuous deficit in the budget operating balance due to the non-optimal government size. The government often financed a part of this deficit by debt cearation. Government debts depends on its size and decomposition have variety macroeconomic effects. So, this study investigated the macroeconomic effects of government debt in iran during 1352-1393 by a SVAR model. the result showed that government debt to Nondepository Institutions leads to aggregate demand surplus, increasing of relative price of nontradable goods to tradable goods and decreasing of gdp. The debt to central bank increase price level and decrease gdp. Finally, government debt to other Depository Institutions leads to aggregate demand surplus, increasing of real exchange rate, decreasing of relative price of nontradable goods to tradable goods, decreasing of general price level and increasing of gdp. Also, according to the results of variance decomposition, the government can control a significant part of short run and long run macroeconomic fluctuations by managing its debts.

Mohsen Mehrara, Gholamreza Yavari, Haasan Yaseri,
Volume 11, Issue 41 (10-2020)

Rice is the second strategic product after wheat and one of the most widely consumed food products in the country. Population growth, consumption and growing demand, price fluctuations and welfare effects due to changes in the amount and price of rice require the attention and planning and foresight of policymakers and the country's planning system. In this study, in the framework of inverse demand system, rice types (foreign rice 1 and 2 as well as four types of domestic rice) using cross-sectional data related to consumption and expenditure of urban households during the years 96-1392 were estimated by seemingly unrelated regression estimation (SURE) method. And from 4 systems of reverse demand IADIS, IROT, INBR and ICBS Only the inverse demand system IADIS It is compatible with the data of the research method and according to the results of the statistics, the correlation ratio is superior to the other three models In order to study the welfare effects, four scenarios were defined and by compensating the compensatory and equilibrium effects and combined changes were determined.  Due to the share of more than 60% of first grade foreign rice and second grade foreign rice in the expenditure share of urban households, a change in the amount of consumption of this type of rice compared to domestic rice can have a more significant impact on household welfare. The results of changing the values of different types of rice on their prices in the form of different scenarios showed that if the consumption values of imported rice decrease, the price of this rice will increase. However, the rate of price change for different types of rice is not the same, and its intensity depends on the amount of traction and the scale of each. On the other hand, the demand for different types of rice will increase in the future for various reasons, including population growth, which if this increase in demand is not accompanied by an increase in market value, will increase the price of various types of rice.

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