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Showing 5 results for Ardl

Rahim Dallali Esfahani, Said Samadi, Mohammad Mahdi Mojahedi, Amir Jabbari, Reza Samadi Boroujeni,
Volume 2, Issue 7 (6-2012)

    This paper examines the effects of different variables on inflation in the monetary economics using endogenous growth models. So, different aspects of inflation formation were analyzed based on micro-foundations. We investigated the role of imported inflation, fiat money, expectations, monetary base and capital accumulation on inflation using an endogenous growth model. An ARDL approach was utilized to estimate the model for Iranian economy during 1979 -2008. The estimation results show that imported inflation affects the inflation through the exchange rate channel. Also, expectations, capital return and monetary base play an outstanding role in Iranian economy.


Ali Hussein Samadi, Sayed Mohamad Sayedi,
Volume 2, Issue 8 (9-2012)

  D’Alessandro’s (2010) model investigates the impact of total government spending on private consumption but according to Barro’s (1981) suggestion, the impact of two groups of government spending on private consumption can be studied separately. The fist group produces utility affecting services for household and the second group is as an input in the private production process. So in the present article, we use d’Alessandro’s (2010) framework -after some changes in household utility function and the production function- for estimating the separate effects of two groups of government spending on private consumption.

  In the next step, the data for Iran (1959-2007) is considered and the estimation results show that the first group of government spending for household consumption in short run is Edgeworth complement and in long run is Edgeworth independent. While government spending in case of the second group has a positive relationship with household consumption both in long run and short run. Thus, this paper proposes particular attention to changes in the composition of government spending in favor of government consumption spending as an input (second group) rather than expenses affecting the utility of households.


Dr Hassan Tahsili,
Volume 4, Issue 13 (12-2013)

In economic literature especially in international economic literature, the Harberger, Laursen and Metzler (HLM) effect is an important issue. According to HLM effect, deterioration in the terms of trade decreases GNP and then causes deterioration in the current account. The main idea of this study is the examination of HLM effect in Economy of Iran. We use annual data of current account, terms of trade and GNP as relevant variables. In this paper ARDL approach was applied for period (1978 -2010). The Banerjee, Dolado and Mastre and also Pessaran and shin cointegration test verified the equilibrium long run relation between our variables. In the other words the results of econometric estimation indicated a long run relationship between current account, terms of trade and GNP. According to these results, terms of trade and GNP have direct effects on current account.
Dr Ahmad Jafari Samimi, Saman Ghaderi, Salahaddin Ghaderi, Taha Ketabi,
Volume 4, Issue 13 (12-2013)

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of trade openness and economic globalization on employment. This study employs the Bounds test method and Autoregressive Distributed Lag(ARDL) model for Iranian economy during 1979-2009. Comparing with the other empirical studies, this study in addition to traditional index of trade liberalization as trade openness has been applied the new and more comprehensive economic globalization index as one dimension of the new KOF globalization index. This index includes the actual flows of trade such as trade, foreign direct investment and portfolio investment, and restrictions such as trade barriers and tariffs on actual flows. Also, the other control variables effective in employment such as GDP per capita, industrialization and government size has been considered. The results show a negative relationship between trade openness and employment but they show that the impact of economic globalization on employment is positive. Thus, it seems that the new economic globalization (KOF index) which is a broader comprehensive index is a better proxy of globalization.
Rasoul Naderi, Mohammad Hossein Pourkazemi, Saeed Farahanifard,
Volume 5, Issue 18 (3-2015)

Public pricing of products is one of the most important economicalissues, since any changes in the pricing, affects both the welfare ofconsumers and quantity of goods and Services which are produced.
In this paper which is done for natural gas pricing  in Iran, the purpose is giving a price that the government can consider it as a suitable choice for using in subsidies targeting project. These prices have two advantages: first, they try to maximum the social economical welfare (summation of producer and consumer surplus) second, this method solve the problem that the producer has in covering their costs (by marginal cost pricing) because of increasing returns to scale.
This paper deals with the optimal gas pricing in household sector in Iran by the Ramsey method of pricing.
In this regard we have used fuzzy regression (because of its accuracy and devoid of classic regression restrictions) and the data from 1977 to 2011 for estimating production function and returns to scale in natural gas production side. Also for estimating demand function and elasticity we have used ARDL method and data from 1350 to 1389. The results shows that the current prices aren’t optimum and despite implementation of subsidies targeting project the prices are low.

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فصلنامه تحقیقات مدلسازی اقتصادی Journal of Economic Modeling Research
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