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Showing 19 results for Economic Growth

Roholla Mahdavi, Dr Esfandiar Jahangard, Dr Mahmood Khataei,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2010)

The foreign direct investment is one of the economic variables that can positively affect the economic growth, but according to some researches this does not apply to some countries. These researches implicate that this lack of positive effect is due to domestic qualification of the home country. One of the essential qualifications for positive effectiveness of foreign direct investment on the economic growth is the existence of developed financial market. Therefore, in this research we intend to examine the role of financial market in the effectiveness of foreign direct investment on the economic growth. To do this we made use of the data from 57 countries in the period 1990-2005 and the econometric technique of panel data. The results show that in developed countries because of their financial market, the effect of foreign direct investment on economic growth is positive and significant whereas in developing countries this effect is not significant.
Samad Ahangar, Saeedeh Rahimi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2010)

This paper focuses on the role of uncertainty about the number of surviving children. The survey discusses the effects of declining mortality rates on fertility, education and economic growth. The construction of the paper is an OLG model in which individuals make choices about fertility decision over their lifetimes subject to uncertainty about the immortality. The simulation of model using actual changes reveals the fact that if the uncertainty about child survival enters to growth model, the population becomes an inverted u-shaped function of income per capita. As the mortality rate and thus uncertainty falls, the precautionary demand for children decreases. Furthermore, lower mortality encourages investment in children’s education .Also the calibrated version of the model using realistic estimates demonstrates that at low levels of income, population growth rises leading to Malthusian steady-state equilibrium, whereas at high levels of income population growth declines leading to a sustained growth steady-state equilibrium.
Dr Leila Torki, Dr Seyed Komail Tayebi, Sajjad Sharifi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2010)

The theoretical literature of economic growth (endogenous and exogenous growth model) and empirical evidence in developed and developing countries show that without financial reform, sustainable development is impossible. The positive effects of financial sector development on economic growth and developments in the international financial sector make a more important issue. Some economists believe that financial reforms through increasing the level of savings and investment can provide economic growth. Also, some economists believe that financial reform by international capital mobility and technology transfer can cause income convergence among countries. This study investigates the theoretical foundations of financial development, financial system and its functions, and also the analysis of the effect of financial reform on economic growth and creating income convergence among selected Islamic countries during 2008-1979. Estimation results show that financial reform through liquidity has direct and significant impact on economic growth. The crossover effect of economic growth and liquidity has direct and statistically significant effect on income convergence.
Dr Esfandyar Jahangard, Elham Sepahvand,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (3-2011)

Intermediate goods are another produced factor of production, like capital. Considering intermediate goods in production function makes multiplier be even larger than the one. In this paper, based on the approach of Jones (2007,2010) We computed multipliers by intermediate goods. For this purpose, we used Input – Output table of Statistical Center of Iran (base year: 2001). Finding show that 10.6% of total products used in inter- sector transaction and 4.28% used in intera-sector transaction. Therefore, the domestic multiplier is 1.383 and import multiplier is 2.117 and total multiplier is 2.929.These results indicate increase in the multiplier. The industrial sector and mining sector produce the most and the lowest share of domestic intermediate goods, respectively. The highest and lowest shares of imported intermediate goods between economic sectors are in industrial sector and water sector, respectively
Dr Teymur Rahmani, Ebrahim Hasanzadeh,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (10-2011)

Convergence hypothesis includes two types of beta and sigma. In this study, we examine convergence hypothesis among Iran’s provinces and discuss the effect of internal net migration in that context since 2000 to 2007. The results indicate that poor provinces grow faster than rich ones and there is beta convergence in Iran. About sigma convergence, we found that the dispersion of GDP per capita increase among these provinces over the years. Immigration is one of the factors that could influence economic growth of provinces and convergence among them. The results show a direct relationship between net immigration and per capita GDP growth of provinces. When the variable of net migration is included into convergence equation, it increases beta coefficient. So, net migration has a negative effect on convergence. Immigration flows more from the poor provinces to rich provinces and increases the gap among them.
Abolfazl Janati Mashkani, Dr Morteza Sameti, Dr Rahman Khosh Akhlagh, Dr Rahim Dallali Esfahani, Dr Mostafa Emadzadeh,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (10-2011)

One of the important targets of the economic planning is economic growth via enhancement of the labor productivity. In this regard, education expenditures play a crucial role. This study aims at investigating the effect of education expenditures on the level of human capital and economic growth through a computable general equilibrium approach. The data on economic variables and social accounting matrix belongs to the year 2001. Three scenarios on education expenditures are defined and their effect on human capital and economic growth are estimated. The results show that education expenditures have positive effects on economic growth and human capital. A 50% increase in education expenditures in the first period causes 3.81 and 5.8 percent increase in human capital and economic growth respectively. In the second period, the same increase in education expenditures affects human capital and economic growth positively by 5.4 and 7.3 percent respectively. Although separating the economic growth into human and physical factors in the first period shows that there is no relationship between human capital and economic growth, but in second period this separation causes a relationship between the two factors.
Zahra Dehghan Shabani,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (6-2012)

  This research aims to analyze the effects of industrial agglomeration on regional economic growth in the Iranian provinces. For this aim, this study is divided into theoretical and applied sectors.

  In the theoretical point of view, the research has proposed a simple theoretical framework to study the impacts of industrial agglomeration on regional economic growth. In applied sector, we have specified econometrics models and estimated them by using a system of simultaneous equations using Panel Data for 28 provinces of Iran over the period 2000-2006.

  Results show that regional economic growth is positively affected by industrial agglomeration and regional knowledge level and negatively affected by human capital mobility cost and per capita income. Results also show that regional economic growth, transportation cost, household expenditure and human capital mobility cost have positive effects on industrial agglomeration in the Iranian provinces.

Dr Nader Mehregan, Dr Parviz Mohammadzadeh, Dr Mahmoud Haghani, Yunes Salmani,
Volume 4, Issue 12 (7-2013)

Price shocks lead to oil price volatility in world oil markets. In response to this volatility, economic growth may take different regime and behavior patterns in different situation. Investigating this multi behavior patterns can be useful for policymakers to reduce the effect of oil price volatility. In this study, an EGARCH model has developed using the seasonal data of OPEC oil basket nominal prices during 1367:Q1-1389:Q4. Markov switching models is also applied to investigate the multi behavior patterns of economic growth in response to oil price volatility in Iran. The results show that positive oil price shocks sharply lead to formation of oil price volatility, but, the negative price shocks will slightly reduce oil price volatility. Iranian economic growth is affected by this volatility under three different behavior regimes. If the economy switch to one of the regimes (low, medium, high economic growth), the probability of transition between these regimes and their duration is different. So, oil price volatility as a reason for low economic growth in Iran may cause the economy switch to its lower situation.
Mahdi Sadeghi Shahdani , Ehsan Aghajani Memar ,
Volume 6, Issue 20 (7-2015)

Fiscal decentralization that is considered a transfer of responsibilities that associated with accountability to sub – national governments, increases efficiency and providing better access to public goods in the Economy. According to the five-year development plans of Iran creating and allocating structure for provincial budgeting, fiscal decentralization generally is moving in the costs of its Provinces in order to give more responsibility to the provincial development projects. The aim of this study is an investigation of effect for partial fiscal decentralization on regional economic growth of Iran. Fiscal decentralization index is proportion of provincial's capital assets to government's capital assets, So this researches the effects of decentralization on economic growth in the framework of Solow's growth model. That the results based on data from 30 provinces between 2000 and 2007 on the panel data estimation, shows partial fiscal decentralization which has a non-linear relationship with the growth (convex shape) and partial fiscal decentralization Indicts the Optimal degree in growth of regional economy in Iran.

Nooroddin Sharify, Ramezan Hosseinzadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 24 (6-2016)

This study sought to evaluate the effect of changes in the composition of interregional intermediate exports and total volume of intermediate exports on the sectoral output of Golestan province and other regions using two-regional input-output model. For this purpose, at first, two-regional input- output tables for each of these region (Golestan province and other regions of country) were prepared for years 2006 and 2010 and then evaluate the effect of change in volume and composition of interregional exports on output changes in this regions using structural decomposition analysis (SDA). The results of the model for Golestan province indicate that the export of Golestan province to other regions of the country in study periods has decreased 349/09 billion Rials, and thereby total output of this province decreased 335/76 billion Rials. Also changes in composition of exports of Golestan province to other regions lead to increase 9.78 billion Rials in total output of this province.

Elnaz Hajebi, Mohammad Javad Razmi,
Volume 7, Issue 24 (6-2016)

A great portion of economic growth deals with education and development implies a gradual substitution of human quality instead of their quantity in development process. Improvement and higher education of women and their role in economic growth should be considered from this aspect. Recently, many empirical studies have evaluated the effect of higher education based on sexual separation on economic growth. The result of these studies shows that the higher education of women has a positive impact on economic growth. This paper, analyses the role of women higher education in economic growth of  some OPEC member countries and North Africa including: Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Algeria, Ecuador, Morocco and Tunisia. This paper uses panel data over 1991-2010 period and a modified neo-classical Mankiw-Romer-Weil growth model which all levels of education are employed. The results of this study indicate that women higher education has positive and significant effect on GDP per capita in these countries which shows the high importance of women higher education in expediting the economic growth of the studied countries.Bearing in mind, the empirical and statistical description in this study, it appears it is necessary for these countries to invest in higher education of women proportionate to the higher educations by means of adopting suitable policies for scientific development necessary for economic growth.

Dr Alireza Garshasbi, Mr Mojtaba Yusefi,
Volume 7, Issue 25 (10-2016)

Legal and economic dimensions of sanctions, and also its diversity make it difficult to evaluate the contribution of the sanctions on macroeconomic variables; besides quantification of sanction by itself is a major problem. As the first step in this study, we try to offer a new index for representing the sanction in economic modeling. For this purpose by applying the exploratory factor analysis approach, we try to measure the mentioned index and produce the time series for the period of 1978-2010; here twelve variables which are mainly affected by the sanctions included in related process. Then, applying three-stage least squares (3SLS) method for a small macroeconomic model, the contribution of the sanctions on major economic variables such as economic growth, trade, investment and employment are evaluated. According to the findings of this study, the direct effects of sanctions are only significant in growth and term of trade equations. It seems also that there is a direct relationship between severity of the sanctions and its impact on major economic variables.
Hosein Mohammadi, Morteza Mohammadi, Mohammad Tirgari-Seraji,
Volume 8, Issue 30 (12-2017)

Proposed by the World Bank, in which the emphasis is on the participation of all sectors in order to achieve comprehensive development in economic, political, social and cultural fields. In this research, by using data of governance quality in 97 countries in 2000-2012, using panel data method, the effect of governance quality index and its sub-indices on the growth rate of per capita GDP is studied. To achieve the comparable results, countries have divided into five groups with low income (first group), with lower than average income (second group), with higher than average income (third group), high income and non-OECD (Group 4) and high-income and OECD (Group 5) countries. Then the effects of some explanatory variables such as governance indicator and its sub-indices on the per capita GDP is estimated for each group of countries separately. The results of the research indicate that in the studied period and for the countries under study, the governance indicator and its sub-indices do not have the same effects on GDP per capita in different groups of countries. Voice and accountability index has a positive significant effect on per capita GDP growth only in three groups of countries (third, fourth and fifth groups). Political stability index only has a positive significant effect on per capita GDP growth in the third group. The government efficiency indicator only has a positive significant effect on per capita GDP growth in the third, fourth and fifth groups. In the first group, only the regulatory quality index has a positive significant effect on per capita GDP growth. This difference in the way indicators are used implies a difference in regulatory policies in order to influence the per capita GDP growth in different groups of countries.
Hassan Daliri,
Volume 11, Issue 39 (3-2020)

This study examines the Kuznets environmental curve among D8 countries in the period 1961–2016. The Kuznets environmental curve shows the reversed U-shaped relationship between economic growth and environmental degradation. In this paper, two methods of time series estimation and smooth panel transition estimation were used to test the hypothesis of this relationship. Also, the ecological footprint index was used as an indicator of environmental degradation. The time series estimation results show that there is a nonlinear relationship in all D8 countries but the classical Kuznets hypothesis was confirmed only in Malaysia, Egypt and Turkey and in other countries the relationship was not inverted U. In Iran, the relationship between GDP per capita and the per capita ecological footprint is N-shaped, and at the GDP levels of $5864 and $10514, the relationship between the two variables will change. On the other hand, testing of the Kuznets hypothesis by using panel smooth transition models showed that there was a nonlinear relationship between GDP and ecological footprint in D8 countries with a threshold. There was a direct relationship between ecological footprint and GDP per capita when economic growth below 8.3 percent and reverse relationship when economic growth above 8.3 percent

Jafar Zhilaei Aghdam, Ali Reza Daghighiasli, Marjan Daman Kashide, Ali Asmailpor Magari,
Volume 11, Issue 40 (6-2020)

The relationship between external debt and economic growth is one of the important issues in macroeconomics literature and has been considered in empirical studies. So, in this paper the long-run relationship among external government debt and economic growth in 58 selected developing countries for 1985-2018 by applying a pool mean group method which is suggested by Pesaran & Smith. The main empirical results showed that there is a long-run relationship between external debt and economic growth. Also, increase in growth in selected countries in addition to the influence of produce factors, labor, capital stock and monetary policy, influence of public debt. Also, capital stock, open economic, financial balance and saving variables has positive effect and population growth and Government revenue has negative effect on economic growth.

Hassan Dargahi, Mojtaba Ghasemi, Sajjad Fatollahi,
Volume 11, Issue 40 (6-2020)

This study investigates the relation between bounced checks and economic growth through the banking credit risk channel by estimation of a simultaneous equation system with panel data for 31 Iranian provinces covers the years from 2011 to 2015. For this purpose, after identifying determinants of the bounced checks, the relations of this variable with the non-performing loans, banking loans and economic growth are evaluated. The results confirm the positive relationship between the bounced checks to GDP ratio and the prices index, whereas the impacts of output deviation from trend and the index of enforcement of laws on the bounced checks are negative. In times of stagflation, with the decreasing possibility of defaults, the bounced checks tend to grow. Also, with the development of legal and judicial system in the country with a view to boosting institutional and governance quality, the number of bounced checks decreases on the scale of economic activities. On the other hand, the number of bounced checks after fixing the control variables will lead to an increase of non-performing loans and the bank credit risk. Meanwhile the impact of bank loans on economic growth through the productivity channel is meaningful and positive. Therefore, in the Iranian economy the increase of bounced checks through the channel of bank loaning power will have a negative influence on economic growth.

Abed Abbasidarkhaneh, Farid Askari, Abdolrahim Hashemi Dizaj,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (12-2020)

In this study, using linear and nonlinear Granger causality methods and regression switching, the relationships between the returns of important industry indices in the period 2008 to 2019 in order to invest in economic growth and development were examined. Based on the results obtained in the two periods of 2008 to 2013 and 2018 to 2019: 6, the relationship between the returns of the studied industry index has reached the highest value. In the linear Granger causality approach based on centrality criteria, the returns of metals index, machinery and investment are the most important and the returns of communication and banking index are the least important. It can also be said that the degree of effectiveness and efficiency of industry index returns is well affected by the amount of stock market fluctuations and this importance is asymmetric. In the nonlinear Granger causality approach based on the centrality criterion, the communication sector is the least important and the basic metals, chemical and machinery industries are the most important. In the period 2018 to 2019, the banking sector, automotive and communications industries are the most important and oil and metal products are the least important for investment.
Dr. Mohammad Hassanzadeh, Mrs Mina Barghinejad,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (9-2022)

Government investment and public debt are two important tools of financial policy affecting macroeconomic performance, which can be considered as one of the few remaining policy instruments to support growth. In the current study, the panel smooth transition regression model (PSTR) has been used to identify the threshold levels of government investment and public debt in 23 oil exporting countries during 2000 to 2021. Considering investment and public debt in separate models as transmission variables, the estimated results indicate the existence of a two-regime non-linear relationship. The estimation results show that in this group of countries, the positive effects of government investment on economic growth increase with the increase in the level of investment. During the first regime, public debt has a negative effect on economic growth. If public debt surpasses the threshold level, its negative impact on economic growth decreases.
Mr Abdolah Afshari, Mr Teimour Mohammadi, Mr Farhad Ghaffari,
Volume 13, Issue 50 (3-2023)

This research investigated the effects of oil revenue decreases as a non-linear model based on Threshold Vector auto-regression(TVAR), with an emphasis on Iran’s sanctions during the period of 2003–2021 with seasonal data.  Real oil revenue growth was selected as a threshold variable; during the two regimes, the threshold was selected as -0. 021 for oil revenues, and by the generalized impulse response functions(GIRF), the effects of oil revenue increases on economic growth were investigated.  Results revealed that shocks of oil revenue in upward and downward regimes had different effects on economic growth rates.  The effects of shocks of oil revenue on economic growth in a downward regime were positive until the second period, and after that, they decreased, and after the sixth period, the economic growth was negative.  And in the upward regime, it was positive, and after the first period, it decreased at a lower rate than in the downward regime and finally tended to zero.  Finally, it can be concluded that the effects of oil revenue decreases on economic growth rate were more in the downward regime than upward, revealing that sanctions and decreases of oil revenue have a great impact on reductions of production and economic growth.  Therefore, it is recommended that the government, by implementing true politics and economic programs in line with the reduction of sanctions, reduce the sanctions' effects on production and economic growth.

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