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Showing 1 results for Life Style
Mohammad Reza Haji Aqababaei, Volume 31, Issue 95 (11-2023)
Life style and its relevant issues are among the subjects that have been paid attention to in the didactic texts of Persian Literature for a long time and which have sometimes been called as ‘household policy’ or ‘household management’. Since the late Qajar era, attention to issues such as life style and its instruction was booming and it seemed that didactic literature became widespread with a new style and technique. In the present study, periodicals of the late Qajar and the first Pahlavi eras were reviewed and articles related to life style issues as well as comments made by their pros and cons were analyzed. Among the most important subjects discussed in the periodicals mention can be made of social life, arranging formalities, house management principles, physical health and clothing etiquette. Through reviewing published topics about life style in the late Qajar and the first Pahlavi eras, it can be concluded that movement towards modernity was advertized in different areas and western models were introduced to the Iranian society as superior examples of life style. However, in some cases these models were not much compatible with the Iranian life style and the culture of Iranian society. On the other hand, it seems that only women were to be instructed in life style and men did not require such teachings. This was due to the dominant cultural views of the then Iranian society.