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Showing 18 results for Exchange Rate

Sajad Ebrahimi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (3-2011)

This study investigates the effects of terms of trade shocks and international reserves on the real effective exchange rate. For this purpose is used panel data technique and data related to 20 countries for 1980- 2008 period. Estimation results show that international reserves have buffer effect in terms of trade shocks and cause terms of trade shocks have less effect on real exchange rate. Of course this result confirms in developing countries, but don’t confirm in developed countries. In addition according to results, reserve effect in reduction terms of trade shocks effect in oil exporting countries is more than other countries. Also, according to estimations in this study, increase in financial development reduces buffer role of international reserves.
Dr Behzad Salmani, Dr Davood Behbudi , Siab Mamipour ,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (6-2011)

The optimal usage of oil as a natural resource is an important problem in exporting countries. These countries always are encountered with uncertainty and volatility of oil prices and its effects on real exchange rate. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship of between oil prices and exchange rate by emphasizing institutional quality in during 1995-2006. The model of this paper is estimated by panel data approach. Findings show that the oil prices have a positive effect on real exchange rate and it reduces international competition power. But institutional quality affects the extent to which the real exchange rates of oil-exporting countries co-move with the oil price. The results show that countries with high institutional quality such as control of corruption and regularity quality have real exchange rates which co-move less with the oil price.
Dr Alireza Kazerooni, Ali Rezazadeh, Siavash Mohammadpoor,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (10-2011)

The main purpose of this article is to investigate the asymmetric effects of the real exchange rate shocks on the non-oil exports of Iran in the period of 1974-2007. For this purpose, using nonlinear Markov-Switching approach, positive and negative shocks of the real exchange rate have been extracted. Based on the results of the Log Likelihood Function and Akaike Information Criterion, the best Markov- Switching model has been specified as MSIH with three regimes for estimating the exchange rate shocks. After extracting the exchange rate shocks, in the next step, the main model of the research has been estimated by using the Johansen-Juselius and DOLS co-integration approaches. Results show that the impact of some explanatory variables (GDP of home country, GDP of Foreign country, Terms of Trade and Openness) on the non-oil exports of Iran has been positive and statistically significant at 95% level of confidence. However, the impact of both positive and negative shocks on the non-oil exports has been negative. Overall, the main hypothesis of symmetrical impacts of the exchange rate shocks has been rejected.
Sajad Ebrahimi,
Volume 3, Issue 7 (3-2012)

  This study examines the theoretical and empirical aspects of the effect of capital inflow on exchange rate in 14 developing countries for the period 1980-2009. We developed an empirical model to investigate the effects of term of trade, real per capita output and trade openness on real exchange rate using d ynamic and heterogeneous panel and Pool Mean Group (PMG) methods. Estimation results show that various capital inflow channels have different effect on real exchange rate. For non-oil countries, only foreign aid inflow causes exchange rate appreciation in long-run and short-run and creates Dutch disease. In oil exporting countries, oil revenues and foreign direct investment cause exchange rate appreciation and create Dutch disease problems in the long-run. However, an increase in oil revenues in oil exporting countries causes more exchange rate appreciation than an increase in foreign direct investment.

Dr Hassan Heidari, Sahar Bashiri,
Volume 3, Issue 9 (10-2012)

  This paper investigates the relationship between real exchange rate uncertainty and stock price index in Tehran stock exchange for the period of 1995-2009 by using monthly data and applying Bivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity model (Bivariate GARCH). The results show that there is a negative and significant relationship between real exchange rate uncertainty and stock price index. However, the relationship between stock price uncertainty and real exchange rate is insignificant. Therefore, our results recommend that the policies which cause more volatility in the exchange market and also more volatility in the real exchange rate should be avoided to ensure the sustainable growth of the stock market and its price index.


Mehdi Pedram, Shamsollah Shirinbakhsh Masulle, Bahare Rezaei Abyaneh,
Volume 3, Issue 9 (10-2012)

A standard assumption in the empirical literature is that exchange rate pass-through is both linear and symmetric. This implies that size (large-versus-small exchange rate changes) and direction (currency appreciations-versus-depreciations) have similar effects. In this paper these assumptions have investigated for Iran's export prices. So, this paper examines the asymmetric exchange rate pass-through to the monthly import price index in Iran during 1997:1–2010:9. Therefore positive and negative exchange rate shocks have been separated using Mork Criteria and large and small exchange rate changes by determining a threshold. The results show that the response of export prices to currency appreciation and depreciation is asymmetric. So, the negative exchange rate shocks have a greater effect on the export prices than the positive exchange rate shocks. According to our estimation results, there is a threshold at 1.3% of monthly changes in exchange rate of Iran and also export prices react asymmetrically to exchange rate at around this threshold. If both direction and size effects are considered, we find that export prices respond asymmetrically to large and small appreciations and depreciations.

, , ,
Volume 4, Issue 14 (12-2013)

ABSTRACT Considering the major impact which changes in the real exchange rate and crude oil prices have on various sectors of Iran's economy and the importance of the financial markets role in economic growth and development, this paper aimed to investigate the effects of the changes in real exchange rate and crude oil prices on Tehran stock exchange using the Markov-Switching's nonlinear models. To this end, daily data which belonged to the following periods were used: 20:03: 2005 - 13:10:2010 The result of the estimations obtained through the Markov Switching Models indicated that MSIAH model with two regimes out of the various MS model are the most suitable ones. The result of the research showed that the changes in the exogenous variable of real exchange rate and the crude oil price have lagging positive effect on the Stock Exchange Index. Moreover, the effects of these changes with two lagging time intervals are significant and negative. The practical implications of these findings could be beneficial to the investors and policy makers who need to be aware of the exact nature of the effects which changes in the exchange rate and crude oil prices have on the stock exchange index.
, , ,
Volume 5, Issue 16 (7-2014)

Iran’s share of world exports has not been great in recent years and the development of non-oil exports such as exports of industrial goods in order to reduce the economy's dependence on oil revenues made necessary. The real exchange rate is one of the most important variables affecting exports. In this context, investigate the effect of the real exchange rate volatility on different variables such as the export is important. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of real exchange rate volatility on exports of Iran Industrial goods over the period of 1968-2010. To that end, The real exchange rate volatility index has been estimated incorporating with EGARCH (0,1)  model than we using co-integration of  Saikkonen & Lutkepohl and FMOLS to investigate the impact of the real exchange rate volatility index, along with other variables of model exports of industrial goods have been evaluated.
The main empirical finding of this paper show that the real exchange rate volatility variables and export prices have negative and significant effects on exports of industrial goods and variables GDP’s world, GDP’s Iran and trade  of openness  have positive and significant effects on exports of industrial goods. The empirical findings of this paper, The beneficial implications for investors and Policy makers needs to recognize the exact effects of exchange rate volatility on exports of industrial goods are provided.
Karim Eslamloueyan, Zahra Khalilnezhad,
Volume 6, Issue 21 (10-2015)

The main goal of this paper is to study the relationship between exchange rate misalignments and inflation persistence in Iran. In order to achieve this goal, we first use a non-linear smooth transition regression model to estimate equilibrium exchange rate in the context of a monetary model for the period 1978:2-2012:1. This allows us to compute exchange rate deviation from its equilibrium level. In the next next state, in order to examine whether the inflation rate is persistence, we use a threshold autoregressive method to examine the non-linear behavior of inflation rate in Iran. In general, the result shows that there is a direct relationship between the exchange rate misalignment and the inflation persistence. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that exchange rate deviation from its equilibrium level is costly due to its effect on inflation rate. Moreover, the result indicates that an increase in the level of exchange rate is associated with inflation persistence. This finding has important policy implication for monetary authorites in Iran to implement appopriate exchange rate policy in order to fight inflation persistence in this country.

Saeed Rasekhi, Mojtaba Montazeri,
Volume 6, Issue 22 (12-2015)

Regarding to the importance of the relationship between macroeconomic instability and exchange rate pass-through, present study by using EGARCH and smooth transition regression (STR) model has examined the nonlinear effect of macroeconomic instability on the exchange rate pass-through of Iran during the period 1963-2010. For this, firstly the macroeconomic instability index has been estimated using EGARCH and then, by using STR, the research hypothesis which is that the macroeconomic instability has a nonlinear and positive effect on the exchange rate pass-through has been examined. Based on the obtained results in this research, macroeconomic instability has the macroeconomic instability has a positive effect on the exchange rate pass through in both regimes, although an increasing in volatility increases rate pass-through. So, the sequence of economic policies is important and specifically, we suggest that macroeconomic instability reduction policies should be prior to exchange rate policies.

Hoda Zobeiri,
Volume 7, Issue 26 (12-2016)

Exchange rate is one of the key indicators affecting macroeconomic performance, and inflation is one of the most important indicators which represents the macroeconomic performance. The aim of this paper is to identify the relation between these two important economic variables. By using the model of structural time series and Kalman Filter algorithm the effect of exchange rate gap (the difference between official exchange rate and parallel market exchange rate) on inflation in Iran has been investigated during 1961- 2012. The results of this paper indicate that exchange rate gap has a significant positive impact on inflation in Iran, so that 1 percent increase in exchange rate gap lead to 3 percent increase in inflation in Iran.  These results have approved the single currency policy to control inflation in the country.

Dr Saeed Rasekhi, Dr Zahra Mila Elmi, Mr Milad Shahrazi,
Volume 8, Issue 27 (3-2017)

The bubble of Asset Price is the deviation of the asset price from its fundamental value. Since the many of the financial crisis arise from bursting bubble of financial assets, the explore of bubble behaviors in these markets and the early detection for the prevention of adverse economic consequences is important. Considering the criticisms of conventional tests for detecting price bubbles and also the importance of the subject, in this study, we have considered the new methods proposed by Phillips, et al. (2011, 2012) based on Right-Tailed Augmented Dickey-Fuller (RTADF) tests. In this regard, in order to testing explosive behavior and multiple bubbles and determining bubble periods in Iranian informal exchange market, we have applied the tests of SADF and GSADF according to monthly data for the nominal exchange rate from 2002:04 to 2016:03. Since the explosive behavior in nominal exchange rate might be driven by the its fundamentals, to comment on the existence of rational bubbles in the exchange market, we have evaluated the ratio of the nominal exchange rate to the relative prices of tradable and non-tradable goods. Based on the obtained results, the Iranian foreign exchange market has been experienced explosive behavior and multiple bubbles in the period of under study. Moreover, the relative prices of traded goods explain some explosiveness in the Iranian exchange market. Our findings suggest that the explosive behavior in nominal exchange rate from 2008:10-2008:12, 2012:01-2012:03 and 2013:09-2013:11 was because of rational bubbles in exchange rate and in other periods was driven by the relative price of tradable goods. Therefore, it is suggested to control the sharp exchange rate movements, in addition to bubbles, fluctuations in prices of traded goods market require more attention. Also, due to the possibility of bubbles repetition, the GSADF test is the better test to detect bubbles.

Hassan Heydari, Mahsa Rashidi,
Volume 10, Issue 35 (3-2019)

Exchange rate changes could impact on prices. Whether exchange rate pass through to prices is complete or incomplete is an interesting question in analyzing impacts of exchange rate policy. An important aspect of exchange rate pass through is in producer price index and in its sub-indices. Our aim is to analyze the effects of exchange rate changes on producer sub-indices. To do that we have used of the structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) methodology. Our data contains 1991 Q2-2017 Q1. The results show that there is a significant heterogeneity in exchange rate pass-through to producer prices. Our results showed that there is complete exchange rate pass through in industrial prices but agricultural and service prices show incomplete pass through. According to previous studies, the difference could be related to different market structure in industrial activities compared to agriculture and service activities.

Mehdi Aminirad, Nader Mehregan,
Volume 10, Issue 35 (3-2019)

Iran's economy as a developing and oil economy, needs to choose appropriate exchange rate regime is to achieve its economic goals. Some characteristics such as little diversity in production and trade, weak and underdevelopment financial markets and other features of the Iranian economy, Requires the choice of exchange rate regime be based on the features of the country. However, the choice of exchange rate regime a country, many variables affect that regardless of their choice of currency regime will be difficult and illogical. Hence, in this study using survival analysis and use of Reinhart and Rogoff approach to investigate the role of political and economic factors on the choice of a fixed exchange regime in Iran based on monthly data during the period 1980-2017. The advantage of survival analysis method it is time dependence that may exist in the occurrence of an event be included and the time can be used as a proxy for structural factors and unobservable variable in country. The results showed that political and economic variables affect the choice of the fixed exchange system in the country. The impact of political variables on the country's exchange rate regime shows that only economists are not involved in the decision on the exchange rate in Iran, and the preferences of political officials have a significant impact on foreign exchange policies.

Morteza Chashti, Mohammad Reza Lotfalipour, Mehdi Behname, Taghi Enrahimi Salari,
Volume 10, Issue 37 (10-2019)

International balance of payments is one of the most common criteria for measuring the flow of trade and capital transfers in an open economy. The three main components of this balance are: trade balance, current account (or difference between export and import of goods and services) and capital account. In this study, factor augmented vector autoregressive model (FAVAR) was used to evaluate the effects of balance of payments shocks on macroeconomic variables in the Iran economy in periode 1989-2017. The factors used in this study included economic growth, oil revenues, money growth, inflation, exchange rates and interest rates. The results show that the shock from the current account and capital account led to an increase in production, consumption and investment. The reaction of nominal sector variables such as inflation and interest rate to positive shock was also positive. Comparison of the results of this study shows that incorporation of hidden variables and factors into the model resulted in faster response of macroeconomic variables to the shocks entered by the balance of payments components.

Yaghoub Rashnavadi, Hossein Norouzi, Tohid Firoozansarnaghi, Shahrokh Beigi,
Volume 11, Issue 39 (3-2020)

In recent years, the development of Securities markets has contributed greatly to the flourishing and development of countries. Having a structured and dynamic capital market has been one of the basic requirements of countries on the path of development, and the role of this market in creating economic equilibrium is known to everyone. Therefore, explaining the volatility of the stock market is very important. Meanwhile, the interaction between the stock market and the exchange rate has been the subject of much research by many researchers. The exchange rate is a key variable that neglecting it can create problems and issues for the economy of any country in various dimensions. Therefore, the present study, by specifying a system of simultaneous equations, has examined the simultaneous interactions between the exchange rate and the stock market in Iran, using seasonal data from 2007 to 2017. The variables used in this system are the exchange rate, stock price index, gold price, oil price, liquidity, and consumer price index. The results of this study showed that the exchange rate has a positive and significant effect on the stock price index in Iran and as the exchange rate rises, the stock price index will also rise. Moreover, the stock price index has a statistically significant effect on the exchange rate in Iran. The results of estimating the model show that the effect of the stock price index on the exchange rate is negative and significant, i.e., as the stock price index increases, the exchange rate decreases.

Mohammad Noferesty, Mehdi Yazdany, Fahimeh Mohebbinia,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (12-2020)

Over the past decade, Iran's economy has undergone a major and rapid experience of currency changes. One of the most important questions during the currency changes of the last decade is to answer the important question of how much the devaluation of the Rial has led to an increase in domestic prices and the extent to which these effects affect various dimensions of the domestic economy. Measuring the range of price changes in response to currency changes can be found in the phenomenon of currency transitions. The aim of this study is to analyze the inflationary effects of foreign exchange passage on the levels of imported and producer prices at different stages of production and separately in the productive sectors of the economy and also to determine the effective factors in foreign exchange passage by resorting to supply side variables in Iran's economy. The present study presents a new approach for measuring exchange rate crossings on production chains by combining econometric tools and Input-Output table in embedding and separating the estimation of exchange rate pass coefficients in two stages on import and producer prices. Industry by using the tools of Input-Output table segmentation and considering variables based on information specific to each economic sector, such as; The import sector, the export sector, the production of each sector, provide sector linkages in estimating the exchange rate passage in the Iranian economy. These measures are based on three types of time series analysis, Input-Output analysis and Panel data analysis from 1986 to 2017. Findings of the research in stage 1 indicate the high dependence of many industrial and economic sectors of Iran on imports and low elasticity of imports to the exchange rate and no substitution by domestic products. In the second stage, the coefficients of exchange rate passage on the producer are positive and significant in almost all economic sectors, and this fact confirms the effectiveness of the producer price index in the Iranian economy from changes in the exchange rate (through imports). also; The passage of the exchange rate on producer prices varies between different years in different sectors, and in some economic sectors these changes have increased over time, which indicates the increasing dependence and increasing impact of import prices on producer prices over time. It is in the policies adopted. Also, the results in stage 3 indicate a negative and significant effect of export share coefficients and the natural logarithm of domestic production and have a positive and significant effect of share coefficients of intermediate import inputs and inter-sectoral linkages, but the share of intermediate imports among other variables. It has the highest impact on the exchange rate of economic sectors
Dr Mohammad Noferesti, Dr Mehdi Yazdani, Nasim Babaei, Hasanali Ghanbarimaman,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (3-2021)

Banking system is one the important sectors of economy and as vital institution of money market, plays a very significant role. Also, due to the nature of the banking system performance, the activities of banks have a close relationship with the exchange rate changes. This paper tries to assess the effects of exchange rate variations on macroeconomic variables via the banking system using a macro-econometric model and approach of bounding ARDL during 1973-2017. The results indicated that an increase in the exchange rate through non-performance loans and long-term deposits will led to decreased credit providing by the banking system. On the other hand, an increase in the exchange rate through the net open position and banks’ capital account had a positive impact on banks’ credit provision. However, the negative impact of a change in the non-performance loans and long-term deposits is stronger than the positive impact of the net open position. In addition, the decreasing trend of providing credit by banking system had a negative effect on investment. Finally, an increase in the exchange rate causes a decrease in the long-term deposits and the money multiplier which has a negative effect on liquidity and price level. An increase in the exchange rate through the capacity utilitization rate had a negative impact on GDP. Also an increase in the exchange rate led to increased liquidity and price level.

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