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Showing 4 results for Interest Rate

Hojjat Izadkhasti, Said Samadi, Rahim Dallali,
Volume 5, Issue 15 (3-2014)

Money is a facilitator of economic activities, thus, formatting of economic activity is dependent on the institutionalizing of monetary system. In common monetary system, the weakness of common perception about money, publishing and distributing mechanism led to inefficiencies in optimal allocation of resources and welfare cost of inflation tax. Partial equilibrium model in compare with general equilibrium model, underestimate welfare cost of inflation tax. Therefore, in dynamic optimization model, the equation of welfare cost of inflation tax, in addition to general equilibrium model of Lucas, derived from theoretical correction of demands for real money balances. Then welfare cost compared theoretically and experimentally in partial and general equilibrium model. Theoretical and experimental results indicate that the welfare costs of inflation tax in general equilibrium models, is an upper bound of partial equilibrium models. Also, given that the elasticity of demand for money in regard to the nominal interest rate, the welfare cost of inflation tax increases with nominal interest rate and inflation.
Hosein Mohammadi, Mehdi Mahmoudi,
Volume 8, Issue 28 (7-2017)

Interest rate is one of the most important policy variabels in macroeconomic. Global financial crises and big debt in some countries around the world, make the importance interest rate more explicitly. In the carrent study, the effect of interest rate, inflation, government investment and expenditure on GDP capita per was investigated using panel data approach. Forthermore panel VAR method was used to consider the effects of each mentioned variables on each other and investigating causality relationships between these variabls. 20 Islamic and 19 Non-Islamic countries during 1990-2014 were selected for this study. The results show that in  both Islamic and Non-Islamic countries, interest and inflation rate have a significant negative effect on GDP per capita. Government investment in both groups of countries have a significant positive effect on GDP per capita. These results are inline with economic theories. Finally, government expenditures in these groups of countries have different effect on GDP per capita. also lowering interest rate Non-Islamic countries has a considerable effect on other variables.
Davoud Mahmoudinia, Hadis Mazangi,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (12-2021)

Today, the unconventional policy of negative interest rate is discussed in many Western societies and developed countries, and the implementation of this policy in the financial and banking system has brought growth and prosperity in many economies involved in the crisis. In fact, by applying a negative interest rate, the bank will be able to direct credit allocation to productive and priority sectors. On the other hand, this policy, along with the independence of the central bank and the non-interference of the government in creating liquidity and making money from it, can reduce the level of inflation. Iran is a developing country with high inflation, and the interest rate as a monetary policy will not be very effective in the economy and is determined by the monetary authorities under the government's rule. When governments face budget deficits due to sanctions and lack of revenue sources, they create money by relying on their supervision over the performance of the central bank and use it as a solution to earn money, Therefore, it fuels inflation in the society. Therefore, in this research, within the framework of the optimization model of the money demand function and the model of money in the utility function, taken from the study of Walsh (2003) and Sidrauski (1967) and its extension, we will investigate the behavior of negative interest rates on inflation and optimal money interest. The obtained results show that in the environment of money interest and inflation, with the application of negative nominal interest rate, the equilibrium path has a downward and decreasing trend, and in this situation, inflation and money interest will decrease in the long term. Therefore, the government has the ability to compensate for its budget deficit through solutions such as bonds and income tax, and in the long term, by reducing the money interest rate, it can reduce the level of inflation in the society and this will improve the social welfare of people.

Dr Parvaneh Salatin, Dr Maryam Khodaverdi Samani, Mr Sydrasol Hashemi,
Volume 14, Issue 51 (5-2023)

Interest rate is one of the most important effective tools in policymaking. It affects investments, stability, economic growth and the real sector of the economy. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of real interest rates on convergence of banks' efficiency in provinces. The results using spatial econometrics during the period 1400-2011 showed that the real interest rate has a positive and significant effect on the efficiency of banks in the provinces.  .  The absolute convergence rate was 0.211 and in conditional models was 0.222 and 0.228, which shows that in conditional condition, the convergence rate of provinces was higher. With the introduction of real interest rates, the pace of convergence has also increased. In other words, 11.2% in absolute convergence mode and 22.2% and 28.2% in conditional convergence mode are resolved from the economic gap of provinces to stable state. Also, economic growth has a positive and significant effect and human capital and ICT have a negative and significant effect on the convergence of banks' efficiency in the provinces.

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