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:: Volume 32, Issue 96 (4-2024) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2024, 32(96): 83-109 Back to browse issues page
Nima Studies on the Scale of Academic and Non-Academic Criticism: A critical review of foundations and perspectives based on the case studies of Taghi Pournāmdāriān and Rezā Barāhani
Ebrāhim Hasanaklou * 1, Rezā Cherāghi2
1- University of Guilan , hasanaklou@webmail.guilan.ac.ir
2- University of Guilan
Abstract:   (21175 Views)
The debate over literary theory and Nima’s poetry has a long history. Literary critics have interpreted Nima from their own perspectives, offering various interpretations. The issue of this research is a critical re-reading of the views of Pournamdarian and Barahani in the 1990s as representatives of academic and non-academic criticism. This research showed that Pournamdarian and Barahani have occasionally been excessive in their understanding of Nima. As a result, despite Pournamdarian’s efforts to understand Nima’s poetry anew, he remains trapped in the stereotypical traditions of literary criticism, which leads him to define modern poetry under traditional poetry. On the other hand, Barahani has neglected the historical process of theorizing and Nima’s poetry, by going to extremes in some of his views and speaking of a crisis that we witness in the poetry from the 1990s onward. In other words, tradition and modernity are clearly at odds in the views of these two critics. Pournamdarian wants to blend modern poetry with traditional criticism, while Barahani becomes dogmatic in his criticism.
Keywords: Nima Yooshij, literary theory, criticizing literary criticism, academic and non-academic critics, modern poetry
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: نقد ادبی
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Hasanaklou E, Cherāghi R. Nima Studies on the Scale of Academic and Non-Academic Criticism: A critical review of foundations and perspectives based on the case studies of Taghi Pournāmdāriān and Rezā Barāhani. Persian Language and Literature 2024; 32 (96) :83-109
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4354-en.html

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