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Showing 3 results for karimzadeh

Mostafa Karimzadeh,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (6-2011)

With regard to importance of investment as an engine of economic growth many economists such as Wicksel, Keynse and Harrod believe that investment is the main source of business cycles. Hence this study specifies investment function according to a basic macroeconomic model such as Ramsey model. Application of Ramsey model can help to extend macroeconomics with micro foundations in economy of Iran and prepares new scopes for researchers. The main idea of this study is specification of investment function according to Ramsey model and its estimation by cointegration technique for period (1990:Q1-2007:Q4). The result of econometric estimation indicated a long run relationship between investment, capital stock, and shadow price of capital, installation cost of capital, capital price and terms of trade. Results showed that capital stock, shadow price of capital and terms of trade have direct effects and, installation cost of capital and capital price have inverse effect on investment.
Dr Mohammad Vaez, Dr Saeed Daee Karimzadeh, Gholamhossin Karimian,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (10-2011)

Foreign exchange reserves management is a main part of international monetary system that determines the optimum value and optimum exchange composition of foreign reserves. Recently new emerging market countries as well as crude oil exporting economies have accumulated huge stocks of foreign reserves. But the optimality of the composition of these reserves is doubtful. In today’s world economy in which such phenomena as financial crises and variations in the value of main currencies are occurring, the rearrangement in new foreign exchange convergences is probable. So, determining the optimal composition of foreign exchange reserves is one of the most important issues in international and financial economics studies. In this article we used the dynamic optimizing model based on Mean-Variance and Transaction Cost approaches to determine the optimum composition of foreign exchange reserves in selected Middle East crude oil exporting countries during the period 1999-2007. The results show that it is necessary for selected economies to revise their foreign exchange reserves so that to decrease foreign reserves depreciation risk and upgrading their ability to debts repayments.
Mostafa Karimzadeh,
Volume 5, Issue 15 (3-2014)


The specification of money demand function is one of the most important and disputable subjects in economics. With regard to its importance, many of economists have represented several theorizes about money demand. The Sidrauski monetary model is an interesting theory of money demand. Sidrauski extended Ramsey model with regard real balance of money which in the Sidrauski model the utility function involves both consumption and money. Application of Sidrauski model can help to extend macroeconomics with micro foundations in Iran and prepares new scopes for researchers. The main aim of this paper is to estimate the Sidrauski monetary model for Iranian economy over the period of 1979 -2011. For this purpose, the Engle – Granger, ARDL and Johansen- Juselius approaches have been used for estimation of long run relationship of money demand. The empirical results of econometric estimation of co-integration vector indicated a long run relationship between per capita money demand, per capita consumption, and inflation rate, rate of interest, exchange rate, per capita income, and stock exchange price index. Our results showed that per capita consumption and per capita income have positive and significant effect on per capita money demand. Whereas inflation rate, rate of interest, exchange rate and stock exchange price index have negative and significant effect on per capita money demand.


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