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Showing 14 results for Hadi

Mohammad Reza Pahlavannezhad, Nosrat Mashhadi Naseri,
year 16, Issue 62 (10-2008)

This article examines a letter from Beyhagi s history, based on pragmatic theories. Based on this approach, the context of situation, diexis, including: social, personal, time and spatial diexis are analyzed in the text. In other words, the communicative competence of the writer or his linguistic knowledge and his application of rules in different situations are taken into consideration. Since the communicative competence of the writer is interrelated with his attitude and motivation and in so far as the description of language functions in a text can illustrate some of the linguistic features, not explicitly cited in the text, such analyses may play an important role in our literature. To this end, the segmental elements like words, and sentences as well as  some supra segmental features like stress and intonation are analyzed in the text. 

Rohollah Hadi, Tahmineh Ataei,
year 17, Issue 64 (5-2009)

Social Realism belonging to the domain of art and literature is a type of political aesthesiam affirming the mechanical unity of idealogic and static principles. The post-revolution theoretical discussions of this literary school in Octobr 1917 were inspired by the ideas of Karl Marx, Friedri Engels and Veladimir IIych Lenin. The Mother by Maxim Gorki is the masterpiece written in this era. The basic principles of Social Realism, emphasizing the realistic reflections in the social domain of artistic productions and philanthropy were approved in Moscow, Augest- September 1934. Although this congress was a literary one, but its principles were generalized to other domains of art, i.e. painting, music and cinema etc. Social Realism was rather concerned with making changes in the of literary works.This is why some themes such as fighting capitalism, historical optimism, war, revolution, informed history-orientasion, labourer, revoluton leaders and red army were taken up by literature and art field.      

Eshagh Toqyani, Zaynab Choghadi,
year 17, Issue 65 (11-2009)

The characterization of appearance is one of the important elements in personification that includes the description of face, size, movement, effect and clothing. Clothing is an important element of personification in Nezami’s versified stories. Moreover, clothing is the original religious custom in the Sasani era, when the story of khosrow & Shirin happened and it is the symbol of abstinence in the Islamic period when the Hakim of Ganjeh composed this story. On the other hand, generally, there is no image of   nakedness in the traditions of Persian literature. Therefor, Nizami regarded these traditions and customs in characterization of clothing. In this paper, attempts are made to describe the pattern of clothing in Khosrow & Shirin of Nizami.

Pegah Khadish,
year 17, Issue 65 (11-2009)

Magic tales are considered as one of the most significant types of oral
literature. These tales, specified by number 300-749 in the ATU
international list of folktales, remind us the time when every single
object or phenomenon possessed a magical and metaphysical power in the mind of the primitive man and exceeded man’s power.
Those men believed that at the time of troubles, magical powers would come to assist them and would save them from dangers. Through content analysis of magical tales, we may find clues to the roots of the thoughts of primitive man such including animation and personification of
objects, the ability to speak to plants and animals, metamorphosis, etc.

Masoud Rouhani, Mohammad Enayati Ghadikolaee,
year 17, Issue 66 (3-2010)

Currently, we can hardly find any criticism that has not paid any attention to structural functionalism. Contemporary literary criticism leads to structuralism inspired by de Saussure's linguistic theory. Structural analysis, especially, of narrative works is one of the most extraordinary achievements of contemporary literary criticism. In the stories, fairy tales and epic realm, Vladimir Propp's method is the best for structural stratification and analysis. His method is based on tales stratification and symbolic analysis of each stratum. Vladimir Propp used structural linguistic analysis for narrative analyzing. Propp, having studied one hundred narratives with similar composition,  uncovered the structure of "main narrative" and by analyzing one hundred stories of Russian stories concluded that there were thirty one genres. He believed the method could be applied to other folk tales and even novels. Propp's method has been used by other scholars and sometimes was criticized too. Although  Propp's system has its own defects, it has provided a proper starting point for other theorists and has influenced subsequent theorists. This article follows Propp's model and method and intends to stratify and analyze "Bizhan and Manizhe” Story, one of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh stories, The aim of this article is to probe Propp's model in this story. 

Eshagh Toghyani, Zeinab Choghadi, Tayebeh Jafari,
year 19, Issue 71 (12-2011)

Ferdowsi's Shahname, our national and ethnic narration, is a valuable mélange of myth, epic and history. Some critics have tried to divide Shahname into three distinct mythical, epical and historical parts but these three parts are so integrated that it has been impossible to distinguish them or to draw a borderline between them. For example, those stories which have been considered as historical part of Shahname by some of the critics are mixed with the stories which have roots in mythical thinking, symbolic concepts and national archetypes, yet having a tinge of myth. One of these stories is the story of Karam Haftvad. This mere mythical story is one of the most complex stories of Shahname which can be analyzed from different points of view. So many of the critics have tried to consider this story parallel to the historical realities and to find time, place and justification for it but they have hardly been successful simply because although the mythical plot of the story has been inspired by a reality, it needs mythological analysis to find this implicit reality. "What is Karam Haftvad's myth saying?" and "where has it been inspired by?" are the questions which this article tries to analyze relying on Carl Gustavo Jung's theory.

Masoud Rouhani, Mohammad Enayati Ghadikolaee,
year 20, Issue 73 (10-2012)

Poetry is an event that happens in language. In fact, the poet in his poetry works with language and the reader understands the difference between his poetic language and the common language. The Purpose of the poem is to create harmony among its different elements and one way to establish this harmony is through the phonetic structure of poetry. The Formalists and structuralists believe that the basis of poetry is its structure and in their structural studies they give more importance to the phonetic structure.In this article attempt is made to investigate the phonetic structure and the classification of all methods of forming this structure in the poetry of QaysarAminpour as well as the literary devices that shape the phonetic structure. Aminpour is one of the contemporary poets that adopts a classical form and is one of the followers of Nima. He uses the multiple language possibilities to add to the music of his poetry. The phonetic construction in Aminpour’s poetry has three levels: phonetic balance, lexical balance and syntactic balance. He looks at the special features of different components forming the word—phoneme to sentence—and creates artistic beauty in his poetry. He applies various techniques, such as repetition, rhyme, and pun to add to the beauty of the phonetic structure of the poems

Masoud Rouhani , Mohammad Enayati Ghadikolaee,
year 23, Issue 78 (5-2015)

Diction as a primary means of writing poetry is the poet’s medium to express his ideas. Analyzing the title of the poems as a part of diction can be a way to appreciating the aesthetic features of poetry. On the other hand, titles are usually the most important chosen words of the poet and, therefore, by studying the poet's titles one can understand the poet's thoughts. This research is a statistical analysis of the titles of The Mirror for Sounds by Mohammad Reza Shafiy Kadkany (M. Sereshk). It attempts to analyze the titles from different perspectives, namely lexically, linguistically and semantically. To this purpose, the seven chapters of this book were analyzed statistically and the relationship between the titles and the poet’s thoughts was investigated. In addition, in a diagram the significance of the role of the titles in different periods of the poet’s life was indicated. No doubt M. Sereshk had a wide repertoire of Persian words that he employed properly in his titles and, therefore, he has used his titles in their full literary and lexical capacity.

Hamideh Nouhpisheh, Rooh-Allah Hadi,
year 23, Issue 79 (1-2016)

The faults and inconsistencies found in semantics have undermined the place of this scientific field in literary studies and its importance in understanding the beauty of the texts and its capacity in analysis of literary issues. These faults often arise from lack of scientific method and clear definition of the principles of semantics. The aim of this research is to review, critique and explain 'omission and mention', which is one of the major questions of semantics. ‘Mention and omission’ are among the most important rhetoric tools of the Persian poets and writers variously and repeatedly used over the course of literary history. Therefore, its explanation along with the analysis of its rhetorical effects has been at the center of attention since the early periods

Roya Rezayi, Mohammad Amir Mashhadi, Hamid Reza Shayiri, Abbas Nikbakht,
year 25, Issue 82 (Published issues 2017)

Discourse is the domain of producing meaning and metadiscourse is the use of ploys and techniques by the speaker to protect, repair, modify, approve, justify and guarantee his own speech.Nima byemploying metadiscourse, which appearson various levels such as emotional, religious, historical, cultural, and scientific, seeks to highlight his own language and to add consolidation and continuity to the meaning of his words.The main objective of this study is to categorize and analyze the types Nima used in the discourse of his letters with a review of some of those letter, in the process of production and continuity of meaning.
Mirhadi Husseini,
year 26, Issue 84 (9-2018)

At some historical points, all classes and professions of a society, despite all the differences and disagreements, flow into one single stream to reach a higher goal. Iranians have had this historical experience many times throughout history: during the Constitutional Revolution (1905-1911), and also in the Islamic Revolution in 1979. In the Constitutional Revolution, all classes and professions of the society sought a higher goal that was the eradication of despotism and the establishment of the reign of law. In this Revolution, Persian literature, including poetry and prose, was at the service of the Revolution and satire became the revolutionaries’ main media. Literature of this era became so thoroughly mixed with politics that we can consider the great literati of this period as the great makers of the history of Iran. In this article, we have tried to explore and prove their importance.
Hossain Ettehadi,
year 30, Issue 92 (5-2022)

Ghalib Dehlavi is among the most famous poets of Indian style in the 13th century. As noted by some critics, he belongs to the group of poets whose speech is often ambiguous and complicated. Using a descriptive-analytical method, the present study attempts to clarify the causes of such linguistic ambiguity through analyzing the most important part of Ghalib’s works, his collection of Ghazals. The results show that creating various descriptive compounds, omitting a part of a sentence, and some lexical and syntactic inaccuracies, and specifically, creating conflict among words are the most significant components which have led to his speech ambiguity. Meanwhile, in terms of their high frequency, using innovative compounds and creating conflicts are regarded as features of Ghalib’s style. On the other hand, the great desire of the poet to present new and complex themes has led him to invent many new nominal, adverbial, and especially descriptive compounds.

Amir Afshin Farhadian, Dr Mohamad Taheri,
year 31, Issue 95 (11-2023)

Music, with a history of thousands of years among Iranians, both as one of the fine arts and as a practical art, has been present in various aspects of individual and social life. In addition to reflecting this presence, the long and close relationship between music and poetry has filled the collections of Persian poetry with musical terms, names of melodies, tunes, instruments, and composers. It is clear that over time, some new words and terms have become popular in this field, while some have remained obscure and eventually forgotten, and some others have undergone verbal or semantic transformation or fluctuation in their scope. On the other hand, a true understanding of the meanings and even receiving many artistic aspects of texts depends on mastering the different semantic features of words and the implications of terms. Undoubtedly, one of the important functions of writing commentaries on the works of the past is to explain the meaning of obscure words or the transformed meaning of a still-common word, and also to inform the audience of the idiomatic meaning of words and combinations that without mastery of them, the reader's understanding of the text is not possible or at least incomplete. Researchers have identified and introduced a large number of forgotten musical terms in the texts, but it seems that some of these terms are still overlooked. "Afsane" is one of these terms. In this study, using content analysis and descriptive-analytical method, the musical aspect of this term has been investigated and the artistic subtleties of a number of verses, which were hidden in the shadow of the forgotten idiomatic meaning of the word, have been revealed.

Mr. Mehdi Nourian, Dr. Hadi Noori,
year 32, Issue 97 (1-2025)

This article seeks to critique the elitism found in the thoughts of Iranian intellectuals of the 1950s and 1960s. To do so, it analyzes and carries out a deconstructionist reading of Jalal Al-e-Ahmad's story titled Farewell from the collection Three Strings. The book contains 13 stories of Al-e-Ahmad and was published in 1948.

Methodology: This reading is made possible with an emphasis on the French philosopher Jacques Derrida's perspective and applies the eight-step strategy of David Boje as a critical postmodern analysis strategy regarding the narrative. David Boje's method includes duality search, reinterpreting the hierarchy, rebel voices, the other side of the story, denying the plot, finding the exception, stating what is between the lines, and resituating. The article follows each of these steps in order to bring about the deconstructionist reading of the story.
After using the 8-step strategy of Boje, eight dualities were found: beauty vs. ugliness, core vs. periphery, naked vs. clothed, enlightenment vs. gluttony, rational vs. superstitious, quiet vs. garrulous, boy vs. girl, and activity vs. passivity. Each of these dualities has a hierarchal dominant/subordinate structure, and the narrator narrates the story in a way he is in the dominant position. Then the hierarchy in each duality was reinterpreted in a way that the rebels found their voice and the other side of the story appeared. The romantic plot of the story was replaced by a tragic one, exceptions were found, and between the lines was read. After doing all the 7 steps, the new narrative was made possible.
The article concludes that by using David Boje’s strategy and by adopting Jacques Derrida’s deconstructionist approach to read Jalal Al-e-Ahamd’s story titled Farewell, a new narrative was brought about that makes possible the critique of the elitist views of Iranian intellectuals during the 1950s and 1960s decades. It is important to note that it is necessary to go beyond the person of Al-e-Ahmad and to get closer to the subject of Al-e-Ahmad as an Iranian intellectual; a subject that has been made possible in a particular context and has produced works. According to the narrative produced by the deconstructionist reading of the story, it is concluded that the intellectual subject reproduces the hierarchical relationships, puts itself in a superior position, relies on modern reason, and without considering and understanding the existential relations of the subaltern, seeks to represent them and aims to act to accomplish what it calls an intellectual mission.

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