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:: Volume 29, Issue 90 (7-2021) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2021, 29(90): 119-146 Back to browse issues page
Analyzing the Effects of Persian Language in Ancient Islamic Jurisprudence Texts
Mostafa Zolfaghartalab * 1, Mohammad Jamali2
1- University of Tehran , zolfaghar49@ut.ac.ir
2- University of Tehran
Abstract:   (3838 Views)
The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the elements of Persian language in ancient jurisprudence texts. In this paper, using induction, descriptive and analytical method, examples of Persian words and elements in selected ancient jurisprudence texts, and some linguistic, grammatical, and syntactic features of these examples are analyzed.Additionally, some prominent features such as the simultaneous use of Persian and Arabic words, changing the syntactic structure of the sentence, and the semantic change, phonological and phonetic evolution and distortion of Persian words in the ancient Arabic and Persian jurisprudence sources are examined in more detail.The results show that the Persian language has a special place in ancient jurisprudence texts among non-Arabic languages as most non-Arabic words in these texts are taken from Persian language.In addition to the ancient jurisprudence sources in Arabic, there are a few valuable ancient jurisprudence sources in Persian, which are considered valuable examples of the use of Persian as the language of religion.This study shows that most of the authors of ancient Arabic jurisprudence texts who were influenced by Persian language were either from Persia or familiar with Persian language of Fars province or were Arabic-speaking jurists in whose works the social life of Persian-speaking Muslims is manifested.In the present study, two parts of these jurisprudence works have been dealt with more precisely: First, the ruling on the Persian translation of the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah in prayer, in which the jurisprudence sects have three distinct views on this issue.Examining the arguments and evidence of these views, a detailed view on the permissibility of the Persian translation of Surah Al-Fatihah in case of inability to read correctly and its impermissibility in case of ability to read correctly has been chosen.The other is the jurisprudence view of expressing divorce in Persian, in which there are two distinct views. The chosen word in this issue is the view of the correctness and jurisprudential possibility of divorce in the language of any ethnic group.
Keywords: Persian Language, Ancient Persian Jurisprudence Texts, Jurisprudence Sects, Islamic Jurisprudence, Language of Religion
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Zolfaghartalab M, Jamali M. Analyzing the Effects of Persian Language in Ancient Islamic Jurisprudence Texts. Persian Language and Literature 2021; 29 (90) :119-146
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3948-en.html

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