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Showing 28 results for Language

Dr. Mostafa Zolfaghartalab, Dr. Mohammad Jamali,
year 29, Issue 90 (7-2021)

The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the elements of Persian language in ancient jurisprudence texts. In this paper, using induction, descriptive and analytical method, examples of Persian words and elements in selected ancient jurisprudence texts, and some linguistic, grammatical, and syntactic features of these examples are analyzed.Additionally, some prominent features such as the simultaneous use of Persian and Arabic words, changing the syntactic structure of the sentence, and the semantic change, phonological and phonetic evolution and distortion of Persian words in the ancient Arabic and Persian jurisprudence sources are examined in more detail.The results show that the Persian language has a special place in ancient jurisprudence texts among non-Arabic languages as most non-Arabic words in these texts are taken from Persian language.In addition to the ancient jurisprudence sources in Arabic, there are a few valuable ancient jurisprudence sources in Persian, which are considered valuable examples of the use of Persian as the language of religion.This study shows that most of the authors of ancient Arabic jurisprudence texts who were influenced by Persian language were either from Persia or familiar with Persian language of Fars province or were Arabic-speaking jurists in whose works the social life of Persian-speaking Muslims is manifested.In the present study, two parts of these jurisprudence works have been dealt with more precisely: First, the ruling on the Persian translation of the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah in prayer, in which the jurisprudence sects have three distinct views on this issue.Examining the arguments and evidence of these views, a detailed view on the permissibility of the Persian translation of Surah Al-Fatihah in case of inability to read correctly and its impermissibility in case of ability to read correctly has been chosen.The other is the jurisprudence view of expressing divorce in Persian, in which there are two distinct views. The chosen word in this issue is the view of the correctness and jurisprudential possibility of divorce in the language of any ethnic group.
Hosein Mohamnmadi,
year 29, Issue 91 (12-2021)

In the seventh to eleventh centuries A.H., Muslim rulers came to power in the Indian subcontinent who were interested in Persian culture and language. Following this change, the Iranians emigrated to India for various reasons and gained a variety of political, military, and economic powers at the court of local rulers, paving the way for the growth and spread of Persian culture and literature in the Indian subcontinent. Maulana Noureddine Mohammad Zohuri Torshizi (944-1025 A.H.) was an Iranian poet from Khorasan who emigrated to India in the tenth century and served the rules of Nizam Shahi and Adil Shahi dynasties and became the poet laureate in Deccan. During his four decades of presence in Deccan (southern India), Torshizi worked hard to spread the Iranian language and culture. In the present article, by descriptive-analytical method and using library sources, an attempt has been made to explain the role of Zohuri Torshizi in the spread of Persian culture and language in the Indian subcontinent. The findings show that Torshizi, despite many obstacles, especially calumnies by the enemies of Iran and of the Shiites in Deccan, with the support and encouragement of the rulers, was able to spread Persian culture and language in the Indian subcontinent by creating valuable literary works. The results of the present article provide a realistic picture of the role of Zohuri Torshizi and his literary works and how to support and encourage Nizam Shahi and Adil Shahi rulers in the development of Persian culture and language.
Hossain Ettehadi,
year 30, Issue 92 (5-2022)

Ghalib Dehlavi is among the most famous poets of Indian style in the 13th century. As noted by some critics, he belongs to the group of poets whose speech is often ambiguous and complicated. Using a descriptive-analytical method, the present study attempts to clarify the causes of such linguistic ambiguity through analyzing the most important part of Ghalib’s works, his collection of Ghazals. The results show that creating various descriptive compounds, omitting a part of a sentence, and some lexical and syntactic inaccuracies, and specifically, creating conflict among words are the most significant components which have led to his speech ambiguity. Meanwhile, in terms of their high frequency, using innovative compounds and creating conflicts are regarded as features of Ghalib’s style. On the other hand, the great desire of the poet to present new and complex themes has led him to invent many new nominal, adverbial, and especially descriptive compounds.

Ph.d Badrieh Ghavami, Ph.d Lida Azarnava,
year 30, Issue 93 (1-2023)

Semiotics is an interdisciplinary approach that examines sign systems in a literary work; Among the approaches to semiotics is the theory of Michael Riffaterre, a French-American theorist on the semiotics of poetry. According to this approach, the reader is a very important factor in the process of reading the text; Riffaterre believes that meaning is always present in the text of a poem and only the reader should extract it. In his view, the meanings of poetry should be understood on its own, not by referring its signs to external realizations, and understanding poetry requires the reader to try to find an intertwined network of signs, and in this regard, her approach can also be considered as a reader-cantered critique. In this research, Ebtehaj's poem " Arghavan" [English Equivalent: purple] has been analysed using Riffaterre approach. The central idea of ​​the poem is "the isolation of the poet in an inappropriate social space", which is expressed in different ways in the text of the poem. Although this idea is not mentioned directly in the poem, the widely used propositions and clichés of the language that the poet uses by repeating them in the process of "over determination" or through the "conversion" process, by modifying those propositions, or using the "expansion" process, by extending the general idea to more detailed ideas. In addition, by discovering two semantic processes of "accumulation" as well as "descriptive anthologies", which all come from the same source and guide the poem to induce a single theme, the descriptive anthology of " Azadi" (freedom) that evokes words such as "morning", "spring", "candle", "lamp", "sun", "dawn" and "sun"; In contrast to "Sharayet-e Namonaseb-e Ejtemaei" (unfavourable social conditions) that the "forgotten silent corner", "crypt" and "night of darkness" evoke the same concept.
Mostafa Mirdar Rezaei, Farzad Balou,
year 30, Issue 93 (1-2023)

Most of the research conducted on the subject of “language” and its role in the field of mystical texts, has focused on the objective reflection of language (the investigation of language in speech and writing), an area that is actually regarded as second-order knowledge. It is very important to pay attention to the first-order knowledge, which is defined as knowing the nature of the language itself and every individual (mystic’s) interpretation of what it is – which is mostly neglected. That is why before the stage of proof and realization of language; the position of proof and interpretation of the language is a principle, and before the language reaches the level of realization and emergence, the manner of its interpretation and determination is formed. One of the thoughtful mystics who contemplated about the nature of language and wrote about it in his works is Imam Mohammad Ghazali. This study, based on a descriptive-analytical method, tries to investigate Imam Muhammad Ghazali’s thoughts on the field of language and its nature (first-order knowledge) in the light of some of Saussure’s linguistic ideas. The emergence and realization of language in the form of terminology and universals (second-order knowledge) is another aim of this research. The results indicated that, in explaining the subject of language, as a philosopher, Ghazali discussed the makeup and nature of language and from the point of view of a linguist, he looked into the process of language development in spoken and written forms.
Nasergholi Sarli, Akram Ghorbani Cheraghtappeh,
year 31, Issue 94 (6-2023)

The researchers of mysticism and Islamic Sufism have considered the making of the language of Sufism and mystical discourse as one of the most important aspects of the history of Sufism. Especially the gradual differentiation of the language of Sufism from the language of religion and its transformation into an independent discourse has been the subject of valuable researches. The researchers have demonstrated that mystical experience and Qur'anic interpretation are inseparable at first and the language of mystical experience merely uses Quranic words, but gradually, mystical experience becomes independent and adopts the Qur'anic language/language of religion and acquires its very own language. One of the lexical features of the language of Qur'an/religion is the use of binary opposition. Binary oppositions such as Paradise/Hell, Good/Evil, this world/the Hereafter among the basic religious and Quranic teachings and are used with high frequency in Sufi texts. The use of binary oppositions in Sufi texts goes far beyond religious binary opposition, and especially in Sufi textbooks, many new terms are formed based on binary opposition.One of the distinguishing aspects of the language of Sufism is the deconstruction of binary oppositions. The deconstruction is applied both in the binary oppositions of religion and in the oppositions formed in the language of Sufism. It has various and different forms and aspects, and its analysis may provide us with the most creative and innovative aspects of Sufis' worldview and mystical experience. This linguistic invention, which is rooted in the novelty and uniqueness of mystical experience, is a sign of the authenticity of that experience. In this research, we have investigated the deconstruction and departure from binary opposition in a corpus including the most creative words of the Sufis in Persian prose texts. By analyzing and classifying the different forms of the deconstruction and going beyond the binary opposition, the article shows how this feature grants the language of Sufism a special artistic and poetic characteristic, and places it in a completely different level compared to religious texts and the language of Shariat. Going far beyond the binary oppositions is closely related to the paradoxical feature of the language of Sufism and provides the possibility of expressing more complex experiences for Sufis.

Hamed Noruzi, Setareh Abghari, Seyed Mohammad Hessein Ghoreishi,
year 31, Issue 94 (6-2023)

“Dirin Dirin” animation series is one of the most successful adult comic animation series, which has a critical view on various social issues and has attracted many audiences. In this article, the authors have sought to analyze the humor-creating factors in this animation. The present analysis was conducted using the general theory of verbal humor. This theory investigates humor using six sources: the knowledge of script opposition, logical mechanism, target, situation, narrative strategy, and language. For this purpose, 65 episodes of this series were randomly selected and analyzed based on the general theory of verbal humor. The obtained results indicated that the sources of script opposition (average 2.27%), logical mechanism (average 2.61%), narrative strategy, and language were found in all the episodes, and for situation source, 75% of the analyzed episodes had a situation which itself created humor. In the source of knowledge, 23 episodes had a critical purpose, and 43 episodes had an educational purpose. Based on the findings of this research, the sources of the knowledge of script opposition, logical mechanism, and language are the most important factors in creating humor in this animation series.

Ms Kolsoom Ghorbani Juibari, Ms Zahra Alizadeh Birjandi, Mr Abbas Vaezzadeh, Mr Mohammad Shahoseini,
year 32, Issue 97 (1-2025)

Language reformation is one of the most controversial reformations in the process of modernization. In this regard, language engineering is considered as a risky social-political experimentation in any country. In Iran, The Berliners, an influential school of thought in Iranian intellectualism, were the pioneer of the reformation of Farsi. Through their activities including treatises, journals, and conferences in Iran and Europe, they formed the most active intellectual group of Iranian immigrants in the contemporary time. Exploring their publications reveals they have adopted a pathological approach to language-related problems and have proposed practical and reformational solutions to problems. Their publications took a moderate policy to describing the challenges faced by Farsi and criticizing the reformation of Farsi. Regarding the importance of The Berliners and their publications in the modernization of Farsi, the present paper explores the role of the publications made by The Berliners on language engineering in Iran.

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