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Showing 6 results for Inflation

Hamid Abrishami, Mohesn Mehara, Mahdi Nouri, Mohsen Mohaghegh,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2010)

  The aim of this study is to review the causal relations between TFP growth and inflation as one of the attracting issues in Macroeconomic literature. For the first time in Iran, we have used the wavelet decomposition technique to study this relation. Both TFP growth and inflation series between 1960-2006 are decomposed up to three levels. Our analysis of causality relations between all the composed and decomposed series shows that though no statically meaningful effect between original series has been proved, there are some negative relations between decomposed series in first and second level. Moreover, our study reveals some previously unknown spillover effects between various frequencies of both series as explained in paper. Finally, on the basis of relations founded between decomposed series of inflation in different frequencies, we introduce a new instrument to measure the volatility of inflation.

Hossein Amiri, Dr Ebrahim Gorji,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (6-2011)

The Phillips curve usually has been estimated in a linear framework which implies a stable constant relationship between inflation and unemployment. Some of the studies claim that the slope of the Phillips curve is a function of macroeconomic conditions and also the relationship is asymmetric. This article deals with a smooth transition regression model for relationship between inflation and unemployment for Iran, during the period of 1971 -2007. Smooth transition regression model is a non linear time series regression model which could be considered as developed form of regime switching regression model. Results show that there is a negative and nonlinear relationship between inflation and unemployment in short-term. Regarding this result it's highly important for policy makers to be able to make a relationship between these two variables
Rahim Dallali Esfahani, Said Samadi, Mohammad Mahdi Mojahedi, Amir Jabbari, Reza Samadi Boroujeni,
Volume 2, Issue 7 (6-2012)

    This paper examines the effects of different variables on inflation in the monetary economics using endogenous growth models. So, different aspects of inflation formation were analyzed based on micro-foundations. We investigated the role of imported inflation, fiat money, expectations, monetary base and capital accumulation on inflation using an endogenous growth model. An ARDL approach was utilized to estimate the model for Iranian economy during 1979 -2008. The estimation results show that imported inflation affects the inflation through the exchange rate channel. Also, expectations, capital return and monetary base play an outstanding role in Iranian economy.


Hossein Tavakolian, Akbar Komijani,
Volume 2, Issue 8 (9-2012)

  It is more likely that the monetary policy in Iran is discretionary and not based on a rule or a target. Besides, what is clear is that there have been explicit targets for inflation and economic growth in all five-year development plans (except the fifth plan). However, the question is that do policy makers observe the targets of development plans? Using an adjusted New Keynesian DSGE model for Iran, in this study we investigate the monetary policy under fiscal dominance and implicit inflation targeting of Iran. The results show that in most plans monetary authorities do not observe the explicit targets of five-year plans. The estimated monetary reaction function is only able to explain the period 2001-2011. The other result is that implementation delays of public projects have considerable effects on output and private consumption.

Hojjat Izadkhasti, Said Samadi, Rahim Dallali,
Volume 4, Issue 15 (6-2014)

Money is a facilitator of economic activities, thus, formatting of economic activity is dependent on the institutionalizing of monetary system. In common monetary system, the weakness of common perception about money, publishing and distributing mechanism led to inefficiencies in optimal allocation of resources and welfare cost of inflation tax. Partial equilibrium model in compare with general equilibrium model, underestimate welfare cost of inflation tax. Therefore, in dynamic optimization model, the equation of welfare cost of inflation tax, in addition to general equilibrium model of Lucas, derived from theoretical correction of demands for real money balances. Then welfare cost compared theoretically and experimentally in partial and general equilibrium model. Theoretical and experimental results indicate that the welfare costs of inflation tax in general equilibrium models, is an upper bound of partial equilibrium models. Also, given that the elasticity of demand for money in regard to the nominal interest rate, the welfare cost of inflation tax increases with nominal interest rate and inflation.
Hassan Rangriz, Hooman Pashootanizadeh,
Volume 5, Issue 19 (6-2015)

Extension informal and unorganized money and credit markets in Iran, is much broader than the official money markets. This problem causes a large difference between formal and informal money market loans interest rate in Iran. The large size of the informal market liquidity that can’t be guided by the monetary policies of central bank's and fiscal policies could help to increase the inflation rate in the country.
In this paper, we use the AHP method for to explore this topic that fits with the existing monetary and financial institutions, which sector is more appropriate for investment and targeted liquidity existing in society, in order to reduce inflation and stimulate growth in the industry. The results revealed the stock exchange is the best financial and investments institutions in order to reduce the inflation that caused by the high liquidity of the present.

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فصلنامه تحقیقات مدلسازی اقتصادی Journal of Economic Modeling Research
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